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summary?WritingHow to write a What is a summary?A summary is a brief account of the main points of an article in your own words.Question:What should be paid attention to to write a good summary of an article?1.Can we copy the sentences in the original passage?2.Can we write it in the first person?3.Can we express our opinion in the summary?Discussion Summary 1.Focus on main ideas and omit(省去省去)examples,details.(注重大意,省去详细的例子、细节注重大意,省去详细的例子、细节)2.When you use the words and phrases in the original passage,do not include your own opinion,but be sure to use your own words instead of copying them.(引用原文的词句引用原文的词句,不能添加自己的见解,但是要用自己的语言概括)不能添加自己的见解,但是要用自己的语言概括)3.Write it in the third person.(第三人称)(第三人称)4.Control the number of words about 30(25-40).广东高考概括部分评分细则:广东高考概括部分评分细则:1完全糊涂地照抄原文,连人称都不改的,完全糊涂地照抄原文,连人称都不改的,得得0分;分;2机械死板地照抄原文,只改人称的,得机械死板地照抄原文,只改人称的,得1分;分;3稍微灵活地抄原文,改主语,宾语、原稍微灵活地抄原文,改主语,宾语、原文词序的,得文词序的,得2分;分;4创造性地抄创造性地抄-改主语、宾语、原文词序改主语、宾语、原文词序还有句子结构的,最多得还有句子结构的,最多得3分。分。5用自己的词用自己的词/近义词、句子结构,句式变近义词、句子结构,句式变化比较好的得化比较好的得4至至5分。分。具体方法定时态定时态 The passage tells us that定人称:一般用定人称:一般用第三人称第三人称(书信则用第一、(书信则用第一、第二人称)第二人称)定技巧定技巧:重组句重组句 段落概括段落概括 文章概括文章概括重组句1)Use words of similar meanings 同义替换法同义替换法*I didnt catch any fish owing to the fact that I was not patient.*I didnt catch any fish_ I was not patient/impatient.2)Adopt the opposite way when saying a sentence 正话反说法正话反说法You will fail.=You will _.becausenot succeed3)Change the part of speech 词性转换法*Patience is very important.Patience is _.*The writer made a vivid description of the beauty under the sea.The writer _ the beauty under the sea.of great importance vividly described4)Change the structure of a sentence句式句式变化法变化法*语态变换语态变换:Parents should give children more praise.Children should _ more praise.*简单句变复合句简单句变复合句:Children should be encouraged more.This will help them learn faster.Children should be encouraged more,_ will help them learn faster.be givenwhich5)Use the shortest possible transitions 连连词衔接法词衔接法注意使用一些短而精的连词,如注意使用一些短而精的连词,如but,and,so,while,however,then,yet,for,therefore,thus,including,instead of 等。等。We should encourage children.We should not scold them.We should encourage children_ scolding them.instead of串联要素法串联要素法 写作方法写作方法串联要素法串联要素法 记叙文的概要记叙文的概要,一般包括记叙文的六个一般包括记叙文的六个要素要素(who;when;where;what;how;why),也就是考生应先通读阅读短文,找出这六也就是考生应先通读阅读短文,找出这六个要素个要素,然后用自己的话将这六个要素串成然后用自己的话将这六个要素串成一两句话即可。一两句话即可。当然当然,不一定每篇记叙文都包含这六个要不一定每篇记叙文都包含这六个要素素,但但“某人做了某事某人做了某事,结果如何结果如何”是应当包是应当包括的。因此括的。因此,要写好概要要写好概要,须找到以下两个问须找到以下两个问题的答案:题的答案:(1)谁做了什么?谁做了什么?(who did what)(2)结果如何?结果如何?(what was the result)如果是如果是夹叙夹议夹叙夹议的文章的文章,还要加上这个还要加上这个故事给人们的故事给人们的启示或教育启示或教育。narration the six elements of a narrative passage whowhenwhere What(event)How(process)why Hi,I am Mike.I just went through my first year of college.The toughest part on me at first was the general adjustment.I went to a very small high school where my mom was a teacher and she did practically everything for me.But at the college I need to know some basic life skills,such as balancing a check-book,laundry,and the things you have to be able to handle that I never thought of in the high school!It was really tough for me at first and I got badly homesick.Once that first semester was over and I got used to the college life,I love itgood facilities,helpful instructors,and a good library.The students Union organizes various parties every week.I also go to cinemas and concerts,and often spend Saturday nights in pubs and clubs.One thing I think is important is to get yourself active in things.I was on dance team in college and met a ton of people that wayit was so much easier to make friends when you had a common ground.the six elements of a narrative passage who When/where/What How(process)At first:Then:At last:why MikeHis first year of collegetoughestadjustmentgot used to itlove the college lifeGet himself active in things _his first year of college life.At first he _,but aftergetting active in things for one semester,he _ and_.didnt adjust himself welladapted to itenjoyed himselfTry it!记叙文的摘要开头语:The writer/author.The story mainly tells us that.议论文通常包括论点、论据和结论议论文通常包括论点、论据和结论,因因此写议论文的概要主要是找出主题句此写议论文的概要主要是找出主题句(the topic sentences)、支撑句、支撑句(supporting sentences)和结论句和结论句(conclusion sentences)。其中最主要的是找准主题句。其中最主要的是找准主题句。概要模板:概要模板:论点论点+论据论据(+结论结论)When we meet with difficulties in life,we notice that some of us choose to bury heads in the sand.Unfortunately,however,this attitude will do you no good,because if you have no courage to face them,how can you conquer them?Thus,be optimistic;as it can give you confidence and help you see yourself through the hard times.Keeping optimistic,you will be able to realize,in spite of some hardship,theres always hope waiting for you,which will lead you to the ultimate success.Thomas Edison is optimistic;if not,the light of hope in his heart could not give light to the whole world.Alfred Nobel is optimistic;if not,the explosives and the Nobel Prize would not have come into being.A rose may be beautiful,or may be not.That depends on your attitude only.So does success,and so does life.Difficulties do exist,but if you are optimistic,then they are only episodes(插曲插曲)on your long way to success;there are more bridges than obstacles!The great British poet Shelleys lines say,“If winter comes,can spring be far behind?By showing two examples of successful scientists,the author suggests that when meeting difficulties,we should be optimistic because only in this way can we overcome them and succeed in the end.我们根据说明文的不同类型我们根据说明文的不同类型,分别给出分别给出三种参考模板:三种参考模板:1.描写某事物的性质功用。即描写某事物的性质功用。即“对象对象+性性质功用质功用+利好利好”:(In the passage)the writer introduces.(对象对象)to us,especially its.(性质或功用性质或功用),from which we know.(对象带来的利好对象带来的利好).2.针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。即即“问题问题+解决方法解决方法”:The passage tells us.(问题问题),and the solutions including.(方法方法1),.(方法方法2)and.(方法方法3).Eye care is an important factor in all of our lives.Without eyes,we seem to be able to do nothing.But,what can we do to take care of eyes?Firstly,we should eat healthy foods.Secondly,dont sit before a computer screen or TV for too long time and take regular rest at intervals so as to relax the eye muscles.Thirdly,having enough sleep is the best rest for eyes.Besides those notices,you should be aware of some threats to eyes in daily lives.Excessive exposure to bright sunlight is harmful to eyes,therefore,when going out,especially in summer time,put on a pair of qualified sunglasses.Stay away from smoking.Some ingredients in cigarettes are carcinogenesis(致癌的致癌的).Last but not least,take regular medical examines to check out the potential eye disease and prevent its deterioration(退化退化).Eyes are the most important sense organs and one should use proper eye care products to avoid further irritations(刺激刺激)and ensure longevity解题过程解题过程 本文在指出本文在指出眼睛重要眼睛重要后后,紧接着提出问题紧接着提出问题“为为保护眼睛保护眼睛,我们可以我们可以做些什么做些什么呢呢”,然后然后分点分点说明说明应该做些什么。因此应该做些什么。因此,我们可以套用我们可以套用“问题问题+解决解决方法方法”模式:模式:Our eyes are important for us,so the author tells us how to take care of our eyes,including eating healthy food,giving them enough time to rest,knowing some threats,and taking frequent eye examinations.3.介绍某现象及其原因和结果。即介绍某现象及其原因和结果。即“现象现象+原因原因+结果结果”:(The passage talks about).(现象现象),because/but.(原因原因/本质本质1),and.(原因原因/本质本质2).在高考读写任务中在高考读写任务中,多为说明某种社会多为说明某种社会现象的说明文。现象的说明文。夹叙夹议记叙文和哲理性的小品文,夹叙夹议记叙文和哲理性的小品文,先按照单纯记叙文的概括方法,先按照单纯记叙文的概括方法,后加上作者的看法或观点以及从中后加上作者的看法或观点以及从中得出的哲理。得出的哲理。Conclusion:记叙文:记叙文:议论文:议论文:说明文:说明文:夹叙夹议:夹叙夹议:who,what,result论点论点+论据论据关键词关键词+中心句中心句内容内容+观点观点Tips:读写任务的写作内容一般分为两个部分,即写作内容读写任务的写作内容一般分为两个部分,即写作内容1为概括短文要点,还有写作内容为概括短文要点,还有写作内容2 则是就某个主题发则是就某个主题发表看法。然而,绝大部分的考生会忽略了写作内容表看法。然而,绝大部分的考生会忽略了写作内容2对对写作内容写作内容1的导航作用,而一头扎进了阅读材料直接去的导航作用,而一头扎进了阅读材料直接去阅读文章得出要点。事实上,阅读文章得出要点。事实上,所谓所谓“读写任务读写任务”其实其实是是“读读”和和“写写”的有机结合,的有机结合,“读读”的材料是为了的材料是为了后面的后面的“写写”提供情景,同样,提供情景,同样,“写写”也是对也是对“读读”的材料的思考和延伸。故希望大家在概括文章时,可的材料的思考和延伸。故希望大家在概括文章时,可考虑命题人提供的写作内容考虑命题人提供的写作内容2的导航作用,因为它能够的导航作用,因为它能够帮助大家更快地提高捕捉文章要点的速度与准确性。帮助大家更快地提高捕捉文章要点的速度与准确性。HowtowritesummaryHowtowritesummary1.打好打好词汇语法基础词汇语法基础2.阅读阅读注意概括要点注意概括要点3.关注社会关注社会现象现象和社会和社会热点热点,学会用英语表学会用英语表达想法达想法4.每天每天一篇一篇作文训练作文训练(25分钟分钟)5.积累积累“万能万能”句型句型,写作常用到的正确句写作常用到的正确句型型.6.建立词句建立词句“错题集错题集”7.保证卷面保证卷面整洁美观整洁美观备考策略备考策略:Practice makes perfect!Finish the exercises on the paper.


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