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牛津英牛津英语模模块M5U2ReadingtheeconomyortheenvironmentmustwechooseUnit 2 The environment ReadingEarth song Michael JacksonWhat about sunrise 日出呢日出呢 What about rain 雨呢雨呢 What about all the things that you said we were to gain.你说过我们本应拥有的一切呢你说过我们本应拥有的一切呢 What about killing fields 死寂的土地呢死寂的土地呢 Is there a time 有没有那一段时光有没有那一段时光 What about all the things that you said was yours and mine.你说过属于你和我你说过属于你和我的一切呢的一切呢 Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注你是否曾停下去关注 All the blood weve shed before 我们曾经流出的鲜血我们曾经流出的鲜血 Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注你是否曾停下去关注 This crying Earth its weeping shores 哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸What have we done to the world 我们都对地球做了些什么我们都对地球做了些什么 Look what weve done 看看我们都做了些什么看看我们都做了些什么 What about all the peace that you pledge your only son 你对你仅有的儿子保证的和平呢你对你仅有的儿子保证的和平呢 Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注你是否曾停下去关注 All the children dead from war 所有在战争中死去的孩子所有在战争中死去的孩子 Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注你是否曾停下去关注 This crying Earth its weeping shores 哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸 Why is the earth crying?Compared with 10 years ago,the environment is getting worse.Blue skyGrey skyGreen forestBare mountainClean waterDirty waterWhat kinds of disasters have you seen from the video?Do you know any other disasters?disastersfire volcano drought/flood deforestation sandstorm wardesertificationdrought/flood desertification sandstorm drought/flood desertificationdeforestation sandstorm drought/flood desertificationwardeforestation sandstorm drought/flood desertificationwardeforestation sandstorm desertificationvolcano wardeforestation sandstorm war sandstorm disastersWhat kinds of disasters have you seen from the video?Do you know any other disasters?disastersWhat kinds of disasters have you seen from the video?Do you know any other disasters?disastersWhat kinds of disasters have you seen from the video?Do you know any other disasters?disastersfire hurricane deforestation sandstorm wardesertificationdesertification sandstorm desertificationdeforestation sandstorm desertificationwardeforestation sandstorm drought/flood desertificationwardeforestation sandstorm desertificationVolcanic eruption wardeforestation sandstorm tsunamiwar sandstorm disastersWhat kinds of disasters have you seen from the video?Do you know any other disasters?disastersdisasters What are the major causes of the environmental problems?Some environmental problems are caused by while most problems are caused by .A healthy environment is important for our survival,but why do people keep damaging the environment?naturemanThe economy the environment-must we choose?or-A debateFast readingThe topic:TV host:_One side speaker:_A spokeswoman from _The other side speaker:_A business development _Read Para 1The economy or the environment?Ms.Lin ShuiqingMr.Qian LiweiJames Longthe Green SocietyconsultantStep1.Step2.Step3.One side:present their points firstThe other side:follow and present their pointsHave a discussionReading strategy:reading a debateWhat is the order of a debate?Speakers in a debate will represent o views.ppositeEach speakers speech is meant to c you.onvinceReading strategy:reading a debateDebateClear viewsPersuasive languageConvincing evidenceSupport your own idea onlyWhat are the basic elements in a debate?The order of todays debate:Lin Shuiqing presents her points.Qian Liwei presents his points.Open the floor for discussion.Subjectsrecycling waste_chemical waste_population_fishing _water pollution_production_162345Lin ShuiqingA spokeswoman from the Green Society1.chemical wasteMany places have been destroyed and many plants and animals have died.The waste goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick.2.water pollutionOther types of waste flow into the water,killing river and sea life.3.fishingFishing boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.4.populationThe worlds population has grown by six times what it was in 1800.The figure is now about 7 billion people.The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem.5.productioncut back on production&reduce the amount of things they make and buy.6.recycling waste increase the amount of things that can be recycled and teach people ways of living that do not harm the environment.create more jobs&help our country become more developed.Lin Shuiqingrecycling waste_chemical waste_population_fishing _water pollution_production_162345aspects she has mentioned in her speechQian LiweiA bussiness development consultantCan you guess what aspects he will talk about in his speech?Qian Liweitaxes_recycling _factories _production_laws _12345Qian LiweiA bussiness development consultantRead what Mr.Qian Liwei said and then answer the following questions.1.When people think of factories,What will they think of?2.In Qians opinion,what belief do people often have?3.How can a healthy environment and development be possible at the same time?4.Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back?1.When people think of factories,what will they think of?They think of clouds of dirty smoke or of pipes pouring chemcial waste into rivers.1.When people think of factories,what else will they think of?They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibilities and only worrying about money.2.In Qians opinion,what belief do people often have?People often have the belief that development is bad for the environment.3.How can a healthy environment and development be possible at the same time?Many factories and industries control the amount of pollution they produce and are very careful to spend money repairing any damage they cause.4.Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back?Jobs will be lost and people are more important than fish and trees.Lets make a comparison.Speakers Lin Shuiqing Qian LiweiArgumentschemical_ :it has destroyed many places and caused many plants and animals to die._ :Too many fish are caughtPopulation:The worlds population has _ fast Factories:Many factories are _ about the environment.Production:Cutting back on the production may make people lose_.Recycling:Try to make more things from _ materials.Laws:_laws should be passed.Taxes:Those who pollute the environment should pay _ taxes._Production:people should try to cut back on_.Recycling:It will be good for the environment wasteFishingconcernedjobsrecycledbetterSugge-stionshigher grownproduction12345678910Which is more important?What can we do to protect the environment?DiscussionSuggestions:Aspects:student government businessman Key words and phrases:responsibility law recycle take action/measures to do side by sideIt is our responsibility to save water,electricity,food and everything and avoid unnecessary waste.E.g.Do remember to turn off the water tap when you leave.Wed better cut back on rubbish pollution.E.g.using recyclable things made from materials instead of plastic.Its a good idea to plant more trees 2.Factories should build a system to purify the waste and reduce the damage to the environment.3.The government ought to not only educate people about the importance of environmental protection but also teach people ways of living that are friendly to the environment.Besides,stricter laws should be passed to preserve the environment and create a system to deal with the waste and rubbish scientifically.Only in this way/Only if everyone of us take action side by side can we make our environment clean and beautiful,save lots of our limited resources and contribute to keeping the balance of nature.Write a report,calling on people to live in an environmentally friendly way.Homework:Write a report,calling on people to live in an environmentally friendly way.Homework:mangosteenpublic facilities were destroyedmarine litter was brought to the land谢谢观赏谢谢观赏


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