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1Unit 7Unit 7Unit 7Unit 7 Customer ServicesCustomer ServicesCustomer ServicesCustomer ServicesOUTLINEOUTLINEListeningWatchingSpeakingSupplementary Material1 12 21 12 21 12 2Further Listening Further Listening,Further Watching 1Further Watching 1Fun TimeFun TimeFurther Watching 2 Further Watching 2,Further Watching 3 Further Watching 3,Teaching Plan In ClassIn ClassPeriod 1:Period 1:Listening 1 Watching 1 Listening 1 Watching 1 Period 2:Period 2:Speaking 1 Listening 2 Speaking 1 Listening 2 Period 3:Period 3:Watching 2(Task 1)Project Watching 2(Task 1)Project Period 4:Period 4:Watching 2(Task 2)Speaking Watching 2(Task 2)Speaking 2 2 After ClassAfter ClassUnit File+Supplementary ListeningUnit File+Supplementary ListeningLearning Focusu To build up the vocabulary about providing customer service To build up the vocabulary about providing customer serviceu To get a general idea of the basic components in serving To get a general idea of the basic components in serving customerscustomersu To be aware of taking good care of valued clients To be aware of taking good care of valued clientsuTo be able to make and answer inquiresTo be able to make and answer inquiresuTo learn how to make opinion surveys on products or servicesTo learn how to make opinion surveys on products or servicesuTo be competent to handle complaints efficientlyTo be competent to handle complaints efficiently Knowledge:Knowledge:SkillsSkills:Listening 1-Task 11.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up Practice making and answering inquiries.The first Practice making and answering inquiries.The first one has been given to you as an example.one has been given to you as an example.Make Inquiries Make Inquiries1.Would you please tell me how to open a bank account?2.Im wondering if I followed the right procedure for unlocking the safe.3.Excuse me,could you please show me the right way to our school library?4.Im not sure which color to choose,could you please give me any suggestions?Listening 1-Task 1 Practice making and answering inquiries.The first Practice making and answering inquiries.The first one has been given to you as an example.one has been given to you as an example.Answer Inquiries Answer Inquiries1.Certainly.Please show me your ID card first,and then fill out this form.2.Im afraid you have to input the password first,sir.3.With pleasure.Just walk along the pathway and make a right turn at the second crossing.4.Id love to.As you have fair complexion,I think this bright pink will look terrific on you.1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-upOur supervisionhotline hotline is 2766492.我局的监督电话是2766492。Listening 1-Task 1Hotline Hotline n.n.热线热线Loosen Loosen v.v.放松;使松驰放松;使松驰Thoroughly Thoroughly ad.ad.彻底地彻底地Apply Apply v.v.涂擦;使用涂擦;使用He says that Tom is athoroughlythoroughlygood fellow.他说汤姆是个地道的好人。ApplyApplyas much forceas is necessary.需要多大力,就施多大力。My belt is too tight;I mustloosenloosenit.我的腰带太紧,我必须放松它。NewWords&ExpressionsNewWords&ExpressionsMassage Massage v.v.按摩;揉捏按摩;揉捏Moisturize Moisturize v.v.使湿润使湿润Amassagemassagemay relieve your back pain.按摩可能会减轻你的背痛。MoisturizeMoisturize the air增加空气湿度Listening 1-Task 12.Extensive 2.Extensive 2.Extensive 2.Extensive ListeningListeningListeningListening Rose is answering an inquiry from a customer.Listen to Rose is answering an inquiry from a customer.Listen to the conversation and tick()the correct answer to each the conversation and tick()the correct answer to each question.question.1.Why does the customer call Rose?A.Because he doesnt know how to shave.B.Because he is not satisfied with TAF shaving foam.C.Because he is not sure about the procedure for using TAF shaving foam.2.Is the customer happy with Roses service?Why?A.Yes,he is,because Rose offers to give him some free samples.B.Yes,he is,because Rose gives him a detailed explanation.C.No,he isnt,because Rose is rude when answering his questions.ScriptScriptListening 1-Task 13.Intensive 3.Intensive 3.Intensive 3.Intensive ListeningListeningListeningListening Listen to the conversation again and complete Listen to the conversation again and complete the procedure for using TAF shaving foam.the procedure for using TAF shaving foam.Clean the 1 with 2 .Wait 3 minutes until the skin gets thoroughly 4 .Apply TAF shaving foam.5 to make sure the hair gets moisturized.face warm water two or threewet massage the face a little ScriptScriptListening 1-Task 14.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language Summary Compare the different meaning of the italicized Compare the different meaning of the italicized words in each of the sentences.words in each of the sentences.1.Please wait two or three minutes until your skin getsgets thoroughly wet.2.He gotgot the shampoo he ordered last week.3.The customer gotgot itching blotches over his face.4.James got got a bad cold.Has he got got better?becomesbecomesreceivedreceivedhadhadhad had becomebecomeListening 1-Task 2 Match the following ways to survey customers Match the following ways to survey customers with the corresponding pictures.with the corresponding pictures.1.1.doorstep visitdoorstep visit2.mail survey2.mail survey3.telephone survey3.telephone survey1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-upListening 1-Task 2OccasionallyOccasionallyad.ad.偶尔;间或偶尔;间或Whiten Whiten v.v.使白;变白使白;变白Factor Factor n.n.因素;要素因素;要素think of doing think of doing 考虑做考虑做He is a good student except that he isoccasionallyoccasionallycareless.他是个好学生,只是他偶而有些粗心。Another socialfactorfactorof significance iseducation.另一个重要的社会因素是教育。ThinkThinkofofwhat you aredoingdoing.想想你正在干的事情吧。whitenwhitenones teeth使牙齿洁白NewWords&ExpressionsNewWords&ExpressionsListening 1-Task 2 Listen Listen to to a a conversation conversation between between Rose Rose and and a a customer customer and and decide decide whether whether the the following following statements statements are are true true or or false.false.Then Then write write down down the key words to support your answers.the key words to support your answers.1.Rose is making an opinion survey on TAF products.2.The customer is in such a hurry that he doesnt finish Roses interview.False The customer finishes the interviewand gives Rose some valuable feedback.True Im from the Customer Service Department of TAF.I wonder if youd mind answering a few questions about our companys products.ScriptScript2.Extensive Listening2.Extensive Listening2.Extensive Listening2.Extensive Listening1.Who influences the customer most as to shopping?A.His parents.B.His friends.C.Nobody.2.What is the advantage of TAF toothpaste compared with Flitz product?A.TAF toothpaste is cheaper.B.TAF toothpaste whitens his teeth.C.TAF toothpaste has a nice packaging.3.Why does the customer occasionally use Flitz product for a change?A.Because Flitz has a pleasant smell.B.Because Flitz makes his teeth comfortable.C.Because Flitz is reasonable in price.Listening 1-Task 2 Listen to the conversation again and tick()the correct Listen to the conversation again and tick()the correct answer to each question.answer to each question.ScriptScript3.Intensive 3.Intensive 3.Intensive 3.Intensive ListeningListeningListeningListeningListening 1-Task 2 Compare the different meaning of the Compare the different meaning of the italicized words in each of the sentences.italicized words in each of the sentences.4.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language SummaryWatching 1-Task 1Watching 1-Task 1 Match the following guests Match the following guests complaints with complaints with the clerksthe clerks responses.responses.1.1.C C 2.2.D D 3.3.B B 4.4.A A1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-upWatching 1-Task 1ItchyItchya.a.使人发痒的使人发痒的Blotch Blotch n.n.皮肤上的皮肤上的红斑;疹块红斑;疹块Investigate Investigate v.v.调查;审查调查;审查Source Source n.n.来源原因;出处来源原因;出处too itchyitchyto endure痒得难熬Toinvestigate investigate a problem isindeed to solveit.调查就是解决问题。His confidence was as much asource source of Strength as ofdanger.他的信心既是危险的种子,也一样是力量的源泉。Blotch Blotch printing满地印花;底色印花NewWords&ExpressionsNewWords&ExpressionsWatching 1-Task 1so far so far 到目前为止到目前为止right away right away 立即,马上立即,马上other than other than 而不是而不是So farSo far,youre all tied.到现在为止,你们不分胜负。The truth is quiteother thanother thanwhat you think.事实真相和你想的完全不同。We are getting busyright awayright away.我们马上就动手干。NewWords&ExpressionsNewWords&ExpressionsWatching 1-Task 1 Gloria is complaining to Rose about her products.Gloria is complaining to Rose about her products.Watch the video clip and tick()the correct answer Watch the video clip and tick()the correct answer to each question.to each question.1.What is Glorias complaint about?A.A customer reported the terrible smell of the product.B.A customer is allergic to the product.C.A customer is not happy with the expensive price of the product.2.What is Roses reaction to Glorias complaint?A.She is angry.B.She is excited.C.She is surprised.ScriptScript2.Extensive Watching2.Extensive Watching2.Extensive Watching2.Extensive WatchingWatching 1-Task 13.Intensive Watching3.Intensive Watching3.Intensive Watching3.Intensive Watching Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with proper words.with proper words.Rose reassures Gloria that their products have passed a rigid 1 before they are 2 .As Mannings store has been doing business with TAF for a long time,Gloria has absolute 3 in TAFs inspection work.Rose cannot promise a compensation right away because there may be other 4 causing allergy.She will report the case to the 5 immediately.inspectioninspectionproducedproducedfaithfaithsourcessourcesProduction DepartmentProduction DepartmentScriptScriptWatching 1-Task 14.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language SummaryWatching 1-Task 2 Decide which department should be responsible Decide which department should be responsible for the following complaints.for the following complaints.B B C C D D A A E E1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-upResponsibilityResponsibilityn.n.责任;职责责任;职责Interviewer Interviewer n.n.主持面试者;主持面试者;采访者采访者Reaction Reaction n.n.反应;反作用反应;反作用Individual Individual a.a.个别的;独特的个别的;独特的Accept fullresponsibilityresponsibilityforones error.对自己的的错误负完全责任。Publicreactionreactionwillreinforce it.社会反响会进一步增强它的作用。After the age of about thirty they abandonindividualindividualambition.他们一过三十就放弃了个人的雄心壮志。Theinterviewerinterviewerhad driven her intoa corner.面试主持人把她追问得很窘。Watching 1-Task 2NewWords&ExpressionsNewWords&ExpressionsWatching 1-Task 2Lightly Lightly ad.ad.轻率地;轻轻地轻率地;轻轻地EvidenceEvidencen.n.证据;证词证据;证词Verify Verify v.v.证实;核实证实;核实keep sb.informed of keep sb.informed of 把把及时通知某人及时通知某人Such an illegal act should not be treatedlightly.lightly.这样的违法行为不可等闲视之。.We had toverifyverifythe call.我们必须核实一下电话。KeepKeepmeinformedinformed(ofof/about what happens).有事随时通知我。It is a statement inconflict with otherevidence.evidence.这一陈述与其他证词不一致。NewWords&ExpressionsNewWords&ExpressionsWatching 1-Task 2 Rose is discussing how to solve the problem with Rose is discussing how to solve the problem with Dave.Watch the video clip and match the names with the Dave.Watch the video clip and match the names with the related information.related information.1,31,3ScriptScript2,42,42.Extensive Watching2.Extensive Watching2.Extensive Watching2.Extensive WatchingWatching 1-Task 2 Watch the video clip again and tick()the Watch the video clip again and tick()the correct correct answer to each question.answer to each question.1.What will Dave and his colleagues do before they mass-produce a new product?A.They will design the packaging of the product.B.They will conduct many tests on the product.C.They will conduct many opinion surveys on the product.2.Which of the following is NOT Daves suggestion to Rose?A.Compensate the customer first.B.Ask the customer to stop using the product.C.Ask the customer to provide clinical evidence.ScriptScript3.Intensive 3.Intensive 3.Intensive 3.Intensive WatchingWatchingWatchingWatchingWatching 1-Task 2Watching 1-Task 2Review the following sentences concerning complaint Review the following sentences concerning complaint investigation.investigation.1.Weve received a complaint from a customer who reported.2.Before mass production,we have conducted many tests.3.Anyhow,before the cause is confirmed we cant treat it lightly.4.Inform the customer to.Then ask him to.to verify the responsibility.4.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language SummarySpeaking 11.1.Work Work in in pairs.pairs.Reorganize Reorganize the the following following sentences sentences into into the the right right order order and and role-play role-play the the conversation conversation between a guest and a hotel receptionist.between a guest and a hotel receptionist.2 4 6 3 2 4 6 3 5 15 1Speaking 12.Work in pairs.Role-play a conversation between Billy 2.Work in pairs.Role-play a conversation between Billy Taylor,who is conducting an opinion survey on public Taylor,who is conducting an opinion survey on public transportation,and a passenger in the street.The surveytransportation,and a passenger in the street.The surveyshould involve the following aspects.should involve the following aspects.Speaking 1-2Sample:Sample:A:A:Excuse me,Sir.My name is Billy Taylor.I am from the City Public Transportation Corp.Would you have time to answer a few questions?B:B:What is it for?A:A:We are conducting an opinion survey on whether passengers are happy with the citys public transportation system.B:B:Well,in that case,I would be glad to.A:A:Which public transportation do you usually take,bus,ferry or subway?B:B:I usually take the subway.A:A:How often do you use/take it?B:B:I use subway almost everyday.A:A:Do you think the subway journey is better than by bus?B:B:Yes,I think so.At least there will be no traffic jams.A:A:And do you think the subway ticket is overpriced?B:B:Er.The subway is indeed a little more expensive than the bus.But taking its speed and convenience into consideration,I think the ticket is still reasonable.A:A:Thank you so much!Your opinion is very useful to us.Speaking 1Speaking 13.Work in pairs.Complete and practice the following 3.Work in pairs.Complete and practice the following conversation with your partner in turn.conversation with your partner in turn.A:A:Good morning,Flitz Co.After-sales.B:B:This is Frank Song from ABC Ltd.I am calling to complain about the latest order.A:A:?B:B:We ordered 100 boxes of Herbal Shampoo a month ago.But the goods arrived are 100 boxes of Flora Shampoo.A:A:?B:B:Yes,we do.I will fax the copy of the contract to you now.WhatWhats wrong with it,Mr.Song?s wrong with it,Mr.Song?Do you have a copy of the contractDo you have a copy of the contractA:A:.I will inform our Shipping Department right away to see if it is their mistake.B:B:Im very unhappy with your mistake.!A:Im sorry,Mr.Song,but we cannot make a compensation until .I hope you understand that.B:B:?A:A:Im sure tomorrow morning we will give you a satisfying solution.Speaking 1Speaking 1I Im terribly sorry for the inconveniencem terribly sorry for the inconvenienceI demand some compensation immediatelyI demand some compensation immediatelywe are clear it is our we are clear it is our responsibilityresponsibilityIn that case,when can I receive your definite In that case,when can I receive your definite answeranswerSpeaking 14.4.Work Work in in pairs.pairs.After After receiving receiving Mr.Mr.SongSongs s complaint,complaint,the the after-sales after-sales clerk clerk calls calls the the Shipping Shipping Department Department to to confirm confirm the the cause cause of of the the mistake.mistake.Role-Role-play play a a conversation conversation between between them.them.The The conversation conversation should involve the following aspects.should involve the following aspects.Speaking 1-4Sample:Sample:A:A:Good morning,Flitz Co.Shipping.B:B:Good morning.This is Jane from after-sales.I received a complaint from a client,saying the goods he received were not what he ordered.A:A:Really?How could that happen?Please give me his contract number.B:B:Its NO.RL34372A:A:Let me check.Oh,Ive found the record.Yes.We sent 100 boxes of Herbal Shampoo to Frank Song from ABC Ltd on June 27th.B:B:But he called to complain that what he received was 100 boxes of Floral Shampoo.A:A:That cant be.I remember quite clearly that I saw 100 boxes of Herbal Shampoo delivered from the Production Department.Did Mr.Song open the packaging carton?B:B:He didnt say that.A:A:Please ask him to open it.The packaging workers may have used the wrong carton to wrap the Herbal Shampoo.B:B:I see.I will call him now.A:A:Keep me informed of the latest development.B:B:OK.I will.Listening 2-Task 1 There are several methods to get feedback from There are several methods to get feedback from customers.Match them with the appropriate actions.customers.Match them with the appropriate actions.D DA AB BC C1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-upListening 2-Task 1Deserve Deserve v.v.值得;应该得到值得;应该得到Questionnaire Questionnaire n.n.调查问卷调查问卷Consumer Consumer n.n.消费者;顾客消费者;顾客Flavor Flavor n.n.香料;风味香料;风味deservedeservecongratulation应当受到祝贺We are running yourconsumerconsumersurvey now.我们正在忙你的用户调查表。It gives our little meals an easternflavorflavor.它给我们的便餐增添了一种东方风味。fill out aQuestionnaireQuestionnaire填写问卷NewWords&ExpressionsNewWords&ExpressionsListening 2-Task 1Shampoo Shampoo n.n.洗发剂洗发剂according to according to 根据根据care about care about 关心;在意关心;在意Thisshampooshampoowillcure your dandruff.这种洗发水可除掉头皮屑。All youcarecareaboutaboutare your clothes and you jewels.你们喜欢的只是服装和首饰。Everything wentaccordingaccordingtotoplan.一切都按计划进行。NewWords&ExpressionsNewWords&ExpressionsListening 2-Task 1 Rose Rose is is presenting presenting a a report report on on customer customer feedback feedback of of the the latest latest products.products.Listen Listen carefully carefully and and tick tick()the the products products mentioned in the report.mentioned in the report.ScriptScript2.Extensive 2.Extensive 2.Extensive 2.Extensive ListeningListeningListeningListeningListening 2-Task 1 Listen to the report again and fill in the blanks Listen to the report again and fill in the blanks with the related percentage.with the related percentage.1.customers think TAF should add more flavors to the Shining Toothpaste.2.customers think TAF should improve the bottle design of the Flora Shampoo.3.customers think TAF should provide more detailed instructions for the shaving cream.4.customers believe that expensive products have better quality.54%54%27%27%21%21%75%75%ScriptScript3.Intensive 3.Intensive 3.Intensive 3.Intensive ListeningListeningListeningListeningListening 2-Task 14.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language Summary4.Language SummaryListening 2-Task 2Listening 2-Task 2 If If you you are are invited invited to to a a business business dinner,dinner,how how would would you you respond?respond?List List as as many many expressions expressions as as possible.possible.The The first one has been given as an example.first one has been given as an example.AcceptanceAcceptance1.Thank you for asking.Its very kind of you.2.Thats wonderful.Thanks a lot.3.Sounds great!When am I supposed to come?4.Id love to!Thank you for inviting me.1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-upListening 2-Task 2Listening 2-Task 2 If If you you are are invited invited to to a a business business dinner,dinner,how how would would you you respond?respond?List List as as many many expressions expressions as as possible.possible.The The first one has been given as an example.first one has been given as an example.RefusalRefusal1.Id love to come,but my baby daughter is sick today and I have to be with her.2.Im sorry I cant make it this time.Thanks anyway.3.Thank you for asking,but Im afraid I cant come.I have already made an appointment with my dentist.4.I do appreciate your asking,but Im on a business trip in Europe right now.1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up1.Warming-up43可编辑Listening 2-Task 2 Rose Rose is is calling calling h


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