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Chapter 1Brief Introduction to Logistics物流学简介 Knowledge:ABCs of Logistics知识:物流学常识 Dialogue:Introducing a Logistics Company对话:介绍物流公司 Case:Wal-Marts Success案例:沃尔玛的成功 Document:Bill of Lading单证:提货单 Grammar:Subject and Verb Agreement语法:主谓一致Part One Logistics Knowledge 物流知识 ABCs of Logistics 物流学常识Word TipsWord TipsNotes 1.Alexander the Great:亚历山大大帝(公元前356 年7 月22 日前323 年6 月10 日),即马其顿国王亚历山大三世,是古希腊北部马其顿的国王。生于佩拉,到16岁为止一直由亚里士多德任其导师。30岁时,已经创立古代历史上最大的帝国。他一生未尝败绩,被认为是历史上最成功的统帅之一。2.Council of Logistics Management:“美国物流管理协会”,简称CLM,是全球最有影响的物流专业组织。于2005 年1 月1 日正式更名为“美国供应链管理专业协会”(Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals,简称CSCMP)。Exercises.Based on the above passage,choose the best answer for each of the following.1._ is NOT mentioned as a procedure for the ancient armys procurement.A.Food B.AmmunitionC.Vehicle D.Clothing2._ is NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to the increase of logisticsscience in the form we know today.A.Competitive pressure B.Strategic planningC.Deregulation D.Information technology3.Logistics,as its definition suggests,is a process from point of origin to point ofconsumption for the purpose of conforming to customers _.A.consumption B.purchaseC.satisfactory D.requirements4.Core activities in Logistics include customer service,_,inventory management and information and order processing.A.transportation B.warehousingC.purchasing D.information maintenance5._ does NOT belong to information maintenance.A.Storage&manipulation B.Inventory managementC.Data analysis D.Control procedures C C B B D D A A B B.Based on the above passage,answer the following questions.1.How did Alexander the Great get supply for his arm?_2.What are the factors contributing to the increase of logistics science in the form we know today?_ 3.What are the 7Rs in the mission of Logistics?_ 4.What supporting activities does Logistics include?_ 5.What are the three critical elements of the marketing concept?_Alexander Alexander the Great tried to resolve the issues of supplies by using the Great tried to resolve the issues of supplies by using supplies from the local resources of his defeated enemies.supplies from the local resources of his defeated enemies.Many Many factors,such as deregulation,competitive pressures,information factors,such as deregulation,competitive pressures,information technology,globalization,profit leverage,etc.,contributed to the technology,globalization,profit leverage,etc.,contributed to the increase of logistics science in the form we know increase of logistics science in the form we know todaytoday To To have the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the have the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price in the right condition reach the right right place for the right price in the right condition reach the right customer.customer.Supporting activities include warehousing,materials handling,Supporting activities include warehousing,materials handling,purchasing,protective packaging,cooperation with production/operations purchasing,protective packaging,cooperation with production/operations and information maintenance.and information maintenance.They They are customer satisfaction,integrated effort/systems approach are customer satisfaction,integrated effort/systems approach and and corporate profit.Fill in the blanks by using the words or phrases given in the following box.1.Peace between the two nations will _ the prosperity of the region.2.By 5:00 P.M.the afternoon of Phils funeral,the company president had begun,with care and taste,to make inquires about Phils _.3.Libraries are a(n)_ part of this process,providing the only access for those who do not have the resources to purchase or access books and information on their own.4.With modern technology,_ for boarding at the airport is now simplified.5.This is why forming the habit of exercise regularly is so _.6.After the meeting,Mitchell told the journalists it is imperative to achieve a full and _ peace in the region to improve the lives of everyone.7.On the other hand when we do something because we receive some reward,like a certificate or money,this is extrinsic(外部的)_.8.Many people always take fuel _ into consideration when they buy cars.9.After thinking over for half an hour,the nurse _ to report the accident to the hospitals nursing supervisor.10.There is general _ that logistics plays a far better role than we thought it before.procedure resolve motivation recognition contribute toconsumption essential comprehensive replacement critical contribute contribute to to replacement replacement essential essential procedure procedure critical critical comprehensive comprehensive motivation motivation consumption consumption resolved resolved recognition recognition.Translate the underlined sentences in the above passage into Chinese.1.World War II was the major motivation of logistics to increase recognition and emphasis,following the clear importance of their contribution toward the Allied victory._ _ 2.Logistics,according to Council of Logistics Management,is the process of planning,implementing and controlling the efficient,cost-effective flow and storage of raw materials,in-process inventory,finished goods and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements._ _ _ 3.They contribute the most to the total cost of logistics or they are essential to the effective coordination and completion of the logistics task._ _第二次世界大战第二次世界大战成了提高物流认知度和重视度的主动力,物流对于盟军胜成了提高物流认知度和重视度的主动力,物流对于盟军胜 利所做的利所做的贡献是至关重要的贡献是至关重要的。美国物流协会美国物流协会于于19921992年将年将“物流物流”定义为根据消费者需求从产品开始生产至定义为根据消费者需求从产品开始生产至 最终产最终产品被消费者消费这一循环中,如何高效经济地对原材料、在制品、产品被消费者消费这一循环中,如何高效经济地对原材料、在制品、产 成品的流动和成品的流动和仓储进行规划、实施及控制的整个过程。仓储进行规划、实施及控制的整个过程。对于对于物流的总成本来说,他们(物流中的主要活动)的贡献最大,换言之,物流的总成本来说,他们(物流中的主要活动)的贡献最大,换言之,对于对于物流物流任务的有效协作与完成来说,他们是必不可少的。任务的有效协作与完成来说,他们是必不可少的。4.specify aggregate quantities,sequence&time production output,schedule supplies_ _ 5.Logistics play a critical role in each of the three critical elements of the marketing concept(customer satisfaction,integrated effort/systems approach and corporate profit)in several ways._ _ _ 6.However,when it comes to modern logistics,most professionals in the business consider it one of the most complicated and exciting jobs,invisible as it is._ _指定指定总数量及顺序、安排生产量、计划供应总数量及顺序、安排生产量、计划供应。在在市场营销概念的三个重要成分(客户满意度、综合努力市场营销概念的三个重要成分(客户满意度、综合努力/系统方法和企业利系统方法和企业利 润)中,润)中,物流扮演至关重要的角色。物流扮演至关重要的角色。然而然而,说到现代物流,大多数业内专业人士都认为,尽管物流看不见摸不着,说到现代物流,大多数业内专业人士都认为,尽管物流看不见摸不着,但它却但它却是一个最为复杂和最激动人心的工作。是一个最为复杂和最激动人心的工作。Part Two Situational Dialogue 情景对话Introducing a Logistics Company 介绍物流公司.Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1._ Expeditor International is a world leading company in terms of logistics,transportations and forwarding freights.2._ Expeditor International provides customers with lots of different services.3._ Being a Fortune 500 company,Expeditor International employs lots of trainedprofessionals in over 250 locations across seven continents.4._ Expeditor International is American first rank logistics company.5._ Lisa,a potential customer,after talking with Peter,the sales representative of Expeditor International,is going to make her final decision.Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following tasks.Peter,the sales representative of Expeditors International,is talking with Lisa,a potential customer.Peter:Hello,Lisa,welcome to Expeditors International.Its my _ to meet you here.Lisa:My great honor to meet you.May I know your name?Peter:My name is Peter.Im glad to have this _ to introduce my company to you.Lisa:Its very kind of you,go ahead please.Peter:As you may know,its a world leading company in terms of logistics,transportations and forwarding freights.Lisa:Yes,thats true.T T T T F FT T F F pleasure pleasure opportunity opportunity Peter:Our main services cover ocean import&export,air import&export,customs clearance&_,warehousing&distribution,insurance,truckingservices import&export and other value-added-on services.Lisa:Wow,it sounds like a one-stop logistics company.Peter:As a Fortune 500 company,we employ over 13,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents.Lisa:Its amazing.Peter:With modern technology,we _ customers with best routing,pricing options and satisfactory services.Lisa:No wonder it is American first rate logistics company.Peter:Currently lots of world famous manufacturers choose our company.Lisa:I see.Peter:We always live up to our promise,“Youd be surprised how far well go for you.”Lisa:Your company has done a perfect job.Peter:Well,here is my business card.Feel free to contact me if you need _information.Lisa:OK.Ill report to our boss and keep you updated.Thank you!Peter:Youre welcome.Hope to see you soon.delivery delivery provide provide additional additional Word TipsTask 1:Fill in the blanks with what you hear.1._2._3._4._5._Task 2:Based on what you have heard,match the information in column A with that in column B(There is one extra item in column B).Column AColumn B1.name of the logistics company()2.Lisa()3.total number of locations()4.position of the logistics company()5.Peter()A.a potential customerB.American first rate logistics companyC.a sales representativeD.500E.Expeditor InternationalF.250pleasure pleasure opportunity opportunity delivery delivery provide provide additional additional E E A A F F B B C CTask 3:Based on what you have heard,find out the correct word for each of thefollowing definitions and then translate it into Chinese.1.a place where your bags are checked for illegal goods when you go into a country_2.promise of reimbursement(赔偿)in the case of loss;paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards(危险)that they have made prepayments to an insurance company_ 3.a person engaged in one of the learned professions_ 4.one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen_ 5.fulfill the requirements or expectations of_customs customs 海关海关 insurance insurance 保险保险 professional professional 专业人士专业人士 option option 选择选择 live live up to up to 实现,做到,履实现,做到,履行行Task 4:Complete the following sentences by translating the given Chinese intoEnglish.1.Im glad _(有此机会)to introduce my company to you.2.As you may know,_(它是一个世界领先公司)in terms of logistics,transportations and forwarding freights.3.Our main services cover ocean import&export,air import&export,customs clearance&delivery,warehousing&distribution,insurance,trucking services import&export and _(其他增值服务).4._(拥有现代科技),we provide customers with best routing,pricing options and satisfactory services.5.We always _(履行我们的承诺),“Youd be surprised how far well go for you.”to to have this have this opportunity opportunity itits s a world leading company a world leading company other other value-added-on services value-added-on services With With modern technology modern technology live live up to our promiseup to our promisePart Three Case Analysis 案例分析Wal-Marts Success 沃尔玛的成功Word TipsWord TipsNotes 1.CNN是美国有线电视新闻网(CableNewsNetwork)的英文缩写,由特纳广播公司(TBS)董事长特德特纳于1980年6月创办,通过卫星向有线电视网和卫星电视用户提供全天候的新闻节目,总部设在美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大。2.豪华手表品牌:劳力士、雷达、卡地亚和欧米茄。3.CSCIndex系统公司的咨询师特里西(MichaelTreacy)和威尔斯马(FredWiersema)在他们的书中描述了三个普遍性的价值信条,每一个公司都必须从这三个价值信条中选择一个,持续地作用于自己,才可能获得市场领导力。运营卓越(OperationalExcellence):一流的运营和执行。通常表现为以非常低的价格提供质量优越的产品或服务。任务导向型愿景,对员工有很高要求。关注的焦点是效率、流线生产、供应链管理、无冗余服务、重视数。大多数国际大公司遵循这一原则。产品领先(ProductLeadership):强于创新和市场品牌。企业在市场上表现活跃。关注的焦点是开发、创新、设计、市场的时效性、较短时间内获取高额边际利润。亲近顾客(CustomerIntimacy):卓越于顾客关注与顾客服务。针对每一个顾客,提供量体裁衣的产品或服务。产品类别丰富,差异化特点明显。关注的焦点是客户关系管理、产品或服务的供给准时并超出顾客期望、终生价值概念、可靠性、贴近顾客,等等。将决策权下放给与顾客直接打交道的员工。4.飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)是2005年8月发生的一场五级飓风,在美国新奥尔良造成了严重破坏。2005年8月25日,该飓风在美国佛罗里达州登陆,8月29日破晓时分,再次以每小时233公里的风速在美国墨西哥湾沿岸新奥尔良外海岸登陆。登陆超过12小时后,才减弱为强热带风暴。整个受灾范围几乎与英国国土面积相当,被认为是美国历史上造成损失最大的自然灾害之一。5.cross-docking意为“交叉运输”,也称“直拨”,指物品在物流环节中,不经过中间仓库或站点,直接从一个运输工具换载到另一个运输工具的物流衔接方式。1.Discuss principles that help organizations to achieve market leadership._ 2.This passage mentions two examples that are successful in being the leaderships in the market.What are they?_ 3.As far as logistics is concerned,which aspect of logistics is emphasized to help Wal-Mart succeed?_ 4.State how this aspect(mentioned in exercise 3)works._ _ _ _ _ _Group DiscussionOrganizations Organizations can achieve market leadership by following either of the can achieve market leadership by following either of the three value disciplines namely operational excellence,customer intimacy three value disciplines namely operational excellence,customer intimacy and product leadership.and product leadership.Dell Dell and Wal-Mark.and Wal-Mark.DistributionDistribution.1)Wal1)Wal-Mart has developed a strong logistics and distribution network,and-Mart has developed a strong logistics and distribution network,and it is able to supply its stores with products quickly when other stores are it is able to supply its stores with products quickly when other stores are out of stock for many items.out of stock for many items.2 2)It uses an inventory management technique called cross-docking of)It uses an inventory management technique called cross-docking of products in its distribution centers which helps in reducing the inventory products in its distribution centers which helps in reducing the inventory costs as the time inventory is piled up in warehouses is reduced.costs as the time inventory is piled up in warehouses is reduced.3 3)Wal-)Wal-MartMarts s own tractors and trailers enable it to keep its shelves full own tractors and trailers enable it to keep its shelves full and drive sales.and drive sales.5.Explain how the philosophy of Operating Excellence works._ _ _ _ 6.In what way does Wal-Mart try to cut its cost?_ _ 7.How does Wal-Marts philosophy of saving help it to provide low prices to consumers?_ _ _ _ 8.Analyze the factors that make Wal-Mart such a high revenue generating company._ _ _Group DiscussionThe philosophy behind operational excellence is high expectations.High The philosophy behind operational excellence is high expectations.High expectations lead to high productivity,high productivity means efficient expectations lead to high productivity,high productivity means efficient processes,efficient processes means lower costs.These lower costs mean more processes,efficient processes means lower costs.These lower costs mean more profits and savings which enable it to open more stores,making it more profits and savings which enable it to open more stores,making it more financially stable and enabling it to achieve economies of scale.Greater financially stable and enabling it to achieve economies of scale.Greater scale in turn means lower prices which are then passed on to the consumers.scale in turn means lower prices which are then passed on to the consumers.WalWal-Mart tries to cut costs out of their operations such as distribution-Mart tries to cut costs out of their operations such as distribution centers,home office,fleet etc.centers,home office,fleet etc.The The philosophy of saving expenses is very much embedded in employees and they philosophy of saving expenses is very much embedded in employees and they realize that a dollar foolishly spent drives the money out of the realize that a dollar foolishly spent drives the money out of the customercustomers s pocket.Thus operations are handled in a way to save every possible penny pocket.Thus operations are handled in a way to save every possible penny which leads to saving dollars and ultimately results in providing items at low which leads to saving dollars and ultimately results in providing items at low cost to consumers.cost to consumers.The The factors are as the followings:1)Massive Buying Power;2)Operational factors are as the followings:1)Massive Buying Power;2)Operational Excellence;3)Strong Logistics&Distribution Network;4)Excellent Customer Excellence;3)Strong Logistics&Distribution Network;4)Excellent Customer Service;5)Cutting Costs and Saving Expenses.Service;5)Cutting Costs and Saving Expenses.Part Four Logistics Document 物流单证Bill of Lading 提货单Word TipsNotes 1.Haguerules:海牙规则(HagueRules)是统一提单的若干法律规定的国际公约(InternationalConventionfortheUnificationofCertainRulesofLawRelatingtoBillsofLading)的简称。它是1924年8月25日在比利时布鲁塞尔由26个国家代表出席的外交会议上签署的,于1931年6月2日起生效,截至1997年2月,加入该规则的国家和地区共有88个。2.Hague-Visbyrules:海牙维斯比规则(VisbyRules)是修改统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约议定书(ProtocoltoAmendtheInternationalConventionfortheUnificationofCertainRulesofLawRelatingtoBillsofLading)的简称。于1968年2月23日在布鲁塞尔外交会议上通过,自1977年6月23日生效。截止2006年,加入该规则的国家共有30个,其中包括英、法、德、荷、西、挪、瑞典、瑞士、意、日等主要航运国家。因该议定书的准备工作在瑞典的维斯比完成,又是对海牙规则的修改和补充,故常与海牙规则一起,称为海牙维斯比规则。3.TermsontheSampleBillofLading1)FOB:freeonboard,离岸价;船上交货价格2)SCAC:standardcarrieralphacode,承运人标准数字编码3)barcode:条形码4)collect:由收件人付款的5)P.O.:purchaseorder,订购单6)PLT:pallet,货板;(运货用的)托盘7)commodity:商品8)hosiery:针织品;袜类9)LTL:lessthantruckload,零担10)NMFC:nationalmotorfreightclassification,国家机动货运分类Exercises.Based on the above passage,choose the best answer for each of the following.1.The purpose of a bill of lading is to _.A.acknowledge that the consignee has received the goodsB.acknowledge that the transportation company has received the goodsC.acknowledge that the transportation company has shipped the goodsD.give a receipt to the transportation company2.Generally speaking,under a bill of lading,Hague rules,or the more recentHague-Visby rules govern all the followings except _.A.the rights of the carrier and the shipperB.the responsibilities of the carrier and the shipperC.the liabilities of the carrier and the shipperD.the quality of the goods being shipped3.Major parts on a bill of lading include all the followings except _.A.name of the vessel B.marks and number on the packageC.a brief list of goods being shipped D.freight rate and amount4.When shipping _,you may have to use a different shipper and reviewthe individual company policies to determine how to handle them.A.hazardous goods B.an itemized list of goodsC.goods marked with COD D.goods marked with FOB B B D D C C A A.Based on the above passage,decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1._ A bill of lading(BOL)is a legal document used by transportation companies.2._ A bill of lading transfers the title,or legal ownership of the goods to the transportation company;therefore,if anything happens to the goods in transit,the consigner is responsible for paying for the damages,delay,or loss.3._ A bill of lading is a receipt given to the person shipping the products with the transportation company.Delivery time and method are also outlined.4._ A bill of lading contains names of the airports of departure and destination.5._ You need to indicate how much liability coverage you have purchased to cover the shipment that is in excess of what the transportation company provides in a bill of lading.Translate the following terms into English.1.提货单_2.订购单_3.海牙规则_4.货到付款_5.离岸价_6.责任保险_bill bill of lading of lading purchase purchase order order Hague Hague rules rules COD COD FOB FOB liability liability coveragecoverageT T F F T T F F T T Part Five Grammar Study 语法学习Subject and Verb Agreement 主谓一致英语句中的主语有单复数及人称的变化,其谓语动词需要根据主语的人称及数的不同而有所不同,即谓语的动词与其主语在人称和数上必须保持一致。一、以下情况谓语用单数形式1.主语虽然有“and”连接,但主语受到“each”,“every”,或“no”修饰时;例如:Each building and each room was cleaned completely yesterday.2.如果主语为单数,尽管主语后面有如下11 个修饰语之一时:with,along with,together with,as well as,like,rather than,but,except,besides,including,in addition to;例如:Nobody but Janes parents knows the secret.3.当非谓语动词及从句充当主语时;例如:When and where to build the gas station has not been decided so far.注意:当“what”引导主语从句或者由“and”连接两个动词不定式或动词V-ing充当主语时,谓语动词单复数要根据意义一致原则来确定。例如:What we need here are workers.What we need is money.Lying and stealing are immoral.4.由“each”和“some”,“any”,“no”+body/one/thing 构成的复合不定代词及“the other”充当主语时;例如:Someone over the phone wants to speak to you.5.“many a或more than one”+单数名词充当主语时;例如:Many a student has been to Beijing before.There is more than one answer to your question.6.“one and a half+复数名词”充当主语时


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