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闽教版三年级起点小学六年级英语上册全套PPT课件1精品PPT闽教版三年级起点小学六年级英语上册全套PPT课件1精品PPTUnit 1 The Olympic GamesPart A2精品PPTUnit 1 The Olympic GamesPart The London Olympic Games3精品PPTThe London Olympic Games3精品PPTOlympic Games意:奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会)音:lmpk emz4精品PPTOlympic Games意:奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会)音 game意:游戏;比赛音:em5精品PPT game意:游戏;比赛音:em5精品PPTThe Olympic Flag6精品PPTThe Olympic Flag6精品PPTring意:环;戒指;铃声音:r 7精品PPTring意:环;戒指;铃声音:r 7精品PPTWhat do you know about Olympic Games?8精品PPTWhat do you know about OlympicQuestionsHow often(多久)does the Olympic Games take place?A:They take place every four years.How many kinds(种类)of Olympic Games are there?A:There are Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.What can you see at Summer/Winter Olympics?A:We can see swimming and boating at Summer Olympics./We can see skating at Winter Olympics.Whats on the Olympic Flag?There are five rings on the Olympic Flag.9精品PPTQuestionsHow often(多久)does th句型:What do you know about?意:关于你知道什么?例句:1、What do you know about your country?对于你的国家你都知道哪些?例句:2、What do you know about your family?对于你的家人你都知道哪些?填空:What do you know about your school?对于_你都知道哪些?10精品PPT句型:What do you know about?意Unit 1 The Olympic Games Part B11精品PPTUnit 1 The Olympic Games Part the Olympic Games 奥运会奥运会the Olympic Flag 奥运会会旗奥运会会旗Summer Olympics 夏季奥运会夏季奥运会Winter Olympics 冬季奥运会冬季奥运会take place 发生,举行发生,举行every four years 每四年每四年watch the Olympic Games on TV 在电视上看奥运会在电视上看奥运会ring环game游戏,比赛answer 回答flag旗What color什么颜色They are 他们(它们)是There are有12精品PPTthe Olympic Gamesthe Olympic FWhat do you know about the Olympic Games?There are _ _ on the Olympic Flag.They are blue,_,_,_ and green.They take place _ _ _.There are Summer Olympics and _.We can see _at Summer Olympics.We can see _at Winter Olympics.five ringsblack red yellowevery four yearsWinter Olympicsswimmingskating13精品PPTWhat do you know about the Oly奥林匹克运奥林匹克运动会(会(Olympic Games),),简称奥称奥运会或奥运,是国运会或奥运,是国际奥林匹克奥林匹克委委员会会主主办的包的包含多种体育运含多种体育运动项目的国目的国际性运性运动会,每四年会,每四年举行一次。奥林匹克运行一次。奥林匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊会最早起源于古希腊(公元前公元前776年年),因),因举办地在奥林匹地在奥林匹亚而得名。而得名。1896年年4月月6日至日至4月月15日,希腊雅典日,希腊雅典举办了第了第一届一届现代奥运会。从代奥运会。从1896年开始奥林匹克运年开始奥林匹克运动会每四年会每四年举办一次(曾在两次一次(曾在两次世界大世界大战中中断中中断过三次,分三次,分别是在公元是在公元1916、1940和和1944年),年),会期不超会期不超过16天。由于天。由于1924年开始年开始设立了立了冬季冬季奥林匹克运奥林匹克运动会会,因此奥林匹克运,因此奥林匹克运动会会习惯上上又称又称为“夏季奥林匹克运夏季奥林匹克运动会会”。14精品PPT奥林匹克运动会(Olympic Games),简称奥运会或奥奥运五色环标志象征着五大洲团结。其中,蓝色代表欧洲;黄色代表亚洲;黑色代表非洲;绿色代表大洋洲;红色代表美洲。欧洲亚洲非洲大洋洲美洲15精品PPT奥运五色环标志象征着五大洲团结。其中,蓝色代表欧洲;黄色代表China held the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.hold举行举行held16精品PPTChina held the 29th Olympic GaThe Games began on August 8,2008.begin开始began17精品PPTThe Games began on August 8,2Do you know the slogan?口号口号one world,one dream.世界世界梦想梦想faster,higher,stronger更快,更高,更强同一个同一个 fast high strong强壮的,强大的强壮的,强大的18精品PPTDo you know the slogan?口号one wCan you sing the song You and Me?我和你我和你 心连心心连心 同住地球村同住地球村为梦想为梦想 千里行千里行 相会在北京相会在北京来吧来吧 朋友朋友 伸出你的手伸出你的手我和你我和你 心连心心连心 永远一家人永远一家人you and me from one world we are family travel dream a thousand miles meeting in Beijingcome together put your hand in mineyou and me from one world we are family19精品PPTCan you sing the song You and alwaysoftensometimes20精品PPTalwaysoftensometimes20精品PPTUnit 2 Physical ExercisesPart A21精品PPTUnit 2 Physical ExercisesPar22精品PPT22精品PPTGame:guess Ask“Do you often?”Answer“Yes,I do.”“No,I dont.”23精品PPTGame:guess 23精品PPT24精品PPTPeterFatherSally24精品PPT25精品PPT25精品PPTalways总是总是thenoftensometimes26精品PPTalways总是thenoftensometimes26精品I always _I often _.I sometimes _.go to the parkgo to school by bus.listen to music27精品PPTI always _I ofG1-2 G3-4 alwaysalwaysexercisealwaysoftenoftensometimesoftensometimessometimesalwayssometimesexercisealwaysalways28精品PPTG1-2 G3-4 alwaysalwaysexercisebetween在(二者)中间healthy健康的29精品PPTbetweenNew Words在(二者)中间health30精品PPTbehindbetweenbeside30精品PPTtwo womenwomanthree women five women31精品PPTtwo womenwomanthree women fiveReviewhealthywomenexercisebetweenoftenalwayssometimes32精品PPTReviewhealthywomenexercisebetwReviewhealthywomenexercisebetweenoftenalwayssometimes_33精品PPTReviewhealthywomenexercisebetwReviewhealthywomenexercisebetweenoftenalwayssometimes_34精品PPTReviewhealthywomenexercisebetwReviewhealthywomenexercisebetweenoftenalwayssometimes35精品PPTReviewhealthywomenexercisebetwReviewhealthywomenexercisebetweenoftenalwayssometimes36精品PPTReviewhealthywomenexercisebetwReviewhealthywomanexercisebetweenoftenalwayssometimes_women37精品PPTReviewhealthywomanexercisebetw3.Miss Yang always go to school.1.Women often go shopping.2.Exercise and you will be healthy.4.Boys in your classroom always play computer games.5.Girls sometimes like singing.38精品PPT3.Miss Yang always go to schoGame:True or False Group 1-2 Group3-4 39精品PPTGame:True or False Groualwaysoftensometimeson Sunday moriningin the eveningclimb the mountainon Saturday afternoonwalk in the parkplay badminton40精品PPTalwaysoftensometimeson Sunday Unit 2 Physical ExercisePart B41精品PPTUnit 2 Physical ExercisePart B42精品PPT42精品PPT43精品PPT43精品PPTWhen do they have sports?Where do they have sports?What is Wang Tao doing?Every Thursday afternoon.In the playground.He is passing to ball to Peter.44精品PPTWhen do they have sports?Everypasscatchpupilcheertheirteam传递接住(小)学生欢呼他们的队45精品PPTpassNew Wordscatchpupilcheerth46精品PPTlook and say46精品PPTReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrycatch_47精品PPTReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrycatch_48精品PPTReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrycatch_49精品PPTReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrycatch_50精品PPTReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrycatch_ father51精品PPTReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrycatch_52精品PPTReviewteamtheirballcheerpasscrUnit 3Food and HealthPart A 53精品PPTUnit 3Food and HealthPart 科学家将食物分为五大类,每天我们都需要摄取一定比例的每类食物以及适当的运动,才能使身体保持健康。54精品PPT科学家将食物分为五大类,每天我们都需要摄取一定比例的每类食物 Lets talk about some food.talk about 谈论谈论55精品PPT Lets talk about some f一一 日日 三三 餐餐 吃早餐早餐 have breakfast had 吃午餐午餐 have lunch had 吃晚餐晚餐 have dinner had 56精品PPT一 日 三 餐 吃早餐 请同学们到黑板上写出昨天吃了什么,并用请同学们到黑板上写出昨天吃了什么,并用I had for breakfast/lunch/dinner.造句。造句。例如例如:I had bread,milk for breakfast.57精品PPT 请同学们到黑板上写出昨天吃了什么,并用I had Thats a good diet.那是一个好的饮食(习惯)。Thats not a good diet.那不是一个好的饮食(习惯)。diet dait 饮食58精品PPTThats a good diet.58精品PPTWhat did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?I had for breakfast/lunch/dinner.Open your book,and turn to page50.同桌之间对话,完成Look and say部分。59精品PPTWhat did you have for breakfaG:Miss Gao S:Sally L:Li HongG:Good afternoon,boys and girls.Lets talk about our diet.What did you have for breakfast this morning,Sally?S:I had bread,eggs and milk.G:Thats good.G:What did you have for lunch today,Li Hong?L:I had a hamburger and some Coke.G:Did you have vegetables?L:No,I didnt.G:Thats not a good diet.You must have vegetables every day.60精品PPTG:Miss Gao S:SallyDid you?Yes,I did.No,I didnt.61精品PPTDid you?Yes,I did.61精品PPTUnit 3 Food and Health Part B62精品PPTUnit 3 Food and Health Part B6talk about 谈论谈论diet 饮食63精品PPTtalk about 谈论diet 饮食63精品PPTFoodmilk bread cakes eggsrice noodles dumplings hot-dogshamburgers fish vegetables ice-creambananas apples pears grapesmelons peaches oranges CokeCoke candy 64精品PPTFoodmilk bread Cokecandy65精品PPT Cokecandy65精品PPT hadhave66精品PPT What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?I have_for breakfast/lunch/dinner.I have_for breakfast/lunch/dinner.67精品PPTWhat do you have for breakfaWhat did you have for breakfast this morning?I had _ for breakfast this morning.68精品PPTWhat did you have for breakfasWhat did you have for lunch/dinner today?I had_ for lunch/dinner today.69精品PPTWhat did you have for lunch/diUnit 4 Buying New ClothesPart A70精品PPTUnit 4 Buying New ClothesPart 71精品PPTa shirta jacketa sweatera coata pair of shortsa pair of shoesa pair of glasses72精品PPTa skirta dressa pair of shortschant pair,pair,pair a pair of shoes pair,pair,paira pair of glassespair,pair,pair a pair of shortspair,pair,paira pair of ears73精品PPTchant pair,pair,pair73精品PPTWatch and answer74精品PPTWatch and answer74精品PPTWhat do they want?Sally wants_.Ben wants_.75精品PPTWhat do they want?Sally wants_Can I help you?Yes,please.My daughter wants .My son wants .76精品PPTCan I help you?Yes,please.My Can I try it on?What about the pink dress?What about?怎样?(用于建议)77精品PPTCan I try it on?What about theShe looks beautiful in her new dress.她穿着新裙子看起来很漂亮。78精品PPTShe looks beautiful in her newYou look beautiful in the new _.79精品PPTYou look beautiful in the new You look _in the _.hotsweater80精品PPTYou look _in the _.hoThey look _.happy81精品PPTThey look _.happy81精品PPTHe looks _.strong82精品PPTHe looks _.strong82精品PPTI need_.83精品PPTI need_.83精品PPTMake a dialogue(选择人物,设计对话)Can I help you,_?Yes,I need_._want(s)_.Can I try it on?.84精品PPTMake a dialogue(选择人物,设计对话)Can A.short B.shorts1.Can I try on _?85精品PPTA.short B.shorts1.Can IThe pair of _are red.A.shoe B.shoes86精品PPTThe pair of _are red.A.sUnit 4 Buying New ClothesPart B87精品PPTUnit 4 Buying New ClothesPart 88精品PPTdressskirtshortstrousers88精品PP True or False1.Boys cant wear shorts.2.Girls like trousers.3.Wang Tao wants to wear a skirt.4.Sally is lucky.FFFT89精品PPT True or False1.Boys cant weGirls wear shorts like boys.像一样90精品PPTGirls wear shorts like boys.像Like:喜欢;像一样我喜欢冰淇淋。我长得像妈妈。她像Sally一样英语很好。I like ice cream.I look like my mum.She is good at English like Sally.91精品PPTLike:喜欢;像一样我喜欢冰淇淋。I like ice Look and say92精品PPTLook and say92精品PPTListen and circle93精品PPTListen and circle93精品PPTLearn to write94精品PPTLearn to write94精品PPTUnit 5 HouseworkPart A 95精品PPTUnit 5 HouseworkPart A 95精品housework 96精品PPThousework 96精品PPThomework housework 97精品PPThomework housework 97精品PPTLets do some housework together.98精品PPTLets do some housework togethdirty 脏的脏的 99精品PPTdirty 脏的 99精品PPTdirty clothes dirty socks 100精品PPTdirty clothes dirty socks 100精socks 袜子袜子 101精品PPTsocks 袜子 101精品PPT102精品PPT102精品PPTWhose dirty socks are those?those 那些那些103精品PPTWhose dirty socks are those?I think theyre Bens.想想104精品PPTI think theyre Bens.想104精品PPPut them in the washing machine.105精品PPTPut them in the washing machin 洗衣机洗衣机 washing machine106精品PPT washing machine106精品PPTWhose T-shirt is this?this 这这I think its Wang Taos.107精品PPTWhose T-shirt is this?I thWhose dog is that?that 那那I think its Sallys.108精品PPTWhose dog is that?I think I think they are Kates.Whose toys are these?these 这些这些109精品PPTI think they are Kates.Whose Put them in the box.110精品PPTPut them in the box.110精品PPTthis 这这that 那那these 这些这些those 那些那些111精品PPTthis 这that 那these 这些those 那些11Unit 5 Housework Part B112精品PPTUnit 5 Housework bedroom 卧室卧室113精品PPTbedroom 卧室113精品PPTThe bedroom is dirty.114精品PPTThe bedroom is dirty.114精品PPTLets clean the bedroom.115精品PPTLets clean the bedroom.115精品Pmake the bed 整理床铺整理床铺116精品PPTmake the bed 整理床铺116精品PPTpick up 捡起捡起117精品PPTpick up 捡起117精品PPTpick up the toys on the floor.118精品PPTpick up the toys on the floor.floor 地板地板119精品PPTfloor 地板119精品PPTPick up the socks on the floor.120精品PPTPick up the socks on the 120精品plant 植物植物121精品PPTplant 植物121精品PPTThe plants are dead.植物枯死了。植物枯死了。122精品PPTThe plants are dead.122精品PPTwater 浇水浇水123精品PPTwater 浇水123精品PPTwater the plants124精品PPTwater the plants124精品PPTCan you water the plants?Yes,I can.125精品PPTCan you water the plants?Yes,water the flowers 浇花浇花126精品PPTwater the flowers 浇花126精品PPTThese flowers are very beautiful.127精品PPTThese flowers are very beautiftoilet 厕所厕所128精品PPTtoilet 厕所128精品PPTclean the toilet 洗厕所洗厕所129精品PPTclean the toilet 洗厕所129精品PPTPlease help clean the toilet.130精品PPTPlease help clean the toilet.1Part A131精品PPTUnit 6 An Unusual DayPart A1My Day132精品PPTMy Day132精品PPT133精品PPT133精品PPT6:30Its six thirty.Its half past six.134精品PPT6:30Its six thirty.Its half Wang Tao usually gets up at half past six.135精品PPTWang Tao usually gets up at haget upgot up136精品PPTget upgot up136精品PPTBut this morning he got up at half past seven.It was an hour late.137精品PPTBut this morning he got up at late 迟的迟的Late,late.It was an hour late.138精品PPTlate 迟的Late,late.It was an hHe usually walks to school.139精品PPTHe usually walks to school.139walk 走路,走路,步行步行140精品PPTwalk 走路,步行140精品PPTBut this morning he took a taxi.141精品PPTBut this morning he took a taxtaxitake a taxitook a taxi142精品PPTtaxitake a taxitook a taxi142精He usually gets to school at 7:20.143精品PPTHe usually gets to school at 7But this morning he got to school at 8:00.144精品PPTBut this morning he got to schget to schoolgot to school145精品PPTget to schoolgot to school145精Part B146精品PPTUnit 5 An Unusual DayPart B1I got up late this morning.Now,Im late.147精品PPTI got up late this morning.NowIm sorry.Im late.May I come in?148精品PPTIm sorry.Im late.May I comeCome in,please.Go to your seat.149精品PPTCome in,please.Go to your seaWhy were you late today?I got up late this morning.150精品PPTWhy were you late today?I got Dont be late again.151精品PPTDont be late again.151精品PPTWhen did you go to bed last night?At 11:00.152精品PPTWhen did you go to bed last niWhy did you go to bed so late?I watched a football game on TV.153精品PPTWhy did you go to bed so late?You are a little football fan.154精品PPTYou are a little football fan.football fan 足球迷足球迷155精品PPTfootball fan 足球迷155精品PPTWhat did you do last night?I watched a football game on TV.156精品PPTWhat did you do last night?I wWhat did you do last night?I read a story book.157精品PPTWhat did you do last night?I rWhat did you do last night?I did my homework.158精品PPTWhat did you do last night?I dWhat did you do yesterday?I watched a film at the cinema.159精品PPTWhat did you do yesterday?I waWhat did you do yesterday?I did some shopping at the supermarket.160精品PPTWhat did you do yesterday?I diWhat did you do yesterday?I played the violin in my bedroom.161精品PPTWhat did you do yesterday?I plUnit 7 Thanksgiving Part A162精品PPTUnit 7 Thanksgiving Part A162精163精品PPT163精品PPT164精品PPT164精品PPT In September 1620,some English people went to America in a boat.One of those ships was called the Mayflower.165精品PPT In September 1620,some Engli They settled down in the new continent.They cut down trees to build houses and churches.Soon the winter came.They had a hard time during the first winter.They did not have enough food and clothes.Many of them got sick and died.166精品PPT They settled down in the new In spring,Indians visited the them.They taught the Americans how to plant corn.167精品PPT In spring,Indians visited t In fall,they had a very good harvest.They were very happy.They invited the Indians to have a big feast to celebrate with them.They thanked God for giving them food.168精品PPT In fall,they had a very gooIn September 1620,some English people went to America in a boat.In spring,they learned to grow corn.In fall,they had a very good harvest.They thanked God for giving them food.Useful expression169精品PPTIn September 1620,some EngliHomework 1.1.熟读课文。熟读课文。2.2.预习下一课。预习下一课。170精品PPTHomework 1.熟读课文。170精品PPTUnit7ThanksgivingPartB171精品PPTUnit 7 Thanksgiving Part B171精The monthsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 172精品PPTThe monthsJanuary172精品PPT173精品PPT173精品PPTEarth Day April 22nd174精品PPTEarth Day April 22nd174精品Thanksgiving is coming.When is it?The 4th Thursday of November.Thanksgiving175精品PPTThanksgiving is coming.When How do you spend it?We have a big dinner.We invite friends to join us.176精品PPTHow do you spend it?We have a What do you usually have for Thanksgiving?Corn,turkey,yams,pumpkin pie,fruit juice and vegetables.177精品PPTWhat do you usually have for Tinvite 邀请join 参加178精品PPTinvite 邀请join 参加178精品PPTcornturkeyyamspumpkins179精品PPTcornturkeyyamspumpkins179精品PPTUnit 8 The Universe Part A180精品PPTUnit 8 The Universe the sun 太阳太阳the moon 月亮月亮the stars 星星星星181精品PPTthe sun 太阳the moon 月亮the starsWe see the sun in the day.182精品PPTWe see the sun in the day.182精Look at the moon.Its so bright.183精品PPTLook at the moon.Its so brighBut it doesnt shine.184精品PPTBut it doesnt shine.184精品PPT185精品PPTshine 发光185精品PPTIts light comes from the sun.186精品PPTIts light comes from the sun.1Whats on the moon?187精品PPTWhats on the moon?187精品PPTAre there any people on the moon?No,there arent.188精品PPTAre there any people on the moAre there any trees on the moon?No,there arent.189精品PPTAre there any trees on the mooIs there a rabbit on the moon?No,there isnt.190精品PPTIs there a rabbit on the moon?But in the Chinese story there is one.191精品PPTBut in the Chinese story 191精品Chinese story 192精品PPTChinese story 192精品PPTThat isnt real.This is the real moon.193精品PPTThat isnt real.This is the rePart B194精品PPTUnit 8 The UniversePart B1195精品PPTearth195精品PPT196精品PPTsun196精品PPT197精品PPTmoonstar197精品PPTChen Ling is taller than Li Hong.Li Hong is shorter than Chen Ling.198精品PPTChen Ling is taller than Li HoChen Ling is faster than Li Hong.Li Hong is slower than Chen Ling.199精品PPTChen Ling is faster than Li HoThe mouse is smaller than the elephant.The elephant is bigger than the mouse.200精品PPTThe mouse is smaller than the Monkey A is older than Monkey B.Monkey B is younger than Monkey A.201精品PPTMonkey A is older than Monkey The red pencil is longer than the blue one.The blue pencil is shorter than the red one.202精品PPTThe red pencil is longer than 203精品PPT203精品PPTtallyoungeryoungshorterslowsmallerfasttallerSmallslowershortfasterAdjective comparative degree 204精品PPTtallyoungeryoungshorterslowsma205精品PPTGoodbye!205精品PPT


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