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高二高二 必修必修 5 Unit 1 There are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world.Can you name some of them?What kind of role do they play in the field of science?Do these achievements have anything in common?Match the inventions with their inventors below before you answer all these questions.Alexander Bell electricity Thomas Edison the First telephoneLaite Brothers the electric LampMadame Curie black holes in UniverseFranklin Theory of GravitySteven Hawking the First PlaneElbert Einstein RadiumIsaac Newton the Theory of RelativityWho is he?He is Archimedes(阿基米德阿基米德)Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?Charles Darwin.Who is he?He is Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?Thomas Newcomen.Who is he?He is Who invented the first steam engine?Gregor MendelWho is he?He is Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?Marie CurieWho is he?She is Who discovered radium?Thomas EdisonWho is he?He is Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?Leonardo da VinciWho is he?He is Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?Humphry DavyWho is he?He is Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?Stephen HawkingWho is he?He is Who put forward a theory about black holes?1.Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?Discuss in small groups the stages in setting out a new scientific idea.What order would you put them in?Draw a conclusionThink of a methodCollect resultsMake a questionFind a problemAnalyse the resultsFind supporting evidencePlease put the 7 stages in right order according to the passage.2.What do you know about infectious diseases?What do you know about cholera?What is Cholera?Cholera is a disease caused by Vibrio Cholerae,a form of bacteria that attacksthe intestine(肠肠).The disease is not always serious,but 1 in 20 patients suffer from severe diarrhea,vomiting and muscle pains.Without treatment,such patients can die within a few hours if their bodies lose too much water.GermanyGreat BritainDeath of first cholera case in London during the 1848-49 epidemic LondonPrevious cholera epidemic in Great Britain in 1831-32The spread of choleraHere are some facts about cholera.Try to present them to your partners and consider whether they are the same as you expected.1.Cholera can kill sufferers within a few hours if they are left untreated.2.About 100,000 120,000 people die of cholera every year and most of them are not reported to the WHO.3.80%of cholera sufferers can be successfully treated with safe water and salt.4.Safe water and waste control can prevent cholera.5.When there is an outbreak of cholera,it is important to focus on treatment and waste control.6.Safe and effective cholera vaccines are now used to control the disease.7.Today,no country requires proof of cholera vaccination as a condition for entry.3.Look at the picture,the map and the title and predict the content of the reading passage.Then skim it quickly to see if you are right.John SnowRead the text quickly and complete the main idea of it.The text is mainly about _ and how he _.Johndefeated choleraSnowI.Read the text“John Snow Defeats King Cholera”,and fill in the blanks.About JohnSnowHe was a famous _ and Queen Victorias personal physician.He made up his mind to solve the problem of _.Two theoriesTheory 1:Cholera was spread by _.Theory 2:The disease went into people s bodies throughtheir _.His suspicionHe thought that the _ theory was correct.doctorcholeraairmealssecondWhat he did to prove hisassumptionEvidence 1:He _ the places on a map where the dead people lived and found the deaths were near the water pump in Broad Street.Evidence 2:He looked into the sourceof the water and found it came from a(n)_ river.When the water was cut off,the disease _.Evidence 3:A woman and _ _ used the water from Broad Street pump and died.markedpollutedslowed downherdaughterConclusionPolluted water carried the _virusII.Read the text again and tell whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.Many people died of cholera before its cause was found.()2.It was a fact that cholera spread in a cloud of gas.()3.When cholera broke out in 1854,it spread quickly through poor neighbourhoods.()TFT4.The people who drank beer instead of water did not catch cholera.()5.The water companies were asked to stop supplying polluted water to people.()TTMatch the stages of scientific research with what John Snow did to solve the problem of cholera.1.Find a problem.2.Make a question.He noticed two possible theories which explained how cholera spread.He wanted to face the challenge of cholera and find the cause.3.Think of a method.4.Collect results.5.Analyse the results.He found that the water came from a polluted river and cholera was spread by germs.He thought the second idea was correct and decided to prove it.He marked the death places on a map and found out many deaths occurred near the water pump.6.Find supporting evidence.7.Draw a conclusion.He found that the family who used piped water from Broad Street died.He announced that polluted water carried the virus.Below is a summary of the text with some words missing.Choose the words from the box and make the summary complete.Then try to retell the story to your partners.most,river,London,John Snow,companies,pump,water,sourcesNo one understood cholera and every time it came,thousands died.Queen Victorias doctor,_,wanted to find out how it was caused.When the disease came to _ again in 1854,Snow noticed that _ of the 500 people who died had drunk water from a water pump in Broad Street.John Snowmost,river,London,John Snow,companies,pump,water,sourcesLondonmostHe concluded that the _ was to blame and found that the pumpswater came from a dirty _.After he stopped people from using the _,people gradually stopped dying.most,river,London,John Snow,companies,pump,water,sourceswaterriverpumpSnow suggested all _ of water be checked and water _ take care not to supply people with dirty water.In this way,cholera was defeated.most,river,London,John Snow,companies,pump,water,sourcessourcescompaniesDrink only water that you have boiled or treated with chlorine or iodine.Other safe drinks include tea or coffee made with boiled water and carbonated,bottled beverages with no ice.What should you do if youre travelling to a country that has a cholera outbreak?Eat only food thats been thoroughly cooked and is still hot,or fruit that youve peeled yourself.Avoid undercooked or raw fish and shellfish.Avoid raw salads and vegetables.Avoid food and drinks from street vendors.Boil it,cook it,peel it,or forget it.HomeworkImagine you are a reporter,and youreinterviewing Mr.John Snow.Please make up at least 3 questions to ask him about how he found the evidence to prove his theory.44写在最后写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits 结束语当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。When You Do Your Best,Failure Is Great,So DonT Give Up,Stick To The End演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日


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