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英 语短文填词 1命题特点短文填词是一种新型的中考题型,在许多中考试卷中已经占有了一个重要的位置。短文填词的特点与完形填空的特点差不多,即在一篇短文中留出10个空白,要求学生在正确理解和把握文章大意的基础上根据上、下文的逻辑关系来填写空缺单词,它是考查学生综合运用英语能力的一种有效方法,不仅能比较准确地考查学生的各项知识水平,而且也能培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力。2考查形式短文填词通常有四种考查形式:第一种是方框选词型,第二种是首字母提示型,第三种是无首字母提示型,第四种是根据汉语写单词型。1从文章整体出发要填的单词只有在具体的语言环境中才能确定,因此首先要掌握文章大意,才能正确理解空缺词在句子中的意义,从而作出合理的选择。2从语法结构考虑一般的空缺词都可以通过其所在句子的句型结构和句法成分来判断出其词性,这样可以缩小空缺词的选择范围,提高选词的准确率。3从文章的前后联系确定词的形式确定了空缺外单词的词性后,还要借助上、下文确定出它的适当形式。若空缺处需要填写动词,那么就要考虑动词的语态、时态等;若空缺处需要填写形容词,那么就要考虑形容词的比较级、最高级及固定句式等。4通读全文,验证答案填完所有单词后,不可孤立地逐个词检查,而必须将所有填入的词代入文章中,复读全文,仔细检查所填词是否符合文章的情景内容,读起来是否流畅,是否合乎句法,单词拼写是否有误,单词形式是否正确等,发现问题及时纠正。【体验中考】(一)方框选词型A(2014,随州)dogoodintryworkcomfortablealsonoisereporttheyIn todays world,not all people know noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans health.People who work and live in_1_conditions go deaf easily.For example,many of the_2_who print newspapers and books go deaf.Quite a few people living near airports_3_ have hearing loss.Recently,it is_4_ that many teenagers in America can hear no_5_ than 65yearold people do,because these young people always listen to loud pop music.Making a loud noise_6_ is also a kind of pollution.It not only disturbs others but also_7_ great harm to peoples hearing.Cars and machines also produce too much noise.Such pollution makes people feel_8_and unpleasant,and it even cause_9_to become deaf.Nowadays,many countries are_10_to solve all sorts of environmental problems,including noise pollution.1noisy2.workers3.also4reported 5.better 6.in7does 8.uncomfortable 9.them10trying B(2014,陕西)lookyearchangedeephomecoldcanworktakefatherEvery day,on her way to work,Amelia had to pass a slum(贫民窟)As a social_1_,she had not paid much attention to it.This_2_ one day when she met a ragged(衣衫褴褛的)boy named Sam.Sam knew she was the head of social services,and that she_3_help.He reached out his hand and said,“Can you help me?Im_4_ for my dad.”His hands were so_5_Amelia said,“Whats up?”“My mom is terribly sick.Her birthday is coming.I know my _6_ coming back would be the best present.My dad had left us before I was two_7_old,”said the boy.Amelia was_8_ moved and asked Sam to take her to his home.He led her to a small house.Amelia saw a woman lying on the bed.The woman knew she was dying.She said to Amelia,“Please find a_9_for my son.”Amelia _10_ her hand and nodded with tears(眼泪)She got an idea!Her husband and she had no children,and looking forward to having one.Later Amelia brought Sam home.Ever since then,the new family have had happiness and laughter.1worker 2.changed 3.could4looking 5.cold 6.fathers7years 8.deeply 9.home10took C(2014,达州)vegetableithealthylongbeautywill arguebecomesymbolwithOnce there was an_1_between the colors.Each color thought it was the best and most important.So each color looked down upon others.Here are their debates.Green said:“Clearly I am the most important.I am the_2_of life and hope.Im the color of grass,trees and leaves._3_me,all animals would die.”Yellow laughed:“I bring happiness and warmth into the world.Every time people look at a yellow sunflower,they start to smile.Without me there _4_be no fun.”Orange shouted:“I am the color of_5_and strength.I have the most important vitamins(维生素)Think of carrots,_6_and oranges.When I appear in the sky,everyone is shocked at my beauty and nobody gives another thought to any of you.”Red could no_7_stand it,“I am the color of danger and bravery.I am willing to fight for a cause.I bring fire into the blood.”Their voices_8_louder and louder.The thunder(雷)got angry and the rain started to pour.When they became calm,the rain said,“You foolish colors.Dont you know that each of you is unique(独一无二)?If you dont agree,just follow me.”They did as the rain told_9_and together made the most_10_rainbow.1argument 2.symbol 3.Without4would 5.health 6.vegetables7longer 8.became 9.them10beautiful D(2014,河南河南)usualmistakeresthundredwhatmakealthoughundertheythinkflyhowEvery morning,kids from a high school are working hard.They are_1_and selling special coffee at a coffee shop.They are also making a lot of money.These students can make up to nine_2_dollars a day.They are selling their special coffee to airplane passengers.After the students get paid,the _3_of the money goes to a local youth project.These high school students use a space in the Oakland airport.It is_4_very crowded.Many people who_5_on the planes like to drink the special coffee.One customer_6_that the coffee costs a lot but it is good and worth it.Most customers are pleasant but some are unhappy._7_do not like it if the coffee shop is not open for business.The students earn$6.10 an hour.They also get school credit while they learn _8_to run a business.Many of the students enjoy the work _9_it took some time to learn how to do it.They have to learn how to heat milk,load the pots,and add flavor.It takes some skill and sometimes_10_are made.The most common mistake is forgetting to add the coffee.1making 2.hundred 3.rest4usually 5.fly 6.thinks7They 8.how 9.although10mistakes(二)首字母提示型A(2014,南京)In the 1930s,Dan West was farming in Spain.It was wartime,and people were starving(挨饿)An 1.idea hit him as he handed out cups of milk to children.“These children dont need a cup.They need a cow.”This was the 2.beginning of Heifer International.Heifer International gives different 3.kindsof gifts.Its gifts might say“quack”or“moo”.Dan West asked friends in the United States to give gifts of heifers(小母牛),or young cows.4.Since then,Heifer International has given animals to four million families.It gives people the chance to 5.feed themselves.Heifer International wants the people they help to help others.For one project,the group 6.sent chickens to some children in Asia.The children yearned for(向往)the day when they could help others.Nineyearold Julie knew she had to look after her chickens 7.well so they would produce new eggs and healthy chicks.She 8.took good care of them,and they gave birth to strong,healthy chicks.Julie then passed on the gift of chicks to other families.Because of Heifer International,children can 9.spend their days in a schoolhouse instead of working in the fields.They can use the money they earn from their animals to pay for school.Heifer International has made a huge 10.difference to peoples lives for many years.People should be grateful to a kindhearted farmer named Dan West.B(2014,武汉)Maria Vas and her dog walked down the hall of the nursing home and stopped in front of the old lady with a nurse at her side.“Would she like to 1.see my dog?”Maria asked.“No,a visit wont 2.help her,”said the nurse.“Then she 3.explained that the lady was too sick to appreciate visitors.But Maria decided to try anyway.She had done research on animal assisting therapy(辅助疗法)for 10 years.And she was very successful in this 4.area.Shed seen even the sickest patients enjoy a visit from a lovely dog.Maria carried the dog over to the old lady.Immediately,the woman 5.reached out toward the dog!She was so 6.pleased that she began smiling and trying to talk.The nurse stood aside,7.watching them in amazement.This woman had never communicated with anyone.It was like she wasnt even 8.alive until the dog came to visit.Around the world sick adults and 9.children fill lonely hospital rooms.They may have an illness or need to be 10.cared for.A dogs friendly eyes and warm paws(爪子)may be just what the doctor ordered to encourage them and help them heal(治愈)C(2014,扬州)Once there was a lovely vegetable field with a very big tree in it.Both the vegetables and the 1.tree made the garden look wonderful.No one knew that the vegetables in the field and the tree couldnt get on well with each other.The vegetables 2.hated the tree.They thought the tree did not leave them 3.enough light to survive.On the other hand,the tree hated the vegetables.He complained that the vegetables drank nearly all the water 4.before it could get to him.The situation became worse and worse.One day,the vegetables got angry and decided to use up all the 5.water in the ground so that the tree would dry up.The tree fought back by refusing to give the vegetables shade(树荫)from the hot sun.Soon they both began to dry up.Neither of them thought that the gardener would stop watering his vegetable 6.field when he saw it becoming worse.When the gardener did that,the tree and the vegetables really felt how 7.thirsty they were.There seemed to be no ways to solve the problem,but one of the vegetables,a small pumpkin 8.realized what was going on,and decided to deal with it.Though there was little water and it was too hot,the little pumpkin did all he could to grow.9.Finally he grow very big,the gardener noticed that and started watering the field again because he wanted to win the beautiful big pumpkin competition.At the same time,the tree and the vegetables grew better.They realized that it was better to help each other than to 10.fight.From then on,they worked together and lived in harmony with these around them.D(2014,德州)Robert was a clever boy and got on well with his classmates.They all liked him and played with him.He hoped to join the army when he left the middle 1.school.Bad luck!One of his legs was 2.hurt in a traffic accident.So he couldnt join the army.He had to 3.go back to his village and help his father to manage the farm.He 4.read a lot of books on farming and did well in it.He got much money and bought a few farms next to his farm.Ten years 5.later,he became the richest farmer in his village.One day,Robert met several friends in London.He asked them to 6.visithis farm.They saw a beautiful house 7.witha big garden when his friends go there.They found he had a lot of sheep,pigs and cows.Robert and 8.his family warmly served the guests.The next morning he showed them around his farm.It was 9.so large that they couldnt see the other end.“Itll 10.take you two days to reach the other end of my farm by car!”Robert said happily.“You must be joking!I think something is wrong with your car!”One of the guests said with a smile.E(2014,襄阳)When I was young,my family lived a hard life in the country.As you can 1.imagine,many country roads are difficult to walk on.One evening we were visiting some relatives and the weather was very bad.It began to rain on our way back home.Dad 2.carried me on his back.Mom gave her coat to my brother.We walked 3.together in the rain for more than an hour.I was fat at that time and Dad must be tired to 4.hold me for such a long time.He almost fell down many times.I tried to get down and walk myself,but I 5.achieved nothing since I was just a little kid.When we arrived home,the inside of our house was 6.covered with rain water.The rain had come 7.through the leaky(有裂缝的)roof and water was everywhere.Mom put bowls all around the house to try to 8.catch/collect the rain.Then she put me and my elder brother to bed,9.carefully placing us on the remaining dry place.I fell asleep soon.When I opened my eyes,I found Dad and Mom were sleeping in chairs,both having caught a 10.serious cold.It happened more than twenty years ago.And now I am a mother,too.I can remember neither the 11.beginning nor the end,but whenever I think of it,tears run down my face from my eyes because I fully understand what the parents love means.(三)无提示型A(2014,重庆)Holding doors open for people behind you,picking up litter,thanking people These acts of kindness seem very 1.small.But students at James Middle School know that such small acts make the world a better place.Eighthgraders from James Middle School,took part in the Random Acts of Kindness Week 2.from March 31 to April 4.During the week,they tried their best to do kind things for others.Celeste Murray,an English teacher at the school,started the activity.Since she was little,she has always tried to do small acts of kindness in her daily life.“I believe the world is 3.changed by small things,”she told the newspaper The Daily Times.Over the week,to her surprise,Murray also 4.found/saw/discovered great changes in her class.Before that,she always needed to ask her 5.students to push the chairs in or turn off the lights before they leave the classroom.Now,the students do those things by 6.themselves.“The teachers have a lot of work,”said Jordon,one of Murrays students.He learned to care more about others.Eliza,7.another student,gave out more praises(赞扬)to others.“It makes them feel happy and successful,”she said.The activity made students feel that they can make a difference.Hailey decides to continue to do at least one act of kindness every week,8.however busy she is.She believes her acts could encourage others.(四)根据汉语写单词型A(2014,龙岩)Elaine Wu is part of the first generation(代)of Chinese pianists.Born in Shanghai,she began practicing the piano at the 1.age of six when she was found to show a strong interest in classical music and the piano.One year later,she 2.won the first prize at a childrens piano competition in Shanghai.3After winning the prize,she went on to study under the 4.famous(著名的)Italian musician and piano educator Maestro Mario Paci.She had put all her energy into her music career in the 5.past(过去)eighty years.She put on performances at home 6.and abroad.In 1962,she was regarded 7.as the national firstclass pianist.In 1993,Wu was 8.invited(邀请)to teach piano in Singapore.She has been living 9.there ever since.In August 2013,her 10.second(第二)album,A Generation of Master 2,came out with full support from her fans.B(2014,温州)Lionel Andres Messi is one of the greatest football stars in the world.Messi was 1.born(出生)in Rosaris,Argentia on June 24,1987.His father was a 2.worker(工人)and mother was a parttime cleaner.He has two 3.brothers(兄弟)and a sister.At the age of five,Messi started playing football for a local club.He practiced 4.seven(七)hours or more each day.He was 5.full(充满)of energy and ran fast.He soon showed great talent in playing football.Messi never gives up even if he 6.fails/loses(失败)or meets difficulties.In 2006,he 7.hurt/injured(受伤,伤了)his foot badly,but he came back three months later and scored three goals in a match against Real Madrid.His fans all stood up and cheered for 8.him(他)When asked the secret of his success,Messi said,“Im always working 9.hard(努力地)to be my best,first for my team,for the fans,and to try and 10.win(赢)Playing football is part of my life.”C(2014,台州)Every year,the second 1.Sunday(星期天)of May is a special day for moms.Its Mothers Day.Its a good time to show our 2.deep(深的)love to our moms.In the UK,most children like buying a 3.present/gift(礼物)Chocolate or flowers are some common ideas.But doing something for moms is 4.also(也)a good idea.When I was 5.nine(九)years old,I got up earlier on Mothers Day.I made a delicious breakfast for mom.Then I began to 6.clean/sweep(打扫)the living room and do other chores.I hoped my mom would have more time to enjoy 7.herself(她自己)This year,the day fell on May 11.I live 5,000 miles away from my mom and Im much 8.busier(更忙碌的)I had to think of another way to show my love.I wrote a 10line poem and 9.sent/posted(寄)it to her.I said even though we were thousands of miles away,my 10.heart(心)would always be with herespecially on Mothers Day.


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