SectionB-1 (6)课件

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官庄中学官庄中学 程珊程珊 Unit 1 Topic 3 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B Section B Unit 1 Topic 3Unit 1 Topic 3Section B官庄中学官庄中学 程珊程珊(影片1)(影片1)A:Whats this/that in English?B:Its a CD.a desk a map a pen a ruler a pencil a car a bookan applean orangean eggan eraser a booka desk a map a pen你能发现它们的区别吗你能发现它们的区别吗?an applean orangean eggan eraser a pencil a ruler a cara和和an的区别的区别1.a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前。用在以辅音音素开头的单词前。例如:例如:a book,a 用在以元音音素开头的单词前。用在以元音音素开头的单词前。例如:例如:an egg,an applea/an被称作不定冠词,用在单数可数名词前,表达某一被称作不定冠词,用在单数可数名词前,表达某一个人或事物中的一个,相当于汉语的个人或事物中的一个,相当于汉语的“一一”,但不强调但不强调数目概念。数目概念。a/an用法的区别:用法的区别:complete the sentence with a/an1.Thats _ruler.2.This is_desk.3.Whats this?Its _ eraser.4.Whats that?Its_ egg.5.Whats this?Its_ book.6.Whats this?Its_English book.aaananaanA:Whats this in English?a book B:Its a book.A:How do you spell it?B:B-O-O-K,book.A:Can you spell it,please?B:Yes,B-O-O-K,book.A:Thank you./Thanks B:Thats OK./Youre welcomeA:Whats this in English?B:Its an eraserA:how do you spell it?B:E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser.A:Thank you.B:Thats OK.A:Whats that in English?B:Its a mapA:Can you spell it,please?B:Yes.M-A-P,map.A:Thanks.B:Youre welcome.A:Whats this in English?B:Its A:How do you spell it?B:a pen.P-E-N,pen.a book.B-O-O-K, eraser.E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser.a ruler.R-U-L-E-R,ruler.Whats this in English?Its a/an How do you spell it?Touch and guess what it is.Use sentences of identifying objects.Lets chantWhats this?What this?Whats this?Its a pen/map/book/desk.Its a pen/map/book/desk.What that?Whats that?Its an apple/orange/egg/eraser.Its an apple/orange/egg/eraser.Section BLook,listen and say.Excuse me,whats this in English?Its an eraser.(视频(视频P19-1a)mapdeskpenpencileraserListen and complete the conversations.A:Excuse me,whats _ in English?B:Its _ pencil.A:How do you spell it?B:P-E-N-C-I-L,_.A:Thank you.B:_ _.apencilYoure welcomethis(录音录音P19-1b)A:Excuse me,whats _ in English?B:Its _ apple.A:_ _ _ _?B:Yes,A-P-P-L-E,apple.A:_.B:Thats OK.anCan you spell itThanksthatWhats this/that in English?Its a/an How do you spell it?/Can you spell it?PracticeSum up1.Patterns:2.1.Whats this/that in English?3.2.Its a/an 4.3.How do you spell it?5.4.Can you spell it,please?2.a,an 的区别的区别 1.a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前。用在以辅音音素开头的单词前。例如:例如:a book;a 用在以元音音素开头的单词前。用在以元音音素开头的单词前。例如:例如:an egg;an apple(1)总结:在学过的名词中,哪些前面 加a,哪些前面加an。(2)参考1a,自编两则对话,写在 作业本上。(whatwhats this?)s this?)


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