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UNIT 5 WRITING THREE THANK-YOU LETTERSAlex HaleyUNIT 5 WRITING THREE THANK-YOUALEX HALEY(19211992)American biographer,scriptwriter,and authorbecame famous with the publication of the novel Roots:The Saga of an American Family,which traces his ancestry back to Africa and covers 7 American generations as they are taken slaves to the U.S.ALEX HALEY(19211992)AmericanTHANKSGIVING HISTORYSecond most important holiday in the U.S.,celebrated in on the fourth Thursday in November.associated with the time when Europeans first came to North America.In 1620 the ship the Mayflower arrived,bringing about 102 people who today are usually called Pilgrims.THANKSGIVING HISTORYSecond mosTHANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONSThanksgiving dinnerTurkey,stuffing,mashed potatoes with gravy,sweet potatoes,cranberry sauce,sweet corn,various fall vegetables(mainly various kinds of squashes),and pumpkin pieTHANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONSThankTHANKSGIVINGGiving thanksSaying grace(谢恩祈祷)before carving a turkey at Thanksgiving dinner,Pennsylvania,U.S.,1942THANKSGIVINGGiving thanksTHANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONSVacation and travel:Thanksgiving Break Thursday-SundayParadesMacys Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC“National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation”and“Presidential Pardoning”Football and other sportsTHANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONSVacatNow,lets get to business and learn about the text.Now,lets get to business andMAIN IDEA By writing three“thank you”letters,the author realizes that human beings long for other peoples appreciation for their efforts.Therefore,he encourages people to“find the good-and praise it”.MAIN IDEA By writing three“thWRITING THREE THANK-YOU LETTERS It was 1943,during World War II,and I was a young U.S.coastguardsman.My ship,the USS Murzim,had been under way for several days.Most of her holds contained thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods.The other holds were loaded with five-hundred-pound bombs packed delicately in padded racks.Our destination was a big base on the island of Tulagi in the South Pacific.I was one of the Murzims several cooks and,quite the same as for folk ashore,this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey.Alex HaleyWRITING THREE THANK-YOU LETTER I decided first to go out on the Murzims afterdeck for a breath of open air.I made my way out there,breathing in great,deep draughts while walking slowly about,still wearing my white cooks hat.Well,as any cook knows,its a lot of hard work to cook and serve a big meal,and clean up and put everything away.But finally,around sundown,we finished at last.D R _ TEXT 2 I decided first to go ouD R _ TEXT 3 I got to thinking about Thanksgiving,of the Pilgrims,Indians,wild turkeys,pumpkins,corn on the cob,and the rest.Yet my mind seemed to be in quest of something else some way that I could personally apply to the close of Thanksgiving.It must have taken me a half hour to sense that maybe some key to an answer could result from reversing the word“Thanksgiving”at least that suggested a verbal direction,“Giving thanks.”D R _ TEXT 3 I got to thin Giving thanks as in praying,thanking God,I thought.Yes,of course.Certainly.Yet my mind continued turning the idea over.After a while,like a dawns brightening,a further answer did come that there were people to thank,people who had done so much for me that I could never possibly repay them.The embarrassing truth was Id always just accepted what theyd done,taken all of it for granted.Not one time had I ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple,sincere“Thank you”.D R _ TEXT 4 Giving thanks as in pr At least seven people had been particularly and lastingly helpful to me.I realized,swallowing hard,that about half of them had since died so they were forever beyond any possible expression of gratitude from me.The more I thought about it,the more ashamed I became.Then I pictured the three who were still alive and,within minutes,I was down in my cabin.D R _ TEXT 5 At least seven people ha Sitting at a table with writing paper and memories of things each had done,I tried composing genuine statements of heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to my dad,Simon A.Haley,a professor at the old Agricultural Mechanical Normal College in Pine Bluff,Arkansas;to my grandma,Cynthia Palmer,back in our little hometown of Henning,Tennessee;and to the Rev.Lonual Nelson,my grammar school principal,retired and living in Ripley,six miles north of Henning.D R _ TEXT 6 Sitting at a table with The texts of my letters began something like,“Here,this Thanksgiving at sea,I find my thoughts upon how much you have done for me,but I have never stopped and said to you how much I feel the need to thank you”And briefly I recalled for each of them specific acts performed on my behalf.D R _ TEXT 7 The texts of my letters For instance,something uppermost about my father was how he had impressed upon me from boyhood to love books and reading.In fact,this graduated into a family habit of after-dinner quizzes at the table about books read mostD R _ TEXT 8recently and new words learned.My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself.So many times I have felt a sadness when exposed to modern children so immersed in the electronic media that they have little or no awareness of the marvelous world to be discovered in books.For instance,something I reminded the Reverend Nelson how each morning he would open our little country towns grammar school with a prayer over his assembled students.I told him that whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers.D R _ TEXT 9 I reminded the Reverend D R _ TEXT 10 In the letter to my grandmother,I reminded her of a dozen ways she used to teach me how to tell the truth,to share,and to be forgiving and considerate of others.I thanked her for the years of eating her good cooking,the equal of which I had not found since.Finally,I thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust.D R _ TEXT 10 In the lett Before I slept,my three letters went into our ships office mail sack.They got mailed when we reached Tulagi Island.We unloaded cargo,reloaded with something else,then again we put to sea in the routine familiar to us,and as the days became weeks,my little personal experience receded.Sometimes,when we were at sea,a mail ship would rendezvous and bring us mail from home,which,of course,we accorded topmost priority.D R _ TEXT 11 Before I slept,my thre Every time the ships loudspeaker rasped,“Attention!Mail call!”two hundred-odd shipmates came pounding up on deck and clustered about the two seamen,standing by those precious bulging gray sacks.They were alternately pulling out fistfuls of letters and barking successive names of sailors who were,in turn,shouting back“Here!Here!”amid the pushing.D R _ TEXT 12 Every time the ships One“mail call”brought me responses from Grandma,Dad,and the Reverend Nelson and my reading ofD R _ TEXT 13their letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before.One“mail call”brought Rather than saying they would forgive that I hadnt previously thanked them,instead,for Petes sake,they were thanking me for having remembered,for having considered they had done anything so exceptional.Always the college professor,my dad had carefully avoided anything he considered too sentimental,so I knew how moved he was to write me that,after having helped educate many young people,he now felt that his best results included his own son.D R _ TEXT 15 Rather than saying they The Reverend Nelson wrote that his decades as a“simple,old-fashioned principal”had ended with schools undergoing such swift changes that he had retired in self-doubt.“I heard more of what I had done wrong than what I did right,”he said,adding that my letter had brought him welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated.D R _ TEXT 16 The Reverend Nelson wrot A glance at Grandmas familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair,watching her“setting down”some letter to relatives.Character by character,Grandma would slowly accomplish one word,then the next,so that a finished page would consume hours.I wept over the page representing my Grandmas recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me whom she used to diaper!D R _ TEXT 17 Much later,retired from the Coast Guard and trying to make a living as a writer,I never forgot how those three“thank you”letters gave me an insight into how most human beings go about longing in secret for more of their fellows to express appreciation for their efforts.A glance at Grandmas f Now,approaching another Thanksgiving,I have asked myself what will I wish for all who are reading this,for our nation,indeed for our whole world since,quoting a good and wise friend of mine,“In the end we are mightily and merely people,each with similar needs.”First,I wish for us,of course,the simple common sense to achieve world peace,that being paramount for the very survival of our kind.And there is something else I wish so strongly that I have had this line printed across the bottom of all my stationery:“Find the good and praise it.”D R _ TEXT 18 Now,approaching anotherD R _ S_ MOST OF HER Why was it necessary for the writer to offer so many details of his voyage?The details indicate that this Thanksgiving was unusual,explaining why the writer felt the need to celebrate it in an unusual way.Most of her holds contained thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods.The other holds were loaded with five-hundred-pound bombs packed delicately in padded racks.Our destination was a big base on the island of Tulagi in the South Pacific.D R _ S_ MOST OF HER Why was D R _ S_ THIS THANKSGIVING.this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey.Paraphrase this part.on this Thanksgiving morning we were busy preparing a traditional dinner which included mainly roast turkey.“Feature”here means“to include as a special part”.D R _ S_ THIS THANKSGIVING.D R _ S_ I MADE MY WAY Analyze the structure of the sentence.在这个长句中有三个在这个长句中有三个-ing 分词分词:breathing、walking 和和 wearing。breathing 为为 made my way out 的伴随状语的伴随状语,walking 与与 while 连用表示与连用表示与 breathing 这一动作同时这一动作同时发生发生,wearing 为为 walking 的伴随状语。的伴随状语。I made my way out there,breathing in great,deep draughts while walking slowly about,still wearing my white cooks hat.Translate the sentence into Chinese.我我信信步步走走去去,一一边边深深深深呼呼吸吸着着空空气气,一一边边慢慢慢慢地地踱踱着着步,头上仍戴着那顶白色的厨师帽。步,头上仍戴着那顶白色的厨师帽。D R _ S_ I MADE MY WAY Analyz大大概概过过了了半半个个小小时时我我才才意意识识到到,问问题题的的关关键键也也许许在在于于把把Thanksgiving 这这个个词词前前后后颠颠倒倒一一下下,那那样样一一来来至至少少文文字字好懂了好懂了:Giving thanks。D R _ S_ IT MUST HAVE TAKEN It must have taken me a half hour to sense that maybe some key to an answer could result from reversing the word“Thanksgiving”at least that suggested a verbal direction,“Giving thanks.”Translate this sentence into Chinese.大概大概过过了半个小了半个小时时我才意我才意识识到,到,问题问题的关的关键键也也许许在于把在于把ThanksD R _ S_ NOT ONE TIME What can we infer from this sentence?The author took all for granted and never expressed any appreciation.The sentence is in inverted order.Not one time had I ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple,sincere“Thank you”.D R _ S_ NOT ONE TIME What caD R _ S_ I TOLD HIM THAT I told him that whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers.Analyze the structure of the sentence.whatever positive morning school prayer 是是宾宾语语从从句句。I had done since 是是定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰 whatever positive things;since 为为副副词词,修修饰饰 had done;in part 在在这这里里意意为为 partly。D R _ S_ I TOLD HIM THAT I toD R _ S_ AND MY READING and my reading of their letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before.我读了信,既觉得震惊,又深感卑微。我读了信,既觉得震惊,又深感卑微。Analyze the structure of this part.leave 常常用用于于结结构构:leave sb.+adj./past participle,adj./past participle(此此处处为为 not only astonished but more humbled than before)为宾语补足语为宾语补足语。Translate this sentence into Chinese.D R _ S_ AND MY READING and mD R _ S_ RATHER THAN SAYING Rather than saying they would forgive that I hadnt previously thanked them,instead,for Petes sake,they were thanking me for having remembered,for having considered they had done anything so exceptional.Paraphrase the sentence.They didnt say they would forgive me for not thanking them,but instead,for Gods sake,they thanked me for having remembered what they had done and for having thought they had done something special to me.D R _ S_ RATHER THAN SAYING RD R _ S_ A GLANCE AT GRANDMA A glance at Grandmas familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair,watching her“setting down”some letter to relatives.What does the sentence mean?His grandmas handwriting reminded the writer of many sweet memories of his childhood with her.“Setting down”here means“writing”.D R _ S_ A GLANCE AT GRANDMA D R _ S_ I WEPT OVER THE PAGE I wept over the page representing my Grandmas recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me.Paraphrase the sentence.I was moved to tears that my grandma had spent hours recently in expressing her loving gratefulness to me.D R _ S_ I WEPT OVER THE PAGE D R _ WORD _ UNDER WAYIts been under way for fifty years and it still has a long way to go.A battle to conquer nature is under way.under way:in position or operation,having started and making progress Collocation:all the way 自始自终自始自终 any way 无论如何无论如何 by the way 顺便说顺便说 by way of经由;通过经由;通过的方法的方法 D R _ WORD _ UNDER WAYIts beeD R _ WORD _ PUT AWAYput away:remove(sth.)to a place where it is usually storedHe has a habit of putting away his tools after work.Put the books away neatly on the shelf.D R _ WORD _ PUT AWAYput away:D R _ WORD _ GET TO STH./DOING STH.Recently Ive got to wondering why I am doing the part-time job.get to sth./doing sth.:begin to give serious attention to or deal withIll get to the accounts as soon as I can.D R _ WORD _ GET TO STH./DOINGD R _ WORD _ REVERSEThe rise,the first in 10 months,reversed the downward trend in the countrys jobless rate.reverse:vt.turn around to the opposite direction;exchange the position of Why dont you reverse the order so that I perform first and he performs second?Collocation:in reverse向相反方向;倒(退);逆(行、转等)向相反方向;倒(退);逆(行、转等)just the reverse正好相反,恰恰相反正好相反,恰恰相反suffer/sustain a reverse遭受挫折(或失败);吃败仗遭受挫折(或失败);吃败仗 the reverse of的反面;绝不是的反面;绝不是,远非,远非D R _ WORD _ REVERSEThe rise,D R _ WORD _ TURN OVERShe sat there quietly,turning over the problem.turn over:think about;consider 他在心里反复考虑这件事情。他在心里反复考虑这件事情。He turned the matter over in his mind.Collocation:turn aside 避开,撇开避开,撇开turn(away)from 对对感到厌恶感到厌恶turn down 关小;拒绝关小;拒绝 turn up 开大;出现开大;出现 D R _ WORD _ TURN OVERShe sat D R _ WORD _ REPAYShe repaid me the money.How can I ever repay you for your kindness?repay:vt.pay back;reward D R _ WORD _ REPAYShe repaid mD R _ WORD _ GRATITUDEgratitude:n.being thankful;thankfulness(followed by to sb./for sth.)He showed me his gratitude by inviting me to dinner.She expressed her gratitude for our help.Collocation:feel gratitude 心怀感激心怀感激 show gratitude 表露感激之情表露感激之情deep/profound gratitude 深切的谢意深切的谢意 everlasting gratitude 永远的感谢永远的感谢 sincere gratitude 诚挚的谢意诚挚的谢意 D R _ WORD _ GRATITUDEgratitudD R _ WORD _ SPECIFIC 1specific:adj.relating to one thing and not others;particular He uses a specific tool for each job.试卷回答要明确具体。试卷回答要明确具体。Be specific in your examination answers.specific,special,especial&particular均有均有“特殊的、特别的特殊的、特别的”的意思。的意思。CF:He gave us a specific statement of the case.关于这个案子他向我们作了详尽的陈述。关于这个案子他向我们作了详尽的陈述。specific 意思是具体的、特定的、明确的。例如:意思是具体的、特定的、明确的。例如:D R _ WORD _ SPECIFIC 1specifiD R _ WORD _ SPECIFIC 2This particular case is an exception to the rule.这个特殊个案是个例外。这个特殊个案是个例外。This is a special case,deserving special treatment.这是一个特别案例,值得特殊处理。这是一个特别案例,值得特殊处理。special 意思是特殊的、专门的,强调某事物的特殊性意思是特殊的、专门的,强调某事物的特殊性 或特殊用途。例如:或特殊用途。例如:particular 意思是特殊的、特别的。强调事物的独特性、突出意思是特殊的、特别的。强调事物的独特性、突出性。例如:性。例如:especial 是是 special 的旧式的正式用语,用于强调。例如:的旧式的正式用语,用于强调。例如:We have an especial need of help at this time.我们这个时候需要特别帮助。我们这个时候需要特别帮助。D R _ WORD _ SPECIFIC 2This paD R _ WORD _ SPECIFIC 3我需要一个明确的回答。我需要一个明确的回答。I want a specific answer.Translate the following sentences into English,using the above words.没有什么特别的。没有什么特别的。Nothing special.故事就发生在那一天。故事就发生在那一天。The story happened on that particular day.他特别不喜欢流行音乐。他特别不喜欢流行音乐。He has an especial dislike for pop music.specific,special,especial&particularD R _ WORD _ SPECIFIC 3我需要一个明确我需要一个明确D R _ WORD _ ON ONES BEHALFon ones behalf/on behalf of sb.:for sb.;in the interests of sb.;as the representative of sb.My husband cant be here today,so Im going to speak on his behalf.律师代表当事人说话。律师代表当事人说话。The lawyer spoke on behalf of his client.D R _ WORD _ ON ONES BEHALFonD R _ WORD _ IMPRESSI am impressed by/with his performance.The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.impress:vt.1.fix in sb.s mind;make the importance of(sth.)very clear to sb.Pattern:impress upon/on sb.+that-clauseimpress upon/on sb.sth.My father impressed on me the value of hard work.2.cause(sb.)to feel admiration or respect D R _ WORD _ IMPRESSI am impreD R _ WORD _ DIMINISH1His illness diminished his strength.diminish:v.make or become smaller or less我们的友谊决不会因时间的流逝而减弱。我们的友谊决不会因时间的流逝而减弱。Time will never cause our friendship to diminish.decrease,diminish&reduce这三个动词都有这三个动词都有“减少减少”,“使减少使减少”之意。之意。CF:The population of the village has decreased to 400.该村的人口已减到该村的人口已减到400.decrease 特指数量的减少。例如:特指数量的减少。例如:D R _ WORD _ DIMINISH1His illnD R _ WORD _ DIMINISH2The workers reduced their wage demands.An occasional outburst did not diminish my respect for her.一次偶然发火并没有减少我对她的尊重。一次偶然发火并没有减少我对她的尊重。diminish 表示表示“带走或分离出去,而使物体的数量受损带走或分离出去,而使物体的数量受损”。有时指某事物的价值突然降低。例如:有时指某事物的价值突然降低。例如:reduce 特别强调人为地减少或降低。例如:特别强调人为地减少或降低。例如:工人们降低了他们的工资要求。工人们降低了他们的工资要求。D R _ WORD _ DIMINISH2The workD R _ WORD _ EXPOSEHe enjoys exposing his skin to the sun.作为战时摄影记者,她遇到了很多危险。作为战时摄影记者,她遇到了很多危险。As a photographer in the war,she was exposed to many dangers.expose:vt.leave uncovered or unprotected Pattern:be exposed toD R _ WORD _ EXPOSEHe enjoys eD R _ WORD _ IMMERSE 1immerse:vt.cover completely in a liquid;absorb deeplyHe lay immersed in a hot bath.immerse,dunk&dip 这几个词均有这几个词均有“浸(入)浸(入)”的意思。的意思。CF:immerse 是正式用语,指把某物完全浸入液体中,也可是正式用语,指把某物完全浸入液体中,也可 以指陷入或专心于某事。例如:以指陷入或专心于某事。例如:她专心致志地工作,因而没有注意到我。她专心致志地工作,因而没有注意到我。She was so immersed in her work that she didnt notice me.I immersed myself in work so as to stop thinking about her.为了不再想她,我使自己完全沉浸在工作之中。为了不再想她,我使自己完全沉浸在工作之中。D R _ WORD _ IMMERSE 1immerse:D R _ WORD _ IMMERSE 2She dipped a toe in the water to see how cold it was.She used to dunk her biscuits in her tea.以前她总是把饼干在茶里泡了吃。以前她总是把饼干在茶里泡了吃。dunk 是非正式用语,指将某物部分置于液体中,动作慢且是非正式用语,指将某物部分置于液体中,动作慢且轻。例如:轻。例如:dip 是常用词,亦指将某物部分置于液体中,但马上便从液体是常用词,亦指将某物部分置于液体中,但马上便从液体中提出,其特点是小心谨慎或带有试探性。例如:中提出,其特点是小心谨慎或带有试探性。例如:她把脚尖浸入水中,以探知水有多凉。她把脚尖浸入水中,以探知水有多凉。D R _ WORD _ IMMERSE 2She dippThe whole town was in a festival atmosphere.Its nice to oneself in a pool on a hot day.He the penpoint into the ink and then went on writing.D R _ WORD _ IMMERSE 3Put into each gap one of the above words.Change the form where necessary.immersed_1.2.3.dunk _dipped _CF:immerse,dunk&dip The whole town was D R _ WORD _ MARVELOUSmarvelous:adj.causing wonder;excellent Its marvelous that we could see each other again.It is a marvelous creation by the workers.D R _ WORD _ MARVELOUSmarvelouD R _ WORD _ SPRINKLEsprinkle:vt.scatter(drops or particles of sth.)on(sth.);scatter in small drops The gardener is sprinkling water on the grass.Sprinkle the top with cheese.He likes to eat fish sprinkled with pepper.Pattern:sprinkle sth.on/over sth.Pattern:sprinkle sth.with sth.D R _ WORD _ SPRINKLEsprinkle:D R _ WORD _ ACCORDaccord:vt.1)grant 我们给予他一个英雄凯旋式的欢迎。我们给予他一个英雄凯旋式的欢迎。We accorded a heros welcome to him.2)be in agreement(followed by with)What you have just said does not accord with what you told us earlier.Collocation:bring into accord使符合,使一致使符合,使一致come/reach an accord达成一致达成一致in accord with与与一致;与一致;与相符合


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