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肩关节常见疾病MRI诊断肩关节常见疾病MRI诊断1Rotator cuff tendons disease肩袖肌腱病肩袖肌腱病Rotator cuff tear肩袖撕裂肩袖撕裂Subscapularis rupture肩胛下肌断裂肩胛下肌断裂Acromioclavicular joint disease肩肩锁锁关关节节病病The subacromial shoulder impingement syndrome肩峰下撞肩峰下撞击综击综合征合征SLAP病病变变(上盂唇前后向撕裂)(上盂唇前后向撕裂)Bankart病病变变HAGL病病变变(盂肱下(盂肱下韧带韧带肱骨部撕脱)肱骨部撕脱)Labrum cyst 盂唇囊盂唇囊肿肿Adhesive capsulitis joints粘粘连连性关性关节节囊炎囊炎Shoulder joint osteoarthrosis肩关肩关节节骨关骨关节节病病常见疾病名称Rotator cuff tendons dis2Etiology pathology 病因病理病因病理Excessive use,lead to degeneration and tear of rotator cuff 过过度使用度使用导导致肩袖的退行性致肩袖的退行性变变和和撕裂撕裂Most often in impingement最常最常继发继发于撞于撞击综击综合合征征Can occur in patients with collagen vascular disease可可发发生于胶原血管病患者生于胶原血管病患者Can be acute,but more often repeated attacks on the basis of the already suffer from tendon disease可急性可急性发发生,但更常在已生,但更常在已患有肌腱病的基患有肌腱病的基础础上反复上反复发发作作Tendon thickening,hardening;Partial or total disruption;Some tear on slippery bursa,articular surface or in the stroma肌腱增厚、肌腱增厚、硬化;部分或完全中断;部分撕裂可在滑囊面、硬化;部分或完全中断;部分撕裂可在滑囊面、关关节节面或面或间质间质中中Collagen degeneration,but there is no inflammatory cells,chronic tendon can appear in fatty infiltration胶原胶原变变性,但没有性,但没有炎性炎性细细胞,慢性肌腱撕裂中可出胞,慢性肌腱撕裂中可出现现脂肪浸脂肪浸润润一、Rotator cuff tendons diseas3 period:rotator cuff,especially hills tendon period:rotator cuff,especially hills tendon edema and hemorrhageedema and hemorrhage肩袖特别是岗上肌腱水肿和出血肩袖特别是岗上肌腱水肿和出血Tendonitis or inflammatory lesions,it is better Tendonitis or inflammatory lesions,it is better to send in less than 25 years old young man.to send in less than 25 years old young man.reversiblereversible肌腱炎或炎性病变,最好发于小于肌腱炎或炎性病变,最好发于小于2525岁的青岁的青年人年人,可逆可逆.period:inflammation further progress and period:inflammation further progress and more fibrous tissue formationmore fibrous tissue formation炎症进一步进展及更炎症进一步进展及更多的纤维组织形成多的纤维组织形成Happens at 25Happens at 2545 years old.45 years old.好发好发于于25452545岁。岁。period:rotator cuff tear.period:rotator cuff tear.肩袖撕裂。肩袖撕裂。Often Often occur in more than 45 years old.occur in more than 45 years old.常发于常发于4545岁以上。岁以上。Best location:being is 1 cm,from the hills muscle to the greater Best location:being is 1 cm,from the hills muscle to the greater tuberosity attachment points(no vascular distribution).tuberosity attachment points(no vascular distribution).最好发部位:岗上肌距大结节附着点1cm处(无血管分布)。NEER in installment of rotator4On all pulse sequence,signals are increasedOn all pulse sequence,signals are increased在在所有脉冲序列上,信号均增高所有脉冲序列上,信号均增高Tendon thickening,signal not usually Tendon thickening,signal not usually homogeneoushomogeneous肌腱常常增厚、信号不均匀肌腱常常增厚、信号不均匀Partial tear,visible water signal in the Partial tear,visible water signal in the tendons,but only partial tendon involvementtendons,but only partial tendon involvement 部分撕裂,在肌腱中可见水样信号,但只是部分部分撕裂,在肌腱中可见水样信号,但只是部分肌腱受累肌腱受累Tendon fullthickness tear,liquid into tendon Tendon fullthickness tear,liquid into tendon fractures,with varying degrees of tendon fractures,with varying degrees of tendon retractionretraction肌腱全层撕裂,液体进入肌腱裂隙中,伴肌腱全层撕裂,液体进入肌腱裂隙中,伴不同程度的肌腱回缩不同程度的肌腱回缩Tendon fullthickness tear of the chronic Tendon fullthickness tear of the chronic patients to merge muscle fat atrophypatients to merge muscle fat atrophy肌腱全层撕肌腱全层撕裂的慢性患者可合并肌肉脂性萎缩裂的慢性患者可合并肌肉脂性萎缩MRI manifestations of rotator 5 Thin contrast sketch below outline of the rotator cuff(white arrow)薄的造影剂勾画出肩袖的下面轮廓(白长箭头),Normal joint capsule(black arrow),正常关节囊(黑箭头),axillary fossae(white triangle arrows).腋隐窝(白三角箭头)。Oblique coronary a normal MRI 6Fig 1 Subdeltoidsubacromial bursitis.肩峰下滑囊炎。Coronal oblique MR images of the shoulder show fluid in the dilated subdeltoidsubacromial bursa(arrow head).常规MRI斜冠状位示肩峰下滑囊积液(箭头);1A:SE T1W;1B:TSE T2W.Fig 2 Acromial morphology.肩峰形态。A.Shape of the Acromion.Type I,flat型,肩峰下表面为一平面;Type II,curved型,肩峰下表面为弧形凹面;Type III,hooked 型,肩峰下表面前部呈钩状突;B.Sagittal oblique image shows a Type II acromion and a degenerative spur at the anteroinferior edge of the acromion(arrow).MRI造影斜矢状位示肩峰前下缘的骨刺(箭),型肩峰 肩关节常见疾病MRI诊断ppt课件7Fig 3 Tendinitis.肩袖变性。Coronal oblique MR images of the shoulder show the supraspinatus tendon is diffuse thickening,with intrasubstance intermediate signal on T1-weighted and T2-weighted MR images(arrow).常规MRI斜冠状位示冈上肌腱增粗,连续性好,T1W和T2W信号均增高(箭)Fig 3 Tendinitis.肩袖变性。Corona84AFig 4:Bursal-sided partial thickness tear of the subscapularis.冈上肌腱上表面部分撕裂.4A:Oblique coronal T2-weighted image shows partial disrupture of the bursal-sided tendon fibers(arrow).The articular-sided fibers are intact.常规MRI 斜冠状位FS T2W 示冈上肌腱止点处上表面部分撕裂,局部见液性高信号(箭),伴肩峰下滑囊积液,下表面完整.4B:partial thickness tear of the subscapularis.Oblique coronal T2-weighted MR image shows partial discontinuity of the articular-sided tendon fi bers(arrow).The bursal-sided fi bers are intact.冈上肌腱下表面部分撕裂。常规MRI 斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱止点处下表面撕裂(箭),信号增高,但上表面完整4B4AFig 4:Bursal-sided partial 94C4DFig4C:Intratendinous partial thickness tear of the subscapularis.冈上肌腱腱内部分撕裂。Oblique coronal T2-weighted MR image shows abnormal intratendinous fluid accumulation(arrows).The bursal-sided and articular-sided fi bers are intact常规MRI 斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱止点处腱内限局液性高信号影(箭),肌腱上下表面均完整.Fig4D:Articular-sided partial thickness tear of the subscapularis.冈上肌腱下表面部分撕裂。Oblique coronal T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows partial discontinuity of the articular-sided fi bers(arrows),with contrast material leaking into the substance of the tendon,and intact bursal-sided fi bers.MRI造影斜冠状位示高信号对比剂进入冈上肌腱下表面(箭),但未进入肩峰下滑囊4C4DFig4C:Intratendinous part10Fig 5:Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus.thicker,with abnormal high signal as intense as fl uid extending from the articular surface to the subacromial bursa surface(arrow)常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱连续、增厚,其内部可见关节液样的高信号,累及肌腱全层(箭)Can be acute,but more often repeated attacks on the basis of the already suffer from tendon disease可急性发生,但更常在已患有肌腱病的基础上反复发作24 Moderate tear中度撕裂;Secondary to the rear of the shoulder joint dislocation,visible at any age继发于肩关节后脱位,可见于任何年龄常规MRI斜冠状位示肩峰下滑囊积液(箭头);一、Rotator cuff tendons disease 肩袖肌腱病MR arthrogram:Complete tendon(arrow),no leakage of contrast media,head of biceps tendon is located in the central完整的肌腱(箭头),无造影剂渗漏,肱二头肌腱居中Tendon signal uneven;Tendon in see water signal;Different degree of tendon retraction.MR arthrogram:Below the shoulder tendon adhesion,substance within the focal increased signal(triangle arrows),head of biceps tendon show the subluxation.4B:partial thickness tear of the subscapularis.轴位MR arthrogramPartial tendon according to tear thickness or depth into three degrees.MRI造影斜冠状位,示冈腱连续性中断,断端(箭)回缩,同时伴有肌腱萎缩、肱骨头上移;撕裂口信号增高(长箭头所示);MRI造影斜冠状位示高信号对比剂进入冈上肌腱下表面(箭),但未进入肩峰下滑囊Fig 5:Different MRI techniques for labral tear.盂唇撕裂对比。Fig5A:An axial routine MR image shows intact anteroinferior labrum.常规MRI 轴位示盂唇未见撕裂征象;Fig5B:An axial MR arthrographic image demonstrates tear of the anteroinferior labrum(arrow).MRI造影轴位示前方盂唇撕裂(箭)5A5BFig 5:Full thickness tear of t11PDWIT2WIMR arthrogramPDWI(质子加权像):supraspinatus tendonobviously obviously irregular(long arrow);岗上肌肌腱明显不规则(长箭头所示);T2WI:found similar signal,in line with the tear of the parts(long arrow);发现相似信号符合部分撕裂(长箭头所示);MR arthrogram(关节造影):contrast agent into the shoulder sleeve material,but not falling down to the shoulder peak capsule(arrow),in addition,a small part of contrast agents,inserted near the shoulder sleeve(long arrow).造影剂进入肩袖实质内,但未沿伸到肩峰下滑囊(三角箭头所示),另外一小部分相连的造影剂插入邻近肩袖(长箭头所示)。54,M,The right oblique corona12PDWIT2WIMR arthrogramPDWI:rotator cuff essence,lack of limitations(long arrow);肩袖实质局限性缺失(长箭头所示);T2WI:tear mouth increased signal(long arrow);撕裂口信号增高(长箭头所示);MR arthrogram:contrast filling gaps of rotator cuff(long arrow),under the shoulder peak-deltoid in capsule(arrow).造影剂充填肩袖缺口(长箭头所示)、肩峰下-三角肌下滑囊(三角箭头所示)。58Y,M,The left oblique corona13Calcification features tendonitis钙化性肌腱炎 tendon thickening,and often accompanied by signal decreases肌腱可增厚,并常伴有信号减低Within the tendon cyst肌腱内囊肿tendon thickening,and on T2WI tumor cyst with partial rotator cuff tear肌腱增厚,且在T2WI上见囊肿合并部分肩袖撕裂The differential diagnosis of 14In tendon fissure,visible in joint fluid,slippery bursa liquid filling or granulation tissue,on the FSE T2WI or SPAIR sequences is most clear在肌腱裂隙中可见充以关节液、滑囊液或肉芽组织,在FSE T2WI SPAIR序列中最清晰Tendon edges appear different degree of contraction and degeneration肌腱边缘出现不同程度的收缩和退行性变In patients with chronic tendon fullthickness tear can incorporate the fat of muscle atrophy慢性患者的肌腱全层撕裂可合并肌肉的脂性萎缩Merger of synovial sac effusion under the shoulder peak合并肩峰下滑囊积液Occur between the front of the hills muscle tear or rotator cuff tear,easy to merge synovial sac effusion under beak有岗上肌前方撕裂和肩袖间撕裂时易合并喙下滑囊积液二、Rotator cuff tear肩袖撕裂In ten15 Suspicious patients with rotator cuff tear,imaging examination,should be a comprehensive observation of rotator cuff and the surrounding structure可疑肩袖撕裂的病人行影像学检查时需对肩袖及其周围结构作全面观察:Note that tear mouth size,affected the scope,edge cases,muscle atrophy and bone change and so on.注意撕裂口大小、肌腱受累范围、肌腱边缘情况、肌肉萎缩及骨骼改变等。Partial tendon according to tear thickness or depth into three degrees.部分性肌腱撕裂可按撕裂厚度或深度分三度。度3mm;度36mm;度6mm。Complete a tendon,according to the gap size is divided into four categories完全性肌腱撕裂据裂口大小分四类。2mm Mild tear轻度撕裂;24 Moderate tear中度撕裂;45mm Severe tear重度撕裂;5mm Giant tear巨型撕裂。Suspicious patients with r16肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半脱位。Can occur in patients with collagen vascular disease可发生于胶原血管病患者MR arthrogram:Complete tendon(arrow),no leakage of contrast media,head of biceps tendon is located in the central完整的肌腱(箭头),无造影剂渗漏,肱二头肌腱居中thicker,with abnormal high signal as intense as fl uid extending from the articular surface to the subacromial bursa surface(arrow)常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱连续、增厚,其内部可见关节液样的高信号,累及肌腱全层(箭)常规MRI斜冠状位示肩峰下滑囊积液(箭头);Tendon thickening,hardening;Partial or total disruption;Some tear on slippery bursa,articular surface or in the stroma肌腱增厚、硬化;常规MRI 斜冠状位FS T2W 示冈上肌腱止点处上表面部分撕裂,局部见液性高信号(箭),伴肩峰下滑囊积液,下表面完整.肩胛下肌腱大部份(长箭头)缺失,下面小部分仍附着(箭头)。轴位MR arthrogram轴位MR arthrogram造影剂充填肩袖缺口(长箭头所示)、肩峰下-三角肌下滑囊(三角箭头所示)。肩胛下肌腱完全缺失(长箭头)。部分性肌腱撕裂可按撕裂厚度或深度分三度。reversible肌腱炎或炎性病变,最好发于小于25岁的青年人,可逆.T2WI:found similar signal,in line with the tear of the parts(long arrow);发现相似信号符合部分撕裂(长箭头所示);斜失 T1WI MR arthrogramMR arthrogram:Complete tendon(arrow),no leakage of contrast media,head of biceps tendon is located in the central完整的肌腱(箭头),无造影剂渗漏,肱二头肌腱居中Occur between the front of the hills muscle tear or rotator cuff tear,easy to merge synovial sac effusion under beak有岗上肌前方撕裂和肩袖间撕裂时易合并喙下滑囊积液Fig5A:An axial routine MR image shows intact anteroinferior labrum.0Normally,a uniform low signal 正常,呈均匀一致的低信号1Rotator cuff normal form,on T1WI or PDWI sequences showed diffuse or linear high signal肩袖形态正常,T1WI或PDWI上呈弥 漫性或线状高信号2 Shoulder sleeve,is thinning or irregular,and has high signal on T1WI or PDWI sequences肩袖变薄或不规则,T1WI或PDWI上呈高信号3 Rotator cuff signal on T2WI sequence increased and affected tendon layer T2WI上肩袖信号增高且累及肌腱全层肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半17Carrino,think rotator cuff tear is divided into seven degrees 肩袖撕裂分7级:0级:Tendon is normal肌腱正常;1级:Tendon(T1WI signal or PDWI)increased,the attachment points about 1 cm距附着点1cm肌腱信号(T1WI或PDWI)增高;2级:Tendonitis,increased signal on T2WI,but not involving the top of the shoulder joint(with Neer2 degree)肌腱炎,T2WI上信号增高,但未累及肩关节上面(同Neer2级);3级:Degeneration,one or more high signal on T2WI,and there is no enough to the torn part of diagnostic criteria退行性变,T2WI上一个或多个高信号区,未达部分撕裂诊断标准;4级:Part of tear,on T2WI sequence,tendon signal increased obviously,and affected tendon above or below部分撕裂,T2WI上肌腱信号明星增高,且累及肌腱上下面;5级:Tendon near full-thickness rupture,but with a little muscle fiber complete肌腱近乎全层断裂,但有少许肌纤维完整;6级:Tendon full-thickness rupture,without tendon contracture肌腱全层断裂,无肌腱挛缩;7级:Tendon full-thickness rupture with tendon contracture.肌腱全层断裂伴肌腱挛缩。Carrino,think rotator cuff te18Tendonitis肌腱炎(1级)TIWITIWIT2WIRotator cuff tear肩袖撕裂(2级)Oblique coronary 斜冠状位Tendonit19Fig 3 Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus.肩袖全层撕裂。Coronal oblique T2-weighted MR image shows the supraspinatus tendon becomes thicker,with abnormal high signal as intense as fl uid extending from the articular surface to the subacromial bursa surface(arrow)常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱连续、增厚,其内部可见关节液样的高信号,累及肌腱全层(箭)Fig 4 Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus.肩袖全层撕裂。Coronal oblique T2-weighted MR image shows the complete discontinuity and retraction of the tendon(arrow).MRI造影斜冠状位FS T2W 示冈上肌腱连续性中断,断端回缩(箭)Fig 3 Full thickness tear of 205A5BFig 5:Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus.肩袖全层撕裂。A:Fig 6A:Coronal oblique T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows the complete discontinuity and retraction of the supraspinatus tendon(arrow),atrophy of the supraspinatus,and upward displacement of the humeral head.MRI造影斜冠状位,示冈腱连续性中断,断端(箭)回缩,同时伴有肌腱萎缩、肱骨头上移;B:Sagittal oblique T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows the discontinuity of the rotator cuff and the presence of high signal contrast material within the subacromial bursa(arrow).MRI 造影斜矢状位,示肩袖不完整,撕裂累及冈上肌腱和冈下肌腱,肩峰下滑囊内(箭)可见高信号对比剂5A5BFig 5:Full thickness tear 21Patients with secondary to anterior dislocation of shoulder joint,typically more than 40 years继发于肩关节前脱位,患者一般大于40岁Secondary to the rear of the shoulder joint dislocation,visible at any age继发于肩关节后脱位,可见于任何年龄Tendon signal uneven;Tendon in see water signal;Different degree of tendon retraction.肌腱信号不均匀;肌腱中见水样信号;不同程度肌腱回缩。Plain radiographs,shows the humerus small tubercle fracture平片可见肱骨小结节骨折三、Subscapularis rupture 肩胛下肌断裂22斜失 T1WI轴位MR arthrogramT1WI:Edge is clear,uniform low signal边缘清楚,均匀低信号0级:19Y,F,Arthroscopy has confirmed the normal hills muscle tendon关节镜证实的正常岗上肌肌腱MR arthrogram:Complete tendon(arrow),no leakage of contrast media,head of biceps tendon is located in the central完整的肌腱(箭头),无造影剂渗漏,肱二头肌腱居中斜失 T1WI轴位MR arthrogram0级:19Y,F23斜失 T1WI轴位MR arthrogramT1WI:Below the shoulder tendons head wear,higher signal,nodules is complete.肩胛下肌腱头磨损、信号增高,小结节完整。MR arthrogram:Below the shoulder tendon adhesion,substance within the focal increased signal(triangle arrows),head of biceps tendon show the subluxation.肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半脱位。1级57Y,M,Surgery confirmed tha243 Rotator cuff signal on T2WI sequence increased and affected tendon layer T2WI上肩袖信号增高且累及肌腱全层MR arthrogram:Below the shoulder tendon adhesion,substance within the focal increased signal(triangle arrows),head of biceps tendon show the subluxation.NEER in installment of rotator cuff tendon lesions 肩袖肌腱病变的NEER分期Shape of the Acromion.The bursal-sided and articular-sided fi bers are intact常规MRI 斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱止点处腱内限局液性高信号影(箭),肌腱上下表面均完整.The bursal-sided fi bers are intact.Tendon signal uneven;Tendon in see water signal;Different degree of tendon retraction.肩胛下肌腱完全缺失(长箭头)。Often occur in more than 45 years old.Collagen degeneration,but there is no inflammatory cells,chronic tendon can appear in fatty infiltration胶原变性,但没有炎性细胞,慢性肌腱撕裂中可出现脂肪浸润PDWI:rotator cuff essence,lack of limitations(long arrow);The articular-sided fibers are intact.肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半脱位。冈上肌腱腱内部分撕裂。肩胛下肌腱大部份(长箭头)缺失,下面小部分仍附着(箭头)。Partial tendon according to tear thickness or depth into three degrees.Oblique coronal T2-weighted MR image shows partial discontinuity of the articular-sided tendon fi bers(arrow).MRI 造影斜矢状位,示肩袖不完整,撕裂累及冈上肌腱和冈下肌腱,肩峰下滑囊内(箭)可见高信号对比剂Tendon fullthickness tear,liquid into tendon fractures,with varying degrees of tendon retraction肌腱全层撕裂,液体进入肌腱裂隙中,伴不同程度的肌腱回缩 period:rotator cuff,especially hills tendon edema and hemorrhage肩袖特别是岗上肌腱水肿和出血Tendonitis or inflammatory lesions,it is better to send in less than 25 years old young man.轴位 MR arthrogram斜失 T1WI轴位MR arthrogramT1WI:Most of below the shoulder tendons(long arrow)is missing,the following small still attached(arrow).肩胛下肌腱大部份(长箭头)缺失,下面小部分仍附着(箭头)。MR arthrogram:Below the shoulder tendons,small part is still attached to the nodules(arrows).肩胛下肌腱下面小部分仍附着于小结节(三角箭头)。3 Rotator cuff signal on T2WI 25斜失 T1WI轴位 MR arthrogramT1WI:Below the shoulder tendons completely missing(long arrow).肩胛下肌腱完全缺失(长箭头)。MR arthrogram:Below the shoulder tendons(white arrow)has moderate retraction.肩胛下肌腱(白箭头)已中度回缩3级68Y,F,Under the shoulder te26轴位MR arthrogramShape of the Acromion.Coronal oblique MR images of the shoulder show fluid in the dilated subdeltoidsubacromial bursa(arrow head).肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半脱位。肩关节常见疾病MRI诊断PDWI:rotator cuff essence,lack of limitations(long arrow);轴位MR arthrogramThe differential diagnosis of tendon disease 肌腱病的鉴别诊断常规MRI斜冠状位示冈上肌腱增粗,连续性好,T1W和T2W信号均增高(箭)Auxiliary sign 辅助征像:contrast agent into the humerus small nodules 造影剂进入肱骨小结节Auxiliary sign 辅助征像:contrast agent into the humerus small nodules 造影剂进入肱骨小结节MRI造影斜冠状位,示冈腱连续性中断,断端(箭)回缩,同时伴有肌腱萎缩、肱骨头上移;肌腱全层断裂伴肌腱挛缩。肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半脱位。Tendon fullthickness tear,liquid into tendon fractures,with varying degrees of tendon retraction肌腱全层撕裂,液体进入肌腱裂隙中,伴不同程度的肌腱回缩Excessive use,lead to degeneration and tear of rotator cuff 过度使用导致肩袖的退行性变和撕裂Often occur in more than 45 years old.冈上肌腱下表面部分撕裂。造影剂进入肩袖实质内,但未沿伸到肩峰下滑囊(三角箭头所示),另外一小部分相连的造影剂插入邻近肩袖(长箭头所示)。The MRI classification of Rotator cuff tear(Neer)肩袖撕裂的MRI分级(Neer)轴位MR arthrogramThe differential diagnosis of tendon disease 肌腱病的鉴别诊断1级57Y,M,Surgery confirmed that shoulder injury of tendon adhesion手术证实肩胛下肌腱附着处损伤肩胛下肌腱头磨损、信号增高,小结节完整。常规MRI 斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱止点处下表面撕裂(箭),信号增高,但上表面完整Within the tendon cyst肌腱内囊肿tendon thickening,and on T2WI tumor cyst with partial rotator cuff tear肌腱增厚,且在T2WI上见囊肿合并部分肩袖撕裂常规MRI斜冠状位示肩峰下滑囊积液(箭头);Auxiliary sign 辅助征像:contrast agent into the humerus small nodules 造影剂进入肱骨小结节Partial tendon according to tear thickness or depth into three degrees.轴位MR arthrogram肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半脱位。Partial tendon according to tear thickness or depth into three degrees.Shape of the Acromion.斜失 T1WI MR arthrogramMR arthrogramThe subacromial shoulder impingement syndrome肩峰下撞击综合征肩胛下肌腱大部份(长箭头)缺失,下面小部分仍附着(箭头)。Patients with secondary to anterior dislocation of shoulder joint,typically more than 40 years继发于肩关节前脱位,患者一般大于40岁Adhesive capsulitis joints粘连性关节囊炎 period:rotator cuff tear.Fig5B:An axial MR arthrographic image demonstrates tear of the anteroinferior labrum(arrow).T2WI:found similar signal,in line with the tear of the parts(long arrow);发现相似信号符合部分撕裂(长箭头所示);Adhesive capsulitis joints粘连性关节囊炎MRI造影斜矢状位示肩峰前下缘的骨刺(箭),型肩峰24 Moderate tear中度撕裂;Fig 4 Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus.常规MRI斜冠状位示肩峰下滑囊积液(箭头);period:rotator cuff,especially hills tendon edema and hemorrhage肩袖特别是岗上肌腱水肿和出血Tendonitis or inflammatory lesions,it is better to send in less than 25 years old young man.Oblique coronal T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows partial discontinuity of the articular-sided fi bers(arrows),with contrast material leaking into the substance of the tendon,and intact bursal-sided fi bers.Can be acute,but more often repeated attacks on the basis of the already suffer from tendon disease可急性发生,但更常在已患有肌腱病的基础上反复发作肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半脱位。Within the tendon cyst肌腱内囊肿tendon thickening,and on T2WI tumor cyst with partial rotator cuff tear肌腱增厚,且在T2WI上见囊肿合并部分肩袖撕裂PDWI(质子加权像):supraspinatus tendonobviously obviously irregular(long arrow);岗上肌肌腱明显不规则(长箭头所示);Can occur in patients with collagen vascular disease可发生于胶原血管病患者MRI 造影斜矢状位,示肩袖不完整,撕裂累及冈上肌腱和冈下肌腱,肩峰下滑囊内(箭)可见高信号对比剂5级:Tendon near full-thickness rupture,but with a little muscle fiber complete肌腱近乎全层断裂,但有少许肌纤维完整;肩胛下肌腱附着处实质内局灶信号增高(三角箭头),肱二头肌腱半脱位。PDWI:rotator cuff essence,lack of limitations(long arrow);Oblique coronal T2-weighted MR image shows partial discontinuity of the articular-sided tendon fi bers(arrow).Fig5B:An axial MR arthrographic image demonstrates tear of the anteroinferior labrum(arrow).斜失 T1WI MR arthrogram轴位MR arthrogramOblique sagittal:T1WI MR arthrogram:造影剂进入小结节(箭头)。Transverse MR arthrogram:造影剂进入小结节(箭头)。轴位MR arthrogram轴位MR arthrogram27


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