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高二英语新课标选修高二英语新课标选修7 Unit1 Living well Language points词组中英互译词组中英互译1.换句话说换句话说 _2.适应适应 _3.切去切去_4.上气不接下气上气不接下气 _5.总而言之总而言之 _6.闲坐着闲坐着 _7.和,也和,也 _8.在很多方面在很多方面 _9.取笑取笑 _in other wordsadapt tocut outout of breathsit aroundall in allin many waysas well asmake fun of词汇拓展词汇拓展1.adapt vt.&vi.使适应,改编,改造使适应,改编,改造 adj._ 能适应的能适应的 n._ 适应适应adaptableadaptation2.absence n.缺席,缺乏缺席,缺乏 adj._ (from)缺席的,心在焉的缺席的,心在焉的absent词汇拓展词汇拓展3.annoy vt.烦扰,打搅,使烦恼烦扰,打搅,使烦恼 adj._ 烦恼的烦恼的(with sb.about/by sth.)adj._ 令人烦恼的令人烦恼的 n._ 烦恼,令人烦恼的事烦恼,令人烦恼的事4.conduct vt.指挥,管理,主持,传导指挥,管理,主持,传导 n.行为,组织安排行为,组织安排 n._(电、热的电、热的)传导传导 n._(乐队乐队)指挥,售票员指挥,售票员annoyedannoyingconductionconductorannoyance5.ambition n.雄心,野心雄心,野心 adj._ 有抱负的有抱负的,ambitious他们要他离开公司他们要他离开公司换句话说他被解雇了。换句话说他被解雇了。They asked him to leave the company in other words,he was fired.拓展:写出下列拓展:写出下列word 短语的中文意思。短语的中文意思。(1)in a/one word (3)beyond words (4)break ones word (5)eat ones word (6)get in a word 总而言之总而言之无法用言语表达无法用言语表达失信,食言失信,食言收回前言;认错道歉收回前言;认错道歉插话;插嘴插话;插嘴1.in other words (L1)换句话说,也就是说换句话说,也就是说 运用:翻译下列句子。运用:翻译下列句子。(1)他感觉不舒服,换句话话说,他病了。他感觉不舒服,换句话话说,他病了。He does not feel good,he is ill.(2)总之总之,我认为他是个傻瓜我认为他是个傻瓜._,I think hes a fool.In a wordin other wordsin other words=that is to say换句话说换句话说 大家学习辛苦了,还是要坚持继续保持安静继续保持安静继续保持安静继续保持安静2.adapt (L5)vi.(使)适应(使)适应;适合适合 vt.改编改编adapt(oneself)to adapt sth.fromadapt sth.for(使)适应(使)适应/适合;适合;根据根据改编改编/改写改写使某物适合于使某物适合于;为为改编改编 1)The play is adapted _ a novel.2)This book is adapted _ beginners.3)When you go to a new country,you must adapt yourself _ new customs.fromforto介词填空介词填空:1.孩子们发现很难适应新学校孩子们发现很难适应新学校._2.这部小说由英文原著改编。这部小说由英文原著改编。_3.这些材料改一下可以给大一点的孩子用。这些材料改一下可以给大一点的孩子用。_The children find it hard to adapt to the new school.This novel has been adapted from the English original.The material can be adapted for use witholder children.3.at a time (P2L6)每一次每一次at timesfrom time to timeat the timetake your time有时有时有时有时当时当时不用急不用急,慢慢来慢慢来请一次只拿一个请一次只拿一个._Please take only one at a time.Think and compare!4.cut outcut off 切断、隔绝切断、隔绝cut down 砍倒、削减、减少砍倒、削减、减少cut in 插嘴插嘴1.They cut out a piece of muscle from his leg.2.The doctor told him to cut out smoking.3.He cut out the pictures from the newspaper.剪下剪下Think and compare!切下、切下、停止、停止、跑完跑完3000米后他已上气不接下气。米后他已上气不接下气。He was out of breath after the 3000-metre race.拓展一:拓展一:breath 有关的短语有关的短语 hold ones breath lose ones breath short of breath in the same breath5.out of breath (L15)上气不接下气上气不接下气屏住呼吸屏住呼吸喘不过气来喘不过气来呼吸短促呼吸短促同时;异口同声地同时;异口同声地 out of reach out of sight out of work out of order out of control out of danger 够不着够不着失业失业看不见看不见出故障出故障控制不住控制不住摆脱危险摆脱危险拓展二:拓展二:out of+名词结构短语名词结构短语 presence n.出席出席;到场到场present adj.出席的出席的;在场的在场的;现在的现在的完成句子完成句子:1)Mr.Green will teach your English _(在我离开期间在我离开期间).2)Why were you _(旷课旷课)yesterday?during my absenceabsent from school6.absenceabsence of mindabsent adj.缺席的缺席的;不在的不在的 vt.使缺席使缺席;使离开使离开be absent from 缺席缺席;不在不在n.缺席缺席;不在不在(某处某处)心不在焉心不在焉;神不守舍神不守舍7.annoy (L21)be annoyed with sb.对某人生气对某人生气be annoyed about/at sth.因某事生气因某事生气1.看到你上课睡觉真让我感到恼火看到你上课睡觉真让我感到恼火._2.令人恼火的是我们事先并不知道令人恼火的是我们事先并不知道._3.他的坏脾气使我生气他的坏脾气使我生气._It really annoys me when I see you sleeping in the class.Its annoying that we didnt know about it before.I was annoyed at/about his bad temper.vt.使使不悦不悦;惹恼惹恼annoyingannoyedadj.使人不高兴的,恼人的使人不高兴的,恼人的adj.颇为生气的颇为生气的was annoyed at/aboutmake sb.annoyed 使某人生气使某人生气8.all in all (L22)总而言之总而言之1.他有他的缺点,但总而言之他是一个诚实的人他有他的缺点,但总而言之他是一个诚实的人._2.我病了我病了,但还是完成了工作但还是完成了工作._ He has his faults,but all in all he is an honest man.in a word in generalall the timeall the sameall at once总而言之总而言之总的来说总的来说一直一直,总是总是仍然仍然突然突然,同时同时I was ill,but I finished the job all the same.取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。Its bad manners to make fun of the disabled.拓展:完成下列空格。拓展:完成下列空格。(1)fun 取乐;当笑话取乐;当笑话 (2)fun(by)doing sth.以做某事作乐以做某事作乐 (3)fun it is to do sth.!做某事多有趣啊!做某事多有趣啊!forhaveWhat9.make fun of=laugh at (P3L2)取笑;嘲笑;和取笑;嘲笑;和开玩笑开玩笑Phrases换句话说换句话说适应适应撞到撞到过去常常过去常常梦想梦想切下切下in other wordsadapt tobump intoused todream aboutcut out上气不接下气上气不接下气总之总之使某人生气使某人生气闲坐着闲坐着和,也和,也在很多方面在很多方面取笑取笑out of breathall in allmake sb.annoyedsit aroundas well asin many waysmake fun ofTranslation1换句话说,你不得不等在这里。换句话说,你不得不等在这里。2我们搬到法国后,孩子们很快就适应了新变化。我们搬到法国后,孩子们很快就适应了新变化。3一旦你养成了某个习惯,就很难改掉它。一旦你养成了某个习惯,就很难改掉它。4我们跑得这么快以至于上气不接下气。我们跑得这么快以至于上气不接下气。5总地来说,他是一个好人。总地来说,他是一个好人。6这个老农既种菜又种花。这个老农既种菜又种花。7取笑残疾人是很残忍的事。取笑残疾人是很残忍的事。1换句话说,你不得不等在这里。换句话说,你不得不等在这里。2我们搬到法国后,孩子们很快就适应了变化。我们搬到法国后,孩子们很快就适应了变化。3一旦你养成了某个习惯,就很难改掉它。一旦你养成了某个习惯,就很难改掉它。In other words,youll have to wait here.When we moved to France,the children adapted to the change very quickly.It is difficult to cut out a habit once youveformed it.4我们跑得这么快以至于上气不接下气。我们跑得这么快以至于上气不接下气。5总地来说,他是一个好人。总地来说,他是一个好人。6这个老农既种菜又种花。这个老农既种菜又种花。7取笑残疾人是很残忍的事。取笑残疾人是很残忍的事。We ran so fast that we were all out of breath.All in all,he is a good man.The old farmer grows flowers as well asvegetables.Its cruel to make fun of the disabled.*重点句型重点句型1.我在学习英语语法方面有困难我在学习英语语法方面有困难._2.他们开会时校长不在学校他们开会时校长不在学校.They had a meeting in the _ _ the headmaster.3.玛丽很快就适应了这儿的新环境玛丽很快就适应了这儿的新环境.Mary is quick to _ _ the new circumstances here.4.我们喜欢发电子邮件而不喜欢寄信我们喜欢发电子邮件而不喜欢寄信.We enjoy sending E-mail _ _ posting letter.I have difficulty in learning English grammar.absence ofadapt torather than基础知识自测基础知识自测二、单词运用二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.When we moved to Guangzhou,the children _ to the new environment very well.2.His impolite words a_ his friends.3.The minister had several good reasons for his _.(行为)(行为)4.Their father had taught them to show respect towards their _.(长辈)(长辈)5.The accident did great harm to his eyes,and now he had poor _.adapted annoyed conduct elders eyesight 6.The soldier said he would never give in to his enemy even if he would die.He would rather die with d_.7.Our school _ is“To strive,to seek,to find.”8.She couldnt stand the great pressure of her work so she _ from her office.9.The novel was made into a film in 1943 and again in 1967:I prefer the _ version to the former.10.You should take good care of your newly-born babys birth c_ which is very important.dignity motto resigned latter certificate 三、词语派生三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.This class is specially set up for people with severe learning _.(disable)2.Tom is a fiercely _ young manager.(ambition)3.He_ the safe to get some secret material.(lock)4.Such a system will be _ to the whole society.(benefit)5.He is 20 minutes late.I dont think he will come,so lets start our meeting in his _.(absent)disability ambitious unlocked beneficial absence 6.Two _ studies came to the same conclusions.(depend)7.He failed in his driving test and his friends sent e-mails of _.(encourage)8.The department provides special _ to those with large families.(assist)9.The remote desert area is _ only by helicopter.(access)10.Life as a housewife does not seem very _ to the highly educated girl.(challenge)independent encouragement assistance accessible challenging 31.appearance 32.were given33.because/as 34.with35.(should)jump 36.him37.So/Thus 38.named39.When/After 40.who七、基础写作七、基础写作 用括号中所给词翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子用括号中所给词翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子连成一篇连成一篇5句话的连贯的短文。句话的连贯的短文。1每次我们的班主任说起李华,她总是表扬他,说他是万里挑每次我们的班主任说起李华,她总是表扬他,说他是万里挑一的人。一的人。(every time/one in a million)2李华除了语文很好,数学是班上最好的。而且他的英语特别李华除了语文很好,数学是班上最好的。而且他的英语特别好。好。(as well as/in particular)3虽然他是我校的新生,但是他毫无困难地就能适应新的学校虽然他是我校的新生,但是他毫无困难地就能适应新的学校生活。生活。(have no difficulty/adapt to)4昨天他在昨天他在100米短跑比赛中得了第一名,我们都祝贺他。米短跑比赛中得了第一名,我们都祝贺他。(congratulate)5总而言之,他是一个全面发展的学生。总而言之,他是一个全面发展的学生。(all in all)Every time our head teacher talks of Lihua,she always praises him and regards him as a boy one in a million.As well as doing well in his Chinese,his math is the best in our class and he is good at English in particular.Although he is a new student in our school,he has no difficulty at all adapting to the life of our school.Moreover,he won the 100-meter dash yesterday and we all congratulated him.All in all,he is an all-round student.六、语法填空六、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当三词或使用上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当三词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。括号中词语的正确形式填空。After the state and provincial meetings on the employment undertakings oriented toward the1_(disable)held at the end of May,the municipal government held 2 meeting on the same topic.City top leaders Ji Jianye and Wang Yanwen attended the meeting.3 (current),there are 270,000 disabled citizens in Yangzhou,among 4 25,976 have been arranged for disabled a Currently whom employment.The meeting requires that local institutions,enterprises and economic organizations5 _ various levels should employ disabled 6_ (employ)at 1.5%.Less 7 the ratio,these organizations should cover the employment securities at the same ratio.Also,the organizations 8_ implement the minimal salary system 9 cover the expenses on medical care,10 (retire)pensions and unemployment securities for the disabled.at employees than should and retirement 四、词组互译四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英文。将下列词组或短语译成中文或英文。1.one in a million_2.at a time _3.dream about doing _4.live with _5.depend on _6.bump into _7.congratulate sb.on sth._ 8.set up _创建,开办创建,开办 万里挑一的人万里挑一的人每次,逐一每次,逐一梦想做某事梦想做某事忍受,容忍(不愉快的事)忍受,容忍(不愉快的事)依靠依靠碰见,碰,撞碰见,碰,撞因某事祝贺某人因某事祝贺某人9.特别特别 _10.取笑取笑_11.换句话说换句话说_12.上气不接下气上气不接下气_13.适应适应_14.做某事有困难做某事有困难_15.在于在于_16.总而言之总而言之_all in all in particular make fun of sb./make fools of sb.in other wordsout of breathadapt tohave difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth.lie in五、词组运用五、词组运用 根据句子的意思,从第四题中选一个恰当根据句子的意思,从第四题中选一个恰当的词组完成句子或翻译句子。的词组完成句子或翻译句子。1.He loves his little nephew _.2.She said she was busy;_ she didnt want to come.3.Our boss often praises Tom and he thought Tom is a man _.4.He has trouble in _ the normal life.5.He has his faults,but _ he is a trustworthy man.all in allin particularin other wordsone in a millionadapting to


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