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British/American holiday/vacation Holiday(or holidays)in BrE and vacation in AmE are used to describe the regular periods time when one is not at work,or time that you spend traveling or resting away form home.(两者均表休息日、假日、外出休假日)British/American holiday/vacation In AmE a holiday(or public holiday)is a single day when government offices,schools,banks and businesses are closed.This is called a bank holiday in BrE.British Vacation Vacation in BrE is used mainly to mean one of the periods when universities are officially closed for the students.American Holidays The holidays is used in AmE to refer to the time in late December and early January that includes Christmas and the New Year.(包括圣诞节和新年在内的这段时间)Pre-reading Questions1.Could you please describe your ideal holidays/vocation to the whole class?2.Questions on page 16.Words&.Expressionsroutine:1)n.fixed and regular way of doing things 2)adj.(usually before noun)usually,ordinary get sb.into a routine for doing sth as a matter of routine 按常规break from routine 打破常规 Words&.Expressionslook his good-bye(L 2)wave his good-bye(L 34)kiss good-bye to something活用Words&.Expressionsrage:1)violent,explosice anger be in a rage fly into a rage 2)a current,eagerly adopted fashion be all the rage:be very fashionable Words&.Expressionsas a rule:usually,for the most part,generally speaking,in general eg.As a rule,vegetable oils are better for us than animal fats.Words&.Expressionspatch:a patch of ice patches of sunlightaccordingly:in accordance;correspondingly eg.I have told you the circumstances,so you must act accordingly.Words&.ExpressionsAnyway(L 15)1)besides 而且;加之;反正 Its too expensive and anyway the color doesnt suit you.2)in spite of sth;even so 尽管;即使这样 The water was cold but I take a shower anyway.Words&.Expressionstremble:1)His voice trembled with anger.2)leaves trembling in the breeze tremble&.shiver Words&.ExpressionsdespairdesperationdiscouragementhopelessnessdisappointmentWords&.Expressionsbe supposed to do/be sth:to be expected or required to do/be sth according to a rule,a custom,an arrangement,etc.(按规定、习惯、安排等)应该;应当;须 eg.1.You were supposed to be here an hour ago.2.I was supposed to teach all subject except art.Words&.Expressionskeep to:to stay in and not leave a place or position keep to the point 不偏离主题;不跑题keep to an agreement/an undertaking/a plan 遵守协议;信守承诺、履行计划keep yourself to yourself keep to yourself:离群索居;不与人往来;不管别人的事Words&.Expressionsbrutal(adj.)brute (n.)a brutal criminal the brutal truthWords&.Expressions“If only hed beat me.”if only:used to introduce an exclamation that we would like things to be different at present,in the past or in the future,but it is usually difficult to realize the wish.The clause with only if often stands alone,without a main clause.Words&.Expressionspast to talk about the present.-If only I knew more people!-If only I were better-looking!(We can use“was”instead of“were”,this is considered more correct in a formal style)Words&.Expressionswould+infinitive to refer to the future-If only it would stop raining,we could go out!-If only she would smile to me!Words&.Expressionspast perfect(had+past participle)to refer to the past-If only she hadnt told the police,everything would have been all right.Note:here if only can be rewritten with if.(More exercises in WB,P32)would have done 是对将来的虚拟would be doing 是对将来进行时的虚拟should have done 是本应该要做,但没有做(more exercises in WB,P32)Text II1.hoax:deceive,play tricks on sbhoax sb with sth,hoax sb into doing sthcoax:get sb to do sth by kindness or patiencecoax sb to do sth,coax sb into/out of doing sthText IIneedless to say Text II prey:an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal or by a person;someone who can easily be deceived or influencedE.g.Some salesman consider young housewives easy prey.Text IIexempt:free from a duty or serviceexemptfromE.g.A doctors note will exempt you from physical education.April Fools DayApril Fools Day is on April 1st.It is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others,send people on fools errands(徒劳的奔波),and fool the unsuspecting(没有察觉的人).No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.April Fools DayThe closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582,in France.New Years was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st.When New Years Day was changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560s by King Charles IX,there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.April Fools DayPranks(搞恶作剧的人)performed on April Fools Day range from the simple,(such as saying,Your shoes untied!),to the elaborate(精心策划的恶作剧).Setting a roommates alarm clock back an hour is a common gag.The news media even gets involved.For instance,a British short film once shown on April Fools Day was a fairly detailed documentary about spaghetti farmers(意大利农民)and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees(意大利面条树).Whatever the prank,the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim,April Fool!April Fools DayApril Fools Day is a for-fun-only observance(互开玩笑的一个节日).Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their significant other out to eat in a fancy restaurant.Nobody gets off work or school.Its simply a fun little holiday,but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant(警惕),for he may be the next April Fool!April Fools DayEach country celebrates April Fools differently.In France,the April Fools is called April Fish(Poisson dAvril).The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends backs and when some discovers this trick,they yell Poisson dAvril!.In England,tricks can be played only in the morning.If a trick is played on you,you are a noodle.In Scotland,April Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an April Gowk,which is another name for a cuckoo bird.The second day in Scotlands April Fools is called Taily Day and is dedicated to pranks involving the buttocks.Taily Days gift to posterior posterity is the still-hilarious Kick Me sign.ExercisesHe stormed out of the room in a _.a)anger b)temper c)hurry d)rage dstorm:To move or rush violently,showing great angerExercisesI _ to think what will happen if she knows the truth.a)fear b)suspect c)doubt d)dreadd dread:feel worried because of the coming resultExercisesDont stay up late on my _.a)accord b)count c)account d)accountantcon someones account -because of someoneExercisesAs she denounced the governments policy,the crowd _ their approval.a)mumbled b)murdered c)whispered d)murmuredd Dictionary Work(a,c,d)ExercisesI was rushed _ buying these fur boots.a)into b)to c)in d)forarush sb.into doing sth.-press sb.to take action or make decision in a hurryExercisesDont be taken _ by his promises.a)over b)in c)back d)outbIt _ me that today is your birthday.a)sticks b)stings c)strikes d)strokescDictationdismissive(2 kinds)at short notice(similar ones)be rushed awaygesture of despairquarantinegazeDictationcoop upjuvenile;juvenile delinquencykeep intake inglue toa good laugh


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