sectionB1 (7)课件

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Where did you go on vacation?Section BUnit 1去度假去度假 照相(照相(4)给某人给某人/某物拍照某物拍照 为某人拍为某人拍照照 相当多相当多(cn.(pl.)相当多(相当多(ucn)大部分时)大部分时间间 买一些特殊的东西买一些特殊的东西 碰见一些有趣的人碰见一些有趣的人 做一做一些有趣的事情些有趣的事情 黄果树瀑布黄果树瀑布 没什么太多的事可做没什么太多的事可做没什么特殊的事可做没什么特殊的事可做 除除之外什么也没有之外什么也没有 去去观光观光 去冲浪去冲浪 去骑自行车去骑自行车 好像好像,似乎似乎 好像做好像做某事某事 发表对发表对的看法的看法Play a listening game arrived sawwas decided triedfelthadwererodeenjoyed It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.I decide to buy a new car.They decide to visit the museum.My sister and I tried paragliding.I tried calling him,but no one answered.Im going to(will)try to learn English well.I want to try my best to learn Math.Please try this new dress on,its beautiful.Im going to have a try.I felt like I was a bird.He feels like(that)he is swimming.She feels like(that)she is in a very nice dream.penangMalaysiasunny and hotbeachnear our hoteltry paraglidinga birdexcitingsomething very specialGeorgetownride bicyclesa lot of new buildingsmany of old buildingsWeld Quaythe houses of the Chinese tradersI wonder what life was like here in the past.I wonder who the boy is.I wonder what they are doing here.Mr.Green wondered why she was late.I wonder where he went.He wonders how to be a good cook.


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