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外研版六年级上册英 语全册优质课件外研版六年级上册How long is the Great Wall?How long is the Great Wall?学习目标学习目标学会用How long/old/high/tall/wide is?对物体的长度、年代、高度等特征进行问答。能认识长度单位Li及其与meter、kilometer等长度单位的换算。能描述中国的famous landmark(著名景观)the Great Wall的长度、年代等特征。学习目标学会用How long/old/high/tathe Great Wallthe Great Wallthe Great Wallthe Great Wall1.Ask and answer the questions.Whataretheytalkingabout?TheyaretalkingabouttheGreatWall.CanSimongototheGreatWall?Yes,hecan.CantheywalkalloftheGreatWall?No,theycant.1.Ask and answer the questionsHowlongistheGreatWall?Its_long.Its_long.HowoldistheGreatWall?Its_old.ten thousand lifive thousand kilometerstwo hundred years2.Talk about the Great Wall.How long is the Great Wall?How long is the Great Wall?ten学会用学会用How long/old/high/tall/wideis?对物体的长度、年代、高度等特?对物体的长度、年代、高度等特征进行问答。征进行问答。询问长度Howlongis?Itslong.询问年代Howoldis?Itsold.询问高度Howhigh/tallis?Itshigh/tall.*询问宽度Howwideis?Itswide.学会用How long/old/high/tall/能认识长度单位能认识长度单位Li及其与及其与meter、kilometer等长度单位的换算。等长度单位的换算。What is“li”?1li=500 meters 2 li=1000 meters 1000 metres=1 kilometres能认识长度单位Li及其与meter、kilometer等长度Listen and say.Then sing.THE GREAT WALL OF CHINAThe Great Wall of China is very very long.very very long,very very long.The Great Wall of China is very very long.The people who built it were very very strong.very very strong,very very strong.The people who built it were very very strong.Thousands of people built it.Listen and say.Then sing.THEthousands of是是 表表 示示 数数 千千 的的.(主主要要是是形形容容东东西西,事事物物很很多多,数数以以千千计计)它它已已经经不不是是确确切切的要表示的要表示“千千”的意思了。的意思了。外研版小学六年级(一起)英语上册全册ppt课件你会读数吗?你会读数吗?1,000,000,0001,000,000,000billionmillionthousandhundred十亿十亿百万百万千千百百你会读数吗?1,000,000,000billionmillTheGreatWallis_long.Its_old._builtit.tenthousandlitwohundredyearsTheChinesepeopleThe Great Wall is_ loThanks!Thanks!Its more than fourSing the song:The Great Wall of ChinaSing the song:This tree is tall and old.This tree is tall and old.How tall is the tree?How old is it?Its thirty meters tall.Its eight hundred years old.How tall is the tree?How old ithe Empire State Buildingthe Empire State Building帝国大厦(英语:帝国大厦(英语:Empire State Building),是位于),是位于美国美国纽约市的一纽约市的一栋著名的摩天大楼,共有栋著名的摩天大楼,共有102层,层,1930年动工,年动工,1931年落成,只用了年落成,只用了410天,天,它的名字来源于它的名字来源于纽约州纽约州的别称帝国州的别称帝国州(Empire State),所以英文原意实),所以英文原意实际上是际上是“纽约州大厦纽约州大厦”。许多大公司。许多大公司都在这栋大楼里。都在这栋大楼里。帝国大厦(英语:Empire State Building)Its an office building.Its the Empire State Building.Its an office building.Its tThere are many high buildings.There are many high buildingsHow high is the?Its high.How old is the?Its years old.The London Eyemore than 100 meters 14 yearsHow high is the?Its higHow high is the?Its high.How old is the?Its years old.Big Benmore than 90 metersmore than150 yearsHow high is the?Its higHow high is the?Its high.How old is the?Its years old.Dubai Towermore than 800 metersmore than 7 yearsHow high is the?Its higHow high is the?Its high.Shimao Haixia Building(世贸海峡大厦)世贸海峡大厦)more than 300 metersHow high is the?Its hig How high is the Empire State Building?How old is it?Its more than four hundred meters high.Its more than eighty years old.How high is the Empire How olThis is the _ _.Its an _ _.Its _ _ eightyyears _.And its _ _ four hundred_ _.Its really _!the Empire State Buildingofficebuildingmore thanoldmore thanmeters highhighThis is the _ _I went to Chinatown in New York yesterdayI went to Chinatown in New YorWhat are they talking about?What are they talking about?Many years ago,some Chinese people went to America.Many years ago,some Chinese pSome went looking for gold.Some went looking for gold.Some stayed(留在)(留在)in New York.Some stayed(留在)in New York.They worked very hard.They worked very hard.And they built Chinatown.And they built Chinatown.Whats in Chinatown?Whats in Chinatown?There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants in Chinatown.There are lots of Chinese shop外研版小学六年级(一起)英语上册全册ppt课件Theres Chinese dancing.Theres Chinese dancing.外研版小学六年级(一起)英语上册全册ppt课件阅读短文,判断短文,判断对错。对的写的写“T”,错的写的写“F”。There is a Chinatown in New York.Its very big.There are many Chinese people there.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.You can eat Chinese food there.And theres Chinese dancing.You can see Chinese dancing in the street.People really like Chinatown.阅读短文,判断对错。对的写“T”,错的写“F”。Th()1.There is a Chinatown in NewYork.()2.There are lots of Chineserestaurantsthere.()3.TherearentanyChineseshopsthere.()4.Theres Chinese dancing inChinatown.()5.PeopledontlikeChinatown.TTFTF()1.There is a Chinatown in There is a Chinatown in New York.Its very big.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurant there.And theres Chinese dancing.People really like Chinatown.Chinatown There is a Chinatown in N再见I I went to a library yesterdayI went to a library yesterday学学习目目标1.能听、说、读本单元单词:weekend。2.能熟练读写本课所出现的动词过去式,并能在句子中准确运用。能理解三封邮件的内容。3.能用一般过去时表述过去的事。4.学会利用信息技术,积极主动与他人交往或合作。5.会说本单元诗歌:Simple Simon met a pear man.学习目标1.能听、说、读本单元单词:weekend。Where did Daming go yesterday?Lets review.What did Daming see in the street?He went to Chinatown in New York.He saw a lion dance in the street.Where did Daming go yesterday?What did they do yesterday?Lets underline the key words.He went to the Ming Tombs yesterday.He went to a library yesterday.She wrote a story in English class.What did they do yesterday?LetWhat did Xiaoqiang do yesterday?He went to the Ming Tombs yesterday.Tell me about the Ming Tombs.What did Xiaoqiang do yesterda位于北京,距今位于北京,距今300300多年多年明明十十三三陵陵坐坐落落于于北北京京市市昌昌平平区区天天寿寿山山麓麓,总总面面积积一一百百二二十十余余平平方方公公里里,距距离离天天安安门门约约五五十十公公里里。十十三三陵陵地地处处东东、西西、北北三三面面环环山山的的小小盆盆地地之之中中,陵陵区区周周围围群群山山环环抱抱,中中部部为为平平原原,陵陵前前有有小小河河曲曲折折蜿蜿蜒蜒。自自永永乐乐七七年年(14091409)五五月月始始作作长长陵陵,到到明明朝朝最最后后一一帝帝崇崇祯祯葬葬入入思思陵陵止止,其其间间230230多多年年(16451645),先先后后修修建建了了十十三三座座皇皇帝帝陵陵墓墓、七七座座妃妃子子墓墓、一一座座太太监监墓墓。共共埋埋葬葬了了十十三三位位皇皇帝帝、二二十十三三位位皇皇后后、二二位位太太子子、三三十十余余名名妃妃嫔、两位太监。嫔、两位太监。(至今至今300300多年多年)位于北京,距今300多年明十三陵坐落于北京市昌平区天寿山麓,There were and lots of stone animalsa big red gate.there wasthere be 就近原则用单复数就近原则用单复数Tell me about the Ming Tombs.There were What did they find in the tombs?Theyfoundandinthetombs.clothesmoneyIt was exciting!Tell me about the Ming Tombs.What did they find in the tombXiaoqiang went to yesterday.It wasHe saw lots of and a big red There were and in the tombs.Lets complete.the Ming Tombsexciting.stone animalsgate.clothesmoneyXiaoqiang went to What did James do yesterday?He went to a library yesterday.What does a library have?It has_books,CDs and computers.What did James do yesterday?HeJames favourites are books aboutthe UKChinathe USCanadaJames favourites are books abJames went to yesterday.It is very It has books .His are books about the US and Lets complete.a librarybig.CDs and computersfavouritesCanada.James went to yRuby a story in English class yesterday.Her teacher it very much.Ruby to write a book when she is big.She wants to many and writeabout them.Lets complete.wrotelikedwantsvisitcountries.Ruby a story in EngCan you give a subject to the three emails?Lets imagineSubject:the Ming Tombs,Beijing.Subject:a librarySubject:a storyCan you give a subject to the What did you do at the weekend?Lets do and guess.抽签表演抽签表演 I was at the beach.I went swimming there.Then I ate a hamburger.S1:Did you go swimming?S2:Yes,I did.S2:Did you eat some bread?S1:No,I didnt.What did you do at the weekendWhere did you go yesterday?Lets do and guess.学生表演三篇短文之一,其他学生问,猜。学生表演三篇短文之一,其他学生问,猜。S1:Did you.?S2:Yes,I did.S2:Did you.?S1:No,I didnt.Where did you go yesterday?LetLets write.To:JSubject:Hello!Dear James,I went to a fruit farm yesterday.It was exciting!There were lots of fruit trees.I picked up pears.I ate apples.I took photos.I was happy!Yours,_(name)Lets write.To:JSWhat have you learned day?Subject:the Ming Tombs,Beijing.a librarywrote a storyWhat have you learned day?SubjThank you!Have you got any stamps from China?Have you got any stamps from 学学习目目标1能够正确理解课文大意。2能够较流利地朗读课文。3能够正确谈论某人是否拥有某物或某人拥有何物。Haveyougotanystampsfromchina?No,Ihavent.学习目标stampsstampsChina 中国中国China 中国stamps from China stamps from China Canada 加拿大加拿大Canada 加拿大stamps from Canada stamps from Canada England 英国英国England 英国stamps from England stamps from England America 美国美国America 美国stamps from America stamps from America Where are these stamps from?These stamps are from _EnglandWhere are these stamps from?ThWhere are these stamps from?These stamps are from _ChinaWhere are these stamps from?ThWhere are these stamps from?These stamps are from _CanadaWhere are these stamps from?ThWhere are these stamps from?These stamps are from _AmericaWhere are these stamps from?ThThese ones are very,very old.These ones are very,very old.stamp album stamp album collect stamps collect stamps Its ten_ li long.I havent got any _stampsTheyre from_.America Chinese doingChinatownthousandThere is a in New York.What are you _?Its ten_ li long.I Goodbye!Collecting stamps is my hobbyCollecting stamps is my hobby学习目标学习目标1.能 听、说、读 本 单 元 单 词:coconut,Five-Fingermountains(五指山)2.用句型:Wherearethesestampsfrom?These stampsarefromAmerica来谈论邮票的来源。3.能用Wherearethesefrom?Thesearefrom?来询问并回答某物的来源。4.会说本单元诗歌:WhatdoIneed?学习目标1.能听、说、读本单元单词:coconut,FiveWhat are you doing?Lets review.Have you got any stamps from China?Im putting my new stamps into my stamp book.No,I havent.What are you doing?Lets revie Collecting_s is my hobby.knife and fork kite jacket toy car apples bananas orange juice doll football Collecting_s is my hobby.Who are they?TheyareDamingandAlien.Whats this?Its a picture of the sun.moon.Who are they?They are Daming aItsapictureofHainanIsland.Its a picture of _.Collectingstampsismyhobby.Its a picture of Hainan IslaHainanIslandTaiwanIsland Hainan Island TaiwanDiaoyu Island(钓鱼岛)Diaoyu Island(钓鱼岛)What can you see on his stamp?We can see.What can you see on his stheFive-FingerMountain五指山 the Five-Finger Mountainacoconuttree椰子树coconuts椰子a coconut treecoconuts椰子What can you see on his stamp?We can see the Five-Finger Mountain and a coconut tree.We can see grass,trees and clouds too.What can you see on his sThis is his favourite _ stamp.ChineseThis is his favourite _ Lets readCollectingstampsismyhobby.ThisismyfavouriteChinesestamp.Its a picture of Hainan island,myfavouriteplaceinChina.WecanseetheFivefingerMountainandacoconuttree.Iloveit.Lets readCollecting stamps isCollectingstampsismy_.Thisismy_Chinesestamp.Its a _ of Hainan island,myfavouriteplacein_.Wecan_theFivefingerMountainandacoconuttree.I_it.hobbyfavouritepictureChinaseeloveCollecting stamps is my_ThesestampsarefromChina.Wecanseea dragon and clouds.These stamps are from China.1)Whereisitfrom?2)Whatcanyouseeinthisstamp?3)Doyoulikeit?Whyorwhynot?It is from China.I can see a dragon and clouds.Yes,I do.Because it is beautiful.No,I dont.Because its terrible.1)Where is it from?It is from Its a picture of a jacket.Collecting jackets is my hobby.knife and fork kite jacket toy car apples bananas orange juice doll footballIts a picture of a jacket.knIts a picture of stamps.Collecting stamps is my hobby.knife and fork kite jacket toy car apples bananas orange juice doll footballIts a picture of stamps.knifWrite and talk.Subject:_Collecting toy cars is my hobby.These toy cars are from Canada.They are yellow.They can run very fast.This toy car is from China.I love it.Have you got any toy cars from China?My hobbyWrite and talk.Subject:_Lets feedback1.Im putting my new stamps into my stamps.2.Do you likestamps?3.Collecting stamps is my hobby.(爱好)4.its a picture of Hainan Island.5.Its a picture of the sun.Lets feedback1.Im putting myChinasfirststampsshowaverybigdragon.Behindthedragonthereareclouds.ManypeopleintheworldlovetocollectstampsfromChina.ChinesestampsarefamousbecausetheyarebeautifulandshowChinashistory,people,placesandanimals.SomestampsfromChinashowchildrenspainting.ThepaintingsarecuteandlovelyandshowChinawell.Peoplelovethesestamps.Chinas first stamps show a veThanks.Thanks.Thanksgiving is very important in the US.Thanksgiving is very important学学习目目标1.能听、说、读本单元单词:special,hear,nearly2.了解美国节日的文化,并学会描述感恩节的风俗。3.能介绍更多中国的或西方国家的节日。学习目标1.能听、说、读本单元单词:special,heaWhich festival do you know?the Spring Festival(1,2月月)lunar 1.1the Dragon Boat Festival 阴历阴历5.5the Mid-Autumn Festival阴历阴历8.15Thanksgiving11月最后一周四月最后一周四Christmas12.25Halloween10.31Easter(3,4月月)春分月圆后第一个周日春分月圆后第一个周日National Day(10.1)Which festival do you know?theWhich festival is his favourite day?National Day is his favourite day.Which festival is his favouritWhich festival is their favourite day?Thanksgiving is their favourite day.Which festival is their favourWhich festival is her favourite day?Halloween is her favourite day.Which festival is her favouritWhich festival is our favourite day?Childrens Day is our favourite day.Which festival is our favouritWhich festival in the US is Simons favourite?Which festival in the US is His favourite festival is Thanksgiving.give-giving给His favourite festival is ThanI Is this festival very important in the US?Yes.This festival is very important to us(我们)in the US(美国).Is this festival very importanThe Spring Festival is very important in China.the Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is very im_ is very important in China.the Dragon Boat Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festival National Day_ is very important in Chi Simon:My favourite festival is Thanksgiving.This festival is very important to us in the US.Simon:My favourite festival What do you do on Thanksgiving?What do you do on Thanksgivinga)We always have a big,special dinner.b)We say thank you for our food,family and friends.c)We have a lot of fun.123We always have a big,special candlesbreadice creamsturkeyfruitswinevegetableWhat do you do on Thanksgiving?We always have_.candlesbreadice creamsturkeyfrWhat do you do on Thanksgiving?We say thank you for_.our foodour familyour friendsWhat do you do on ThanksgivinWe always have a big,special dinner.We say thank you for our food,family and friends.We have a lot of fun.What do you do on Thanksgiving?We always have a big,special Simon wrote a poem about Thanksgiving.Do you want to hear it?Simon wrote a poem about ThankThanksgiving is nearly here.Thanksgiving comes every year.There is one thing I should say.Thanksgiving is my favourite day.Thanksgiving is nearly here.Thanksgiving comes every year.Thanksgiving is my favourite dayThanksgiving is nearly here.Ththe fourth Thursday of November 十一月的第四个星期四十一月的第四个星期四the fourth Thursday of NovembeSimon:I wrote a poem about Thanksgiving.Do you want to hear it?Daming:Yes,please.Simon:Thanksgiving is Thanksgiving is nearlynearly here.here.Thanksgiving comes Thanksgiving comes every year.every year.There is something I There is something I can say.can say.Thanksgiving is my Thanksgiving is my favourite day.favourite day.听到,听见听到,听见几乎,差不多几乎,差不多Simon:I wrote a poem about 听到ear 耳朵dear 亲爱的 clear 清楚的hear 听见 听到 nearly 几乎,差不多 Do you want to hear it?Thanksgiving is nearly here.ear 耳朵nearly 几乎,差不多 Do you wOn Thanksgiving,isSimonisSimonssfavourite.favourite.ItItsinsin.aretogether.aretogether.WehaveaWehavea,dinner.Wesay_fordinner.Wesay_for.Wehave_.Wehave_.isveryisveryininthe US.ThanksgivingNovemberFamiliesbigspecialthank youour food,family and friends.a lot of funThanksgivingimportant is Simons-Can you tell me about Chinese festivals?-Yes.is my favourite.-When is it?-What do you do?-What do you eat?-Can you tell me about ChinMy favourite festivalMy favourite festival is _.Its in _.On that day,we eat _.We _.And we _.We have a lot of fun.My favourite festivalMy favourMy favourite festival My favourite festival is Childrens Day.Its in June.On that day,we sing.We dance.We run.We play.We have a big,special dinner.We eat fish.We eat rice.We have a lot of fun.My favourite festival My favou再见!再 见!Can you tell me about Christmas?Can you tell me about ChristmaCan you tell me about Thanksgiving?What do you do on Thanksgiving?Can you tell me about ThanksgiWe always have a big,special dinner.We say thank you for our food,family and friends.We have a lot of fun.What do you do on Thanksgiving?We always have a big,special We always have a big,special dinner.We eat lots of food.We have a lot of fun.Can you tell me about the Spring Festival?What do you do at the Spring Festival?We always have a big,special Can you tell me about Christmas?Can you tell me about ChristmaRead and find 小小组合作解决合作解决问题:要求,知道在第几行,会要求,知道在第几行,会译,会,会读。Read and find 小组合作解决问题:1.When is Christmas?2.What do people put in their homes?3.What can you see in the streets?4.What do people give?5.What do people send?There are lights in the streets and shops.People put Christmas trees in their homes.They send cards.They give presents.Its on the 25th of December.1.When is Christmas?There are There are lights in the _ streets街道,shops商店,homes家,trees树,sky天空There are lights in the Lets ask and answer.Whatdopeopleputintheirhomes?WhenisChristmas?25December25DecemberWhatcanyousee?Whatdopeoplegive?Whatdopeoplesend?Lets ask and answer.What do p ChristmasChristmas isis aa veryvery_ _ _ festivalfestivalininmanymany_ _.ItItisis_thethe_ofofDecember.December.We putput_ _ininour homes.homes.ThereThere areare _ inin thethestreetsstreets andand shops.shops.WeWe givegive_ andand sendsend _ _.WeWeloveit!loveit!importantChristmas trees25thoncountriescardspresentslights Christmas is a very_ Guess and talk:Talk about festivalsIs it in winter?(spring,summer,autumn)Yes,it is.(No,it isnt.)Is it the Spring Festival?Yes,it is.(No,it isnt.)Guess and talk:Talk about fesThe Spring Festival in winter(spring,summer,autumn)?the Spring Festival(1,2月)月)lunar 1.1the Dragon Boat Festival 阴历阴历5.5the Mid-Autumn Festival阴历阴历8.15Thanksgiving11月最后一周四月最后一周四Christmas12.25Halloween10.31Easter(3,4月)月)春分月圆后第一个周日春分月圆后第一个周日National Day(10.1)The Spring Festival in winter147My favourite festivalMy favourite festival is Christmas.Its in December.On that day,We sing Merry Christmas.We have a lot of fun.My favourite festivalMy favourMy favourite festival The dragon Boat Festival is a very important festival for Chinese people.On this day,we eat zongzi.We eat eggs.We swing.We fly kites.People row the dragon boats.We love it.My favourite festival 1.听听读课文。文。2.默写默写单词。3.同步笔同步笔试练习。1.听读课文。HomeworkCan I write to her?学习目标学习目标a.熟练使用目标语句I want apen pal,I can进行自我的描述,同时能熟练地进行人称转述 She wants a pen pal,she canb.还是以结交笔友为主线,通过各种活动形式,使学生熟练运用本模块的功能句描述自己或他人的能力及其他简单的个人信息。c.教育学生要珍惜友情,学会做人、学会与人交往与合作。学习目标a.熟练使用目标语句I want apen paWhat can he do?He can play basketball.What can he do?What can he do?He can run.What can he do?He can run.What can she do?She can sing.What can she do?She can sing.I can sing,she can dance,he can run.I cant run,she cant sing,he cant dance.Memory game I can sing,she can dance,he小结:小结:can的用法的用法1.can表示能力和请求2.can/cant+动原(动词原形)3.can没有人称和数的变化小结:can的用法1.can表示能力和请求What is this dialogue about?Foreign friends.What is this dialogue about?Fo1.Where is Daming from?2.Who is Daming visiting?3.Where does Laura want a pen pal from?4.Can Lingling speak English?5.Who will be Lauras pen pal?1.Where is Daming from?1.Where is Daming from?China.2.Who is Daming visiting?Laura.3.Where does Laura want a pen pal from?China.4.Can Lingling speak English?Yes,she can.5.Who will be Lauras pen pal?Daming1.Where is Daming from?2.Who iPleased高兴的高兴的Cousin堂兄弟姐妹堂兄弟姐妹PleasedCousinfantastic极好的极好的Pal朋友朋友fantasticPaladdress 地址地址 pretty 漂亮的漂亮的foreign外国的外国的address 地址 prettyforeignpleased 高兴的cousin 堂兄弟姐妹fantastic 极好的pal 朋 友address 地 址pretty 漂亮的foreign 外国的pleased 高兴的cousin 2、or与与and的区别的区别 and用于肯定或表连接用于肯定或表连接,and表并列表并列,相当于中文的和。相当于中文的和。or用于否定或表转折,用于否定或表转折,or表选择,相表选择,相当于中文的或者。当于中文的或者。1、can的用法的用法2、or与and的区别1、can的用法3、say,speak,tell 与与 talk 的区别的区别speak有运用语言的意思在里面。有运用语言的意思在里面。如:如:speak English,speak Chinese等等。等等。tell有告诉有告诉,诉说的意思。诉说的意思。如:如:tell a story,tell me something say是是“说说”的意思的意思,应用别人的话。应用别人的话。如:如:she saysI say talk有交谈的意思。有交谈的意思。如:如:talk with somebody,talk to somebody3、say,speak,tell 与 talk 的区别再 见!再 见!I want a Chinese pen friendI want a Chinese pen学学习目目标Words:pleased,address,pen pal,pretty,foreign,fantastic,visiting,writeto.Sentences:IcanspeaksomeChinese.IwantapenpalKey point:Study of new words andnewsentencesaboutmakingpenpal.Difficult points:The usage of“can”and“cant”andhowtomakeapenpal.Moraleducation:Knowtheculturesof the meeting other countriespeople,


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