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摘摘 要要THE THEORY OF FIGURAL CONCEPTSEFRAIM FISCHBEINThe school of education in Tel-Aviv universityFrom:Educational Studies in Mathematics 24:139-162,1993本報告在闡述Efraim Fischbein所提之圖形概念理論(The Theory of Figural Concepts),並依此論述幾何學習的複雜性。一圖勝千文!?一圖勝千文!?圖形蘊涵圖形蘊涵豐富的訊息,富的訊息,它提供解讀的想像力,相對地提供解讀的想像力,相對地也形成解圖的複雜度。也形成解圖的複雜度。你看到什看到什麼?窗戶?磁磚?窗戶?磁磚?2?畢式定理證明畢式定理證明?何謂幾何圖形?何謂幾何圖形?心像與心像與概念念l Concepts and mental images are usually distinguished in current psychological theories.l In all the actual cognitive theories,concepts and images are considered two basically distinct categories of mental entities.l A concept is a symbolic representation(almost always verbal)used in the process of abstract thinking and expressing an idea,a general,ideal representation of a class of objects,based on their common features.l An image(a mental image)is a sensorial representation of an object or phenomenon.l 你家電話?你家有多少窗戶?你家地址?驢橋定理驢橋定理已知:ABC中AB=AC求證:BC 證明:1)A A(共同角)2)AB=AC且AC=AB(已知)3)ABC ACB(SAS性質)4)BC(對應角)上述證明是否有效?Are we dealing here with mixture two independent,defined entities,that is abstract ideas(concepts),on one hand,and sensorial representations reflecting some concrete operations,on the other?幾何推理元件幾何推理元件 幾何圖形幾何圖形l The object to which we refer points,sides,angles and the operations with them have only an ideal existence.They are of a conceptual nature.l At the same time,they have an intrinsic figural nature:only while referring to images one may consider operations like detaching,reversing or superposing.l Geometry deals with mental entities(the so-called geometrical figures)which possess simultaneously conceptual and figural characters.幾何圖形特性幾何圖形特性1.The entities and the operations with them possess conceptual qualities and in mathematical reasoning one does not refer to them as material objects or as drawings.2.Only in a conceptual sense one may consider the absolute perfection of geometrical entities.3.These geometrical entities do not have genuine material correspondents.4.All these constructs are general representations.5.The properties of geometrical figural are imposed by,or derived from definitions in the realm of a certain axiomatic system.幾何圖形之模型幾何圖形之模型The material objects solids or drawings are only materialized models of the mental entities with which the mathematician deals.Geometrical figures are mere mental constructs which are not supposed to possess any substantial reality whatsoever.It is a shape controlled by its definition with ideality,abstractness,absolute perfection,universality.It possesses a property which usual concepts do not possess,namely,it includes the mental representation of space property.物質世界(空間知覺)物質元件實體繪圖抽象化數學世界(公理化系統)心智元件幾何圖形模型化(表徵化)幾何圖形的融合性幾何圖形的融合性 The equality of the diagonals is not questioned,the equality of the radiuses is not questioned.These relationships do not depend on the drawing itself but they are imposed by definitions and theorems.All the geometrical figures represent mental constructs which possess,simultaneously,conceptual and figural properties.It is not drawn by considering separately the image and the formal constraints but by a unique process.PN=?圖形圖形概念念 The fusion between concept and figure tends to be,in this case,complete.The objects of investigation and manipulation in geometrical reasoning are then mental entities,called by us figural concepts,which reflect spatial properties (shape,position,magnitude),and at the same time,possess conceptual qualities-like ideality,abstractness,generality,perfection.幾何世界l 公理化系統定義之元素幾何圖形l 心智元件圖形概念圖形圖形概念歷史發展進程念歷史發展進程如何說明:C介於A、B二點間。幾何原本卷命題未說明兩圖會有交點。It should be clear that the fusion between concept and figure in geometrical reasoning expresses only an ideal,extreme situation usually not reached absolutely because of psychological constraints.Many of the axioms used by Euclid in his Elements,have never been stated explicitly by him.The history of mathematics is witnessing the complex dynamics of the process of conceptualizing and axiomatizing the figural information.科學發現兩個重要心智元素科學發現兩個重要心智元素心像與心像與概念間之互動念間之互動 It is common to accept that,in the course of a productive reasoning process,images and concepts interact intimately.The discovery of a new idea has been based on imagery triggered by a theoretical investigfftion(Shepard,1978).This interplay seems to have been mediated,not by verbal deductions,logical bridges or mathematical formalisms,but by soaring leaps of spatial and physical intuition.The essential idea is that productive reasoning in both,every day life and scientific situations,includes a permanent interplay between conceptual and imaginative dynamics.幾何推理元件幾何推理元件 圖形圖形概念念 In the course of that interplay,meanings shift from one category to the other,images getting more generalized significance and concepts largely enriching their connotations and their combinational power.There is extensive experimental evidence concerning the reciprocal role played by images and concepts in learning and solving activities.But in this interplay,images and concepts are considered distinct categories of mental entities.What we assume is that,in the special case of geometrical reasoning,one has to do with a third type of mental objects which simultaneously possess both conceptual and figural properties.圖形圖形概念建構在公理系統念建構在公理系統 The reason for this profound symbiosis between symbolic,analytical constraints and figural properties in geometrical reasoning is that we deal in fact with axiomatic systems.Its properties and the corresponding theorems are dictated directly or indirectly by implicit or explicit definitions.The figural component is usually influenced by figural-Gestalt forces and the conceptual components may be affected by logical fallacies.發展面向發展面向 Are figural concepts a natural product of the human mind as concepts and images axe,or do they develop only as an effect of systematic training?The problem is difficult to be answered because,in many situations,the material embodiment and the genuine conceptual interpretation yield the same answer.圖形圖形概念認知念認知研究究In 3a there are four lines which intersect(point 1).In 3b,there are two lines which intersect(point 2).Compare the two points 1 and 2.Are these two points different?Is one of them bigger?Is one of them heavier?If yes,which one?Have the two points the same shape?圖形圖形概念認知念認知研究究3a3bsame do not answerGrade 213%6%7%68%Grade 345.7%2%40%Grade 450.9%27.3%12.3%Grade 540%28.8%20%Grade 620%45.4%訪談摘錄訪談摘錄S.A.:Point 1 is bigger because it is the intersection of more lines.The points have no weight.They have the same shape.(Grade 4)F.S.:The points have the same magnitude and weight.They have different shapes.The points have the same magnitude no matter how many lines intersect.(Grade 4)C.V.:The two points do not have the same magnitude.One is bigger,the other is smaller.The two points have the same shape,because both are round.(Grade 5)D.N.:The intersection point of the lines does not possess any weight,magnitude or shape,they do not have any dimension.(Grade 6)研究結論究結論The above examples show the complexity of relationships between the figural and the conceptual aspects in the organization of figural concepts and the fragility of that organization in the students minds.幾何圖形認知元素幾何圖形認知元素 One has to consider three categories of mental entities when referring to geometrical figures:the definition,the image (based on the perceptive-sensorial experience,like the image of a drawing)and the figural concept.The meaning lies beyond the materiality of the expressed word and is an idea fixed by a complex of relationships.It is an image entirely controlled by a definition.幾何圖形參照元件幾何圖形參照元件Usually a figure possesses a certain structure,a shape or“Gestalt”.Geometrical figures correspond to this description,but some specifications have to be added:(a)a geometrical figure is a mental image,the properties of which are completely controlled by a definition;(b)a drawing is not the geometrical figure itself,but a graphical or a concrete material embodiment of it;(c)the mental image of a geometrical figure is,usually,the representation of the materialized model of it.概念定義與念定義與概念心像念心像“Concept definition applies to the mathematical meaning,as it is formally defined.Concept image describes the total cognitive structure that is associated with the concept which includes all mental pictures and associated properties and processes.In geometry the ideal figural concept corresponds with the concept definition,while its mental reflection with all its connotations and ambiguities corresponds with what Tall and Vinner have called concept image.Varigon定理定理The subjects were presented with the proof of the theorem and asked if they agree with the correctness of the proof.圖形圖形概念與證明信念念與證明信念Question:V is a doubter.He thinks that we have to check at least a hundred quadrilaterals in order to be sure that PQRS is a parallelogram.What is your opinion?Explain your answer.Number ofSubjectsAgree with the proofReject the proof39639640%=158.439610%=39.6圖形圖形概念失控念失控 The conceptual and the figural properties remain under the influence of the respective systems,the conceptual and the figural ones.In principle,the fusion between figure and concept should be absolute,but it is the conceptual organization which should dictate,completely,the figural properties and relationships.This is an ideal situation which usually may be accomplished in the trained mind of the mathematician.She does not possess the concept correctly but because the figure still carries with it Gestalt features inspired by practice.理論意涵理論意涵 The dual code theory.The propositional theory.The figural concepts and the propositional theory.When solving a geometrical problem we manipulate geometrical figures as if they were homogeneous mental entities,not combinations of two categories of heterogeneous mental constructs.Piaget and Inhelder.It seems that Piaget and Inhelder have also had the intuition of the total fusion between the conceptual and the figural aspects in the special case of geometrical thinking.教學意涵:典範現象學意涵:典範現象This difficulty in manipulating figural concepts,that is,the tendency to neglect the definition under the pressure of figural constraints,represents a major obstacle in geometrical reasoning.圖形圖形概念的建構念的建構The process of building figural concepts in the students mind should not be considered a spontaneous effect of usual geometry courses.The integration of conceptual and figural properties in unitary mental structures,with the predominance of the conceptual constraints over the figural ones,is not a natural process.It should constitute a continuous,systematic and main preoccupation of the teacher.They should be made aware of the definition and asked to carry out the task correctly,according to the definition and not according to what seems to them to be imposed by the image.教學建議學建議 軌跡軌跡概念念 設A、B二相異固定點,M為一動點,且AMB=90,試問M點軌跡為何?結論結論u Geometrical figures as mental entities which possess simultaneously conceptual and figural properties.u Figural concepts are abstract,general,ideal,pure,logically determinable entities,though they still reflect and manipulate mentally representations of spatial properties.u“Figural concept is intended to emphasize the fact that we deal with a particular type of mental entities which are not reducible,neither to usual images-perceptive or entencephalic-nor to genuine concepts.結論結論u Without the notion of figural concepts,the processes of problem solving and invention in geometry could not be satisfactorily described and explained.u Many mistakes students make in their geometrical reasoning may be explained by this kind of split(or lack of congruence)between the conceptual and the figural aspect of the figural concepts.u One of the main tasks of mathematics education is to create types of didactical situations which would systematically ask for a strict cooperation between the two aspects,up to their fusion in unitary mental objects.


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