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GrammarDirect and Indirect Speech:statement and questionsUnit 1 FriendshipAnne said,“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary.”Anne said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary.”Can you find the differences between these two sentences?direct speechindirect speech1 引号引号2 时态时态3 人称人称Definition:direct speech(直接引语直接引语):直接引用别人原句,并放在引号里indirect speech(间接引语间接引语):用自己的话转述别人的话How to change sentences from direct speech into indirect speech?1 Sentence Structure句子结构句子结构3Father asked Anne,“Why did you go to bed so late last night?”Father asked Anne Why she had gone to bed so late the night before.2 Anne asked,“Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to?”Anne asked us if/whether we wanted a friend whom we could tell everything to.1 She said,“Im going to Beijing.”She said that she was going to Beijing陈述句陈述句一般疑问句一般疑问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句3Father asked Anne,“Why did you go to bed so late last night?”Father asked Anne Why she had gone to bed so late the night before.2 Anne asked,“Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to?”Anne asked us if/whether we wanted a friend whom we could tell everything to.1 She said,“Im going to Beijing.”She said that she was going to Beijing.Direct speechIndirect speechSentence structurestatement said(to sb)/told sb.(that)+陈述句语序陈述句语序一般疑问句一般疑问句asked whether/if+陈述句陈述句语序语序Wh-questionsasked wh-word+陈述句陈述句语序语序2 Tense 时态时态1 Anne said,“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary.”Anne said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary.”2 She said,“Im going to Beijing.”She said that she was going to Beijing3Father asked Anne,“Why did you go to bed so late last night?”Father asked Anne Why she had gone to bed so late the night before.一般现在时一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时一般将来时一般将来时过去将来时过去将来时一般过去时一般过去时过去完成时过去完成时直接引语直接引语direct speech间接引语间接引语indirect speech一般一般现在现在时时一般一般过去过去时时现在现在进行时进行时过去过去进行时进行时现在现在完成时完成时过去过去完成时完成时一般一般过去过去时时过去完成过去完成时时一般一般将来时将来时过去过去将来时将来时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时直接变间接直接变间接,时态向后退一步时态向后退一步Special cases(特殊情况特殊情况):1“The earth moves around the sun.”the teacher told me.The teacher told me that the earth moves around the sun.2 Tom said,“I was born on April 21,1980.”Tom said he was born on April 21,1980.直接变间接直接变间接,时态向后退一步时态向后退一步若遇过时真理,若遇过时真理,时态无须变时态无须变3 人称人称1 Anne said,“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary.”Anne said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary.”2 Anne asked,“Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to?”Anne asked us if/whether we wanted a friend whom we could tell everything to.3 The teacher said,“They need to know something about Chinese culture.”The teacher said that they need to know something about Chinese culture.人称变化规则:人称变化规则:一随主,二随宾,三不变一随主,二随宾,三不变4 指示代词指示代词时间状语时间状语 地点状语地点状语方向性动词方向性动词指示代词指示代词thisthat thesethoseDirect SpeechIndirect Speech时时间间状状语语NowthenTodaythat dayYesterdaythe day beforeThis week/month That week/monthLast week/monthThat week/monthbeforethree days agothree days beforetomorrowthe next day/the following dayDirect Speech Indirect Speech地点状语地点状语 Herethere方向性动词方向性动词come go bring takeborrowlend Summary:直接变间接一看结构二看时态三看人称四看指代状动(纸袋撞动)1 said(to sb)/told sb.(that)+陈述语序陈述语序2 asked whether/if+陈述句语序陈述句语序3 asked wh-word+陈述句语序陈述句语序一随主,二随宾,三不变一随主,二随宾,三不变时态向后退一步时态向后退一步“Have you been to Paris?”My classmate asked me.My classmate asked me if I had been to Paris.Chooseonepictureyoulike.GettheChooseonepictureyoulike.Getthepointwhencorrectlyansweringthepointwhencorrectlyansweringthequestionofit.Otherwise,nopoint.questionofit.Otherwise,nopoint.Thehighestpointgivenis10.Thehighestpointgivenis10.选择你喜你喜欢的的图片,回答片,回答问题正确得到正确得到所所给的分数,答的分数,答错,零分。最高分,零分。最高分1010分。分。8 82 23 34 45 57 71 16 69 9Picture1Picture13points3pointsPlease change this sentence into direct speech or indirect speech.His friends asked him if he would go to Dalian.His friends asked him,“Will you go to Dalian?”9points9pointsPicture2Picture2Translationsentences.Translationsentences.1 她告诉我她一个小时前回来的她告诉我她一个小时前回来的。She told me that she had come back an hour before.2 导游说这座桥于导游说这座桥于1980年完工。(完工年完工。(完工 complete)The guide said that the bridge was completed in 1980.3 True or False.He said,“The train leaves at 7:30p.m.”He said that the train leaves at 7:30p.m.True8points8pointsPicture3Picture3Fillintheblanks.Fillintheblanks.1.He said,“I havent heard from him since May.”2.Tom said“I will see you tomorrow.”He said that from him since May.he hadnt heardTom said that he would see me.the next day1point1pointPicture4Picture4 Jack said to me,“You look worried today.”Jack told me that _ worried _.A.he lookstoday B.you looktoday C.we lookedthat day D.I lookedthat dayD 10point10points sPicture5Picture5Pair work.GM:whats the weather in Beijing tomorrow?I cant hear the man clearly on the TV.GC:thats right,I can help.The man said GM:what did he say about shanghai?GC:GM:Thank you.Youve been very helpful.3points3pointsPicture6Picture6n1.We said to her,“Theyre walking n through the street now.”n We told her that _ through the n street _.n A.we were walkingthen n B.you are walkingnow n C.they were walkingthen n D.they walkingnow C 8points8pointsPicture7Picture7WriteonequestionontheWriteonequestionontheblackboardandaskoneclassmatetoblackboardandaskoneclassmatetoanswer.Trytochangehis/heranswer.Trytochangehis/heranswerintoindirectspeech.answerintoindirectspeech.(将一个将一个问题写在黑板上,指定一个写在黑板上,指定一个同学回答,并将同学回答,并将该同学的答句同学的答句变为间接引接引语。)4points4pointsPicture8Picture8SpeakoutfourrulesabouttheSpeakoutfourrulesaboutthedirectspeechchangingintothedirectspeechchangingintotheindirectspeech.(indirectspeech.(说出出2 2条直接引条直接引语变间接引接引语的的规则。)Picture9Picture9ShareonestoryaboutyourfriendsandShareonestoryaboutyourfriendsandaskthreeclassmatestochangeoneaskthreeclassmatestochangeonesentenceinyourstoryintoindirectsentenceinyourstoryintoindirectspeech.speech.(分享有关你朋友的一个故事并邀(分享有关你朋友的一个故事并邀请两两位同学将你故事中指定的一句位同学将你故事中指定的一句话变为间接引接引语。)。)6points6pointsHomeworkReview the rules of direct speech and indirect speech.


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