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Unit 12 Art And LiteratureUnit12ArtAndLiterature1Harry PotterHarryPotter2 2 J.K.RowlingJKRowling(1965-),fromEngland,iscreatingawonderfulworldwithherboywizard,HarryPotter.Shehasexcellentstorytellingskillsandimagination.Since1998,JKRowlinghaswrittensixHarryPotterbooks.Thesebooksaregreatfuntoread.JKRowling(1965-),fromEngl3Harry Potter And TheSorcerers Stone 哈利波特与魔法石哈利波特与魔法石HarryPotterAndThe4Harry Potter And TheChamber of Secret哈利波特与密室哈利波特与密室HarryPotterAndThe5Harry Potter And ThePrisoner of Azkaban 哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒HarryPotterAndThe6Harry Potter And TheGoblet of Fire哈利波特与火焰杯哈利波特与火焰杯HarryPotterAndThe7Harry Potter And TheOrder of the Phoenix哈利波特与凤凰社哈利波特与凤凰社HarryPotterAndThe8Harry Potter And the Half-Blood Prince哈利波特与混血王子哈利波特与混血王子HarryPotterAnd9 9 T&F 1.Harry Potter is a world-famous writer.2.Harry Potter was born in a rich family and3.grew up with his mother and father.4.3.Harry Potter is a boy with a scar on his5.forehead.6.4.Harry goes to an ordinary school.7.5.Harry learns a lot about the real world8.at Hogwarts.9.6.Harry discovers that it is easy to do 10.the right thing.JK RowlingHarry Potter was the son of a wizard and grew up with his aunt and uncle.Harry goes to an unusual school where the students learn about magic.not easyT&FHarryPotterisaworld10What does the world of JK Rowling look like?It is a world of magic and wonders.Para.1WhatdoestheworldofJKRow1111What are her books about?They are about magic and strange They are about magic and strange creatures,but they still tell us creatures,but they still tell us something about the real world.something about the real world.Whatareherbooksabout?They12121.Rowlingusesstrangecreaturesinherbooksforthefollowingreasonsexcept_.A.shecanaddtothemagiceffectofthestoryB.sheisaworldfamouswriterC.thestrangecreaturescantellussomethingabouttherealworldD.theycanmakethebooksmoreattractivetochildren1.Rowlingusesstrangecreatu1313Who is Harry Potter?He is a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past.WhoisHarryPotter?Heisab1414Para 2.HarryPotterslifebeforehegoestoHogwarts1.What is Harrys life like2.before he goes to Hogwarts?Miserable/Unhappy.2.When does his life change?When a bird tells him to go to Hogwarts and become a student of witchcraft and wizardry,-Because his parents are dead and he lives with a family that treats him badly.Para2.HarryPotterslifebe15 What is Hogwarts?Hogwarts is an unusual school where the students learn about magic.Para.3WhatisHogwarts?Hogwartsi16atHogwartsRon Weasley 罗恩罗恩.韦斯莱韦斯莱 Hermione Granger 赫敏赫敏.格兰杰格兰杰 magicatHogwartsRonWeasleyHermi17Para.3.WhichofthefollowingdoesHarryPotterlearnaboutatHogwarts?A.Real life.B.His appearance.C.The truth about his past.D.How powerful love is.E.MagicF.His character.G.It is important to be a good friend.H.How to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid of.Para.3.Whichofthefollowing18Fill in the blanks1.If you want to succeed in the world,you must _what you do and who you are.2.Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as _ as what he or she grows up to be.3.Two people may speak different _,have different _ or even come from _,but they can still be _ if they share the same _,_ and _.4.It is _to be strong in heart and mind;we must also _ourselves and _others if we want to be happy and _a good life.believe inlanguageshabitstwo different worldsfriendsgoalshopesdreamsPara4.thebeliefandspiritofHarryPotter believe in not enough live helpimportantFillintheblanksbelieveinla19You must believe in what you do and who you are if you want to succeed in the world.如果你想要成功你就必须坚信自己所做的事以及自己的角色。Youmustbelievein如果你想要成功你就必20Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as important as what he or she grows up to be.一个人的出生和长相并不重要,重要的是他或她长大后将成为什么样的人.一个人的出身和相貌并不能和他长大以后干什么相提并论。Wheresomeoneisbornandwhat21 It is not enough to be strong in heart and mind;we must also believe in ourselves and help others if we want to be happy and live a good life.in heart and mind-“in heart and mind-“在心里上在心里上”如果我们想心情愉快,过幸福美好的生活,仅意志坚强还不够,我们还必须自信并助人。Itisnotenoughtobestro22 yourself!Encourage1.You must believe in 2.what you do and 3.who you are4.if you want to succeed in the world.2.Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as important as what he or she grows up to be.3.It is not enough to be strong in heart and mind;we must also believe in ourselves and help others if we want to be happy and live a good life.EncourageYoumustbelievein231.Which of the following is the most important for a person to succeed according to Harry Potter?A.His or her family B.His or her appearance C.His or her own character D.His or her friends2.What type of writing is this passage?A.Diary B.Biography C.Novel D.Book review1.Whichofthefollowingisth24CompletethefollowingpassageThe world of J.K.Rowling is full of _and_.She has written a_of books about Harry Potter.Harry seems like a normal boy,but his life is _.His life changes when he goes to Hogwarts,which is an _ school where students learn about magic.Besides magic,Harry also learns about real life,_ and how to be brave.His friends help him when he is _,but he must be strong and help them when they need him.At the same time,Harry has to _bad wizards and do the right thing.But its not easy.Therefore,if we want to _ in the world,its not enough to be strong in heart and mind;we must_ourselves,we must also help others if we want to be happy and _a good life.magicwondersseriesmiserableunusualfriendshipin troublefight againstsucceedlive believe inCompletethefollowingpassage25If you have magical powers,what would you like to do?Discussion(groupwork):Ifyouhavemagicalpowers,26 Write a Write a passage passage about about Harry Potter Harry Potter in about in about 100 words 100 wordsHomeworkWritea27


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