unit2SelfCheck (2)课件

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Unit 2How often do you exercise?eat junk foodonce a monthA:How often do you eat junk food?B:Once a month.surf the Internetonce a weekA:How often do you surf the Internet?B:Once a week.Once a monthTwice a weekThree times a weekFour times a weekOnce or twice a weekUncle WangMs LinBobLi lei Mr White1 Complete the chart with activities you do and dont do.What about your mother/father?always usuallyoftensometimeshardly everneverIMy mother or father2 Write five sentences using the information above.For example:I always eat fast food.3 Fill in the blanks in the conversation.A:What do Tom and Mike do on weekends?B:They sometimes go to the museum.A:do they go to the shopping center?B:ever.Maybe about twice a month.A:do they watch TV?B:Mike never watches TV,but Tom watches TV _day.A:Oh,Im just like Tom.I watch TV,too.oftenHow oftenHardly How ofteneveryalwaysExercises1.We _ go out to eat but not very often.A.usually B.always C.neverD.sometimes2._ do you read English?Every evening.A.How long B.How often C.How far D.how muchI.单项选择单项选择DB 3.Maria likes _ every morning.A.runningB.ranC.runsD.run4.My sister likes fruits _ she doesnt like vegetables.A.andB.but C.orD.alsoBA5.Jims parents want him _ more fruits.A.eating B.to eat C eatD.eats6._ do you eat junk food?About once a week.A.How B.How many C.How long D.How oftenBD7.Youd better not read in bed.Im feeling tired.But its _ for your eyes.A.good B.bad C.better D.worse8.I dont like sports,but I like watching others _.A.play B.to play C.while playing D.when playingBA9.Eating more fruits and vegetables is good _ our health.A.toB.for C.AtD.with10.Do you think that you have a healthy habit?Yes.I _ my health.A.look at B.look after C.look up D.look likeBB.连词成句连词成句 1.how,do,computer,often,play,you,games 2.how,movies,does,Jim,often,go,to How often do you play computer games?How often does Jim go to movies?3.do,twice,watch,you,TV,a week4.most,three,or,a,week,exercise,students,times,four5.favorite,is,what,program,yourDo you watch TV twice a week?Most students exercise three or four times a week.What is your favorite program?.选词填空选词填空1.How do you usually keep healthy?I _ every morning.2.I _ go to visit my grandma,about four times a week.often never exercise health do ones homework exerciseoften 3.Dont eat too much every meal.It is bad for your _.4.What do you usually do on weekends?I often _ at home.healthdo my homework.翻译翻译 1.1.我每天睡觉九小时。我每天睡觉九小时。2.2.我重视我的健康。我重视我的健康。I sleep for nine hours every night.I look after my health.3.3.我的饮食习惯非常好。我的饮食习惯非常好。4.4.我健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。我健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。My eating habits are very good.My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.5.好的食物和运动帮助我更好的学习。好的食物和运动帮助我更好的学习。6.我们应该每天多吃一些蔬菜水果。我们应该每天多吃一些蔬菜水果。Good food and exercise help me study better.We should eat more vegetables and fruits every day.How healthy are you?Write about your own habits.Homework


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