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Unit 13 The USAI.Get the key sentences1.In 1626 the island of Manhattan was bought from local Indians,Native Americans,for a handful of goods worth about$24.曼哈顿岛是于1626年从当地的印地安人即美洲土著人手中买来的,只花了价值约为24美元的为数不多的钱。2020年10月2日12.After the War of Independence ended,New York became the capital of the USA for a short time(1780-1790).独立战争结束后,在华盛顿成为首都之前,纽约市曾是美国的首都,不过时间很短。2020年10月2日23.By 1820 the population of New York had grown to about 125,000,making it the largest city in the USA.到1820年,纽约的人口增长到约12万5千人,使它成为当时美国最大的城市。2020年10月2日34.In 1858 an area of poor housing,factories and farm buildings was torn down and Central Park was created,reaching from 59th Street to 110th Street and cross three avenues.1858年拆除了一大片破旧的房子,工厂和农舍,建起了中央公园,这个公园从59号街延伸到110号街,跨越三条大马路。2020年10月2日45.In 1892 the age of mass arrivals began,during which 15 million new people passed through Ellis Island into the USA over a period of 62 years.1892年开始了一个国外移民大量涌入的年代,在随后的62年中,有1500万新来的人通过埃利斯岛进入美国。2020年10月2日56.People who wanted to enter the USA had to go through a number of mental and physical tests and about 2 million people were turned away.想要进美国的人都必须经过多次的智力测验和体格检查,大约有200万人不准入境。2020年10月2日6 7.A 55-storey building went up in 1913,and in 1931 the Empire State Building was completed,then the tallest building in the world.1913年一座55层高的大楼拔地而起。1931年帝国大厦落成,这在当时是世界上最高的大厦。2020年10月2日78.It is thought that they arrived more than 30,000 years ago by crossing a land bridge from Asia to America.他们被认为是在3万多年以前从亚洲跨过一座陆桥来到美洲的。9.The bison grows to a shoulder-height of 1.5 meters and can weigh 1,100 kilograms.牛可以长到肩高1.5米,重达1100公斤。2020年10月2日810.From 1830 onwards in the USA and from about 1870 in Canada,settlers began to move westwards and to take possesion of the plains as their own.美国自1830年起,加拿大从大约1870年起,殖民者开始向西迁移,并把平原椐为己有。2020年10月2日911.In this way Native Americans were forced onto poor land that the settlers did not want.就这样,美洲土著人被赶到殖民者所不要的 土地上去了。2020年10月2日1012.It was also thought that by removing their main supply of food,the Native Americans would be forced to give in.当时还有人认为,断掉了主要的粮食来源,土著人就会被迫屈服。2020年10月2日11 13.Between 1850 and 1910 the bison population is thought to have fallen from 60 million to just a few hundred.人们认为,在1850年到1910年之间,野牛的头数从6千头下降到只有几百头。2020年10月2日1214.Thus one simple fact,a change in the number of bison,had an effect on the whole wildlife chain on the plains.因此,这样一个简单的事实-野牛数目的变化-对平原的整个野生生物链都产生了影响。2020年10月2日13II.Reading comprehension The United States covers a large part of the North American continent.Its neighbours are Canada to the north,and Mexico to the south.Although the United States is a big country,it is not the largest in the world.In 1978,its population was 200,000,000.2020年10月2日14 Washington D.C.is the nations capital.Its population is about 750,000,but several other cities have a larger population than that.New York,Chicago,Los Angeles and Philadelphia are all larger than the capital.Washington D.C.is only the ninth largest city in th country,but it is one of the most beautiful cities.2020年10月2日15 When the land first became a nation after winning its independence from England,it had thirteen states.All those states were in the eastern part of the continent.As the nation grew toward the west,new states appeared.For a long time,there were 48 states.In 1959,however,Alaska and Hawaii became the forty-ninth and fiftieth states.Among the fifty states,Alaska is the biggest.Texas is smaller than Alaska.2020年10月2日16III.Grammar The subject 主语主语1.名词作主语1)Camels are usually regarded as boats in the desert.2)Pollution has become a worldwide problem.3)Coffee cup was broken by him.2020年10月2日172。非谓语动词作主语1)Finding somewhere to live in New York is a big problem.2)Riding a bicycle is fun.3)To choose time is to save time.4)It is difficult to drive in the mountains.2020年10月2日183.主语从句1)That he was fond of music was clear.2)Whether he will go to the energy conference remains a question.3)Who fetched the cheque from th bank was unknown4)Why she bought so many hats is a puzzle.2020年10月2日195)What he said must be true.6)When and where we will have the meeting havent been decided.7)What the workers insisted on was that they be given more pay.8)Where he got it is unknown to us all.9)How many people died from hunger will never be known.2020年10月2日204.同位语 从句作主语1)The fact that he succeede in the experiment pleased us.2)The reason why he sold the car was that it was too small.3)The idea that in the future the computer will be able to think like humans is hard to believe.2020年10月2日21 Unit 14 RootsI.Get the key sentences1.Born a free man,he was now in chains.他生来是个自由人 如今却戴上了镣铐。2020年10月2日222.Heavy iron chains around his feet and hands were fixed to metal bar that ran round the hall about ten centimeters off the ground.手上脚上沉重的铁链被拴在大堂四周离地面只有10厘米的地方。2020年10月2日233.Kunta knew it was the middle of the night,for through the small opening high in the wall he could see stars.孔塔知道已经是半夜了,因为通过墙的上方开着的小孔,他看见了星星。4.He reasoned with them,and tried to persuade them to set him free.他跟这些人讲道理,试图说服他们把他放了。2020年10月2日245.Kunta had been seized in the forest and then hit on the head with a hard object.孔塔在森林里被抓住后,他的头被一个硬东西击了一下。6.The men took him in their boat to the castle on the coast where he was held prisoner.这些人用船把他送到岸上的城堡里,将他囚禁在那里。2020年10月2日257.What was to become of them all,he wondered.他们这些人会怎么样他呢?他感到纳闷。8 Worse was to come.更糟的事就要发生了。2020年10月2日269.One day about 140 black people were taken and put on a tall sailing ship waiting off the coast.一天,大约140名黑人被带上了一艘停靠在海岸边的帆船上。10.Once on the boat,they were taken below and their chains were fixed to two bars that run the length of the ship.他们一上船就被带入底舱,镣铐被拴在两根从船的一头到另一头的铁杆上。2020年10月2日2711.They had rough weather,and Kuntas back bled from rolling over on the hard wooden boards.天气恶劣,而且孔塔的背部由于在硬板上滚动而流血了。12.Once in a while sailors came down,Kunta thought,to carry sick men upstairs for treatment.偶尔水手下来,孔塔猜想是把病人抬到船上去治疗。2020年10月2日2813.About a third of the people who had been chained up below at the beginning of the journey were missing.旅行开始时拴在下边的人大约有三分之一已经不见了。14.His newspaper provides him with some money in order that he might travel to Gambia for his research.报社给他提供了一些资金以便他可以去冈比亚搞研究。2020年10月2日2915.A few people in each group are given the task of remembering the groups family history that goes back over centuries.每一个家族都有几个人担任追忆延续了几个世纪的家史任务。2020年10月2日30II.Reading Comprehension Some of the notebooks of George Washington as a young man are still in existence.They show that he was learning Latin,was very interested in their basic of good behaviors in society,and was reading English literatures.At school he seemed only to have been interested in mathematics.In fact his formal education was surprisingly brief for a gentleman,2020年10月2日31and incomplete.For unlike other young Virginian gentlemen of that day,he didnt go to college of William and Mary in the Virginian Capital of Williamsburg.In terms of(在方面)formal training then,Washington contrast sharply with some other early American Presidents such as John Adams,Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.2020年10月2日32In later years,Washington probably regretted for his lack of intellectual training.He never felt comfortable in the debate in Congress or on any subject that had not to do with everyday,practical matters.And because he 2020年10月2日33never learned French and could not speak directly to the French leaders he did not visit the country he admired so much.Thus,unlike Jefferson and Adams,he never reached Europe.2020年10月2日34III.Grammar The use of“it”1.it 指代人和物指代人和物1)Id like Chinese tea with nothing in it.2)-Who is making so much noise?-It must be the children.3)A newspaper should give current news as it happens.2020年10月2日352.It 指天气,时间,距离和状态指天气,时间,距离和状态1)It never rains but it pours.2)It is nearly ten days since I was in Paris.3)It is about one mile from home to school.4)It is always noisy there.2020年10月2日363.It 作形式主语作形式主语1)It costs so much to rent the flat.2)It is easy for the computer to make the connection between two places.3)It takes skills to run the machine.4)It is wise to have some money put away for the old age.(NMET)2020年10月2日374.it 作形式宾语作形式宾语1)People with warm hearts found it a pleasure to help others.2)I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.3)I consider it true thathe is honest.4)You should make it rule to brush your teeth before going to bed.2020年10月2日385)I feel it a great honor to be here with you.6)The film is not so good.I had expect it to be much better.7)I owe it to you there wasnt a serious accident.8)I think it important that we should keep calm.2020年10月2日395.It 在强调句中作强调词在强调句中作强调词1)It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.(NMET)2)It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcast began.(NMET)3)It was only when I reread his peoms recently that I began to appreciate their beauty.(NMET)2020年10月2日406.It 的习惯表达的习惯表达1)It is very kind of you to help with my physics.感谢你帮助我学习物理。2)It is all up.一切都完了。2020年10月2日413)Its time we went to school.我们该上学去了。4)Its up to you.这得你自己定。5)It doesnt matter.不要紧。2020年10月2日427.it that 引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句1)He hid it that he was in battle during the war.他隐瞒了曾经参加过战争的历史。2)She took it that I was fond of football.她以为我对足球感兴趣。2020年10月2日433)You may depend on it that we support you.你可以相信我们是支持你的。4)He saw it that his son spent much time on computer.他注意到儿子把太多的时间花在电脑上。2020年10月2日448.It 指代由指代由when 或或if从句包含的内容从句包含的内容1)I like it when she smile at me.我喜欢她向我微笑。2)Id appreciate it if you could tell me more.如果你能再讲些我将十分感激。2020年10月2日45Unit 15 Study SkillsI.Get the key sentences1.On the subject of reading,Francis Bacon,who lived at about the same time as Shakespeare,wrote these words“some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.”2020年10月2日461 关于阅读这个题目,与莎士比亚同时代的佛朗西斯 培根曾经写过这样的话:“有些书是应该尝尝滋味的,有些书是 应该吞下去的,有少数书是应该咀嚼和消化的。”2020年10月2日472.It is enough to dip into and read bits here and there.这种书只需要浏览一下,这儿读一点,那儿读一点,也就够了。3.Imagine that you have found a good story,and,what is even more important,the time to enjoy it.设想一下,你找到一本好故事书,而且更重要的是,你有时间来欣赏它。2020年10月2日484.Reviewers sometimes describe books as“hard-to-put-down,”or“hard-to-pick-up-again.”书评家们有时把一些书说成是“难以释手”的书,或者是“难以再读”的书。2020年10月2日495.If it is a book on a subject that you are interested in,you will want to“chew and digest it“.如果有一本书谈论的话题你很感兴趣,你就要“咀嚼,消化”它。6.Next,if it is not a story,get an idea of the organization of the book.其次,如果不是故事书,你就要对书的篇章结构有所了解。2020年10月2日507.Second,do not stop every time you come to a word or phrase you do not know.其次,不要一遇到不认识的单词或短语就停下来。2020年10月2日518.Quite often you will find the unknown word appears again,perhaps several times,and by the end of the chapter you will have guessed its meaning.你常常会发现,不认识的词会再次出现,也许会多次出现,而你在读到这一章的最后时,你可能已经猜出它的意思了。2020年10月2日529.Are there any hobbies or sports you particularly like?If so,look out for books,articles or magazines about them.你有什么特别的嗜好或体育运动吗?如果有,你就该找一些有关的书籍,文章或杂志来看。2020年10月2日5310.One refers to the type of listening practice which we do when learning a foreign language.一个意思是指我们学习外国语时所作的那种听力练习。11.The more we practice,the better we get at listening to speech in foreign language.练习的越多,就越能更好地理解所听到的外语谈话。2020年10月2日5412.In other words I should not watch TV,or look over your shoulder at other people while we are talking together.换句话说,当我们在一起谈话时,我不应该看电视,也不应该越过你的肩膀瞅别人。2020年10月2日5513.So when you listen to someone,you should listen with complete attention,and with complete respect for the other person.因此,当你听某人说话时,要专心听,对别人要十分尊重。2020年10月2日5614.Often,all we need is a good friend who will listen to us while we“talk things through”.我们常常需要的是一个好朋友,他在我们“讨论问题”的时候能够注意听我们说话。2020年10月2日57II.Reading comprehension Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the learned in the early days of the history,while during the fifteenth century the term“reading”undoubtedly meant reading aloud.Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become popular.2020年10月2日58One should be careful,however,of supposing that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is distraction(分散注意力)to others.Examination of reasons connected with the historical development of silent reading shows that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.2020年10月2日59The last century saw a gradual increase in literacy(读写能力)and thus in the number of readers.As readers increased,so the number of listeners dropped,and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud.As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common,so came the popularity of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries,trains and offices,where reading aloud would disturb other readers in a way.2020年10月2日60Towards the end of the century there was still heated argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully,and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening.2020年10月2日61Indeed this argument remains with us still in education.However,whatever its advantages,the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media(媒介)on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other.2020年10月2日62By the end of the century students were being advised to have some new ideas of books and to use skills in reading them which were not proper,if not impossible,for the oral reader.The social,cultural,and technological developments in the century had greatly changed what the term“reading”referred to.2020年10月2日63III.Grammar1.The predicate 谓语谓语1)He arrived here a week ago.2)Ill be back in five minutes.3)He has been here for a week.4)I cannot get him to confess.(供认)5)Let them air their views.(发表)2020年10月2日642.Modal verb 情态动词情态动词1)Who can it be?2)She cant be in the office.3)Could you tell me your name?4)What could he mean,I wonder?5)You could not have missed the train if you had started earlier.2020年10月2日657)-Is John coming by train?-He should,but he may not.He likes driving his car.(02NMET)8)If she should need this instrument,she may use it.9)They may have tried every means.10)Might I sit here?2020年10月2日6611)He must be in the computer room.12)There must be a mistake.13)The boy must have been in the lab yesterday afternoon.14)I have to go now or Ill miss the train.15)We mustnt stay here any longer.2020年10月2日6716)Need he be told about it?17)I neednt tell him,need I?18)The car runs very well,you neednt buy a new one.18)The question needs to be discussed.19)You neednt have watered the flowers,for its going to rain.2020年10月2日6820)How dare you open the letter?21)I wonder whether he dare try.22)I dare say hell come later.23)You ought to go and see your mother.24)I told Sally how to get here,but perhaps I should have written it out for her.2020年10月2日693.Tense 时时态态1)Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task beause technology is changing so rapidly.(NMNET)2)Shirly was writing a book about China last year,but I dont know whether she has finished it.(NMET)3)I wonder why Jenny hasnt written us recently.We should have heard from her by now.(NMET)2020年10月2日704)(02NMET)-You havent said a word about my new coat,Brenda.Do you like it?-Im sorry I didnt say anything about it sooner.I certainly think its pretty on you.5)-How are you today?-Oh,I havent felt as ill as I do now for a long time.(NMET)2020年10月2日71(NMET)6)I m not employed here.I m just helping out until a new secretary arrives.7)-Hey,look where you are going!-Oh,Im terribly sorry,I wasnt noticing.8)-Hi,Tracy,you look tired.-I am tired.I haven been painting the living room all day.2020年10月2日72Unit 16 Social and personalI.Get the key sentences1.They got on so well that Fred decided not to go to the lecture but to show the tourist around the university instead.他们相处得很好,所以佛雷德决定不去上课了,而领着这位游客参观着所大学。2020年10月2日732.They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit intereting and lively.他们一起度过了一个充实而又非常愉快的上午,佛雷德从中发现自己具有导游的才能,能使参观变得活泼,饶有风趣。2020年10月2日743.He passed his exams,and even better,when he left university he had earned enough money to start his own business,offering guide service to tourists.他通过了考试,而比这更好的是,毕业时,他已经赚了一笔钱,足够开始经营自己的导游服务行业了。2020年10月2日754.It is a good idea to statrt a part-time job so long as it does not affect your studies.只要不影响学业,干点零活是个好主意。5.We should learn the value of money and learn how many hours work has to be done before we can buy something.我们应该了解金钱的价值,需要劳动多少个小时才能买回某件东西。2020年10月2日766.You will find that people will help you if you are ready to help them.你会发现如果你帮助了别人,别人也会帮助你。7.They value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn.他们器重那种生活活跃而又渴望学习的人。2020年10月2日778.Its a part-time job,so I only work evenings.这是一件零工,我只在晚上做。9.Or possibly I should have gone to the manager and told him who was stealing meat.也许我早就该去找经理,告诉他是谁在偷肉。2020年10月2日7810.I think Im in difficult position.我觉得我的处境很困难。11.I think there is a possible problem if you tell the manager about the thief.我想假如你把小偷的事情告诉经理,可能会出问题。2020年10月2日7912.After all,you have nothing to lose if you are honest and a good worker.如果你诚实,是个好工人,你终归不会有所失的。13.In my personal opinion,you should have done this as soo as you found out he was stealing.依照我个人的意见,你一发现他偷东西就该向经理报告。2020年10月2日8014.There is no doubt about the correct thing to do.正确的事情该做,不要有什么疑虑。2020年10月2日81II.Reading comprehension After more discussion,Paul and John come to an agreement.Paul knows that the deal will fall through if he doesnt get his act together quickly with the Chinese building suppliers.He tells John that if Johns company keeps away from the South Korean market for the time being,hell get things worked out in about three weeks by lending the2020年10月2日82Chinese company some of the money,without charging the usual interest,for materials and labor costs to get them started on building the hotels almost immediately.John thinks that is a good idea but hes a hard businessman and drives a hard bargain.he wants two guarantees(保证)that the deal wont fall through at the last minute.2020年10月2日83The first is that,if Paul cant come up with his side of the contract(合同),then Pauls company will have to pay 400,000 pounds,but with an agreement to discuss the project again in six month time.Paul knows that his bosses wont want to part with that sort of money and agrees.However,the second guarantee is that,even if Pauls company does start2020年10月2日84up on time but falls behind schedule(进度表),it will cost his company 200,000 pounds for every month lost.Paul thinks that is very hard and over the top,and he will have to look into it.But John says that is his“bottom line”,meaning that is the only deal he is going to make and Pauls company can either take it or leave it-either they give both guarantees or the deal falls through now.the business world can be a tough one.2020年10月2日85III.Grammar The passive voice 被动语态1.I need one more stamp before my collection is completed.(NMET)2.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it were broken.3.In some parts of the world,tea is served with milk and sugar.(NMET)2020年10月2日864.It can be used in the organic food.5.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old people,but it remains to be seen whether they will enjoy it.(NMET)6.The water is being turned into vapour.7.Those problems have been discussed several times.8.Thes babies are taken good care of.2020年10月2日87Unit 17 My teacherI.Get the key sntences1.Here was a seven-year-old girl who at theage of 19 months had become deaf and blind.有这么个七岁小姑娘,在19个月大的时候就成了又聋又瞎的人。2020年10月2日882.A born teacher,she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.她生来就是当老师的,她认为她可以把一个又聋又瞎的人变成一个有用的人。3.What a difficult case I must have been to this young teacher!对这位年轻老师来说,我一定是一个多么难教的学生啊!2020年10月2日894.She also brought me into touch with everything that could be felt-soil,wood,silk.她还让我触摸一切可以感知的东西-土壤,木头,丝绸。5.As I look back upon those years,I am struck by Annies wisdom.当我回顾过去那些岁月时,安妮的智慧使我惊叹不已。2020年10月2日906.This is a kind of printing that blind people can read by touching group


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