八下英语第二单元复习 (2)课件

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Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks 单元复习单元复习be blind be unable to walk be deaf and be unable to speak be unable to use hands How could we help people?We could help clean up the parks.We could help sick people in the hospital.We could help plant trees.help the old peoplehelp give out food at the food bank1.Im sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.set up 建起;建起;设立立e.g.Lets set up our tent by the river.我我们在河在河边搭建搭建帐篷吧。篷吧。disabled adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的失能力的;有残疾的dis(否定前否定前缀)able(能能够)disabled e.g.He was disabled in the accident.他在事故中残疾了。他在事故中残疾了。2.Lucky makes a big difference to my life.make a difference 影响;有作用影响;有作用e.g.It would make a big difference to my life.这会会对我的生活我的生活产生很大影响。生很大影响。3.What would it be like to be blind or deaf?deaf adj.聋的的 blind adj.瞎的;失明的瞎的;失明的e.g.Deaf people cant hear,and blind people cant see.聋人听不人听不见,失明的人看不,失明的人看不见。4.Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily.imagine v.n.想象;想象;设想想e.g.You dont imagine it is true.你你别想象那是真的。想象那是真的。5.but many people have these difficulties.difficult adj.困困难的的 difficulty n.difficulty n.困困难;难题e.g.When youre in difficulty,ask me for difficulty.当你遇到困当你遇到困难时,向我求助。,向我求助。6.opening and closing doors,e.g.Open the door,please.请开门。请开门。open v.打开;开打开;开train v.训练;培训训练;培训train v.training n.训练;培训训练;培训e.g.Im training myself for a race.我正在为赛跑作训练。我正在为赛跑作训练。Very hard training is necessary.刻苦训练很必要。刻苦训练很必要。7.Helpers about getting me a special trained dog.辨析:辨析:exciting 与与excitedexciting 意意为“另人另人兴奋的的”,常用于修常用于修饰事物事物;excited 意意为“激激动的的”,人作主人作主语。excited adj.激激动的;的;兴奋的的8.I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.e.g.The boy was too excited to go to sleep.小男孩太小男孩太兴奋了,以至于不能入睡。了,以至于不能入睡。I have some exciting news for you.我告我告诉你一些另人你一些另人兴奋的消息。的消息。9.Lucky is very clever and understands many English words.e.g.It was clever of him to find the way here.他能找到他能找到这儿来真是儿来真是聪明。明。clever adj.聪明的明的understand v.理解;理解;领会会(understood)e.g.This grammar is easy to understand.这本本语法法书很容易理解。很容易理解。e.g.How did it change his life?它如何改它如何改变他的生活?他的生活?10.Thank you again for changing my life.change v.变化;改化;改变several pron.adj.几个;数个几个;数个feeling n.感觉;感触;感觉;感触;感情感情e.g.He had to lower his voice to control his feeling.satisfaction n.满足;满意满足;满意e.g.Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.satisfy v.+action satisfactione.g.Its difficult to describe my joy in words.joy n.高兴;愉快高兴;愉快owner n.物主;主人物主;主人e.g.They decided to give the cat back to the owner.own (v.拥有拥有)+er ownere.g.A thousand-li journey begins with the first step.journey n.旅行;旅程旅行;旅程notice n.公告牌;公告牌;通告;布告通告;布告Please read the list on the notice board.请读公告板上的名单。请读公告板上的名单。Look around,we could see no sign of life.环顾四围,我们看不出一点生命的迹象。环顾四围,我们看不出一点生命的迹象。sign n.标志;信号标志;信号Many people volunteer to work on the farm.很多人志愿到农场去工作。很多人志愿到农场去工作。volunteer v.义务劳动,自愿做义务劳动,自愿做volunteer to do sth.义务自愿做某事义务自愿做某事The students take turns to clean up their classroom.学生们轮流打扫教室。学生们轮流打扫教室。clean up 打扫;清除打扫;清除give out 分发;散发分发;散发Please help me give out these test papers.请帮我将这些试卷发下去。请帮我将这些试卷发下去。cheer v.欢呼欢呼;喝喝彩彩 Cheer up.The news isnt too bad.振作起来,消息还不算太坏。振作起来,消息还不算太坏。I dont feel lonely because I made new friends here.我不觉得孤独因为我交了新朋友。我不觉得孤独因为我交了新朋友。lonely adj.孤独的;寂寞的孤独的;寂寞的Jack used to be short,but now hes tall.杰克过去很矮,但现在高了。杰克过去很矮,但现在高了。used to 曾经,曾经,过去过去 clean up 打扫打扫(或清除或清除)干净干净cheer up (使使)变得更高兴变得更高兴;振雀振雀put up 建造建造;举起举起;张贴张贴call up 打电话打电话;召集召集give out 分发分发;散发散发try out 试用试用;试行试行hand out 分发分发;散发散发;发给发给put off 推迟推迟;延迟延迟help out with sth.帮助解决困难帮助解决困难come up with 想出;提出想出;提出care for 关心关心;照顾照顾work for 为为工作;为工作;为.效力效力cheer them upcheer up the sick kidscheer the sick kids upput away the booksgive the clothes awayHelp me outWork the problems outHand the homework inCall up the policeFix up the bikePut up the signCut up the bananasMario and Mary _ _ several hours each week _ _ others.Mario wants _ _ an animal doctor.He _ at an animal hospital.He wants _ _ more about _ _ care for animals.Complete the sentences.how toto helpgive up to be to learnvolunteersCan you tell something about Mario to us?Mary is a book lover.She could read by herself _ _ _ of four.Last year,she decided _ _ _ for a volunteer after-school _ program.Mary still works there once a week _ _ kids _ _ read.Volunteering here is a dream come true for her.She can what she _ _ _and helps others at the same time.to try outat the ageloves to doreadinglearn to to helpCan you tell something about Mary to us?Ben Smith is a _ man.He has many _ in his life.He cant _ his _ or legs well.Some normal things like answering the telephone,_ and closing the doors,or _ things are difficult forFill in the blanks with the proper words.disableddifficultiesusearmsopeningcarryinghim.But“Lucky”,the dog-helper,makes _ to his life.Lucky is a fantastic dog.It is very _ and _ many English words.It can understand him when he gives him order.differencescleverunderstandsCareful reading Task 2 What would it be like to be blind or d_?Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands e_.Most people would never think about this,but many people have these d_.I cant use my arms or legs well,n_ things like a_ the telephone,opening and c_ doors or carrying things are difficult for me.Then one day last year,a friend of m_ helped me o_.She talked to“Animal Helpers about getting me a s_ trained dog.She also thought a dog might cheer me_.I told her that I love animals and was e_ about having a dog.1.He made me _(tell)him all the things.2.Please remember _(water)the plants while Im away.3.Lets _(watch)a talk show.Fill in the blanks.to watertellwatch4.What can you expect _(learn)from the news?5.My parents want me _(be)a doctor.6.Id like _(watch)cartoons at home.to beto watchto learn1._ up 2._ away3._ off 4._ out of5._ after 6._ up with1.Fill in each blank with a possible verb to make a phrasal verb.cleangivetake come runputLast week,Jimmy,the Bike boy _ of money _ old bikes.He was unhappy,so everyone was trying _ him up.He _ some signs asking for old bikes and _ all his friends on the phone _ them about the problem.He even _ notices at the supermarket.2.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or infinitives.called up to tellhanded outto cheerhad ran outto buyput upThen he told the teachers at school about his problem and they _ a call-in center for parents.The ideas that he _ with worked out fine.He now has 16 bikes _ up and _ to children who dont have bikes.to fixcame upgive awayset up1._ up 2._ away3._ off 4._ out of5._ after 6._ up with1.Fill in each blank with a possible verb to make a phrasal verb.cleangivetake come runputLast week,Jimmy,the Bike boy _ of money _ old bikes.He was unhappy,so everyone was trying _ him up.He _ some signs asking for old bikes and _ all his friends on the phone _ them about the problem.He even _ notices at the supermarket.2.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or infinitives.called up to tellhanded outto cheerhad ran outto buyput upThen he told the teachers at school about his problem and they _ a call-in center for parents.The ideas that he _ with worked out fine.He now has 16 bikes _ up and _ to children who dont have bikes.to fixcame upgive awayset up1.(owner/own)My mother asked me to wash my _ clothes.Who is the _ of the new bike?2.(train/training)If you _ hard,youll be a good soccer player.These dogs go to special schools for _.一、选词填空。一、选词填空。ownownertraintraining3.(alone/lonely)Its dangerous for a girl to go out _ at night.The old woman lives by herself,she feels very _.4.(train/training)If you _ hard,youll be a good soccer player.These dogs go to special schools for _.alonelonelytraintraining5.(exciting/excited)I think skiing is more _ than skating.The children were _ about opening the presents.6.(sick/ill)A _ man has not much taste for food.Miss Lee was _,so Mr Smith went instead.excitingexcitedsickill7.(blind/deaf)A _ man is sometimes guided by a dog.The old woman was _ in one ear.8.(fix/repair)My father wanted to _ a shelf on the wall.We have nobody on hand to _ your car.deafblindfixrepair9.(give away/give out)Please help me _ these test papers.She _ all her money to the poor.10.(difficult/difficulty)She find it _ to find a job in the city.You can ask your teacher for help if you are in any _.give outgive awaydifficultdifficulty动词不定式的基本用法动词不定式的基本用法中考语法教学目标掌握动词不定式在句中作不同成分时的用法。带动词不定式的一些固定搭配和简单句型。动词不定式的定义英语中,把“to do(动词原形)”结构叫做动词不定式。其中to是动词不定式的标志 1、动词不定式作主语1:To dance with you makes me happy.2:It is difficult to drive in the mountains.这里It作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式 Or:To drive in the mountains is difficult.句子变形:It is so nice to meet you again.It is good to get up early.2、动词不定式作表语表语是补充说明主语的身份、性质、特征、状态的。一般跟在be动词后。可以是名词、形容词以及动词不定式。1.Her wish is to be a teacher.2.Your duty is to clean the classroom.3、动词不定式作宾语补足语宾补:补充说明宾语的情况。1:He wants me to come earlier.2:The policeman ordered them to turn around.这里me和them是宾语。4、动词不定式作状语状语:表示动作发生的时间、地点、原因、程度。介词短语也可作状语。作目的状语 I went there to see her.(为了看你)She opened the window to let some fresh air in.(为了让新鲜空气进来)作结果状语1:He is too tired to go any further.2:He is not old enough to join the army.他太累了以至于他再也走不动了。他太小了所以不能参军。作原因状语不定式跟在表示“喜、怒、哀、乐”的形容词后,可以表示引起这些情感的原因。(happy sad surprised 等)1:Im sorry to trouble you.2:Im gald to see you.5、疑问词+不定式 我知道如何煮。我知道如何煮。I know how to cook.我不知道要买什么东西给你。我不知道要买什么东西给你。I dont know what to buy for you.一些后接动词不定式作宾语的及物动词。多表示意愿、企图等动词。如:hope want wish like try ask agree decide promise1.I want to talk with you.2.She has decided to go.下列结构常用带to的动词不定式。be able/ready/afraid to do sth Its time to do sth It takes sb some time to do sth.cant wait to do sthIts adj for/of sb to do sth一些动词不定式的谚语。To see is to believe.Eat to live,but not live to eat.Its never too old to learn.Not to advance is to go back.眼见为实吃是为了活着,但是活着不是为了吃。活到老学到老(学海无涯)不进则退


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