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Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?The Comparative Superlative Degrees of Adjectives&Adverbs1.worse adj.或或 adv.更差;更坏;更糟更差;更坏;更糟 bad/badly 的比较较,是不规则的比较的比较较,是不规则的比较形式,最高级形式是形式,最高级形式是worst。e.g.The red shoes are worse than the white one.红色鞋子的质量比白色更差一些。红色鞋子的质量比白色更差一些。Grace danced worse than Linda.格蕾丝跳舞跳得比琳达差。格蕾丝跳舞跳得比琳达差。2.service n.接待;服务接待;服务e.g.Millers store has the best service.米勒商店有最好的服务。米勒商店有最好的服务。3.pretty adv.相当;十分;很相当;十分;很副词,修饰形容词、副词或动词;同义副词,修饰形容词、副词或动词;同义词词 very。e.g.My aunt drives pretty well.我姑姑开车开得很好。我姑姑开车开得很好。e.g.In that movie,she acted as a doctor.在那部电影里她扮演一名医生。在那部电影里她扮演一名医生。5.act v.扮演(角色)扮演(角色)6.menu 菜单菜单e.g.He called the waiter to bring the menu.他叫服务员拿菜单来。他叫服务员拿菜单来。4.meal n.早(或午、晚)餐;一餐所吃的食物早(或午、晚)餐;一餐所吃的食物e.g.Breakfast is the first meal in a day.早饭是一天的第一餐饭。早饭是一天的第一餐饭。舒适的座位舒适的座位亲切的服务亲切的服务离家近离家近位于城里好玩的地方位于城里好玩的地方高质量高质量市电影院市电影院电影城电影城大众娱乐影院大众娱乐影院黄金剧场黄金剧场 comfortable seats friendly service(be)close to home in a fun part of town high quality Town cinema Screen/Movie CityShowtime CinemaGold TheaterWhats the best movie theater to go to?Which is the worst clothes store in town?What do you think of 970 AM?Town Cinema.Its the closest to home.And you can buy Tickets the most quickly there.Dream Clothes.Its worse than Blue Moon,it has the worst service.I think 970 AM is pretty bad.It has the worst music.GrammarFocusGrammar focus1.What is the _ _ _(最好的电影院最好的电影院)to go to?2.Town Cinema.Its the _ _ _(离家最近离家最近).3.And you can buy tickets _ _ _(最快最快地地)there.4.Which is _ _(最差的最差的)clothes store in town?5.Dream Clothes.Its _ _(差一些差一些)Blue Moon.6.It has _ _ _(最差的服务最差的服务).7.What do you _ _(认为认为)970 AM?8.I think 970 AM is _ _(十分差十分差).It has _ _ _(最差的音乐最差的音乐).closest to homebest movie theater根据课本内容,完成下列句子。根据课本内容,完成下列句子。the most quicklythe worstworse thanthe worst service think of pretty badthe worst music1.表示三者或三者以上比表示三者或三者以上比较,可用可用”Which/Who +最高最高级,or?”表示表示.2.最高最高级+of/among(同同类比比较)in(范范围比比较)4.one of+形容形容词最高最高级+名名词复数表示复数表示“最最 之一之一”3.序数序数词修修饰最高最高级形容词和副词的最高级的用法形容词和副词的最高级的用法Who is the tallest,Tom,Mike,or Jack?Tom is the tallest of the three.Mike is the second tallest student in our class.Jack is one of the tallest students in our class.Tom runs(the)fastest in our class.1.表示两者之表示两者之间的的选择,可用可用“Which/Who +比比较,or?”.2.2.表示两者之表示两者之表示两者之表示两者之间间的比的比的比的比较较,通常用,通常用,通常用,通常用连词连词 than than 引引引引导导,表示表示表示表示“更更更更一些一些一些一些”3.much/far/a lot,even,still,a little/a bit 修修饰比比较级,表示程度表示程度.Who runs faster,he or she?He runs faster than she.He runs much faster than she.形容词和副词比较级的用法形容词和副词比较级的用法 4.“比比较级+and+比比较级”表示表示“越来越越来越”5.“the+比比较级,the+比比较级”表示表示“越越,越越”6.表示不及另一方表示不及另一方时,用,用“less+原原级+than”(双音双音节和多音和多音节词)He becomes healthier and healthier.The more you exercise,the healthier you will be.She is less healthy than he.He is healthier than she.Shanghai is becoming more and more modern.1.比较级比较级+and+比较级比较级 越来越越来越2.the+比较级比较级,the+比较级比较级 越越,越越 3._you are,_mistakes you will make.(你越仔细,做错的题目就越少)4._you eat,_youll be.(你吃得越多,就越胖)5.Alice writes well.Mary writes _ than she.(甚至更好)The more carefulthe fewerThe morethe fatter1.The girl becomes _.(越来越漂亮)more and more beautiful2.The weather is getting _.(越来越槽糕)worse and worseeven/still better上海是中国最大的城市。Shanghai is the biggest city in China.Shanghai is bigger than the other cities in China.Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.形形容词比较级可用来表达最高级的意思。容词比较级可用来表达最高级的意思。比较级比较级+than any other+单数名词单数名词 比较级比较级+than the other+复数名词复数名词 可与最高级转化。可与最高级转化。1.We are going to the Green Restaurant for lunch.(就划线部分提问就划线部分提问)_ you going for lunch?2.Sam is the shortest in his class.(改为同义句改为同义句)Sam is _ than _ _ student in his class.Sam is _ than _ _ students in his class.Sam is _ than_ _ in his class.3.How do you like Screen City?(改为同义句改为同义句)_ do you _ Screen City?Where areshorterany otherWhatthink ofshorterthe otheranyone elseshorter练习:改写句子练习:改写句子二、同义句转换二、同义句转换 1.Flat A is more expensive than Flat B Flat B is _ _ than Flat A.Flat B is _ _ Flat A.Flat B is not _ _ _ Flat A.2.I prefer maths to English.I like maths _ English.better than3.He is the tallest student in the class.He is _ in the class.taller than any other studentany other+名名词单数数lessexpensivecheaperthanasexpensiveas 1.Hainan is a very large Island.It is the second _ island in china.(large)2.Our teacher is as _ as Our teacher is as _ as before.(before.(busy).).3.He is _ among us.(3.He is _ among us.(careful)4.Li Lei jumped far _ than 4.Li Lei jumped far _ than Jim.(farJim.(far)5.The busier he is,the _ he 5.The busier he is,the _ he feels.(feels.(happy)6.I think Yao Ming is one of _ basketball players in NBA.(hot)busythe most carefulfartherhappierlargestthe hottest三、完成句子三、完成句子How do you think of your city?Which is the best movie theater?Which is the best clothing store?NameQuality PriceServiceMeet You best expensivefriendly Kaijigoodcheapnot friendlyMorningbettercheapest friendlier书面表达假设你们学校附近有三家不同规模的超市。根据下表写一篇70词短文介绍他们,并给出自己的观点书面表达。There are three supermarkets near our school.They are Meet You,Kaiji and Morning.Meet You has the best quality and friendly service But its expensive.Kaiji has good quality Its cheap,too.But it doesnt have friendly service.Morning has better quality than Kaiji.And its the cheapest of the three.Also,it has friendlier service than the other two.I like Morning very much.I often go there to buy things 1.Lily gets up (early)than Lucy.2.Which goes (slowly),Tom or Jim?3.This book is (interesting)than than one.4.She works (careful)in her school.5.Who goes to bed (late)Jim,Tom or Jack?6.I think turkey is (delicious)of all earliermore slowly more interestingthe most carefullythe latestthe most delicious


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