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Lead by example in all you doAnd others will strive to emulate you.Whether youre the boss or the crew,You need a positive attitude.Introduce better safety to the workplaceBy fact finding not fault finding.Dont let injuries sideline your team.Safetymanage it,dont bandage it.Bandages cannot hide the pain and hurtWhen safety has not been planned in work.Eliminate training Increase claiming.Is your safety program falling short of its goals?An unattended helmDigs up big safety problems.Teach realities reduce fatalities.When safetys not prevalent,Profits arent evident.Dont cut back on safety to increase your margins,For to budget on safety is never a bargain.The safety slob-Your profits hell rob.Put enthusiasm into your safety meetings and succeed.Dont extinguish the possibilities.Train employees on fire safety.Ensure your staff and new hiresKnow all about possible fires.High level decisionsMust include safety provisions.Youre never too high up To worry about safety.A good safety program starts at the top.Safety starts at the topThrough management commitmentAnd employee participation.Safety pays;it doesnt cost.Safety on the job requires precision,But always avoid a split decision.Safety is the cheapest premium.Safety is The most important aspect of our business!Safety is our aim.Hope your thoughts are the sameSafety is just good business.Safety is by choice,not by chance.Safety is a commitment everyone must stand by.Safety in the workplace is common cents.Safety can be charted like production,When it goes down it costs!Safety awareness is the keyTo any effective safety program.Recognition is the best motivationPut safety in a class by itself:educateProfits only increase when accidents decrease.Proper training is the first step in safety.Proper planning prevents poor performance.Plan for safetyDont get caught up in your work.Noise can be cured;deafness cant.Make safety rules more than just a pipe dream.Make a mental map before you act.If you fail to plan,Youre planning to fail!Safety responsibilityGoes all the way to the top.Set a good exampleSafety starts at the top.Work safe:Inform,educate,remind,protect.Dont just tell them to work safely,show them how!With any well run business,Safety is a vital part of the framework!Whenever safety awareness declines,profits do as well!When buying PPE,youre shopping for life.Dont get cheap.What your employees dont know could hurt them.Unsafe work habits can be stopped by Training or disaster.The choice is yours.The only way to the top is the safe wayThe most expensive preventative step,Is the one you wont take.Teaching your workers safetyDont just tell them involve them!Your obligation is knowing safe limitations.Supervising safetyCan make the difference between life and death.Short safety meetings can go a long way!Cheap can cost more than money,it can cost lives!Safety doesnt stop when you get the top.Its too late to talk safety,When an accident has the last work.Its too late to educate,When its ready to incinerate.It may take longer to do the job safely.Help your workers stay in the picture.Have a good framework for your safety program.Propose to work safely and Engage in only safe work practices.Dont scrap an employeeWhen he has had an accident;Educate him.Loss is wasted profit.Working together works for safety and quality.Dont cut corners when it comes to safety.Dont create any job that is too hot to handle.Shopping for safety is money well spent.Always have pride in doing a job safely.Dont say be careful;Be specific“E”for excellence is a great theme,But“S”for safety is a better dream.Take care of yourself we need you.Educate before you automateSafety works when people work together.Safety stimulates success.


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