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Open Questions1.What is non-trade settlement?2.What should we pay attention to in a letter about non-trade settlement?3.How to respond to a non-trade settlement letter?Teaching Plan This chapter will cover 3 hours.2 hours for the introduction of background information and explanations of terms and the texts.And the other 1 hour for discussion and practice.Teaching MethodsTranslation of key sentencesParaphrasing of key words and expressionsExplanation of new termsSummarizing of key passagesDiscussion of important issuesQuestions and answers:interaction between teachers and studentsWords&Expressionsaccept 接受、承兑 mature 到期Accepted to mature on 2ed Aprilpresent sth to sb 将某物提交给某人Draft has been presented to drawee and returned unpaid with the following answer.withholding tax预扣款deduct 减去、扣除amounting to 总计Non-Resident withholding tax amounting to 3000RMB has been deducted by this bank from interest on this collection.subject to sth 以某事物为条件、取决于某事物Immediate credit has been given for this item subject to final payment.Sample Sentences1.Proceeds as detailed below has been remitted to the credit of your/currency account with our office.2.Proceeds as detailed below has been remitted to you by telegraphic transfer through our office.3.Pending your further instructions,we are holding this draft for presentation on arrival of.4.Bill has been protested for non-acceptance/non-payment.5.With reference to your letter dated on 10th August 2019,we find that the cover for 6.In accordance with the standing agency arrangements between us,you had to pay the said cover to 7.In order to facilitate our mutual cooperation,we would like to bring your attention to the matter8.A receipt from the bank for tax deducted will be available on request.E-C Translation1.You are requested to inform Forex Dept.of our Hong Kong Branch by telex of the daily closing balance on the Special Account at the opening of each business day.译文译文1.请你方在每个营业日开始时用电传将特别账户上每日的结账余额告知我香港分行的外汇部。2.We understand that your Head Office has authorized you to act as our agent for the encashment of Travelers Checks issued by ABC Bank and we have pleasure therefore in enclosing for your files our control documents relating to their encashment.译文译文2.我方了解你总部已授权你行作为我行的代理行负责兑现由ABC银行出具的旅行支票。因此,我行将关于兑现的控制文件附上以供你方存档。3.In this connection,we wish to call your attention to the regulations of our bank which require that all unutilized blank checks be returned to us at the time of closing the account.译文译文3.在此方面,我们想提请你方注意我行的规定,该规定要求所有未使用的支票都必须在注销帐户时返还我们。4.This is to notify you that interest is to be calculated on the credit balances at 2.5%p.a.and charged at 4%p.a.on overdrafts in your Renminbi account with us,which is effective in March 1,2019.译文译文4.现通知你行,你方人民币账户的贷方余额以年息2.5%计息、透支以4%计息,该利率自2019年3月1日起生效。C-E Translation5.我方收到你方2019年10月23日信函,要求我方汇寄你方第342号账户未达余额至你方在ABC银行开立的账户。译文译文5.We have received your letter dated October23,2019,asking us to remit the outstanding balance of your account No.342 to your account with ABC bank.6.为便于我方追踪该款项,请你方告知何时及通过哪个银行将该款项付给我方。译文译文6.In order to facilitate our work in tracing the said account,we shall appreciate it if you will let us know when and through which bank you reimburse us.7.提及上述事项,标题银行告知我方关于其9月2日发出的通知内容,即该行已通过你行向我行支付标题款项的金额以偿付我行对该汇票的支付。译文译文7.With reference to the captioned item,we are informed by the subject bank as per their notice dated 2ed September,that in cover of our payment of the said draft,they have reimbursed us through your bank with the captioned amount.8.直至现在,我方还不能查询到你方将相关的头寸贷记我方的记录,请审查你方记录并尽早回复。译文译文8.Up to the moment,we can not trace your crediting us with the relative cover,please review your records and reply without delay.Sample VersionCheck NoforWe are sending you herewith the captioned check drawn by your depositor Mr.Johnson on your Bank and request you to issue,in placement,a demand draft payable to your order in its equivalent Pounds Sterling and send same to us.We confirm the correctness of the drawees signature on the check and look forward to receiving your reply at an early date.Yours faithfully 谢谢!


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