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景区餐饮服务Services of Food&Beverage旅游景区管理书名:旅游景区管理书号:978-7-111-37060-4作者:胡红梅 主编出版社:机械工业出版社2Scenic restaurants游客在旅游景区参观游览过程中会产生餐饮需求,旅游景区餐饮服务是应游客餐饮需求而提供的服务。Tourists will have dining demands when they are visiting attractions.Scenic restaurants meet the tourists dining demands.3Scenic restaurants餐饮服务是景区服务的重要组成部分,餐饮服务的质量水平和风格特色在很大程度上反映了景区经营的总体质量水平和风格特色。The service quality and style features of the scenic restaurants reflect the whole service level of scenic spot.4Vocabularyreservation rezven n.预定chopsticks tpstks n.筷子delicious dls adj.美味的,可口的tip tp v.&n.(给)小费tip waiters 给服务员小费5Vocabularybreakfast n.早餐lunch n.午餐supper n.晚餐dinner n.正餐,宴会lemonade lemned n.柠檬水order v.点菜6Vocabularyfry v.煎,油炸deep fry 炸boil v.煮braise brez v.焖roast v.烤bake v.焗7Vocabularysour adj.酸的,有酸味的sweet adj.甜的,有甜味的bitter adj.苦的,有苦味的hot adj.辣的,有辣味的sugar n.糖vinegar vng(r)n.醋8Vocabularyjuice n.果汁tea n.茶coffee n.咖啡beverage n.饮料beer n.啤酒dessert dz:t n.餐后甜食,甜点9Vocabularynoodle n.面条lobster lbst(r)n.龙虾;龙虾肉surcharge s:t:d n.附加费,额外费用pepper salt 椒盐western food 西餐10Vocabularysoda water 苏打水orange juice 橙汁mineral water 矿泉水ice cream 冰淇淋deep-fried chicken 炸鸡roasted duck 烤鸭11Vocabularysteamed fish 清蒸鱼smoked fish 熏鱼instant boiled mutton 涮羊肉fried rice with beef 牛肉炒饭baked rice with seafood 海鲜焗饭pork noodles 肉丝面12Vocabularyfried pigeon with pepper salt 椒盐乳鸽duck and bamboo shoots in soup 笋干老鸭煲Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭West Lake vinegar fish 西湖醋鱼Dongpo pork 东坡肉braised pork with soy sauce 红烧肉13常用句型/SentencesHave you made a reservation?您们有预定吗?Yes,Mr.Li,the phone number is 123456789.是的,有预定,李先生,电话号码是123456789.How many people,please?请问您们是几个人?14常用句型/SentencesThis way,please.Ill show you the table.请往这边走,我给您们安排座位。Have you got a table for two,please?请问您有两个人的桌子吗?Smoking or nonsmoking?吸烟区还是非吸烟区?Wed like a table by the window.请给我们安排一个靠窗的桌子吧。15常用句型/SentencesIm so sorry that the tables by the window are not available now.非常抱歉,靠窗的位置已经没有了。How about sitting here?Its very quiet.您看坐这里怎么样?这里十分安静。Would you like to order now?/Are you ready to order now?您现在要点菜吗?16常用句型/SentencesDo you have menus?/Could I see the menu,please?您们有菜单吗?Your menu,please.您的菜单。May I take the order now?您点好了吗?Do you have any special to recommend?您有推荐的吗?17常用句型/SentencesIt is a most popular dish.这道菜非常受欢迎。How would you like your steak cooked?请问您的牛排要几成熟?Rare 一成熟;Medium Rare 三成熟;Medium 五成熟;Medium Well 七成熟;Well Done 全熟Would you like something to drink?请问您要喝点什么?18常用句型/SentencesGreen tea or black tea?绿茶还是红茶?Do you like some ice for your beer?您的啤酒要加冰块吗?Ill change it right away.先生,对不起,我马上给您换一盘。Bill,please.结账。19常用句型/SentencesA moment,please.请稍等。Here is your bill.The total is 365 Yuan.这是您们的账单,一共是365元。Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?请问您是付现金还是使用信用卡结帐?20常用句型/SentencesKeep the change as your tip.零钱就作为你的小费吧。What do you think of the dishes today?您觉得今天的饭菜怎么样?I beg your pardon?/Pardon?对不起,请您再说一遍好吗?21景区餐饮服务管理Service Management of Food&Beverage着制服,戴工牌To wear the uniform and badge 仪容整齐,化妆得体,符合岗位要求The makeup and wearing meet the jobs requirements保持好的心态,时刻微笑着To maintain a good attitude,always smiling22景区餐饮服务管理Service Management of Food&Beverage在门口迎接顾客,当游客走近时,向游客道出欢迎语:“早上好/下午好/晚上好!”To say“good morning/afternoon/evening!Welcome to come here!”when tourists coming to the restaurant询问游客是否有预定To ask tourists whether they have made a reservation23景区餐饮服务管理Service Management of Food&Beverage将有预定的游客引导至预定的餐桌;帮助没有预定的游客寻找满意的餐位To show tourists the table that they have booked,or to help tourists to find a satisfied table呈递菜单给游客To show the menu to tourists24景区餐饮服务管理Service Management of Food&Beverage在游客看菜单时,及时地按照游客需要增加或撤走餐具To add or take away tableware timely when tourists are looking at the menu当游客有疑问时,解释菜单上的内容To explain the dishes on menu when tourists dont understand25景区餐饮服务管理Service Management of Food&Beverage询问是否点菜,帮助游客点菜To ask tourists whether they need to order dishes at that time or not,if so,to help them order dishes填写点菜单,迅速传递菜单给专职的传菜员或厨房To finish the order and pass it to kitchen soon26景区餐饮服务管理Service Management of Food&Beverage询问是否需要饮品To ask if tourists need beverage为游客铺餐巾、上茶水To unfold napkins and serve tea or water注意上菜的位置,上菜时报菜名To place dishes from a suitable location and tell guests the name of each dish27景区餐饮服务管理Service Management of Food&Beverage陆续为游客上齐所有的菜To serve all the dishes for tourists one after another核对菜单后告知游客“菜已上齐”To tell tourists that“all the dishes are here”after checking游客要结账时,递上菜单和笔供游客核对To pass the order and a pen to tourists when theyll pay the bill28景区餐饮服务管理Service Management of Food&Beverage询问游客结账方式To ask by which way tourists will pay the bill结账并询问游客对此次用餐是否满意To help tourists pay the bill and ask them if are satisfied with the food有礼貌地送客To bid farewell to guests清理用过餐的台面To clear up the table29情景演练Scenario Simulation景区饭店预定中餐/to book lunch in a scenic restaurant游客打电话给旅游景区的百合花饭店,预定六人餐桌。A tourist calls Lily Restaurant which is inside the scenic spot to book a table of six for the days lunch.T:tourist(景区游客)S:staff of the restaurant reservations at the scenic spot(景区饭店预定处接线员)30情景演练Scenario Simulation景区饭店引座服务/to show the table for tourists in a scenic restaurant客人一家五口来到景区饭店用晚餐,服务员负责引位。客人想坐靠窗的餐位,但是靠窗的桌子已有客人在用餐了。服务员把墙边的一个桌子推荐给客人,那里宽敞又安静,客人非常满意。31情景演练Scenario SimulationA family of five comes to a scenic restaurant,and a waiter shows them the way.The tourists would like to sit by the window,but the tables by the window have already been occupied.The waiter recommends a table beside the wall,where it is spacious and quiet.The tourists are all satisfied with the recommendation.32情景演练Scenario Simulation景区饭店点餐服务(中餐)/services for ordering dishes in a Chinese restaurant 游客在景区的一家中餐馆点餐。A tourist is ordering dishes in a Chinese restaurant of the scenic spot.T:tourist(景区游客)W:waiter of the restaurant at the scenic spot(饭店服务员)33情景演练Scenario Simulation景区饭店点餐服务(西餐)/services for ordering dishes in a western restaurant 游客在景区的一家西餐厅点餐。Tourists are ordering meals in a western food restaurant of the scenic spot.T1:female tourist(女游客)T2:male tourist(男游客)W:waiter of the restaurant at the scenic spot(饭店服务员)34情景演练Scenario Simulation景区饭店结账服务/to help tourists to pay the bill in a scenic restaurant游客在景区饭店用完午餐,工作人员正在协助其结账。Tourists would like to pay the bill after lunch in a scenic restaurant with the help of a waiter.T:tourist(景区游客)W:waiter of the restaurant at the scenic spot(饭店服务员)35情景演练Scenario Simulation游客打电话给旅游景区的百合花饭店,预定六人餐桌。A tourist calls Lily Restaurant which is inside the scenic spot to book a table of six for the days lunch.景区饭店预定中餐/to book lunch in a scenic restaurant36情景演练/Scenario Simulation客人一家五口来到景区饭店用晚餐,服务员负责引位。客人想坐靠窗的餐位,但是靠窗的桌子已有客人在用餐了。服务员把墙边的一个桌子推荐给客人,那里宽敞又安静,客人非常满意。A family of five comes to a scenic restaurant,and a waiter shows them the way.The tourists would like to sit by the window,but the tables by the window have already been occupied.The waiter recommends a table beside the wall,where it is spacious and quiet.The tourists are all satisfied with the recommendation.景区饭店引座服务/to show the table for tourists in a scenic restaurant37情景演练Scenario Simulation 游客在景区的一家中餐馆点餐。A tourist is ordering dishes in a Chinese restaurant of the scenic spot.景区饭店点餐服务(中餐)/services for ordering dishes in a Chinese restaurant38情景演练Scenario Simulation游客在景区的一家西餐厅点餐。Tourists are ordering meals in a western food restaurant of the scenic spot.景区饭店点餐服务(西餐)/services for ordering dishes in a western restaurant39情景演练Scenario Simulation游客在景区饭店用完午餐,工作人员正在协助其结账。Tourists would like to pay the bill after lunch in a scenic restaurant with the help of a waiter.景区饭店结账服务/to help tourists to pay the bill in a scenic restaurant40p经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量pStudyConstantly,AndYouWillKnowEverything.TheMoreYouKnow,TheMorePowerfulYouWillBe写在最后谢谢你的到来学习并没有结束,希望大家继续努力Learning Is Not Over.I Hope You Will Continue To Work Hard演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日


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