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Part1 基础巩固单项选择。( ) 1. All received fresh flowers on Womens Day. (西藏中考) A.woman teacher B.woman teachers C.women teachers D.women teacher ( ) 2.-What would you like, sir? -A cup of, please. (山东济南学业水平测试) A. potato B.coffee C.banana D.hamburger ( ) 3. The movie named A Little Red Flower shows love for their children.(贵州贵阳中考) A. parents B.parents C.parents D.parent ( ) 4. The street near my house is always crowded with and (上海中考) A. car; bus B.cars; buss C.cars; buses D.cars; bus ( ) 5. Those are crying because in your hands make them afraid.(辽宁沈阳铁西区一模)A. babys; knifes B. babies; knivesC.baby; knives D.babies; knifes ( )6.-There are many about this farm. -Yes, lots ofare planted on it.(广西来宾中考) A. photo; potato B.photos; potatos C.photos; potatoes D.photoes; potatoes ( )7.-How many in the picture?-Two. Because I saw eight(黑龙江牡丹江中考)A. rabbit; feet B. horse; foot C. sheep;feet D. deer; foots ( ) 8. I met two and three this afternoon. (辽宁营口中考) A. Japaneses; Frenchmen B.Japanese; FrenchmansC.Japanese; Frenchmen D.Japanese; Frenchman ( ) 9.There is a tug-of-war(拔河比赛)between and (上海初一期中)A.man teachers; boys studentsB. man teachers; boy students C. men teachers; boys studentsD.men teachers; boy students( ) 10. wear because they spend much time on computers.(西藏中考)A.Child;glass B.Childs;glassesC.Children;glass D.Children; glasses ( ) 11. Mom, there is little food in the fridge, lets buy some and (广西中考)A. bread; potato B. breads; potato C. bread; potatoes D.breads; potatoes ( ) 12. Some milk in the cup, and the bread on the table.(北京朝阳区初一期末)A.are; is B.are; are C.is; are D.is;is ( )13.-Would you like something to drink, girls? -Yes, please. (山东济南一模) A. two cup of tea B. two pieces of breadC. two cups of coffee D. two piece of bread ( ) 14.-There is butter in the fridge, right? I am so hungry.-Yes, but it hascalories(卡路里). (贵州毕节初二期中)A. much; much B.many; much C.much; many D.many;many ( )15.-Do you remember ?-Yes, it is Try Everything.(广东肇庆中考) A. the song name B. the name of the songC. the song names D. the song of the namePart 2 难点突破一、单项选择。( ) 1. Four and five visited our school yesterday.(江苏南通初二期中)A. Germen; English B. German; English C. Germans; Englishmen D.Germen; Englishmans( ) 2.He is in trouble. You should give him . (山东德州初二期中)A. an advice B. two piece of adviceC. some advices D.some advice( ) 3.-Lets make a cake together. -Good idea. Then give meflour, eggs and sugar.(甘肃兰州初一期中)A. a lot; a little; a little B. a lot of; a few; a little C. a lot; a few of; a littleD. a lot of; a little; a few ()4.-How far is it from school to your home?- Its just about. Sometimes I went home on foot with .(广东深圳外国语学校初三月考)A. ten-minute walk; my friendB.ten-minutes walk; my friendC. ten minutes walk; a friend of mineD.ten minutes walk; a friend of mine ( ) 5.Ill go to house after school. (湖南武冈初二期末)A. the doctor B.The Smiths C.Smith D.my uncles ( ) 6. Please put away those Germans keys the car. They are having an important meeting.(福建中考) A. to B.with C.on D. off ( ) 7.Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of .(广东广州初二期末)A.their B.theirs C.her D.hers ( ) 8. The women over there are mothers. (广西防城港初一期末) A. Julia and Shelleys B. Julias and Shelleys C.Julia and Shelley D.Julias and Shelley ( )9.- Henry, have you seen the English book on the desk? If you see it, please take it to the office. -OK.(广西柳州中考) A. teachers; teachers B. teachers; teachers C.teachers; teachers D.teachers; teachers ( )10. Day is coming. Ill buy some for MissWu.(山东临沂中考)A. Teachers; flower B.Teachers; flowers C.Teachers;flower D.Teachers; flowers 二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1.In two(week) time, Bergqvists ice creation will be nothing more than a pool of water.2.The train station is only(ten minute) drive from the city centre.3. My search for an answer continued until one day a text message came from a student of(n).4.To (Linda) surprise, the boy didnt appear on time.5. The book doesnt belong to me. It is(Tom and Mike).三、句子改错。每句只有一处错误,圈出并改正。1. Look! Lisa and Jills father are talking with our English teacher.- 2. He is a friend of my brother.- 3. I was playing at my cousin house.- 4. I first met Li Meng at a friend birthday party five years ago.- 5. I live near the station. Its only about five minutes walk.- 名词答案:Part 1 基础巩固1.C。本题考查可数名词的数量表达。woman teacher 为复合名词,且为可数名词,复数形式为 women teachers, all后跟可数名词复数,故答案为C选项。2.B。本题考查不可数名词的数量表达。potato:土豆;coffee:咖啡;banana:香蕉;hamburger:汉堡包。根据句意“请给我一杯”,能用“杯”来计量的只有咖啡,故答案为B选项。3.C。本题考查可数名词复数的所有格形式。根据句意“电影小红花展现了父母对孩子的爱”,横线处要用名词所有格,父母是parents,以 s结尾的所有格在后面加,故答案为C选项。4.C。本题考查可数名词复数的规则变化。句意为:“我家附近的街道总是挤满了小汽车和公共汽车。”car与 bus 都是可数名词,根据句意可知应用复数形式。car属于一般情况,在后面直接加-s; bus 是以s结尾,需要在后面加-es,故答案为C选项。5.B。本题考查可数名词复数的规则变化。句意为:“那些孩子哭是因为你手里的刀让他们害怕。”根据第一条横线后的“are”可知主语是可数名词复数,baby是“辅音+y”结尾,变复数应该将y变i再加-es,因此可排除A、C选项;因为 because引导的从句中谓语动词“make”是动词原形,由此可知第二条横线处的主语应该是复数,以f/fe结尾变复数“将f/fe 变为ves”,故答案为B选项。6.C。本题考查可数名词复数的规则变化。句意为:“有许多关于这家农场的照片。”“是的,里面种了很多土豆。”many后接可数名词复数,结合选项可知第一句表达“有许多关于这家农场的照片”。photo为可数名词,意为“照片”,其复数为photos,故第一个空填photos。根据题干“Yes, lots ofare planted on it.”可知 lots of后接可数名词复数,结合选项可知第二句表达“农场里种了很多土豆”,potato为可数名词,意为“土豆”,其复数为potatoes,故第二个空填 potatoes,故答案为C选项。7.C.本题考查可数名词复数的不规则变化。根据横线前的 how many和eight可知两条横线处都应该用可数名词复数。各个选项中出现名词的复数分别为:rabbit-rabbits,foot-feet, horse- horses, sheep-sheep, deer-deer,故答案为C选项。8.C。本题考查可数名词复数的不规则变化。句意为:“今天下午我遇到了两个日本人和三个法国人。”根据横线前的two 和three可知两条横线处都应该用可数名词复数。Japanese的复数形式与原形一致,Frenchman的复数形式是 Frenchmen,故答案为C选项。9.D。本题考查可数名词复数的不规则变化。句意为:“在男老师与男同学之间有一场拔河比赛。”根据句意可知横线上的两个短语都应该用复数形式。当 man与其他名词共同构成名词短语时,其复数变化需要前后两个都进行:man teacher- men teachers,而同一情况下boy则不需要变化: boy student-boy students,故答案为D选项。10.D。本题考查可数名词复数的不规则变化。句意为:“孩子们戴眼镜是因为他们花很多时间在电脑上。”根据句意可知child应用复数形式,即children;“眼镜”这个词一般都是以复数形式出现,即 glasses,故答案为D选项。11.C。本题考查可数名词与不可数名词的数量表达。bread是不可数名词,potato 是可数名词。根据横线前的some 可知 potato应该变为复数形式potatoes,故答案为C选项。12.D。本题考查不可数名词的使用规则。逗号前后两个句子的主语分别是milk 和 bread,都是不可数名词,谓语动词都应该用单数,故答案为 D选项。13.C。本题考查不可数名词的数量表达。句意为:“女孩们,你们想要喝点什么吗?“是的,请来两杯咖啡。”根据第一句句意可知是问想要喝什么而不是吃什么,因此可排除B和 D;coffee是不可数名词,无复数形式,但与量词短语一起出现时,复数形式可以体现在量词上:a cupof-two cups of,故答案为C选项。14.C。本题考查可数名词与不可数名词的数量表达。butter是不可数名词,应该用much来修饰; calorie 是可数名词,应该用many来修饰,故答案为C选项。15.B。本题考查名词所有格的表达。句意为:“你记得这首歌的名字吗?”“记得,名字是尝试一切。”A 的表达有误,不符合语法规则;无生命的名词所有格表达是:A of B,由此排除C:A ofB翻译成中文为“B的A”,B选项可翻译为“歌曲的名字,故答案为B选项。Part 2 难点突破一、1.C。本题考查可数名词复数的不规则变化。句意为:“昨天有四个德国人与五个英国人来参观我们的学校”。根据横线前的four 和 five可知 German与Englishman都应该用复数形式,两词的复数形式分别为Germans和Englishmen,故答案为C选项。2.D。本题考查不可数名词的使用规则。advice是不可数名词,所以前面不能用an且不能在单词后加 -s,因此可排除A和C;当数字大于一,量词短语应该变为复数形式,B选项应该为two pieces of advice,因此排除B;some 意为“一些”,可修饰可数名词和不可数名词,故答案为D选项。3.B。本题考查可数名词与不可数名词之前的修饰词辨析。a lot of 意为“许多”,既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词,因此排除A和 C。a few/little 意为“一点儿”,其中a few修饰可数名词,a little修饰不可数名词,egg是可数名词,因此应该用a few eggs,sugar是不可数名词,因此应该用a little sugar,故答案为B选项。4.C。本题考查所有格表示距离的用法。第一个空格中“十分钟的路程”可有两种表达:a ten- minute walk/ten minuteswalk.第二个空格是一个双重所有格,双重所有格构成为:a/an+n.+of +名词性物主代词/名词所有格,“我的一个朋友”应为a friend of mine,故答案为C选项。5.D。本题考查所有格表示位置的用法。句意为:“放学后我会去我叔叔家。”“的家”可以用“人名加-s + house”表示,“我叔叔的家”可以表示为“my uncles house”,故答案为D选项。6.A。本题考查特殊形式的所有格用法。句意为:“请把那些德国人的车钥匙收起来。他们正在开一个重要的会议。”“的钥匙”用“the key to .”来表示,故答案为A选项。7.B。本题考查名词双重所有格的用法。由题意可知应是“姐妹两人与他们的堂兄去度假”,应用名词的双重所有格,其构成为“a/an +n.+of+名词性物主代词/名词所有格, their的名词性物主代词为theirs,故答案为B选项。8. B。本题考查名词所有格的用法。由题干中的名词复数women,mothers和谓语动词 are可知,the women分别是茱莉亚的母亲和雪莱的母亲,分别拥有的结构为“As and Bs”,故答案为B选项 D远项。9.B。本题考查名词所有格的用法。句意为:“亨利,你看见老师桌上的那本英语书了吗?如果你看到它,请把它带到教师办公室。”根据句意可知,第一个空格表示该老师本人的办公桌,因此需要用单数的所有格;第二个空格表示老师们共同的办公室,应该用复数的所有格,故答案为B选项。10.B。本题考查名词所有格和可数名词变复数的用法。句意为:“教师节快到了,我会买一些花给吴老师。”教师节应该表示为“Teachers Day”,排除A和D选项;flower是可数名词,前有 some修饰时应该变为复数形式flowers,故答案为B选项。二、1.weeks。本题考查名词所有格的用法。句意为:“两周后,贝里奎斯特造的冰将只剩下一池水”。week 是可数名词,变所有格首先需要变为复数形式weeks,再加上,表示“两周的”。2. ten minutes。本题考查名词所有格的用法。句意为:“火车站到市中心大约只需要10分钟的车程。”“10分钟的车程”可以用a ten-minute drive 或者 ten minutesdrive 表示。横线前面无冠词a,因此应使用ten minutes。3.mine。本题考查名词双重所有格的用法。句意为:“我一直在寻找答案,直到有一天,我的一个学生发来了一条短信。”根据题意可知此处考查名词的双重所有格,构成为:a/an +n.+ of +名词性物主代词/名词所有格。因此“我的一个学生”为“a student of mine”。4.Lindas。本题考查名词所有格的用法。句意为:“让琳达感到惊讶的是,那个男孩没有准时出现。”to ones surprise 意为“让某人感到惊讶的是”,因此Linda变为所有格Lindas。5. Tom and Mikes。本题考查名词所有格的用法。句意为:“这本书不是我的,是汤姆和迈克的。”根据谓语动词is可推断这是一本书,因此是两人共同拥有,表示共同拥有的结构为A and Bs。三、1.are 改为is。本题考查名词所有格和主谓一致的用法。由题干“Lisa and Jills father”中 father为单数形式可知,两人拥有同一个父亲,谓语动词应该用单数,故are 改为 is。2. brother 改为 brothers。本题考查名词双重所有格的用法。双重所有格的构成为:a/an + n.+ of+名词性物主代词/名词性物主代词/名词所有格,故brother改为brothers。3. cousin 改为cousins。本题考查名词所有格的用法。根据题意可知句子表示“我正在我堂兄的家里玩”,应用名词所有格cousins。4. friend 改成 friends。本题考查名词所有格的用法。“朋友的生日派对”应为a friends birthday,故 friend 改成 friends。5. minutes 改为minutes。本题考查名词复数的所有格用法。minute是可数名词,所以“步行五分钟的距离”应该用five minutes的所有格形式,以s结尾的单词所有格直接在后面加-即可,因此“步行五分钟的距离”表示为“five minutes walk 。


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