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Out of the darknessIvyOut of the darknessIvyDarkness n.黑暗黑暗 in the darkness 在黑暗中在黑暗中adj.+nessnoun happy sad carelessNew wordshappynesssadnesscarelessnessDarkness n.黑暗 New wordshexplain v.解释,叙述解释,叙述 explanation n.解释解释 You need to explain it right now.You need to give me an explanation right now.explain v.解释,叙述 coast n.海岸海岸 shore n.海岸海岸 shore可用复数可用复数shores,一般指围绕一般指围绕海洋、海洋、湖泊、大河湖泊、大河与陆地交界的地域,含有与水相与陆地交界的地域,含有与水相对的意味。对的意味。coast 在含义上比在含义上比shore 狭窄,仅狭窄,仅指沿指沿海水海水与陆地相接的线。与陆地相接的线。on shore 在岸上,在陆地上在岸上,在陆地上coast n.海岸 storm n.暴风雨暴风雨 倾盆大雨倾盆大雨 Its raining cats and dogs.towards prep.向,朝;接近向,朝;接近 (强调越来强调越来越近越近)e.g.She walks towards the gate.Towards the end of afternoon,it began to rain.storm n.暴风雨 towards rock n.岩石,礁石岩石,礁石light n.灯光灯光 the light of e.g.Please turn on the light.rock n.岩石,礁石ahead adv.在前面在前面 放在被修饰词的后面作定语放在被修饰词的后面作定语,定语后置定语后置 There is a light ahead.ahead of 在在前面前面 He went ahead of me.go ahead 朝前走;请随便朝前走;请随便(回答请求时用回答请求时用)-Can I use your telephone?-Ok,go ahead.ahead adv.在前面 cliff n.悬崖,悬崖,峭壁(尤指海边的)峭壁(尤指海边的)hospital n.医院医院 go to hospital&go to the hospital两两者都有去医院的意思者都有去医院的意思。go to hospital是指是指去医院看病去医院看病(自己病了自己病了),go to the hospital是是指去医院指去医院,不一定是自己生病了不一定是自己生病了,有可能是有可能是去看别人或者去上班去看别人或者去上班cliff n.悬崖,峭壁(尤指海边的)struggle v.挣扎挣扎,斗争,斗争 struggle with 与与做斗争做斗争 struggle for 为为而斗争而斗争 struggle to do sth.挣扎着做某事挣扎着做某事 struggle v.挣扎,斗争Listen and answerWhen and where did the girl set out?Where did she jump?Why was the girl in hospital?Listen and answerWhen and wher Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.当当before用在句子中间,且连接用在句子中间,且连接2个分句,个分句,before前的分前的分 句讲了过了多少时间的情况下,可将句讲了过了多少时间的情况下,可将before意思理解为意思理解为“才才”before long 不久以后不久以后(与将来式、过去式连用)(与将来式、过去式连用)e.g.The work will be finished before long.long before 很久以前(与过去式连用)很久以前(与过去式连用)e.g.We heared the story long before.be able to be able to 强调有能力还强调强调有能力还强调成功成功 can 强调有能力强调有能力 Nearly a week passed befo One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a strom.Towards evening,the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea.set out 出发,动身出发,动身 等同于等同于set off set out from/to/for England be/get caught in 遇到(麻烦、困难),陷入(窘境)遇到(麻烦、困难),陷入(窘境)e.g.He was caught in traffic on the way home.One afternoon she set out Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.spend(一段时间)(一段时间)on sth./(in)doing sth.spend(一笔钱)(一笔钱)on/for sth.cover 走过,行过,游过(路程)走过,行过,游过(路程)He covers twenty miles a day.a distance of+具体长度具体长度 该结构可表示具体距离该结构可表示具体距离 Then she swam to the shor Early next morning,she saw a light ahead.She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliffs towards the light she had seen.That was all she remembered.When she woke up a day later,she found herself in hospital.early next morning 第二天一大早第二天一大早 early in the morning 一大早一大早“on+动名词动名词”相当于相当于 as soon as或或 when 引导的时间状语引导的时间状语从句从句find onself 发现发现/认识到自己的处境认识到自己的处境(非主观意愿决定)(非主观意愿决定)Early next morning,she saThe usage of prepositionfrom,to,towards,fromto(均可与地点、时(均可与地点、时间连用)间连用)一般情况一般情况下下to与与towards可互换,但可互换,但towards有越来有越来越接近的意思越接近的意思 set out from New York go to/towards Beijing fly from New York to Beijing watch TV from 6:00 to 8:00 The usage of prepositionfrom,in&into in可与时间、地点连用,可与时间、地点连用,into后面只跟地点后面只跟地点 go _(in/into)the house,前者离房子近,后者离,前者离房子近,后者离 房子远;前者强调到房子那边去,后者强调到房子里房子远;前者强调到房子那边去,后者强调到房子里面去。面去。out of “出来出来”We walk out of the classroom.in&into for 可与时间、地点连用可与时间、地点连用 “for+表示一段时间的名称表示一段时间的名称”,该结构中,该结构中for有时可有时可以省略。以省略。E.g.wait(for)two months 若若时间名词前无任何限定语,或者该结构位于句首,时间名词前无任何限定语,或者该结构位于句首,for不可省略不可省略 leave for 强调强调leave head for 强调去强调去 set out for动身到某地动身到某地 for 可与时间、地点连用 at 范围小,有种瞄准的概念范围小,有种瞄准的概念 可与时间、地点连用。可与时间、地点连用。后跟地点,可表示目的地;跟时间,要跟具体时间后跟地点,可表示目的地;跟时间,要跟具体时间 e.g.They threw stones at the bank.We arrived at the station at 7O clock.at Thank you


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