Unit2 (8)课件

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What will the weather be like in?Whens the best time to visit your town or country?Why?S1:When is the best time to visit your town/city?S2:I think September is the best time.S1:Why?S2:Because its not too hot or cold at that time.ExamplepleTalk about what you can see in the pictures.The US is a very big country to visit,so choose carefully the places to see and the time to go.Read the passage and fill in the blanks.Whens the best time to visit the US?New York or Washington DC in winter New York and Washington DC are good places to visit in _ or _,but in winter theres a lot of _.New YorkWashington DCMayOctobersnowThe best time to visit New England is in _.The weather gets _,and the green leaves start to turn _,then _.Bring your _ so you can take photos of the autumn trees.New EnglandSeptembercoolergoldbrowncameraIn California,the weather is _ all year round.Take your swimming clothes because you might want to go _ in the sea,even in _.CaliforniafineswimmingDecemberIn Seattle,in the northwest,it isnt very _ but it _ a lot,so bring an _.SeattlecoldrainsumbrellaIn Alaska,the days are long and warm in _,but may be _ in the evening,so bring a warm _.Dont go in winter.Itll be very cold.AlaskasummercoolsweaterIn Texas and the southeast,its usually very _ and _ compared to other places.There are _ from time to time in summer and autumn.Texashotsunny stormsmile northwest umbrella southeast from time to timen.英里英里n.西北;西北;adj.西北的;朝西北的西北的;朝西北的n.雨伞雨伞n.东南;东南;adj.东南的;朝东南的东南的;朝东南的 有时;间或有时;间或PlaceWeatherBest time to visitNew YorkWinter:New Englanda lot of snowIn May or OctoberIt gets cooler in September.In SeptemberPlaceWeatherBest time to visitCaliforniaAlaskaSummer:Winter:Fine all year roundAll yearwarm day,cool nightvery coldIn summerComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.brown mile storm sweater umbrella1.In autumn the leaves turn gold and then _.2.It is about 3,000 _ from the east coast to the west coast.brownmiles3.You might need a(n)_ in the evening.4.Sometimes there are _ in summer and autumn on the southeast coast.5.You will need a(n)_ in Seattle because it rains a lot.sweaterstormsumbrella1.The best time to visit New England is in September.九月是去新英格兰游览的最佳时间。九月是去新英格兰游览的最佳时间。这里的这里的New England(新英格兰新英格兰)指的是指的是美国东北部的一个地区美国东北部的一个地区,它包括六个州:它包括六个州:缅因州(缅因州(Maine)、)、新罕布什尔州新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)、佛蒙特州)、佛蒙特州(Vermont)、马萨诸塞州、马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)、罗得岛州罗得岛州(Rhode Island)和康涅狄格州和康涅狄格州(Connecticut)。这里的小镇非常美丽,每年秋天都。这里的小镇非常美丽,每年秋天都会有大批游客来此游玩。会有大批游客来此游玩。1614年英国年英国探险家约翰探险家约翰史密斯史密斯(John Smith)给给这个地方起名为新英格兰。这个地方起名为新英格兰。2.Bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees.带上你的照相机以便拍摄秋天的树木。带上你的照相机以便拍摄秋天的树木。take photos of 的意思是的意思是“给给拍拍照照”。例如:例如:I took a photo of Linda.我给琳达拍了一张照片。我给琳达拍了一张照片。She took a lot of photos of the kids.她给孩子们拍了许多照片。她给孩子们拍了许多照片。3.In Texas and the southeast,its usually very hot and sunny compared to other places.和其他地方相比,得克萨斯州和东南部和其他地方相比,得克萨斯州和东南部地区通常天气很热,阳光灿烂。地区通常天气很热,阳光灿烂。compared to 意为意为“和和比较比较”,表表示此意也可以用示此意也可以用 compared with。例如:。例如:Compared to our small house,Bills house seemed like a palace.和我们的小房子相比,比尔的房子就像和我们的小房子相比,比尔的房子就像一座宫殿。一座宫殿。This road is very busy compared to/with ours.和我们(附近)的马路相比,这条马路和我们(附近)的马路相比,这条马路(交通)非常繁忙。(交通)非常繁忙。4.There are storms from time to time in summer and autumn.但是夏秋季节时常有暴风雨。但是夏秋季节时常有暴风雨。from time to time 表示表示“有时有时,间或间或”。例如例如:He has moved to another city,but we write to each other from time to time.他移居到了另外一座城市,但我他移居到了另外一座城市,但我们会时不时通通信。们会时不时通通信。They are now living in different cities,but they still talk on the phone from time to time.他们现在生活在不同的城市他们现在生活在不同的城市,但是仍然但是仍然间或通通电话。间或通通电话。I.请根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示请根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示写出所缺单词。写出所缺单词。1.My father bought a _(照相机照相机)for me on my birthday.2.Its raining and you should take an _(雨伞雨伞)with you.cameraumbrella3.It will get cooler and cooler when _(秋天秋天)comes.4.Bring your _(游泳衣游泳衣)because you might go swimming in the sea.autumn/fallswimming clothesII.请根据所给汉语及括号内的提示词语请根据所给汉语及括号内的提示词语 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1.每天用英语写日记是个好主意。每天用英语写日记是个好主意。(its a good idea to.)_ _Its a good idea to keep an English diary every day.2.与其他城市相比,海南的冬天很温暖。与其他城市相比,海南的冬天很温暖。(compared to.)_3.我昨天在动物园拍了几张猴子的照片。我昨天在动物园拍了几张猴子的照片。(take photos of.)_ _Hainan is very warm in winter compared to other cities.I took several photos of monkeys in the zoo yesterday.4.在昆明在昆明,一年到头都很温暖。一年到头都很温暖。(all year)_5.海上时不时有风暴海上时不时有风暴,所以你一定要小心。所以你一定要小心。(from time to time)_ _There are storms on the sea from time to time,so you must be very careful.Its very warm in Kunming all year.Match the two parts of the sentences.1.You can come any time you like,but 2.It often rains in spring,so 3.Bring a coat because 4.Our plan is to walk in the countryside,so 5.Sydney is a big city,but 6.Lets stay for a long time because a)it will soon become cool.b)there are lots of things to see.c)the best time to visit England is in spring.d)its a good idea to bring an umbrella.e)wear comfortable shoes.f)we will find our way with a good map.Keys:1.c 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.f 6.b Write some advice for visiting your home town and give reasons.Use because,so and but.The best time to visit my home town is in because the weather is _


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