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英语写作常见错误英语写作常见错误1英语写作常见错误1010203概况三点击此处输入相关文本内容整体概况概况一点击此处输入相关文本内容概况二点击此处输入相关文本内容2010203概况三整体概况概况一概况二2。1句子结构混乱,出现句子不完整句子结构混乱,出现句子不完整 或或句子成分多余句子成分多余 2 词性误用词性误用 3主谓不一致主谓不一致 4根据中文逐字硬译根据中文逐字硬译3。35.名词可数与不可数的误用名词可数与不可数的误用6.介词介词to和不定式符号的混淆和不定式符号的混淆7.动宾搭配不当动宾搭配不当8.词组搭配错误词组搭配错误9综合性语言错误综合性语言错误:有诸如时态,有诸如时态,语态,标点符号,大小写等方面的错误语态,标点符号,大小写等方面的错误45.名词可数与不可数的误用4 1句子结构混乱,出现句子不完整或句子成分多余。句子不完整(Sentence Fragments)在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这种情况常常发生在主句写完以后,笔者又想加些补充说明时发生5 1句子结构混乱,出现句子不完整或句子成分多余。句例1There are large number of people die from the disasters.改为1:There are a large number of people who die from the disasters.改为2:There are a large number of people dying from the disasters.改为3:A large number of people die from the disasters.6例1There are large number of p例2There is a fire happened/broke out.There was occurred a fire in Honghua Hotel.改为:A fire happened/broke out/occurred.7例2There is a fire happened/例3She learn knowledge depend on herself.改为:She learns knowledge by herself.8例3She learn knowledge depend 例4The driver of the red car was died on the spot.改为:The driver of the red car died on the spot.9例4The driver of the red car w例5Helping others we also know the significance of life.改为:We also realize the significance of life through helping others.10例5Helping others we also know例6The public service advertisement catch everyones eyes,enable us pay more attention about our lives and societies.改为:The public service advertisements catch everyones eyes,which enables us to pay more attention about our lives and societies.11例6The public service advertis例7The aging of population bring some problems,such as the lack of labor,seniors feel lonely and so on.改为:The aging of population brings about some problems,such as the lack of labor,seniors sense of loneliness and so on.12例7The aging of population bri例8Children take care of the seniors should meet their material needs,but this is not enough,concerning their spiritual needs is more important.改为:When it comes to taking care of the seniors,children should meet their spiritual needs as well as material needs.13例8Children take care of the s例9When your opportunity coming,you attain success will be easier.改为:When your opportunity comes,it will be easier for you to attain success.14例9When your opportunity comin2 词性误用(Misuse of Parts of Speech)“词性误用”常表现为:介词当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词当动词用等例Its likely to success if you have confident,diligent and intelligence.改为1:You are likely to succeed if you have confidence,diligence and intelligence.152 词性误用(Misuse of Parts of Spe 改为2:Its likely that you will achieve success if you are confident,diligent and intelligent.改为3:It is likely that you are on the way to success if you have confidence,diligence and intelligence.16 改为2:Its likely that you wi例2You cant success without your efforts.改为1:You cant succeed without your efforts.改为2:You cant obtain success without your efforts.改为3:You cant become successful without your efforts.17例2You cant success without y改为4:Success is no longer out of reach with your great efforts.18改为4:Success is no longer out 例3As the development of science and technology,-改为:With the development of science and technology,-/As the science and technology develop-19例3As the development of scien例4I usually do some public services for free,trying my best to service for the public.改为:I usually do some public services for free,trying my best to serve the public.20例4I usually do some public se例5 The public service advertisement is benefit to us.改为1:The public service advertisement is beneficial to us.改为2:The public service advertisement benefits us.改为3:The public service advertisement is of great benefit to us.21例5 The public service adverti改为4:We benefits a lot from the public service advertisement.22改为4:We benefits a lot from th例6Some seniors were died because of without their childrens support.改为:Some seniors died for lack of their childrens support.23例6Some seniors were died beca例7The old man was hit by a car when he across the street.改为:The old man was hit by a car when he was crossing the street.24例7The old man was hit by a ca例8The children are supposed to spare some time to company their parents.改为:The children are supposed to spare some time to accompany our parents chatting.25例8The children are supposed t例9With the rapid development of economic,the conditions of our life is improving.改为:With the rapid development of economy,the conditions of our life are improving.26例9With the rapid development 例10They need economical concerned,but also mental concerned.改为:They need not only financial support,but also emotional support.27例10They need economical conce例11With the development of the mordern social,more and more families prefer to have one child or even none,which cause the sum of the seniors has been increase quickly.改为:With the development of the modern society,an increasing number of families prefer to have one child or even none,which cause the rapid increase of the sum of the seniors.cause sth.cause sb.to do sth.28例11With the development of th例12The fire was because of the wrong of electricity.改为:The fire was due to electric fault.29例12The fire was because of th例13The cause of the fire includes peoples careless and dry weather.改为:The cause of the fire includes peoples carelessness and dry weather.30例13The cause of the fire incl例14Although I am not a specialize student of computer,I have enough knowledge about computer and I have ever take a part-time summer job as a sellman before.改为:Although I am not a computer major/a student majoring in computer,I have enough knowledge about computer and I have ever taken a part-time summer job as a salesman before.31例14Although I am not a specia例15Many students choice go to the library in their spare time in order to get more knowledge.改为:Many students choose to go to the library in their spare time in order to update their knowledge.32例15Many students choice go to3主谓不一致主谓不一致 例There are too much thing we can do to protect our earth.改为:There are too many things we can do to protect our earth.333主谓不一致 例There are too much例2The hard work/hard-working then achieve the success.改为1:Hard work then enables/helps us to achieve the success.改为2:We are bound to succeed through hard work.34例2The hard work/hard-worki例3Happy mind leads a long life.改为:With happy mind seniors will lead a long life.35例3Happy mind leads a long lif4根据中文逐字硬译根据中文逐字硬译例1:make us more perfect 改为:improve ourselves/make us perfect/perfect ourselves364根据中文逐字硬译例1:make us more pe例2If someones family situation is not well,he can apply for scholarship.改为:If ones family is not well off,he can apply for scholarship.37例2If someones family situati例3 keep a good body health 改为:keep fit/healthy38例3 keep a good body health 改例4 Dormitory was happened to a fire.改为:A fire happened/broke out in a dormitory.39例4 Dormitory was happened to 例5 Students should hard to learn knowledge.改为1:Students should study the new knowledge diligently unceasingly.改为2:Students should study hard and learn a lot of knowledge.改为3:Students should strive to learn knowledge.40例5 Students should hard to le例6 Students will take more times to study or not play.改为1:Students will take more time to study rather than play.改为2:Students will take more time to study instead of playing.改为3:Students will spend more time studying instead of playing.41例6 Students will take more ti例7 I want in the summer vacation concurrent job computer marketing work.改为:I want to apply for/look for/hunt for a concurrent/part-time job concerning computer marketing in the summer vacation.42例7 I want in the summer vacat例8 Now I attend the university first grade in the college education scientific institute.改为:Now I am a freshman in College /School of Education Science/Education and Science Institute.43例8 Now I attend the universit例9Although I do not have the related computer marketing work experience,but I believe that I may be competent this work.改为:Although I do not have the work experience related to/concerning computer marketing,I believe that I will be competent for this work.44例9Although I do not have the例10Later we must even more pay attention to use electricity the security.改为:From now on we must more pay attention to electricity safety.45例10Later we must even more pa5.名词可数与不可数的误用名词可数与不可数的误用例1:Too much tests are disadvantage for students study.改为:Too many tests are disadvantageous to students.465.名词可数与不可数的误用例1:Too much te例2:In modern society,people are under various pressures.改为:In modern society,people are under various kinds of pressure.47例2:In modern society,people 6.介词介词to和不定式符号的混淆和不定式符号的混淆例1:Too many tests will do harm to cultivate our independent thinking.改为:Too many tests will do harm to the cultivation of our independent thinking.486.介词to和不定式符号的混淆例1:Too many te例2:All these contributed to solve the serious problem.改为:All these contributed to the solution to the serious problem.49例2:All these contributed to s 7.动宾搭配不当动宾搭配不当例1:We must pay attention to it and make solutions of the problem.改为:We must pay attention and find/figure out/work out a solution to the problem.50 7.动宾搭配不当例1:We must pay att例2:It also may help you to make success.改为:It may also help you succeed/obtain your goal.51例2:It also may help you to ma例3:A strong will means never give up.改为:A strong will means never giving up.52例3:A strong will means never 8词组搭配错误。例1The public service advertisement is to call saving water to keep the environment in balance.改为1:The public service advertisement is to call on the public to save water to keep the ecological balance /improve earth environment.538词组搭配错误。例1The public servic改为2:The public service advertisement is to appeal to the public to save water to keep the ecological balance /improve earth environment.54改为2:The public service adverti例2Children are supposed to provide the seniors money,especially love and warm.改为1:Children are supposed to provide the seniors with money,especially love and warmth/care.改为2:Children are supposed to provide money,especially love and warmthfor the seniors.55例2Children are supposed to pr例3The government should take actions to concern our seniors.改为1:The government should take actions to be concerned about our seniors.改为2:The government should take actions to show concern about our seniors.改为3:The government should take actions to care about/for our seniors.56例3The government should take 例4They should spent more time to talk with them and encourage them to join some cultural activities.改为:They should spend more timetalking with them,encouraging them to participate in some cultural activities.57例4They should spent more time例5There are various of scholarship for us to apply for.改为1:There are various scholarships for us to apply for.改为2:There are a variety of scholarships for us to apply for.改为3:Various scholarships are available for students.58例5There are various of schola例6Its believed that scholarship can help students improve their study and increase teaching quality.改为:Its believed that scholarships can help to improve students study and teaching quality.59例6Its believed that scholars例7Scholarship can inspire the students study more hard/hardly.改为:Scholarships can inspire/encourage/stimulate/motivate the students to study harder.60例7Scholarship can inspire the9综合性语言错误:有诸如时态,语态,标点符号,大小写等方面的错误。例1Take care of the seniors is the societys moral as well as our duty.改为:Taking care of the seniors is the societys moral as well as our duty.619综合性语言错误:有诸如时态,语态,标点符号,大小写等方例2The fire was so terrible that I be afraid to saw it.改为:The fire was so terrible that I was terrified/horrified /shocked/frightened to see it.62例2The fire was so terrible t使文章富有表现力的手段:使文章富有表现力的手段:1、使用有难度的词汇;2、使用形容词修饰名词,用副词修饰动词或整个句子;3、使用被动语态;4、使用倒装句;(not only.but also.;only.)5、尽可能地使用名词,而不是习惯中的动词和形容词。63使文章富有表现力的手段:1、使用有难度的词汇;63写作的基本句式There be+主语主语+定语定语+状语状语.1.There must be(a variety of)reasons for this.2.There is no point in talking about it about again.(sense/use/good)3.There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem.64写作的基本句式There be+主语+定语+状语.644.There remains nothing(more)(to be done).5.There is a great change(produced in the worlds communications).6.There is something(you dont know).7.There are about 78%of the college students (wanting to further their study after their graduation).654.There remains nothing(more名词化结构名词化结构1名词从句转换成名词短语名词从句转换成名词短语That the women actively participate in public life causes the change of their role in the society.The womens active participation in public life-66名词化结构662.表语从句转换成名词短语表语从句转换成名词短语 One of the positive effects of physical exercise is that it contributes directly to a persons physical health.-is its direct contribution to a persons physical health.672.表语从句转换成名词短语673由由of 连接含有连接含有by 的名词短语的名词短语That James Watt invented the steam engine started the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.The invention of the steam engine by James Watt683由of 连接含有by 的名词短语684.被动结构转换成名词被动结构转换成名词It has been suggested that we should spare no effort 不遗余力不遗余力to beautify our environment.A suggestion has been made that-694.被动结构转换成名词695.副词与动词一起转换成名词短语副词与动词一起转换成名词短语The computer is chiefly characterized by accuracy and quick computation.计算计算The chief characteristic of the computer is-705.副词与动词一起转换成名词短语706.介词短语与动词一起转换成名词短语介词短语与动词一起转换成名词短语The professor explained the theory of relativity to his students in detail.The professor gave his students a detailed explanation of-7.动词转换成介词短语动词转换成介词短语Some problems are being discussed.Some problems are under discussion.716.介词短语与动词一起转换成名词短语71Exercise:1.He has breakfast quickly.2.As the science and technology develop,the peoples living standard is on the rise.3.There is still room for improving your work.4.What he said is brief and to the point.5.The money in itself is not important to us.72Exercise:72Reference1.He has a quick breakfast.2.With the development of science and technology,the peoples living standard is on the rise.3.There is still room for improvement in your work.4.His words is brief and to the point.5.The money in itself is of no importance to us.73ReferenceHe has a quick breakf平行结构平行结构1.名词平行名词平行The doctor recommended plenty of food,sleep and exercise.2.形容词平行形容词平行Air travel is fast,safe and convenient.3.副词平行副词平行He always speaks English slowly and clearly.74平行结构744.非谓语动词短语平行非谓语动词短语平行They waited for hours at the airport,reading and sleeping.5.动词平行动词平行Lucy and Lily lived,worked and studied together.754.非谓语动词短语平行756.不定式平行不定式平行 To go ice skating and to go skiing are popular winter sports in North china.7.动名词平行动名词平行 My sister likes dancing,swimming and bicycling.766.不定式平行768.从句平行从句平行 Because extra studies bring about unhealthy impacts on physical growth of the children and because extra studies deprive children of the time to play and communicate with their peers,we may safely draw the conclusion that it is absurd不合理的,荒谬的不合理的,荒谬的 to force children to take extra studies after school.778.从句平行77Proof reading:1.To get a job you are satisfied with,it is not only depends on your ability,how to succeed in a job interview is also very important.2.Firstly,you should have a good appearance,tidy clothes,making hair well.3.Her speech is witty诙谐的诙谐的,interesting and she plans it carefully.4.Her ideas were progressive and therefore adopted without doubts.78Proof reading:78 Reference1.To get a satisfactory job not only depends on your ability,but also on a successful job interview.2.Firstly,you should have a good appearance,tidy clothes,well-done hair.3.Her speech is witty诙谐的诙谐的,interesting and carefully planned.4.Her ideas were progressive and therefore were adopted without doubts.79 物称表达法物称表达法1.被动语态被动语态The question is supposed to be more complicated.(be thought,regarded,believed,estimated/evaluated)2.主语从句主语从句(1)It+be+adj.+thatIt is highly important that we reach a correct conclusion.(clear,obvious,likely,surprising,true)80物称表达法80(2)It+be+V-ed+that It was pointed out that computer skills will enhance提高,增加提高,增加 their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.(well-known,generally believed,admitted,universally held,reported,stated)8181问题提问与解答问答HERE COMES THE QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION82问题提问与解答问答HERE COMES THE QUESTI添加标题添加标题添加标题添加标题此处结束语点击此处添加段落文本.您的内容打在这里,或通过复制您的文本后在此框中选择粘贴并选择只保留文字83添加标题添加添加添加标题此处结束语点击此处添加段落文本 .谢谢聆听THANKYOUFORLISTENING演讲者:XX时间:202X.XX.XX84谢谢聆听84


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