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Unit2 Colours Free talkFree talk 1.Have you ever seen a rainbow in the sky?When does it often appear?2.Whats the colour of the rainbow?A rainbow appears in the sky when there is both rain and sunshine.When the sunlight shines through the rain.They are red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and violet.redorangeyellowgreenblueindigovioletOur world is full of coloursFree talk3.Which colour is your favourite?4.Do you think colours can affect our moods?Millie found an article about the relationship between colours and moods in a magazine.Lets try to find out what the different colours represent and how they affect us.Read the new words and Choose the right answers1Yourmoodis_athewayyouthinkbthewayyoufeelcyourfavouritecolour2Whenyoufeelsleepy,youare_.ainneedofsleepbasleepcinadeepsleep3Representmeans_.agiveapresenttosomeonebbeasignofcshowoff4Whenyoufeelrelaxed,youare_.acalmandnotworriedbtoonervoustomoveckindandgenerous5 Feeling stressed means _.a feeling sad b feeling happy c feeling tired and unable to relax6 When youre satisfied,you are _.a patient b happy c angry inside7 Cheer someone up means _.a make someone calmer b make someone sadder c make someone happier8 Remind means _.a repair b think c help rememberTask 1 listen and answer How many kinds of colours are talked about in the text?What are they?What do they represent?coloursDifferent colours blue and whiteorange and yellowgreenredCalm colours Warm ColoursEnergetic coloursStrongColoursWhat do colours represent?A:What does blue represent?B:Blue represents calm.wisdomgrowthpowerpurityjoycalmWearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind.Blue creates the feeling of energy.Someone who is feeling sad may say“Im feeling white.”White is the colour of purity.Task2 Scanning (Para 1-3),Para 1-3),and tell T or F and tell T or F Scanning(Para4-5)and answer1.How do you feel when you see orange?2.How can orange help and what does it represent?3.How do you feel when you see yellow and what does it represent?Warm,happy,satisfied and comfortableIt can bring you success and cheer you up.It represents joy.Warm and sunny.It represents wisdom.1.Green is the colour of new life,nature and growth.It can give us energy.2.Green can make you feel tired or weak.3.Green can represent growth or envy.Scanning(Para 6)and tell T or FScanning(Para 7)complete the passageRed is the colour of _.It represents _ and strong _.It can make it easier for you to take _ or make a _.heatpowerfeelingsactiondecisionTask for 2nd readingWhat does each colour represent?How do they affect our feelings?Warm coloursEnergetic coloursStrongcoloursRepresentFeelingsbluewhiteharmony,sadnesspurity,peacecalmpeacefulless stressedorangeyellowjoy,successsun,wisdomhappy,warm satisfied,comfortablegreennew life,growthnature,envyredpower,heatstrong feelingsCalm colours energeticstrongpowerfulsummarycolours Task 3:P29.Part.C:P29.Part.C:The best colour for Millies friends.Lisa I think the best colour to represent Lisa is _.She is always in the library and she often gets good marks in tests.yellowWhat is the best color for Lisa?What is the best color for Daniel?Daniels colour must be _.He can help people calm down when they are angry.blue/whiteI think Sandy should use the color _ more.She worries a lot and often gets stressed.Sandy whiteWhat is the best color for Sandy?Pauls colour should be _.He has a strong personality and likes to be the leader.red What is the best colour for Paul?I think Kitty should use the color _ when she feels tired or weak.It can give her energy when she dances.greenWhat is the best color for Kitty?This article tells us something about the relationship(关系关系)between _ and _._ and _ are calm colours because they make you feel calm and _.Blue is good for the _ and body,It also represents _.White is the colour of _.You should wear white when you feel _._ represents joy.Yellow is the colour of _.They are _ colours._ is an energetic colour.It represents new life and _ as it is the colour of _.It is also the colour of _.Red is a _ colour.It represents _,_ and strong feelings.coloursmoodsBluewhitepeacefulsadnesspurityOrangewisdomwarmGreengrowthnatureenvystrongpowerheatmindstressed What colour do you like best?What does it represent?Why do you like it?What are your characteristics?Does your favourite colour match your characteristics?My favourite colour is_.It represents_.I like it because _.I am _(your characteristics).I think/dont think my favourite colour matches my characteristics.Whats your favourite colour?redstrength,power,heatandstrongfeelingsItcanhelpmewhenIamhavingdifficultymakingadecision.lively,funnyandstrongLanguage points1.sleepy&asleepsleepy-sleepier-sleepiestsleepy可做表语,也可做定语,但是asleep只能做表语e.g.Hefeltso_thathefell_quickly.Helookedeven_afterrunning.(sleep)2.Wearingblueclothesorsleepinginablueroomisgoodforourmindandbody.e.g.Runningorswimming_(be)goodforhealth.Runningandswimming_(be)goodforhealth.or+n./pron.就近原则e.g.Oneortwofriendsarecomingthisevening.类似:eitherorneithernornotonly.butalsosleepyasleepsleepierisare3.remindsb.ofsth.使某人回想起e.g.Thesongremindedmeofmyhometown.remindsb(not)todosth.提醒某人(不)做某事Remindme_(answer)theletter.Thisfilmremindsthatweshouldprotectourearth.4.cheerup使某人振奋e.g.Cheepup!Thenewsisntbad.Hetookhertothepartytocheerherup.5.makesb.dosth.Theymadeher_(wait)foralongtimeyesterday.bemadetodosth.I_(make)towriteacompositionbytheteacher.make+adj.e.g.Eatingthebadapplemadehimill.to answerwasmadewait6.relaxedadj.e.g.Hewaslyinginthesun,lookingveryrelaxed.relaxv.e.g.Heistoonervousto_(relax).Themusicwillhelpyou_(relax).Listeningtothe_musiccanmakeyoumuch_(relax).7.prefer(not)todosth.prefers-preferring-preferredIprefertowalkthere.Atthatmomenttheypreferrednottotalkaboutthisquestion.prefer+n./pron.e.g.-Whichdoyouprefer,riceornoodles?-Ipreferrice.preferto(介词)relaxingrelaxmorerelaxedrelaxe.g.Ipreferteatocoffee.Hesaidhe_thecountrytothecity.(prefer)Heprefers_todancing.(sing)8.wouldratherdosththan(do)sth不能和名词连用1.Idrather_(play)tennisthanswimWouldyourather_(stay)hereorgohome?2.-Haveadrink?-No,thanks.Idrathernot.3.Hewouldrather_(notinvite)totheboringparty.9.havedifficulty(in)doingsth.e.g.Wehavedifficultyin_(find)hishouse.Whatgreatdifficultytheyhad_(work)outtheproblem!stayplaypreferredsingingfindingnotbeinvitedworking10.make/find/thinkit+形容词+todosth.It是形式宾语e.g.WefindithardtolearnEnglishwell.Thismakesiteasierforustosolvetheproblem.Doyouthink_(it/that)importanttoeathealthyfood?Wefoundit_(difficulty)forustolearnEnglishwell.11.创造和谐感createafeelingofharmony感到悲伤feelsad/blue在结婚的那天ontheweddingday复习迎考studyforexams生活在寒冷气候下的人们peoplelivinginthecoldclimatepeoplewholivein十分嫉妒begreenwithenvy做出决定makeadecision任何需要身体或精神力量的人anyoneinneedofphysicalor anyonewhoneedsmentalstrength itdifficult


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