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译林版九年级上 Unit 6 TV programmesPeriod 2Reading 译林版 九年级上 Unit 6 TV progra答案呈现温馨提示:点击进入讲评习题链接1unless2latest3live4text message678910weekly roundup;uptodate informationcovered livevote for;Asiandirected bywealthy/rich businessman课内知识夯实基础5recorded答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评习题链接1u答案呈现习题链接1happens to2happened to meet3have taken place4A题组专训突破考点5will be covered6C7was covered with8such as9for example答 案 呈 现习题链接1happens to2happene答案呈现习题链接1weekly2coming3Asian4murderer678910unlessscenerecordedcoveredscared课后巩固拓展延伸5directors1112131415BACDA答 案 呈 现习题链接1weekly2coming3Asia答案呈现习题链接1617181920ACCAC课后巩固拓展延伸2122232425A number ofhave voted onlinethe latest informationvoted forgets scared262728ACB29C答 案 呈 现习题链接1617181920ACCAC课后巩固答案呈现习题链接课后巩固拓展延伸3031323334In the countryside of Sichuan Province.In 2016.Yes,she does.Her and her grandmothers daily lives.Because people love Chinese culture.答 案 呈 现习题链接课后巩固拓展延伸3031323334课内知识课内知识夯实基础夯实基础一、根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子一、根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语并背记相应英语词汇词汇1.You will not realize your dream _(除非)you try your best.【2021宿迁钟吾初级中学期末】2.The university students will show us a _(最新的)robot later.【2020无锡模拟】unlesslatest一、根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语词汇un课内知识课内知识夯实基础夯实基础3.One World:The documentary Together At Home was covered _(在现场直播)to support health workers.【2020南京秦淮区一模】4.Send a _ _(短信)to this number to vote.5.Her school life was _(记录)in the diaries of those years.【扬州江都区四校二模】livetext messagerecorded3.One World:The documentary 课内知识课内知识夯实基础夯实基础二、根据汉语提示完成句子二、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记英语句子并背记英语句子6.每周体育新闻摘要及最新消息。A _ of what is happening in sport,with _.weekly roundupuptodate information二、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记英语句子weekly ro课内知识课内知识夯实基础夯实基础7.下届奥运会将在电视和互联网上实况直播。The next Olympic Games will be _ on TV and the Internet.covered live7.下届奥运会将在电视和互联网上实况直播。covered 课内知识课内知识夯实基础夯实基础8.今晚人们将投票选出亚洲足球先生。People will _ Mr _ Football this evening.vote for Asian8.今晚人们将投票选出亚洲足球先生。vote for 课内知识课内知识夯实基础夯实基础9.一部由陈凯歌导演的影片已经在电影院上映两周半了。A film _ Chen Kaige has been on at the cinema for two weeks and a half.directed by9.一部由陈凯歌导演的影片已经在电影院上映两周半了。dir课内知识课内知识夯实基础夯实基础10.比尔盖茨是一位富有的商人,他是微软的创始人。Bill Gates is a _ who is the founder of Microsoft.wealthy/rich businessman10.比尔盖茨是一位富有的商人,他是微软的创始人。we题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点1.如果他有什么事,请通知我。If anything _ him,please let me know.happens to1.如果他有什么事,请通知我。happens to题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点2.我们碰巧在图书馆遇见了他。We _him at the library.happened to meet2.我们碰巧在图书馆遇见了他。happened to me题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点3.我的家乡发生了很大的变化。Many changes _ in my hometown.have taken place3.我的家乡发生了很大的变化。have taken pla题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点4.A number of visitors _ visiting the West Lake and the number of the visitors _ increasing.A.are;is B.is;are C.are;are D.is;is【点拨】本题用主谓一致法。the number of意为“的数量”,该短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;a number of意为“一些”,是固定搭配,作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式。再根据句意“许多游客正在参观西湖,并且参观者的人数正在增加。”可知选A。A4.A number of visitors _题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点5.The Nanjing Summer 2021 Opening Ceremony(开幕式)_(cover)live,wont it?will be covered5.The Nanjing Summer 2021 Ope题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点6.We are still short of water though water _ nearly 3/4 of the Earth.A.costs B.keeps C.covers D.makes【点拨】句意为“尽管水覆盖了地球的将近四分之三,我们仍然缺水”。cost 花费;keep保持;cover覆盖;make使,制造。根据句意可知这里应填“覆盖”,此处应用第三人称单数形式,故选C。C6.We are still short of water题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点7.暴风雪过后,地面被盖上了厚厚的雪。After the snowstorm,the ground _ thick snow.was covered with7.暴风雪过后,地面被盖上了厚厚的雪。was cover题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点8.我有很多业余爱好,像收集邮票、钓鱼、远足。I have many hobbies,_ collecting stamps,fishing,hiking.such as8.我有很多业余爱好,像收集邮票、钓鱼、远足。such题组专训题组专训突破考点突破考点9.例如,球类运动已经在全球传播开了。Ball games,_,have spread around the world.for example9.例如,球类运动已经在全球传播开了。for examp课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸一一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.The school buses should be checked _(week).2.Are you looking forward to the _(come)school sports meeting?weeklycoming一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空weeklycoming课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸3.There are lots of _(Asia)pop stars in the hall.4.One of these men may have been the _(murder).5.The young man would rather give up the chance than take those _(direct)advice.【盐城亭湖区模拟】Asianmurdererdirectors3.There are lots of _ 课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸二二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子6.Well have a picnic in the park tomorrow u_ it rains heavily.7.The s_ is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.nlesscene二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子nlesscene课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸8.We r_ yesterdays party on video.You can watch it if you like.9.We all know most of the earths surface is c_ by water.10.Kate had a traffic accident on her way home.Luckily,she was not hurt,and just got s_.ecordedoveredcared8.We r_ yesterdays pa课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸三、单项选择三、单项选择11.Father is too tired today.Dont call him _ it is necessary.【2020泰州】A.if B.unlessC.when D.whether【点拨】考查连词辨析。句意为“爸爸今天太累了。除非必要,否则不要给他打电话”。if如果,引导条件状语从句;unless除非,引导条件状语从句;when当的时候,引导时间状语从句;whether是否。根据“不要打电话给他”可知“除非有必要”,故选B。B三、单项选择【点拨】考查连词辨析。句意为“爸爸今天太累了。除课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸A12.You are not allowed to play with fire in the forest.It _ kill plants,animals and even people.【2020昆明】A.might B.might notC.should D.should not【点拨】考查情态动词用法辨析。句意为“不允许你在森林里玩火。那(玩火这件事)可能会杀死植物、动物甚至是人们”。might可能,表示较有把握、肯定的推测;might not可能不,表示不太有把握、否定的推测;should应该;should not不应该。根据语境可知选A。A12.You are not allowed to pl课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸13.My uncle had _ meeting in Beijing last year.A.a 15days B.a 15 daysC.a 15day D.a 15days【点拨】考查复合形容词。句意为“我叔叔去年在北京参加了一场15天的会议”。“15天的会议”有两种表达方式,15day meeting或15 days meeting。故选C。C13.My uncle had _ meet课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸14.The National Sports Meeting will be covered _ tomorrow evening.A.life B.aliveC.living D.live【点拨】句意为“全国运动会将在明天晚上直播”。life 生活;alive 活着的;living 活着的;live生活,作副词是在现场直播的意思。结合句意,故选D。YD14.The National Sports Meetin课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸15.His speech is welcomed by middle school students because it _ many problems that the teenagers care about.A.covers B.takesC.fills D.makes【点拨】考查词义辨析。句意为“他的演讲受到了中学生的欢迎,因为它涵盖了许多青少年关心的问题”。A.covers 覆盖,涵盖;B.takes拿走;C.fills填充;D.makes制作。结合句意,故选A。A15.His speech is welcomed by 课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸16.Can you help me _ who stole my wallet?A.find out B.look forC.find D.look【点拨】考查词义辨析。句意为“你能帮我查出是谁偷了我的钱包吗?”。find out 查出,找出,表示结果,可以接从句;look for寻找,表示过程;find发现;look看。故选A。A16.Can you help me _ w课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸17.France is _ European country while Thailand is _ Asian country.A.an;an B.an;a C.a;an D.a;a【点拨】考查冠词。句意为“法国是一个欧洲国家,而泰国是一个亚洲国家”。European是以辅音音素开头的单词,其前应用不定冠词a;Asian是以元音音素开头的单词,其前应用不定冠词an。故选C。C17.France is _ Europea课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸18.I like to eat fruit,_ bananas,apples,pineapples and strawberries.A.the same as B.for exampleC.such as D.as an example【点拨】句意为“我喜欢吃水果,如香蕉、苹果、菠萝和草莓”。the same as与相同;for example例如,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末;such as例如,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子;as an example作为榜样。故选C。C18.I like to eat fruit,_课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸19._ famous Chinese songs,such as The Love Song of Kangding and Jasmine Flower,were sung during the concert.【2020连云港】A.A number of B.The number ofC.A great deal D.A great deal of【点拨】考查短语辨析。句意为“几首中国著名歌曲在这个音乐会上被演唱了,例如康定情歌和茉莉花”。C项不修饰名词,D项修饰不可数名词,排除C、D项;the number of的数目、数量,谓语动词用单数形式,排除B项;a number of许多,一些,符合句意。故选A。A19._ famous Chinese so课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸20.Who will win first prize in the drawing competition?Nobody can know the result until it _ tomorrow morning.【扬州邗江区二模】A.will announce B.will be announcedC.is announced D.announces【点拨】句意为“谁将在绘画比赛中获得一等奖?直到明天上午宣布,才会有人知道结果”。考查动词语态辨析。本句是until引导的时间状语从句,根据句意语境,主句具有将来意义,可知从句需用一般现在时,可排除A、B两项。it是动词announce的承受者,需用被动语态,故选C。C20.Who will win first prize 课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸四、从方框中选择短语并用其适当形式完成四、从方框中选择短语并用其适当形式完成句子句子(其中有一项为多余项)21._ students were watching the film when it began to rain yesterday.vote online,the latest information,a number of,vote for,the number of,get scaredA number of四、从方框中选择短语并用其适当形式完成句子 vote onl课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸22.We _for our best teachers for three days.23.He always searches for _ on the Internet for his report.vote online,the latest information,a number of,vote for,the number of,get scaredhave voted onlinethe latest information22.We _for our课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸24.A lot of fans have _ their favourite singers in the past weeks on the Internet.25.When he stays at home alone,he _ easily.vote online,the latest information,a number of,vote for,the number of,get scaredvoted forgets scared24.A lot of fans have _课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸五、阅读五、阅读理解理解26.When is TVTurnoff Week?_A.From April 19 to 25.B.Any week in April.C.The first week in April.D.It doesnt tell us.请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点第第68页页短文。短文。【点拨】细节理解题。根据短文第二段第二句话“From April 19 to 25,they ask children all over the world to turn off their TVs for one week.”可知,关闭电视周活动是从4月19日到25日举行的。故选A。A五、阅读理解请同学们看典中点第68页短文。【点拨】细节理课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸27.What do children do during that week?_A.They watch TV much less.B.They go to this website,www.tvturnoff.org.C.They read some books,or learn to swim,or paint a picture.D.Both A and C.【点拨】细节判断题。根据短文第二段中“Maybe they can read some books,or learn to swim,or paint a picture.”可知选C。C27.What do children do during课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸28.The passage tells people if children watch too much TV,they may _.be overweight know more about the world be weak in study become violent in real lifeA.B.C.D.【点拨】推理判断题。根据文中“Bad for your studies”“Bad for your health”及“Also,too many violent(暴力的)things”的有关内容可知看电视过多影响学习、容易引发肥胖症及有暴力倾向。故选B。B28.The passage tells people i课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸29.Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?_A.Millions of people have taken part in TVTurnoff Week since 1995.B.The website www.tvturnoff.org can tell you more about TVTurnoff Week.C.Children in America arent allowed to see violent things on TV until they are 18.D.About three fifths of American families dont watch TV when they have dinner.【点拨】推理判断题。根据短文倒数第二段中的“An American study says that before a child turns 18 years old,that child will see 200,000 violent things on TV.”可知,美国并没有限制孩子看有关暴力的电视节目。故选C。C29.Which of the following sen课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸六、任务型六、任务型阅读阅读 【2020淮安】根据上面短文的内容回答问题(每个小题答案不超过6个单词)。30.Where did Li Ziqi grow up?_请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点第第69页页短文。短文。In the countryside of Sichuan Province.【点拨】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Li grew up with her grandparents in the countryside of Sichuan Province.李和她的祖父母在四川农村长大。”可知,答案为:In the countryside of Sichuan Province.六、任务型阅读 课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸31.In which year did she begin to film her life?_【点拨】细节推理题。根据第二段第三行“but she decided to return to the countryside in 2012 to take care of her grandparents.”可知,在2016年开始拍摄她的生活的。故答案为:In 2016.In 2016.31.In which year did she begi课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸32.Does Li Ziqi enjoy working in the countryside?_【点拨】细节判断题。根据第三段第二行“Now when I work in the country,I feel liake Im truly living.”可知,她喜欢在农村工作。故答案为:Yes,she does.Yes,she does.32.Does Li Ziqi enjoy working课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸33.What do Lis videos record?_【点拨】细节理解题。根据第四段第一行“Lis videos record her and her grandmothers daily lives in their simple home.”可知,录的是在简朴家中的日常生活。故答案为:Her and her grandmothers daily lives.Her and her grandmothers daily lives.33.What do Lis videos record课后巩固课后巩固拓展延伸拓展延伸34.In Lis opinion,why do people like her videos?_【点拨】细节理解题。根据最后一段“My videos can be so popular among people because they love Chinese culture very much.Li said.”可知因为他们非常喜欢中国文化。故答案为:Because people love Chinese culture.Because people love Chinese culture.34.In Lis opinion,why do pe


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