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雅思阅读定位法雅思阅读定位法王莹王莹(快速阅读)查找细节掌握主旨(语言技能)快速阅读(精读)单词语法(语言知识)EG:AA重现重现At precisely 4:20 am on Friday the 24th of September 1993,it was announced that Sydney had beaten five other competing cities around the world,and Australians everywhere,not only Sydney-siders,were justifiably proud of the result.But,if Sydney had lost the bid,would the taxpayers of NSW and of Australia have approved of governments spending millions of dollars in a failed and costly exercise?Question:How many cities were competing in 1993 for the right to hold the 2000 Games?(SAQ)EG:AB重现重现Sea fishing grew rapidly in the decades after the Second World War.Mechanisation increased the fishermens catch in traditional grounds and then carried them to distant waters for more.Question:Technological developments contributed to the higher fish catches after the Second World War.(true/false/not given)EG:关系重现:关系重现Paper is also biodegradable,so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded.Question:Paper is less threatening to our environment when we throw it away because it is _.(fill in the blanks)一、查找细节一、查找细节步骤1:预测答案的可能性WINTER SPORTS(雅思考试全真模拟题)Ice,danger and exhilarationA The 17th Winter Games,held in Norway in 1994,are part of an Olympic tradition which goes back almost 3,000 years.For more than Games were held,every four years,on hallowed ground near Mount Olympus,where the Greek gods were said to live.B The Olympics brought together men from war-torn tribes and states in Greece and its colonies.A sacred truce was declared to allow men to travel to the games in safety.Women could not take part and were forbidden,on pain of death,even to attend the Games.CThe ancient Olympics were abolished by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in 393 AD,after Greece had lost its independence.But the idea never died and the Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin,an educator and scholar,founded the modern Olympics,his aim was to bring together,once every four years,athletes from all countries on the friendly fields of amateur sport.No account was to be taken of national rivalries,nor politics,race,religion,wealth or social status.D The first modern Games were held in Athens in 1896,and four years later,in Paris,women began to take part.Although the winter Olympics did not begin until 1924,figure skating was part of the 1908 London summer Olympics;both skating and ice hockey were included in the Antwerp Games in 1920.But generally winter sports were felt to be too specialized.Only cold weather countries had much experience of activities such as skiing-a means of transport overland across ice and snow during long winters.E The Scandinavians,for whom skiing is a part of everyday life,had objected to a winter fames.They feared it would threaten their own Nordic Games,which had been held every four years since 1901.But the international Olympic Committee(IOC)agreed to stage an International Sports Week in Chamonix,France,in 1924.It was a success and the Scandinavians won 28 of the 43 medals,including nine golds.They dropped their objections and the event was retrospectively named the First Olympic Winter Games.YEAREVENT(28)Ancient Olympics came to an end(29)First womens event(30)First Nordic Games(31)First Winter team game included in Olympics(32)First Winter Olympic Games步骤2:划出定位词快-反复熟练划定位词的方法,缩短时间。准-不该划的绝不多划。狠-一旦划了集中火力在文中定位,不要分散注意力。1.特殊优先人名、地名、数字(如百分比、温度、货币符号等)、年份、大写字母缩写、专业术语等特殊性:原词重现比较好定位2.按照独特名词、独特动词、独特形容词或副词的顺序划出定位词3.不能作为定位词的三类词:(1)常用的词。如PEOPLE(2)文章主题词,包括文章标题出现的词和与标题内容相关的词。幻灯片 7(3)同一题型内部重复出现的词CThe ancient Olympics were abolished by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in 393 AD,after Greece had lost its independence.But the idea never died and the Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin,an educator and scholar,founded the modern Olympics.(28)Ancient Olympics came to an endDThe first modern Games were held in Athens in 1896,and four years later,in Paris,women(29)began to take part.Although the winter Olympics(32)did not begin until 1924,figure skating was part of the 1908 London summer Olympics;(31)both skating and ice hockey(31)were included in the Antwerp Games in 1920.(29)First womens event(31)First Winter team game included in Olympics(32)First Winter Olympic GamesEThe Scandinavians,for whom skiing is a part of everyday life,had objected to a winter fames.They feared it would threaten their own Nordic Games,which had been held every four years since 1901.(30)First Nordic Games三、定位词的根本特征三、定位词的根本特征-一一对应一一对应1.同义替换,包含同义词或同义词组。同义替换,包含同义词或同义词组。剑剑6,Test4的的Q9:Kim Schaefers marketing technique may be open to criticism on moral grounds。在文章中定位,。在文章中定位,我们会在文章第三段中定位到我们会在文章第三段中定位到“Selling pharmaceuticals is a daily exercise in ethical judgment”ethical=moral剑4,Test3的Q9:Any street child can set up their own small business if given enough support.此判断题中定位词实际上是词组“set up their own small business”,在文章中定位,我们会在文章中“Lessons learned”的部分中定位到“Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone,not for every street child”。set up their own small business=being an entrepreneur其他的同义词其他的同义词/词组变身如词组变身如:perceive senseevolve developdetect find mortal peopleunbiased objective limb arm or legwaste unwanted material resemble look likedwelling domestic building2.近义替换,包含近义词或近义词组近义替换,包含近义词或近义词组剑剑7,Test1的的Q8:However,even before this was understood,the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the _ of the seabed。在文章中我们会定位到在文章中我们会定位到“Before this was discovered,engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle,for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship”。measure calculateSea Seabed其他的近义词其他的近义词/词组变身如:词组变身如:salary wage statement comment be gained from derive frompolicy initiativevaluable importantbreak down subdivideearnest serious solemn Wild Fierce Savage 3.派生词派生词 剑剑6,Test3的的Q33:Monkeys were less likely to become diabetic。在文章中定位,我们能定位到句子在文章中定位,我们能定位到句子“and they have more normal blood glucose levels(pointing to a reduced risk for diabetes,which is marked by usually high blood glucose levels)”。diabetic n.糖尿病患者糖尿病患者 diabetesn.糖尿病糖尿病 是是“diabetic”的派生词的派生词剑剑4,Test4的的Q14:archaeologyinvolves creativity as well as careful investigative work。此题为判断题,在文章中我们能定位到此题为判断题,在文章中我们能定位到“Archaeology is partly the discovery of the treasures of the past,partly the exercise of the creative imaginationit is investigating the sewers of Roman Britain”。Creativity n.Creative adj.Investigative adj.Investigate v.其他的派生词变身如:其他的派生词变身如:recover recoveryevolutionary evolveerosion erodeconcernunconcern commercecommercial fright frightenmodern modernizeamaze amazement4.反义词的否定形式反义词的否定形式 Q:What makes sticky insects feet special is the fact that they can also detach themselves easily from a surface。到文章中去定位,我们会定位到到文章中去定位,我们会定位到 There are lots of ways to make two surfaces stick together,but there are very few which provide precise and reversible attachment says Stas Gorb”,句中,句中attachment实际上为实际上为detach的反义词的反义词attach的名词形式,而的名词形式,而reversible表示可逆的,表示可逆的,因此因此reversible attachment即为即为detach的反义词的反义词(组)的否定形式。(组)的否定形式。其它的反义词否定形式变身如:其它的反义词否定形式变身如:similar not unusualsure theres no doubtonly nothing butgross not delicatefree without chargecostly expensive dearenslaved not freeexciting not tedious5.上义词上义词/词组词组 剑剑6,Test3的的Q28:Studies show drugs available today can delay the process of growing old。此题为是非无判断题,定位词为。此题为是非无判断题,定位词为“drugs”,在文章中定位,我们能在文章第一段,在文章中定位,我们能在文章第一段定位到定位到“As researchers on aging noted recently,no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases vulnerability to infirmity as we get older”。文章中文章中“treatment”即为定位词即为定位词“drugs”的上义词。的上义词。剑剑4,Test2的的Q8:Young people often reject the established way of life in their community。此题为人名理论配对题,题。此题为人名理论配对题,题目中信息量较大,需要根据词组目中信息量较大,需要根据词组“reject the established way of life in their community”来定位,到文章中定位,我们来定位,到文章中定位,我们会定位到会定位到“When the next generation reaches their teens,they might not want to be induced into the old traditions”。此处,此处,“the old traditions”即为题目中即为题目中“the established way of life in their community”的上义词组。的上义词组。其它的上义词其它的上义词/词组变身如:词组变身如:the newspaper and television media6.下义词下义词/词组词组剑剑5,Test3的的Q27:how AI might have a military impact。此题为段落信息配对题,。此题为段落信息配对题,定位词为定位词为“military”,在文章中定位,在文章中定位,我们会在我们会在E段定位到段定位到“HNC claim that their system based on a cluster of 30 processors,could be used to spot camouflaged vehicles on a battlefield or”,句中,句中“battlefield”即为即为“military”的下义词。的下义词。其它的下义词其它的下义词/词组变身如:词组变身如:military weapon/the Second World War西方人的思维方式西方人的思维方式中国人的思维方式中国人的思维方式一一对应一一对应天人合一天人合一语言直截了当语言直截了当语言含蓄语言含蓄追求细节追求细节追求抽象追求抽象重视证据重视证据喜欢联想与推测喜欢联想与推测重视科学与法律重视科学与法律偏爱宗教与哲学偏爱宗教与哲学一对一的语言(语言就是一对一的语言(语言就是信息)信息)一对多的语言(语言小于一对多的语言(语言小于信息)信息)


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