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American HistoryLecturer:Qin JieAimsvGet to know the general history of USvGet to know the specific and significant events of US historyvGet to know the important historical figures Beginning Periodsv 1.Early American Historyv 2.The War of IndependenceBefore 1492The Earliest InhabitantsvAround 20,000 years ago,a group of Asian people arrived in Central and South Americas by way of North America.These people were the ancestors of American Indians.vAround 10,000 years ago,another group of Asian people came to the northern part of North America,and they were the ancestors of the later Eskimos.vWhen Columbus found the new continent,there were about 20 million Indians living in Americas Canada,mid-northern and the southern parts of the U.S.,Mexico.DiscoveryvIn late 15th-century Europe,there was a great demand for spices,textiles and dyes from Asia.vChristopher Columbus,a mariner from Italy believed that he could reach the Far East by sailing from Europe.vIn 1492,Columbus persuaded the queen of Spain to finance his voyage to Asia,but he reached America at last,and he called the native people“Indians.”vThe Spanish established some settlements in todays Florida,New Mexico and California.DiscoveryThe reasons of Europeans coming to America(3Gs):v1.The need for increased trade;v2.The zeal of Spanish priests to convert the native Indians to Christianity;v3.The need of European religious and political dissenters for refuge from persecution in their homelands;v4.The thirst for adventure.English SettlementsvThe first successful English colony in America was founded at Jamestown,Virginia in 1607.Of the first 105 colonists,73 died of hunger and disease within seven months of their arrival.vOne group of English Puritans crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth,Massachusetts in 1620.A much larger Puritan colony was established in the Boston area in 1630.English SettlementsvThe British colonies in North America were also occupied by many non-British national groups:Germans settled in Pennsylvania,Swedes founded the colony of Delaware,and African slaves first arrived in Virginia in 1619.vIn 1626 Dutch settlers purchased Manhattan Island from local Indians and built the town of New Amsterdam;in 1664 the settlement was captured by the English and renamed New York.Colonial EravThe U.S.never had a feudal aristocracy.Land was plentiful and labor was scarce;every free man had an opportunity to achieve economic independence.vThe English king appointed many of the colonial governors,but they all had to rule in cooperation with an elected assembly.Voting was restricted to landowning white males.Colonial EravBy 1733 English settlers had occupied 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.v Connecticut,New Hampshire,New York,New Jersey,Massachusetts,Pennsylvania,Delaware,Virginia,North Carolina,South Carolina,Georgia,Rhode Island,and Maryland.Highlights in the Beginningsv Religious issue v Aboriginal Indians and WhitesE.g.1 Catholic MarylandvThe Third Colony in Americav1.Founder of the Marylandv2.The feudal systemv3.Influence of the feudal systemMaryland was founded by the Catholics.vGeorge CalvertvLord BaltimoreGeorge CalvertA Document of MarylandLord BaltimorevCecil Calvert(1606-1675)vGeorge Calverts son and heir.v In 1632,he became the second Baron of Baltimore and the first Lord of Maryland.Maryland Decrees in MarylandvEach gentleman brought 5 servants was allowed to establish a manor of 2000 acres.vEach freeholder was given 100 acres of land plus another 100 acres for his wife,100 acres for a servant,and 50 acres for each of his children.vBut the freeholders could not enjoy the rights and privileges as a gentleman.Policies in Marylandv1.In order to develop the colony,he had to attract as many settlers as possible.v2.The protestant settlers soon far outnumbered the Catholics.v3.In 1648,he appointed a Protestant governor,and the Maryland Toleration Act was passed and assured the freedom of worship to all who believed in Jesus Christ.E.g.2 Quaker PennsylvaniavThe fourth colonial pattern in Americav1.Founder of the colonyv2.Quakersv3.Quakers DoctrineWilliam PennQuakersQuakersQuakersAmerican BeginningsvThe term“Quaker”was coined by their enemies because the Quakers were so faithful to God that when they spoke of God,they trembled.vThey are Protestants,but they hold different religious beliefs from Catholics and Puritans and other Protestant sects.vThey denied both the church and the Bible as the highest authority.Quakers doctrinev1.People could communicate with God directly because everyone had an inner light and God was in everyones soul.v2.They believed in God through their faith,not the help of church and priest.v3.Their religious place of worship could be anywhere.v4.All were born equal.All were brothers and sisters.v5.People were not born sinful.HighlightThe American RevolutionThe American Revolutionv1.The eve of the American Revolutionv2.George Washingtonv3.Benjamin Franklinv4.War of Independence The War of Independence The 13 American colonies revolted against their British rulers in 1775.The war began on April 19,when British regulars fired on the Minutemen(militia)of Lexington,Mass.The fighting ended with the surrender of the British at Yorktown on Oct.19,1781.Great Britain signed a formal treaty recognizing the independence of the colonies.The backgroundv1.The French and Indian Warv2.The Enlightenmentv3.The British Mercantilist Policy and the Colonist Resistancev4.The First Continental CongressThe War of Independence1.3 wars were fought between the English and French colonies:King Williams War(168997)Queen Annes War(17021713)King Georges War(174448)2.7 years War:The French and Indian War(1756-63)was a decisive war fought between the English on one side and the French and American Indians on the other in the 1750s.As a result of the War,the French was completely defeated and lost her land in America and were driven out of India.The War of Independencev1.France ceded to England all her Canadian lands;v2.France ceded to England all her lands east of the Mississippi River.The War of Independencev The British Laws anger the Colonists After the war with France,the British government took further actions to systematize and fasten its control over the 13 American colonies.Under George the British parliament passed more acts,which angered the colonists.The War of IndependenceThe Enlightenment1.Definition of the Enlightenment2.John Locke3.John Lockes Viewpoint 4.Influence of the Enlightenment The War of Independence In the 18th century,along with the development of science,people in Europe began to believe that the universe created by God was guided by natural laws,which were left to be discovered and enforced by man.vJohn LockevJohn Locke(1632 1704),English philosopher,is considered the first of the British Empiricists,equally important to social contract theory.He is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers,classical republicans,and contributors to liberal theory.vLocke,rejecting innate knowledge,believed that mans knowledge was acquired from the experience of five senses,from observation and experiment,and from the reflection by the mind.John Lockes Viewpoints vCivil government was instituted by mutual agreement for the purpose of enforcing natural laws.vThe most important natural law was that no man should take away the life,liberty,or property of another.vThe purpose to establish a government is to protect these natural laws.Influence of the Enlightenmentv The Enlightenment in Europe provided the colonists with a theoretical and philosophical weapon against the British rule and marked the formation and maturity of the new nation,which was bound to be independent of its mother country.The War of Independence The British Mercantilist Policy and the Colonies Resistance 1.The Colonists should provide England with raw materials and buying back manufactured goods.2.The British government enforced the Navigation Acts.3.New Measures 1)the Sugar Act(1764)2)Currency Act (1764)3)the Quartering Act(1765)4)the Stamp Act(1765)The First Continental Congress In Sept.1774,55 representatives from all the colonies except Georgia held a meeting in Philadelphia.The War of IndependencevBattle of LexingtonThe War of Independencev The Second Continental Congressv 1.After the conflicts at Lexington,the Second Continental Congress was called in May 1775.One of the first decisions it made was to establish a regular army,with George Washington as commander-in-chief.v 2.On July 4,1776,the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence.vIndependence Hall PhiladelphiaThe Second Continental CongressAssignmentvMake a detailed study on George Washington,Thomas JeffersonvMake a survey on the Constitution of US,and the Declaration of Independence


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