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餐后高血糖和心血管危险因素餐后高血糖和心血管危险因素餐后高血糖和心血管危险因素餐后高血1The increasing global burden of diabetesPopulation aged 20 yearsKing H,et al.Diabetes Care 1998;21:141431.Developed countriesDevelopingcountriesWorldtotalPrevalence(%)0246820252000The increasing global burden oCVD drives the economic burden of type 2 diabetesCVD:cardiovascular diseaseNichols GA,Brown JB.Diabetes Care 2002;25:4826.Copyright 2002 American Diabetes Association;reprinted with permission from The American Diabetes Association.1086420Cost in 1999(x1,000 US$)No CVD,no diabetesn=13,286No CVD,diabetesn=11,130CVD,no diabetesn=2,894CVD anddiabetesn=5,050$2,562$4,402$6,396$10,17231.9%48.1%20.0%28.6%40.3%31.2%17.2%31.8%51.0%21.1%28.0%50.9%PharmacyOutpatientInpatientCVD drives the economic burdenPathophysiology of type 2 diabetesJanka HU.Fortschr Med 1992;110:63741.Macro-vasculardiseaseInsulin sensitivityInsulin secretionPlasma glucoseMicro-vasculardiseaseImpaired glucose toleranceHyperglycemiaPathophysiology of type 2 diabDiagnosing glucose intolerance criteria reflect a need for early intervention*Determined post 75g glucose load2h-PG:2-hour postchallenge plasma glucose,FPG:fasting plasma glucose,IFG:impaired fasting glucose,IGT:impaired glucose tolerance World Health Organization,1999.Diagnosis Venous plasma glucose concentration (mmol/L)DiabetesFPG or 7.02h-PG*11.1IGTFPG(if measured)and 7.8 and 6.1 and 7.02h-PG*(if measured)7.8Diagnosing glucose intoleranceFPG and 2h-PG values identify different people with diabetes2h-PG:2-hour postchallenge plasma glucose,FPG:fasting plasma glucoseDECODE Study Group.BMJ 1998;317:3715.FPG40%Both FPG and 2h-PG28%Younger,more obesepeopleOlder,leanerpeople2h-PG32%FPG and 2h-PG values identify The Relative Contribution of FPG and Mealtime Glucose Spikes to 24-hour Glycemic LevelRiddle MC.Diabetes Care 1990;13:6766863002001000Plasma glucose(mg/dl)06001200180024000600Time(hours)MealtimeglucosespikesFastinghyperglycemiaNormalThe Relative Contribution of FKuusisto et al,1994Glycemic Control and CHDCHD MortalityAll CHD EventsKuusisto et al,1994Glycemic CA Comparison of Hba1c Levels Achieved in the Conventional Versus Intensive Groups of Major Trials10987650 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10Time from randomization(years)HbA1cDCCTKumamoto Study9876003691215Median HbA1c(%)Time from randomization(years)UKPDSConventional therapyIntensive therapy121110987650122436486072MonthsHbA1c(%)A Comparison of Hba1c Levels AFPG=fasting plasma glucose;PPG=postprandial plasma glucose.HbA1CPPGFPG+=FPG=fasting plasma glucose; hour plasma glucose(mg/dl)Harris MI et al Diabetes Care,1998Hba1c,Fasting and 2hr Plasma Glucose4. 10 yr-Cohort Data:Dissociation Between FPG&HbA1CHbAHbA1c1cFPGFPGDel Prato S.2001PPGPPGUKPDS 10 yr-Cohort Data:DissoDuration of Daily Metabolic ConditionsBFLunchDinner0:00 am4:00 amBFPostprandialPostabsorptiveFastingMonnier L,Europ J Clin Invest,2000Duration of Daily Metabolic CoIntensive Treatment Policies DCCT Kumamoto Study UKPDS Fasting plasma glucose(mmol/l)3.9 6.7 7.8 6 2-hr pp glucose(mmol/l)10 11 Not defined Intensive Treatment Policies DThe Funagata Cohort Population*Tominaga M et al.Diabetes Care,1999NGTNGT -IFGIFG -DMDMAll causes of death0.8600.8800.9000.9200.9400.9600.9801.00001234567YearsThe Funagata Cohort PopulationThe Funagata Cohort Population*Tominaga M et al.Diabetes Care,1999*NGTNGT -IGTIGT -DMDMThe Funagata Cohort PopulationSummary 1.Type 2 DM begins as a postprandial disease2.Postprandial hyperglycemia contributes to elevations in HbA1c and complications3.Treatment of postprandial hyperglycemia is critical to achieving optimal outcomes in type 2 DM4.Nevertheless,treatment of postprandial hyperglycemia is inadequately addressedSummary 1.Type 2 DM begins asSTOP-NIDDMStudy to Prevent Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes MellitusSTOPNIDDMSTOP-NIDDMSTOPStudy designSTOPNIDDMPlacebo t.i.d.(n=715)Acarbose 100mg t.i.d.(n=714)1036612182430Months1234567891011121314VisitsPlacebon=1,4293 monthsplacebo60Close-out visitt.i.d.:three times dailyChiasson JL,et al.Lancet 2002;359:20727.Study designSTOPPlacebo t.i.d.Acarbose reduces the risk of developing diabetesSTOPNIDDMAcarbose reduces the incidence of type 2 diabetes in individuals with IGT Based on onepositive OGTT 25%p=0.0015Based on two consecutivepositive OGTTs36%p=0.0017IGT:impaired glucose tolerance,OGTT:oral glucose tolerance testChiasson JL,et al.Diabetologia 2002;45(Suppl.2):A104.Acarbose reduces the risk of Acarbose has a rapid and sustained effect on diabetes riskAcarbose-associated reduction in risk of diabetes was evident after 1 year Acarbose significantly reduced the risk of diabetes at each follow-up time point The beneficial effects of acarbose persisted for the duration of the trialResults of the STOP-NIDDM show that acarbose has long-term therapeutic efficacy in individuals with IGT IGT:impaired glucose intolerance,STOP-NIDDM:Study to Prevent Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes MellitusChiasson JL,et al,Lancet 2002;359:20727.STOPNIDDMAcarbose has a rapid and sustaEfficacy of acarbose is unaffected by baseline BMI or ageSTOPNIDDMBMI:body mass indexChiasson JL,et al.Lancet 2002;359:20727.p 25%0.0015 21%0.0559 31%0.008423%0.038229%0.008924%0.026930%0.011500.5 1.0 1.5 2.0FavoursFavoursacarboseacarboseOverallAge(years)55 Sex Male FemaleBMI(kg/m2)30 30FavoursFavoursplaceboplaceboReduction in incidence Efficacy of acarbose is unaffeAcarbose increases the reversion of IGT to NGTNGTIGTDiabetesAt baselineAcarbose group(%)Placebo group(%)324228253531At end of treatment100%*No post-randomisation dataIGT:impaired glucose tolerance,NGT:normal glucose toleranceChiasson JL,et al.Lancet 2002;359:20727.STOPNIDDMAcarbose increases the reversAcarbose an exceptional safety profile*Events starting on the first day and up to 7 days after last day of treatmentBayer AG,data on.Adverse events Adverse events 155 155(21.7)(21.7)277 277 160 160(22.4)(22.4)260260experiencedexperiencedBody as a wholeBody as a whole56 56 (7.8)(7.8)77 77 58 58 (8.1)(8.1)7272CardiovascularCardiovascular33 33 (4.6)(4.6)48 48 39 39 (5.5)(5.5)6161EndocrineEndocrine4 4 (0.6)(0.6)5 5 5 5 (0.7)(0.7)5 5HaemicHaemic2 2 (0.3)(0.3)2 2 4 4 (0.6)(0.6)4 4and lymphaticand lymphaticMetabolic and Metabolic and 2 2 (0.3)(0.3)2 2 1 1 (0.1)(0.1)1 1 nutritionalnutritionalAdverse Adverse events*events*Acarbose(n=714)Acarbose(n=714)Patients Events Patients Events No.(%)No.No.(%)No.Placebo(n=715)Placebo(n=715)Patients Events Patients EventsNo.(%)No.No.(%)No.STOPNIDDMAcarbose an exceptional safeAcarbose reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseaseSTOPNIDDM*Reduction in risk of developing hypertensionData were analysed using the Cox proportional hazard modelChiasson JL,et al.Diabetologia 2002;45(Suppl.2):A104.Hypertension*MyocardialinfarctionAny cardio-vascular eventp=0.0059p=0.0226p=0.032634%91%49%Acarbose reduces the risk of SReducing postprandial hyperglycaemia decreases the risk of diabetes and CVDSTOPNIDDMAcarbose treatment resulted in a lRelative risk reduction of 25%for the development of diabetes(p=0.0015)1lRelative risk reduction of 36%using two consecutive OGTTs(p=0.0017)1l30%increase in the incidence of normal glucose tolerance(p0.0001)2lStatistically significant reduction in the risk ofhypertensionmyocardial infarctionany cardiovascular eventCVD:cardiovascular disease,OGTT:oral glucose tolerance test1.Chiasson JL,et al.Diabetologia 2002;45(Suppl.2):A104.2.Bayer AG,data on.Reducing postprandial hyperglyChinese studies support the efficacy of acarbose in patients with IGT NGT IGT DiabetesControl27.737.434.9(n=83)Diet and exercise28.147.424.6(n=60)Metformin44.443.212.4(n=88)Acarbose71.122.9 6.0(n=88)Percentage of patientsIGT:impaired glucose tolerance,NGT:normal glucose tolerance Wenying Y,et al.Chin J Endocrinol Metab 2001;17:1316.Study groupChinese studies support the efAn emerging algorithm to manage IGT Development of evidence-based systems to identify those with IGT at most risk of diabetesLifestyle intervention as first-line therapy for high-risk populationPharmacotherapy for those who are not able to attain stable glycaemia with lifestyle interventionPharmacotherapy following lifestyle intervention failure is supported by the International Diabetes Federation IGT:impaired glucose toleranceAn emerging algorithm to managConclusionsManagement of the diabetes epidemic is an urgent global priorityIGT is an appropriate target for intervention to prevent diabetesAcarbose has a proven record for safe,long-term management of postprandial hyperglycaemiaAcarbose is proven to reduce the risk of diabetesand cardiovascular diseaseSTOP-NIDDM results suggest that acarbose can reduce the burden that type 2 diabetes places on individuals and society IGT:impaired glucose tolerance,STOP-NIDDM:Study to Prevent Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes MellitusConclusionsManagement of the d谢谢观赏!2020/11/530谢谢观赏!2020/11/530


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