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Unit 3Is this your pencil?Self check七年级人教新目标上册七年级人教新目标上册1.Write the school things you know.pen ruler pencil pencil box schoolbag notebook book ruler dictionary eraser2.Complete the chart with pronouns.Imemymineyouyoursherhershehimyouyoursheherhishis3.Look at the picture and write conversations.Is this/Is that?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.1Is that your schoolbag?No,it isnt.234Is that your baseball?Yes,it is.Is this your key?Yes,it is.Is that your watch?No,it isnt.AB4.Complete the words and tell us the Chinese meaning of each word.th _ s _ t h _ t _y _ s _ n _ _l _st _ f _ nd _r _ng _ c _ ll _iaeooo uia这个这个那个那个是是不是不是丢失的丢失的戒指戒指找回的找回的打电话打电话notebook bookbaseballkey5.Match the words with the pictures.B:Is it a watch?C:Is it a pen?A:Whats this?6.Draw a picture on the board.The other students guess what it is.Just for Fun!1.-_.Whats this in English?-Its car.A.Sorry B.Hello C.Excuse me D.Hi.Choose the correct answer.解析解析:当你想和别人说话当你想和别人说话,或想向别人或想向别人提问题时提问题时,最好先用最好先用Excuse me(劳驾劳驾打扰一下打扰一下)。Sorry是做错了事情向别是做错了事情向别人道歉时的用语。人道歉时的用语。C 2_are good friends.A.I and Amy B.Amy and I C.Amy D.I解析解析:当当“我我”与别人并列时与别人并列时,通常通常是将别人放在前是将别人放在前,自己放在后自己放在后,表示表示对别人的尊重。对别人的尊重。B 3.-Can you spell it,please?-_,R-U-L-E-R,ruler.A.Yes B.No C.No,I cant 解析解析:Can you spell it,please?是一般是一般疑问句疑问句,通常要先回答通常要先回答Yes 或或No。与与How do you spell it,please?直接直接拼读不同。拼读不同。A 4.-How do you spell ball?-_.A.Yes,I can B.No,I cant.C.B-A-L-L D.Yes,B-A-L-L 5.This _ a book.That _ a pen.A.am/is B.is/is C.is/am D.are/are6.Is this _ pencil?-Yes,_.A.your,its B.you,its C.your,it is D.you,it is C C B.连接句子连接句子1.Is that your notebook?2.How do you spell ring?3.Whats that in English?4.Is this a baseball?A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.R-I-N-G.Ring.D.Its a schoolbag.a.-_ me,Tom.Is this _ pen?-_,it is.Its _ pen.b.-Excuse _,Nancy._this your _?-No,it _.Its Jennys eraser.Its _eraser.c.-_ that _ schoolbag?-Yes,its Jims _.ExcuseyourYesmymeIseraserisntherIshisschoolbag.Fill in the blanks.1.请原谅请原谅,这是你的铅笔盒吗这是你的铅笔盒吗?2.那是她的英语字典吗那是她的英语字典吗?3.这是他的书吗这是他的书吗?4.它是我的钥匙。它是我的钥匙。Excuse me.Is this your pencil box?Is that her English dictionary?Is this his book?It is my key.Translation 5.这是这是Sonia的铅笔吗的铅笔吗?不不,它不是。它不是。6.那是那是Cindy的英汉字典吗的英汉字典吗?7.这是一本英语书吗这是一本英语书吗?8.它是一块桔红色的橡皮。它是一块桔红色的橡皮。Is this Sonias pencil?No,it isnt.Is that Cindys English-Chinese dictionary?Is this an English book?It is an orange eraser.1.Check the new words in groups.2.P8页中的页中的 2b 抄写抄写2遍并背诵。遍并背诵。3.P8页中页中Grammar抄写抄写2遍并背诵。遍并背诵。Homework


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