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Unit 6 Some stories are more interesting than others.1-a piecepi:s of meat mi:t一一块肉肉three pieces of meat三三块肉肉2-a butcher bt(r)屠夫3-bridgebrd 桥4-The dog walked across the bridge.5-betterbet(r)较好的6-dropped drpt 落下(drop的过去式和过去分词)7-Interesting有趣的有趣的8-a bridgea riverThere is a bridge across the river.9-acrosskrs 穿过nearn(r)在.附近anothern(r)另一个other(r)其他的10-acrossbutcher dropped betterotherinterestinganothera piece of meat bridgenear11-12-Peter like reading.彼得喜欢读书。He likes some books more than others.他喜欢一些书超过其他的书。Some stories are more interesting than others.一些故事书比其他的故事更有趣。He is reading a story to his friends now.他现在正给他的朋友读一个故事。13-Once upon a time,there was a dog.从前,有一条狗。The dog took it and carried it home.这条狗叼着肉并把它带回家。A butcher gave a piece of meat to the dog.一个屠夫给了这条狗一块肉。14-There was a river near its home.在它附近有一条河。There was a bridge across the river.有一座桥横跨这条河。The dog walked across the bridge.这条狗走过这座桥。15-It saw another dog in the water.它在河水里看见另外一条狗。The dog had a piece of meat in its mouth,too.那条狗嘴里也有一那条狗嘴里也有一块肉。肉。That a piece of meat is better than mine,it thought.“那那块肉比我的好,肉比我的好,”它想。它想。Im going to get it.“我要得到它。我要得到它。”16-The dog opened its mouth.这条狗张开了嘴巴。It wanted the other dogs meat.它想要那条狗的肉。17-Its meat dropped into the water.它的肉掉进了水里。Thats right.对了。The dog lost the piece of meat.这条狗丢掉了那块肉。18-Listen to the tape.Tick the correct picture.Then write a sentence about the other picture.19-A1.Peter likes2.He is reading3.The dog saw4.The dog dropped B its piece of meatanother dog in the waterTo his friendsreading 20-能够根据本单元的学习,熟练使用比较级对事物进行比较。形容形容词比比较级的句型的句型A+is/are more.than B21-The cartoon is more interesting than other.22-This story is more interesting than other.23-Some books are more interesting than others.24-This girl is more beautiful than other.25-26-swimming in the seaswimming in a poolmore excitingexcitingless令人兴奋的更令人兴奋的27-reading a Chinese bookinterestingreading an English bookmore interestingless有趣的更有趣的没那么28-friendlyTonyJimless friendlymore友好的29-worriedmore worriedJohnSarah担心的,着急的30-¥100¥40expensiveless expensivemore31-Mrs LiMrs Wutired less tiredmore疲劳的32-Lets practiceLook at the pictures.Write sentences to say what each peron likes and why.33-doing homeworklistening to musicless boringboring乏味的,无聊的34-He likes swimming in the sea.It is more exciting than swimming In a pool.35-He likes reading an English book.It is more interesting than reading a Chinese book.36-She likes watching television.It is less boring than listening to music.37-Who is more worried?Mrs He is more worried thanMrs Tang.38-Who is less tired?John is less tired than James.39-Whose watch is more expensive?Johns watch is more expensivethan Tonys watch.40-Who is less friendly?Sarah is less friendly than May.41-Do you know these stories?more exciting/interestingboringless42-He likes .It more than .interesting doing homework boring swimming exciting reading a book :43-一般句式的构成:A+is/are+形容词比较级+than+B A 是主格 B 是宾格 如:She is taller than me.Li Ping is older than Wang Hai.This tree is taller than that one.A watermelon is bigger than an apple.He is cleverer than his brother.He is the stronger one of the two boys.The book is more interesting than that one.This girl is more beautiful than other.英英语语形容形容词词比比较级较级 44-比比较级的构成(的构成(规则变化)化)一、一、单音音节词末尾加末尾加-er(比(比较级)原原级 比比较级few fewer 少的great greater 太好了,伟大的small smaller 小的clean cleaner 干净的45-二、二、单音音节如以如以e结尾,只加尾,只加-r(比(比较级)原原级 比比较级fine finer 好的nice nicer 好的,漂亮的 wide wider 宽的46-三、闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er(比较级)原原级级 比比较级较级big bigger 大的hot hotter 热的red redder 红色的47-五、以-y结尾的双音节词,如-y前是辅音字母,则变y为-i,再加-er。原原级级 比比较级较级easy easierhappy-happierlucky-luckier48-六、多音六、多音节词和部分双音和部分双音节词,在原,在原级前加前加more 原原级 比比较级interestingmore interesting 有趣的有趣的carefulmore careful 仔仔细的,小心的的,小心的difficult more difficult 困困难的的delicious more delicious 美味的,可口的美味的,可口的49-不不规则变规则变化化 原级 比较级good/well betterbad worse many/much more little lessfar farther/further 远的50-形容词的比较级原级变为比较级,通常er加上去。若是结尾辅原辅,末尾双写要牢记。辅音加y结尾时,把y变i是必须。原级若以e结尾,直接加r不后悔。51-52-


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