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湘少版四年级英语上册Unit 1 What did you do durin新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件I went to Yueyang Tower.I went to Yueyang Tower.What did I do during the holidays?我在假期做了什么?我在假期做了什么?I went to Jiu Zhai Gou.我去了九寨沟。我去了九寨沟。holiday假日,节日假日,节日What did I do during the hoWhat did you do during the holidays?你的假期做了什么?你的假期做了什么?I read books.我读了书。我读了书。during在在期间期间What did you do during the ho She learnt writing.What did the little girl do?learn学习学习writing写作,书写写作,书写 She learnt writing.WhWhat did the children do?They learnt words and sentences.word单词单词sentence句子句子What did the children do?They What did little boy do?He played games.play games玩游戏玩游戏What did little boy do?HeWhat did the baby do?He practised listening.practise listening练习听力练习听力What did the baby do?He pHe spoke English.What did the boy do?speak说说He spoke English.What did the What did you do during the holidays?I played games.What did you do during the holidays?I.What did you do during the hoWords past form:talk talked study studied listen listened travel travelled read read am/is wasdo didpractice practicedlearn learntgo wentWords past form:practice Unit 2Katie always gets up early.Unit 214I always eat meat;I never eat vegetables.Tiger 14I always eat meat;Tiger15I often eat meat;I sometimes eat vegetables.Boy 15I often eat meat;Boy16I sometimes eat meat;I sometimes eat vegetables.Dog 16I sometimes eat meat;Dog17I never eat meat;I always eat vegetables.Rabbit 17I never eat meat;Rabbitalways:lweiz 总是总是often fn 经常经常sometimes有时候有时候never nev 从不从不always:lweiz 总是often f模糊频度副词general这些词都是表示事情发生频率的副词,也是不准确地说某事在一段时间内发生的次数。always 100%总是,一直often60%经常sometimes40%有时候never零从不,没有模糊频度副词这些词都是表示事情发生频率的副词,也是不准确地说get up(起床)I always get up at 7:00a.m.I always get up at 7:00a.m.get up(起床)I always get up at have breakfast (吃早餐)I often have breakfast at 6:45a.m.have breakfast (吃早餐)I often hwave weiv goodbye挥手告别I sometimes wave I sometimes wave goodbye to my friends.goodbye to my friends.wave weiv goodbye挥手告别I somplay chess(下象棋)I sometimes play I sometimes play chess with my father chess with my father after dinner.after dinner.play chess(下象棋)I sometimes plaget uphave breakfastwave goodbyereturn homedo homeworkplay chessI Iget uphave breakfastwave goodb新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件动词的第三人称单数:动词原形动词原形-动词第三人称单数动词第三人称单数 get-gets wave-waves return-returns play-plays have-has do-does go-goes动词的第三人称单数:动词原形-动词第三人动词三单形式的变化规则有:动词三单形式的变化规则有:1)直接加s:givegives,askasks,taketakes,getgets,writewrites 2)s,x,sh,ch,o结尾的,加es:fixfixes,passpasses,watchwatches,washwashes,go goes 3)以辅音字母+y结尾的,要把y变成i再加es:studystudies,carrycarries,worryworries 4)特殊变化:havehas动词三单形式的变化规则有:waves goodbyeis late for schooldoes her homeworkplays chesstakes a walkreads a newspaperwaves goodbyeis late for schooShe often waves goodbye to her mother.She often waves goodbye to herShe is never late for school.She is never late for school.She often does her homework at 6 oclock.She often does her homework atHe always reads a newspaper in the morning.He always reads a newspaper inShe sometimes plays chess with her father.She sometimes plays chess withShe often takes a walk at 7 oclock.She often takes a walk at 7 o新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件1、B部分单词4遍,背诵B部分词组 例:wave goodbye-waves goodbye2、根据C部分写句子。例:Peter always gets up at 7:00 am.1、B部分单词4遍,背诵B部分词组unit3Ilikemycomputer我喜欢我的电脑unit 3 I like my computer我喜欢我的who is he?who is he?To change the world alive!To change the world alive!IntroductionThree Apples changed the world.The first one seduced Eve.The second one awakened Newton.The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs.三个苹果改变了世界。第一个诱惑了夏娃,第二个砸醒了牛顿,第三个曾在史蒂夫乔布斯的掌握。IntroductionThree Apples changPersonal introductionAmerican former Apple CEO,founder.In 1976,when he was 21-year-old Jobs and 26-year-old Wo Zini Ike formed Apple Computer.美国苹果公司前CEO、创始人。1976年,时年21岁的乔布斯和26岁的沃兹尼艾克成立了苹果电脑公司。Personal introductionAmerican AchievementJobs created the Macintosh computer has led,ipad,iPod,iTunes Store,iPhone and many other well-known digital product.乔布斯先后领导缔造了麦金塔计算机、ipad、iPod、iTunes Store、iPhone等诸多知名数字产品。AchievementJobs created the MaEnd of lifeAugust 24,2011,Jobs resigned from the post of CEO.Local time on October 5,2011,died aged 56.2011年8月24日,乔布斯辞去CEO一职。于当地时间2011年10月5日逝世,终年56岁。End of lifeAugust 24,2011,JoConclusionAt this moment the world lost a genius!这一刻世界失去了一个奇才!ConclusionAt this moment the wwhat can we do on computer?computerwatch a filmemail my friendstalk with friendssend greetingsplay gamesfind out about countriessearch for many thingsgo shopping onlinewhat can we do on computer?comwords search st 查找,寻找find out about 找出;弄清有关的情况;调查关于world wld 世界email imel 电子邮件send send 发送,寄greeting grit 问候words search st 查找,寻email my friends 给我的朋友发邮件email my friends 给我的朋友发邮件send greetings送问候send greetings送问候find out about countries了解各个国家find out about countries了解各个国search for many things搜索许多事物search for many things搜索许多事物Part A Lets listen and sayBefore reading阅读前First.listen and watch,answer the question首先,边听边看,然后回答问题Question:what can Peter do on computer?问题:Peter能用电脑来做什么呢?Part A Lets listen and sayB2014新版湘少六年级英语上册动画视频2014新版湘少六年级英语上册动画视频Unit 3.avi2014新版湘少六年级英语上册动画视频2014新版湘少六年ReciteRecite新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件T or FA:I can read many books on my computer.()B:I can email my friends.()C:I can play games day and night.()D:I can buy a lot of clothes on my computer.()E:I can search for many things on my computer.()PracticeT or FPractice课文讲解Peters father bought him a computer for his birthday.Peter was happy.He could do a lot of things with this computer.译:Peter的父亲为他买了一台电脑作为生日礼物。Peter很高兴。他能用这台电脑做许多事1.bought,买(buy的过去式)could 能,可以(can 的过去式)2.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 为某人买某物,买某物给某人例:buy me a computer=buy a computer for me为我买一台电脑 3.a lot of=lots of=many 许多 例:a lot of books=lots of books=many books 许多书 4.with.用,和.一起write with pen do homework with computergo shopping with friends go to the zoo with brother 课文讲解Peters father bought him Dad,thank you.I like my computer。爸爸,谢谢你,我喜欢我的电脑Its very fast.It will help you a lot.fast 快 它非常快,将帮助你很多。Great!I saw an interesting bird in a book yesterday.Now I can search for a lot of things about it太棒了!我昨天在一本书里看到一种有趣的鸟。现在我能查找一些关于它的资料了。1.saw 看见 (see的过去式)2.search for a lot of things 查找(搜索)很多东西 search for a lot of things about sth 查找(搜索)关于某物的很多信息 Dad,thank you.I like my computGood!You can also find out about countries in the world.好极了!你还能了解世界上的各个国家的信息。Ok!Lets try it now!好的,现在让我们来试试看吧!1.also.也,还2.find out about sth 弄清楚关于某物,了解某物的资料或信息3.in the world 在世界上Good!You can also find out abAfter reading阅读后 read the text and answer the questions1.why does Peter feel happy?Because his father bought him a computer for his birthday2.will the computer help Peter?Yes,it will3.what did Peter see in a book yesterday?an interesting bird4.Can he find out about countries in the world?Yes,he canAfter reading阅读后 read the textread the text and finish the exercisePeters_bought him a computer for his_.Peter_ his computer.It would_Peter a lot.Peter said he saw an_ bird in a book yesterday,so he wanted to_ a lot of things about it.Peters father told Peter that he could_ about countries in the world.fatherbirthdaylikedhelpinterestingsearch forfind outread the text and finish the eUnit 4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.Unit 4 The Mid-Autumn FestiChristmas DayChristmas Daythe Spring Festival the Spring Festival Childrens DayChildrens Daythe Mid-Autumn Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节中秋节the Mid-Autumn FestivalWhen is the Mid-Autumn festival(中秋节中秋节)?It falls on the 15th of the 8th lunar month(阴历八月十五)(阴历八月十五).When is the Mid-Autumn festi What do you think about the Mid-Autumn Festiful?What do you think about a mooncakea mooncakea full moon 满月满月a full moon 满月Look at the moon.Look at the moon.Change 嫦娥嫦娥Change 嫦娥rabbitrabbitThere are many different types of mooncakes.There are many different types lotus seedlotus seed mooncake lotus seedlotus seed mooncakelotus seedlotus seedslotus seedlotus seedsnutsnuts red bean red bean-We usually go shopping and buy.-What do we do before the day?-We usually go shoppingLets go shopping.Lets go shopping.Can I help you?Yes,I want some mooncakes.=Id like some mooncakes.Here you are.Can I help you?mooncakesWhich type do you like?I like the one with lotus seeds.mooncakesWhich type do you lWhich type do you like?(品种品种)I like the one with lotus seeds.Which type do you like?I like egg yolkegg yolkI enjoy eating egg yolk mooncakes.This mooncake tastes good.尝起来I enjoy eating egg yolk moonca lotus-莲,莲花,莲属植物 lotus flower-莲花,荷花 lotus leaf-荷莲叶 lotus nut-莲心,湘莲 lotus root-莲藕 lotus-莲,莲花,莲属植物新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件mooncakes with egg yolk egg yolk mooncakes有有mooncakes with egg yolk egg What do we do on this day?We eat mooncakes drink green tea look at the moon read poemsWhat do we do on this day?What do you enjoy doing?What do you enjoy doing?eating mooncakes.I enjoyeating mooncakes.looking at the moon.(赏月)(赏月)I enjoylooking at the moon.poemreading poems.(读诗)(读诗)I enjoypoemreading poems.drinking tea.(品茶)(品茶)I enjoydrinking tea.going shopping.eating mooncakes.drinking green tea.looking at the moon.reading poems.I enjoy.going shopping.I enjoywant 与与 would like 想要想要我想要一盒月饼我想要一盒月饼.我想要一盒莲蓉月饼我想要一盒莲蓉月饼.我想要一盒红豆月饼我想要一盒红豆月饼.我想要一盒蛋黄月饼我想要一盒蛋黄月饼.我想要一盒五仁月饼我想要一盒五仁月饼.want 与 would like 想要我想要一盒月饼.新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件Lets ReadWhat day was yesterday?It was the Mid-Autumn Festival.Lets ReadWhat day was yester What did his grandfather get?He got a gift.What was in it?There was a big round mooncake.What did his He got P191.His friend gave him a gift.2.After dinner,he opened the box.3.He opened three boxes.4.They ate only one.P19 got a gift =present 得到 一个 礼物 from his friend 从他的朋友 put the box on the table 放 那个盒子 在桌子上 said to us 对 我们 说 open the box 打开那个盒子a smaller box 一个更小的盒子 got a gift =pThere was an even smaller box 有 一个 甚至 更小的 盒子 in that.在 那个里面There was a big round mooncake.有 一个大 圆 月饼There was an even smaller It will be sunny and cool tomorrowUnit 5It will be sunny and cool tomoT:Whats the weather like today?S:Its.sunny and warm.T:Whats the weather like todT:What was the weather like yesterday?S:It was.cloudy and warmT:What was the weather like yIt will be rainy tomorrow.What will the weather be like tomorrow?It will be rainy tomorrow.WhatsunnycloudywindyrainysnowysunnycloudywindyrainysnowyWhat is she doing?weather forecast预报What is she doing?weather forelight rainheavy rain轻柔的,微弱的柔的,微弱的大量的,重的大量的,重的light rainheavy rain轻柔的,微弱的大量的sunny and warmsunny and coolsunny and warmsunny and coollight windstrong windlight windstrong windlight snowheavy snowlight snowheavy snowweather forecast(天气预报)light rain 小雨heavy rain 大雨sunny and warm 晴朗暖和sunny and cool 晴朗凉爽strong wind 强风light snow 小雪weather forecast(天气预报)light raTask one明天长沙将会有小雨。明天长沙将会有小雨。下周星期二丹寨将会有强风。下周星期二丹寨将会有强风。下周星期五岩英将会有小雪下周星期五岩英将会有小雪明天长沙将会下雨天。明天长沙将会下雨天。下周星期二丹寨将会是晴朗和凉爽的天气。下周星期二丹寨将会是晴朗和凉爽的天气。下周星期五兴仁将会是晴朗木暖和的天气。下周星期五兴仁将会是晴朗木暖和的天气。It will beThere will beIt will be rainy tomorrow in Changsha.It will be sunny and cool next Tuesday in Danzhai.It wii be sunny and warm next Friday in Xingren.There will be light rain tomorrow in Changsha.There will be strong wind next Tuesday in Danzhai.There will be light snow next Friday in Yanying.Task one明天长沙将会有小雨。下周星期二丹寨将会有强风It will be+形容词+时间There will be+名词+时间Weather forecast for next weekSundaysunnyMondaysunny and warmTuesdaysunny and coolWednesdaya strong windThursdaylight rainFridayheavy rainSaturdaylight snowIt will be+形容词+时间There will bTask threeHow many cities can you see?-FiveWhat are they?-Bei jing,Xian,Shanghai,Changsha,Sanya.Task threeHow many cities can This is CCTV.Its time for the _.weather forecastThis is CCTV.Its time for theTomorrow _ in Beijing.It will be _.will be clearsunny and coolTomorrow _ in Beijing.There will be _ in Xian.a strong windThere will be _ in XIt will be clear in Shanghai.There will be _.a light windIt will be clear in Shanghai.It _ tomorrow in Changsha.But it _.will rainwont be heavyIt _ tomorrow in ChangsIt will be _ in Sanya.sunny and warmIt will be _ in SanExerciseThere was heavy snow yesterday.Its so _ outside.A.warm B.cool C.coldIt will be _ and warm in Sanya.A.sun B.sunny C.the sun_ will be rain tomorrow,but it wont too heavy.A.It B.There C.TheyCB AExerciseThere was heavy snow yLets ReadCityWeatherWhat will people do?Guangzhou_Beijing _a big storma strong windheavy rainsunny coolnot go to schoolstay at homepark their cars in safe placego to the parkgo to the zoohave funLets ReadCityWeatherWhat willLets WriteTomorrow will be _in Changsha.There will be _in _.It will be _.It will _.sunny and coolstrong windLanzhousunny and warm in Haikoube snowy in HarbinLets WriteTomorrow will be _Itsy Bitsy SpiderItsy Bitsy Spider Unit 6I will bring a bottle of orange juice.Unit 6新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件picnic 野餐野餐picnic 野餐What are we going to bring for the picnic?我们将为野餐带些什么呢?What are we going to bring forpeanutsome peanutspeanutsome peanutscandysome candiescandysome candiessome fruitsome fruitcakesa box of cakesa box of orange juicea bottle oforange juicea bottle ofa can ofCokea few cans of Cokea can ofCokea few cans ofCokechocolatea bar ofa few bars of chocolatechocolatea bar ofa few bars of新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件What will you bring for the picnic?你将为野餐带些什么呢?What will you bring for the piWhat will you bring for your friends birthday?I will bring some.I will bring a.of.I will bring a few.ofWhat will you bring for your fa box of I will bring .a bottle ofa few cans ofa few bars ofa box of I will bring .a bWhat can I do?unit 7What can I do?unit 7singsingcleancleanhelphelphappyhappyteateacakecakeroadroadpeoplepeoplesingclean helphappyteacakeroaWhat can I do?What can I do?an old womanan old manThey are week.They are slow.the old peopleWhat can I do?an old womanan clean their homes/housesWhat can I do?What can I do?I can clean their homes/housesWhat chelp them on the road.What can I do?What can I do?I can help them on the road.What casing to themmake them happyWhat can I do?What can I do?I can sing to themmake them happyWhamake tea for themWhat can I do?What can I do?I can make tea for themWhat can I domake cakes for themWhat can I do?What can I do?I can make cakes for themWhat can I put some eggs、sugar and salt in it.put it into the mold.stir it.put it into the oven.put some eggs、sugar and salt ihelp them to carry thingshelp to do 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事What can I do?What can I do?I can help them to carry thingshelphelp them to get or off the busWhat can I do?What can I do?I can help them to get or off the bthe old peopleclean their homes/housesmake cakes for themmake tea for themsing to themmake them happyhelp them to carry thingsthe old peopleclean their home You do I guess!You do I guess!A:(Look!There are many old people.)What can you do?B:I can clean their homes/housesmake cakes for themmake tea for themsing to themmake them happyhelp them to carry thingsA:(Look!There areclean theirLets chant.I can help the old,I can help the old What can I do?I can clean their homesWhat can I do?I can make tea for them What can I do?I can make cake for them What can I do?I can sing to them What can I do?I can make them happyLets chant.I can help the olthe old peopleclean their homes/housesmake cakes for themmake tea for themsing to themmake them happyhelp them to carry thingsthe old peopleclean their homeclean their homes/housesmake cakes for themmake tea for themsing to themmake coffee for themI can says,says clean their homes/housesmake cHow many things can the children do for the old people?How many things can the childrask to do 请求、要求某人做某事请求、要求某人做某事问自己问自己ask to do 请求、要求某人做某事问自己 We shouldnt waste water.unit 8 We shouldnt waste water.unitThe earthThe earthThe airThe airThe riverThe riverThe waterThe waterThe treesThe trees新版湘少版英语六年级上册全册ppt课件How to save our mother earth?How to save our mother earth?We should We shouldnt always drive cars.We should use bikes instead of cars.We shouldntWe should We shouldnt alwaWe should keep the air clean and fresh.We should keep the air clean aWe should We shouldnt litter.We should keep the rivers clean.We shouldntWe should We shouldnt littWe should We shouldnt cut too many trees.We should plant more trees.We shouldntWe should We shouldnt cut We should We shouldnt waste water.We should save every drop of water.We shouldntWe should We shouldnt wastWe should We shouldnt kill wild animals.We should protect wild animals.We shouldntWe should We shouldnt killChoose should or shouldntuse bikes instead of cars.keep the rivers clean.kill wild animals.keep the air clean and fresh.litter.plant more trees.waste water.We shouldWe shouldWe shouldntWe shouldWe shouldntWe shouldWe shouldntChoose should or shouldntuse Lets see what happened to the girl?Questions:1.What is the girl doing?She is washing her blouse.2.What does her mother say?She says we shouldnt waste water.Lets see what happened to the3.Why shouldnt we waste water?We need water.Everyone needs water.4.Is there enough water on the eath?No,there isnt.5.What should/must we do?We must save every drop of water.3.Why shouldnt we waste wateUnit 9 This bird is bigger than the first one.Unit 9 This bird is bigger tha There are 5 birds.Which bird is blue/red/black/yellow/white?The first bird is The second bird is The third bird is The fourth bird is The fifth bird is red.black.white.yellow.blue.There are 5 birds.The first bone-first(1st)two-second(2nd)three-third(3rd)four-fourth(4th)five-fifth(5th)six-sixth(6th)seven-seventh(7th)eight-eighth(8th)nine-ninth(9th)ten-tenth(10th)基数词基数词-序数序数词词基数词基数词-序数序数词词one-first(1st)six-sixth(The first birdThe second birdThe third birdis _.is_.is the _.bigbiggerbiggestThe first birdThe second birdTThe first bookThe second bookThe third bookis _.is_.is the _.smallsmallersmallestThe first bookThe second bookTThe first boys hair is _.The second boys hair is _.The third boys hair is the _.shortshortershortestThe first boys hair is _long长的长的longer更长的更长的longest最长的最长的longlongerlongesttall 高的高的taller更高的更高的tallest最高的最高的tall tallertallestGroup 1,2,3Group 4,5,6Useful words:man(男人),monkey(猴子),tail(尾巴)Group 1,2,3Group 4,5,6Useful wThe second man is taller.Group 1,2,3Answers:The first man is tall.The third man is the tallest.The second monkeys tail is longer.Group 4,5,6The first monkeys tail is long.The third monkeys tail is the longest.The second man is taller.GroupGame:快速反应快速反应教师快速地出示单词卡片,教师快速地出示单词卡片,学生马上读出上面的单词,学生马上读出上面的单词,要求又快又正确。要求又快又正确。Game:快速反应教师快速地出示单词卡片,学生马上读出上面Game:开火车开火车教师准备好教师准备好5张单词卡片,在黑板上张单词卡片,在黑板上写一个数字写一个数字N再马上擦掉。请第一个再马上擦掉。请第一个学生从单词卡中抽出一张,大声读出学生从单词卡中抽出一张,大声读出单词,第二个同学马上说出相应的比单词,第二个同学马上说出相应的比较级,第三个及后面的学生重复比较较级,第三个及后面的学生重复比较级,直到第级,直到第N个学生站起来说出相应个学生站起来说出相应的最高级。又快又正确的一组获胜。的最高级。又快又正确的一组获胜。Game:开火车教师准备好5张单词卡片,在黑板上构成构成原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级单音单音节和节和少数少数双音双音节单节单词词一般词尾加一般词尾加-er,-esttall,long,old,smalltaller,longer,older,smallertallest,longest,oldest,smallest以字母以字母e结尾的形容词或结尾的形容词或副词副词,直接加直接加-r,-stnice,fine,largenicer,finer,largernicest,finest,largest以重读闭音节结尾的形容以重读闭音节结尾的形容词或副词词或副词,如末尾只有一个如末尾只有一个辅音字母辅音字母,双写该字母双写该字母,再加再加-er,-estbig,hot,red,thinbigger,hotter,redder,thinnerbiggest,hottest,reddest,thinnest以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的结尾的形容词或副词,把形容词或副词,把y变为变为i,再加,再加-er,-estbusy,early,easybusier,earlier,easierbusiest,earliest,easiest构成原级比较级最高级单音节和少数双音节单词一般词尾加-er,1 iser than 21比2更The first pencil is longer than the second one.21than 比比1 iser than 2The first pencil3211 is est.1是最.The first pencil is the longest.3211 is est.The first pencil Part A1.How many clay birds did Peter make?_2.Fill in the blanks.(1)The first bird is _.(2)The second bird is _ than the first one.(3)The third bird is _ the second one.(4)The fourth bird _ the third one.(5)The _ bird is the biggest.fifthbiggerbigger thanis bigger thansmall5Part A1.How many clay birds diGame:物品展览物品展览教师展出一些物品,学生自由选择物品进行介绍,可以使用句型:The first _ is _.The second _ is _ than the first one.The third _ is the _.表达正确的学生可以获得该物品。Game:物品展览教师展出一些物品,学生自由选择物品进行介绍Unit 10 I dont feel well today.Unit 10 I dont feel well tod-Whats wrong with her?她怎么了?她怎么了?-She doesnt feel well.dont feel well感觉不好感觉不好-Whats wrong with her?-Shhave a cough(患了)咳嗽(患了)咳嗽have a cough(患了)咳嗽have a headache(患了)头痛(患了)头痛have a headache(患了)头痛ha


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