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European Culture:An IntroductionWelcomenEuropean Culture:An Introductionn欧洲文化入门The Purpose of Learning European CulturenLanguage cannot be learned without some knowledge of the culture behind it.nEuropean culture itself is a part of world culture.Some knowledge of it is necessary to us as citizens of the world.To show ones opinion:OneselfThe leaderOld age lifePurpose for My Culture ClassnLearning culture is not to recite numerous informations from textbook.nBut to improve self-cultivation,to promote ones thinking ability,then to probe our cultures merits and defects from different culture,to think about what we should learn from others and what others should learn from ours.So that we could cultivate a habit of thinking and knowinghow to make life meaningful.For My Personal Viewn文化,不是让你死记硬背时间、地点、人物、事件、影响、意义。n而是透过不同的文化,探究自身文化的优缺点,从中吸取精华、去除糟粕,来达到提升自我修养,培养独立思考能力的目的。从而让文化成为我们参悟生活,领会人生意义的重要渠道。The Origin of CulturenMesopotamia两河流域文明nEgyptian古埃及文明nHebrew希伯来文明nGreek and Roman希腊与罗马文化(文化=文明)Division OneGreek Culture and Roman CultureThe OriginnCrete (3000 B.C.)克里特岛nTrojan War (1200 B.C.)特洛伊战争nGreek Dark Ages(1200 B.C.800 B.C.)nArchaic Greece(800 B.C.500 B.C.)古风时期nClassical Period(500 B.C.336 B.C.)古典时期nHellenistic Age(336 B.C.31 B.C.)希腊化时代 Greece and Troy1.Historical context(background)nWar between Greece and Troy in about 1,200 B.C.nGreek culture in the 5th century B.C.nCivil war between Athens and Sparta.nRule of Alexander in the 4th century B.C.nIn 146 B.C.the Romans conquered Greece.2.Social and Political StructurenDemocracy the adult male citizensnEconomy slave labor(exploitation)nSports Olympic Games3.HomernHomer 荷马(around 700 B.C.),epic 史诗nIliad 伊利亚特nOdyssey 奥德赛 Today we see Iliad and the Odyssey incorporated into the course of almost every high school in America.EpicnDefinition:nAn epic is a long narrative poem of great scale and grandiose style about the heroes who are usually warriors or even demigods.n简言之,史诗是叙述英雄传说或重大历史事件的叙事长诗。Trojan War 特洛伊战争nIn Greek mythology and in Iliad and Odyssey by Homer nAbout 1,200 B.C.nWar between Greece and TroynFought over the beautiful HelennLasted for 10 yearsnTrojan horsenTroy defeated Greece and TroyAchilles 阿喀琉斯/阿基里斯MatchingnGold applenTrojan horsenAchilles heelnDeathful weaknessnBanenIntruding destructive element Matching(key)nGold apple BanenTrojan horse Intruding destructive elementnAchilles heel Deathful weaknessn“不和的金苹果”祸根n“特洛伊木马”侵入内部的破坏性因素n“阿喀琉斯的脚踵”致命的弱点Poetry=Poem=Verse(诗歌)nBallad(民谣)nLyric(抒情诗)nEpic(史诗)nOde(颂诗)nElegy(挽歌)nPastoral(田园诗)nSonnet(十四行诗)nNarrative Poem(叙事诗)nBlank Verse(无韵体诗)nFree Verse(自由体诗)4.Lyric(抒情诗)nDefinition:A lyric is a poem that expresses strong feeling.4.Lyric WritersnSappho(about 612-580 B.C.)萨福 n-love poemnPindar(about 518-438 B.C.)品达n-odes:a poem to praise and glorify an individual or a thing.5.DramanOpen-air theatres,stone benches,looking down at the stage from three sides,actors with masks.nmask=masque假面剧Three Greatest Tragedy Writer:a.Aeschylus(埃斯库罗斯)b.Sophocles(索福克勒斯)c.Euripides(欧里庇得斯)a.Aeschylus(525-456 B.C.)埃斯库罗斯 nThe“Father of Tragedy”,one of the three great ancient Greek tragedians古希腊悲剧之父nPrometheus Bound被缚的普罗米修斯 Prometheus BoundnBased on the myth of Prometheus,a titan泰坦神族人 who gave the gift of fire to mortals and was punished by the god Zeus.MatchingnPrometheusMartyr to the cause of humannPandoras boxRoot of all disasterb.Sophocles(496-406 B.C.)索福克勒斯 n Second of the three great tragedians of classical Athens nOedipus the King俄狄浦斯王nStrong impact on European literature “the Oedipus complex”俄狄浦斯情结MatchingnOedipus complex 俄狄浦斯情结complex feeling toward parents or between accident and necessity Sphinxs riddle 斯芬克斯之谜something of person that hard to understandc.Euripides(484-406 B.C.)欧里庇得斯n Third of the three great tragedians of classical Athens,the first writer of“problem plays”社会问题剧 nconcerned with conflicts-origin of realismnAndromache,Medea,Trojan Womend.ComedynAristophanes(阿里斯托芬 450-380 B.C.)nancient Greek Comic dramatist,the Father of Comedyn11 plays:Frogs,Clouds,Wasps,Birds6.HistoryHerodotus 希罗多德nThe Greek historical writing writes mainly about wars.nHerodotus(484-430 B.C.),Ancient Greek historian,“Father of History”古希腊历史学家,“历史之父”7.Philosophy and science IntroductionnThe ancient Greeks curiosity about things,free enquiry,imaginationIntroductionnThe Pre-Socrates Greek PhilosophersnPythagoras 毕达哥拉斯nHeracleitue 赫拉克利特 nDemocritus 德莫克里特Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯nFounder of scientific mathematicsnthe father of numbersnTo Pythagoras,All things were numbers.Heracleitue 赫拉克利特赫拉克利特 nAncient Greek philosopher nFire is the primary element of the universe.火是万物之源n“You cannot step twice into the same riverThe sun is new everyday.”“人不能第二次踏进同一条河流。”Democritus 德莫克里特nThe earliest materiamlist.nGet the English word atom The Greatest PhilosophersnSocrates 苏格拉底nPlato 柏拉图nAristotle 亚里士多德a.Socrates 苏格拉底nSocrates(470-399 B.C.)nDialectical Method 辩证法Story TimenWhat is love?nWhat is marriage?nWhat is affair?(艳遇)nWhat is happiness?nWhat is life?b.Plato(428-348 B.C.)柏拉图 nDialogues 对话录nIdealism(唯心主义)nInfluenceabsorbed into Christian thought Platonic Loven柏拉图式爱情,追求心灵沟通,排斥肉体欲望,是一种理性的精神上的纯洁恋爱。c.Aristotle(384-322 B.C.)亚里士多德nAncient Greek philosopher,a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the GreatnThe great humanist and the great man of science nWorksEthics,Politics,Poetics,and Rhetoric 诗学 nAristotle and Plato p28Differences between Plato and Aristotlen1.Aristotle theory should follow factPlato subjective thinking is importantn2.Aristotle idea+matter=realityPlato idea is higher than physical worldd.Contending Schools of ThoughtnSophists 智者派-Protagoras 普罗泰戈拉 nFour schools nthe Cynics 犬儒派nthe Sceptics 怀疑派nthe Epicureans 伊壁鸠鲁派(享乐派)nand the Stoics 斯多葛派e.SciencenEuclid 欧几里德Elements,geometrynArchimedes 阿基米德Euclid 欧几里德欧几里德 nThe Father of Geometry nElements,a textbook of geometry Archimedes 阿基米德阿基米德nAncient Greek mathematician,physicist and engineern“Give me a place to stand,and I will move the world.”8.Art;architecture;sculpture and pottery多立克柱式(多立克柱式(Doric order)Parthenon 帕德农神庙帕德农神庙 Acropolis of Athens雅典卫城爱奥尼克柱式(爱奥尼克柱式(Ionic order)-伊瑞克提翁神庙伊瑞克提翁神庙(Erechtheion)科林斯柱式科林斯柱式(Corinthain order)-列雪格拉德音乐纪念亭掷铁饼者米洛的维纳斯拉奥孔人物组图陶器9.ImpactnSpirit of InnovationnSupreme achievementnLasing effectII.Roman Culture1.Romans and Greeks2.Roman history3.Latin literature4.Architecture,painting and sculpture1.Romans and Greeksn146 BC,Roman conquest of GreecenLanguages of the Roman Empire:Latin(western)and Greek(eastern)nSimilarities between Romans and Greeksdemocracy,religion,languagesnDifferencesp37n“Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive.”-Horace被俘虏的希腊使野蛮的征服者成了她的俘虏!2.Roman historynThe year 27 BC,Rome-republic,the Roman EmpirenPax Romana:Latin for“the Roman peace”between 27 BC and 180 AD.nRoman law:3rd century BC罗马法学 nDecline in the 3rd century nThe emperor Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium拜占庭(Constantinople君士坦丁堡-Istanbul伊斯坦布尔)nDivided into East(the Byzantine Empire)and the West in 395nIn 476,end of the West Roman Empire by the GothsnIn 1453,end of the East Roman Empire by the Turks3.Latin literaturenProse Marcus Tullius Cicero 西塞罗 Julius Caesar 凯撒nPoetry Lucretius 卢克莱修 Virgil 维吉尔Prose and PoetrynProse is writing distinguished from poetry by its greater variety of rhythm and its closer resemblance to the patterns of everyday speech.nPoetry is a form of art in which language is used for its aesthetic(审美的)and evocative(共鸣的)qualities in addition to its ostensible(表面的)meaning.Prose and PoetrynProse is writing a story,either fiction or nonfiction.nProse writing most often follows standard rules in grammar,punctuation,capitalization,and sentence structure.nPoetry refers to poems,with or without rhyme schemes.nPoetry has rhythm,like a song.It usually follows a set pattern,rhyme scheme and meter.ProseM.T.Ciceron西塞罗(106-43BC),Roman orator,lawyer,politician,and philosopher罗马最伟大的演说家、教育家和天才作家nCiceronian,eloquent,oratorical manner of writing西塞罗式 nNo man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life;or temperate,who regards pleasure as the highest good.把痛苦视为生活中最大的祸害的人不可能勇敢;把欢乐视为生活中最美妙的人不会自我节制。Prose-Julius Caesarn凯撒(102-44 BC),Roman dictator,politician and general of the late Roman republic nCommentaries nStyleeconomy,ferocityn“I came,I saw,I conquered.”我来了,我看见了,我征服了。Lucretius 卢克莱修nLucretius(about 93-50 BC),an Epicurean philosopher,poetnOn the Nature of Things,philosophical poem 物性论物性论,expanding the atomic ideas of Epicurus Virgil维吉尔(70-19 BC)nThe greatest of Latin poetsnAeneid 爱涅伊德 Aeneas,Troy4.Architecture,painting and sculpturea.Architecture -great engineers -Romans roads:“All roads lead to Rome.”-The Pantheon 万神庙 -Pont du Gard 加德桥 -The Colosseum 古罗马之圆形大剧场b.PaintingnWall-paintingsc.SculpturenGlorify the emperors and record the events of the Roman EmpirenConstantine the Great 君士坦丁大帝 nSpoils form the Temple in Jerusalem nShe-wolf 母狼感谢您的聆听!


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