Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B 2a-2c教案2023-2024学年人教版初中英语七年级下册

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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B 2a-2c教案2023-2024学年人教版初中英语七年级下册_第1页
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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B 2a-2c教案2023-2024学年人教版初中英语七年级下册_第2页
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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B 2a-2c教案2023-2024学年人教版初中英语七年级下册_第3页
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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section B 2a-2c单元Unit5课时第4课时TeachingAimsAfter the class, students will be able to:1. get the main idea and detailed information of the passage and know some animals in danger in the world and students will develop an awareness of protecting animals.2. retell the article with the help of the mind map and design mind maps to describe the endangered animals.3. know the animals in different countries and experience the charm of different cultures.Key and difficult pointsa. How the students can retell the article with the help of the mind map.b. A discussion about how to save the endangered animals.TeachingAidsCWB, PPTTeachingMethodsSituational language teaching method; Communicative approach; Audio-lingual and audio-visual methods.教学过程教学步骤课堂活动学生活动效果评价Step 1Lead-in1. Greeting.2. Teacher guides students to talk about their favorite animals and their reasons.3. Teacher guides students to guess her favorite animals.4. Ask students to watch a video about sand painting of an elephant and guide students to talk about the elephant.师生对话复习上节课知识。观看视频了解本课学习对象。观察图片并思考。观察学生回答问题的表现,根据回答的情况,了解学生用英语描述喜欢的动物的情况。根据学生的猜测,评价其对大象的了解设计意图通过复习上节课的内容导入本课即将学习的对象大象。通过思考题,发散学生思维,激发学生学习兴趣。聚焦书本基础任务,从课本出发进行拓展训练。Step 2Pre-readingShow some pictures to make students learn some new words and know some information about elephants in Thailand.学习有关大象的知识并掌握新单词。观察学生描述图片使用词汇是否正确,把握学生掌握词汇情况。设计意图通过基础知识和新单词/词组的铺垫,为阅读扫清障碍。Step 3While-reading1. T asks students to skim and scan the passage and choose the best title of this passage and match the main ideas with each paragraph.2. T asks students to read and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.3. T asks students to read paragraph 1 and find what “this” refers to.4. T asks students to read para2 and find out what elephants can do. 5. T asks students to read Para3 and answer the questions.6. T asks students to listen to the tape and pay more attention to the new words.7. T asks students to read the passage and finish the task in 2c- read again and complete the mind map.快读扫读文章,找出最佳标题。画出文中每段中心句。读第一段并找到“this”指代的内容。读第二段并找出大象可以做什么。读第三段并回答问题。听录音并注意生词。完成书本2c任务。通过快速阅读,了解学生把握主旨的能力。考察学生掌握主题句的能力。观察学生对细节信息获取的是否全面、具体,把握学生内化所学语言和内容的情况。观察学生发音、朗读和模仿表达是否正确,把握学生对重点语言表达的学习和内化情况。设计意图掌握文章主旨方向。通过找中心句,引导学生掌握阅读方式泛读。回归课本,聚焦文章段落结构。通过让学生思考“this”指代的内容引发学生深入思考。主体句+支撑句的写作方法回归课本,加强基础知识的学习,把握文章整体性,为下个环节做铺垫。通过寻找细节的活动培养学生的阅读策略-寻读(scanning)用于查找特定的信息,培养学生运用思维导图梳理信息的能力。Step 4Post-reading1. T asks students to try to retell the passage according to the mind map.2. Divide the students into groups of four and prepare for the retelling. Each student in a group should retell one of the parts with the help of the mind map. For some easy parts, ask students to retell together. For some difficult parts, choose some students to retell the key parts.3. T asks students to watch a video and arose them to understand there are many animals in great danger. Guide students to think about how to save the animals.4. T divides students into two groups. One group is “tree ” group, the other group is “animal ” group. If a student speak out one measure about how to save the animals, they can put their “tree ” or “animal ” on the blackboard. Last, Ss can conclude naturally that together we can make a difference.根据思维导图复述文章。将四个学生分为一组,每个学生复述一部分。通过音频告诉学生在世界上有很多濒危动物讨论如何保护濒危动物。观察学生使用思维导图进行复述的表现,以及在小组中的复述情况,给出必要指导和反馈。观察学生对濒危动物的关注表情,适时升华主题。根据讨论情况,了解学生对核心词汇及话题词汇的使用情况,判断学生能否运用文本语言表达自己观点。设计意图复述文本活动有利于学生对知识点和目标语言的应用,加深对文章内容的理解。吸引学生注意力,培养学生的观察力,思维和分析能力小组活动环节帮助学生发散思维,与生活实际相结合进行练习,培养学生保护动物的意识Step 5SummarySummarize the key content in this lesson.跟随老师一起进行内容总结。主要关注学生运用语言知识表达内容的能力。设计意图总结本课所学内容,巩固加深印象。利用思维导图进行有序的梳理。Step 6HomeworkWrite a passage about pandas. You can describe them from many aspects-What do they look like? What do they like to eat? Why are they in danger? What can we do to save them?写一篇关于熊猫的文章从语言、内容及语篇结构评价学生写作的能力。设计意图由泰国的典型动物到中国的典型动物,对知识进行迁移,巩固所学知识,拓展学生思维。Blackboard Design:Unit5 Why do you like pandas?Section B (2a-2c) Thai Elephant Day ThailanddsymbolkillsmartTogether we can make a differenceivory Reflection:The whole class is designed from easy to advanced and calls on people to protect the animals. In order to train the students creative senses and thinking capacity, teachers should adapt creative education strategies, combine with all sorts of teaching methods and carry out all kinds of practice. The use of the mind map can make it easier for the students to understand the article in a more vivid and interactive way.


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