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2 文本研读课Unit 1 FriendshipPeriod-2-Step 1 Lead-in A friend is a present which you give yourself.Why do you need friends?-3-play happily together-4-take good care of each other or get ready to help each other-5-cooperate and improve together-6-learn from each other and compete with each other-7-share joys or sadness with each other-8-be true/faithful to each other-9-Group work:Work in pairs on the following questions:1.Does a friend always have to be a person?What else can be your friend?2.Do you think a diary can become your friend?Why or why not?-10-Step 2 Predicting1.Look at the title of the text and the pictures on Page 2 and 3.Guess who those people are and what the text might be about.-11-ANNES BEST FRIEND-12-Step 3 Fast Reading1.SkimmingSkim the passage and answer the following questions:(1)How many parts can the text be divided into?How do you know that?(2)Whats the main idea of the first part?Read Para.1 and the first two sentences of Para.2 to get it.-13-2.Scanning:Scan the passage and fill in the form below:-14-Name Place TimeHer familyThey had to _,or they would be caughty by the German Nazis.What we can learn from her diaryShe hadnt been _for too long,so she was crazy about everything to do with _.To have a good look at _ by herself,one evening she stayed awake on purpose until 11:30,but she didnt dare _ as the moon gave far too much light.Another time five months ago,she _ nature face to face for the first time in a year and a half.She hated to look at nature through dirty _and she hoped to _ it.Anne FrankNameHer familyThey had to _,or they would be caughty by the German Nazis.What we can learn from her diaryShe hadnt been _for too long,so she was crazy about everything to do with _.To have a good look at _ by herself,one evening she stayed awake on purpose until 11:30,but she didnt dare _ as the moon gave far too much light.Another time five months ago,she _ nature face to face for the first time in a year and a half.She hated to look at nature through dirty _and she hoped to _ it.PlaceTimeAnne FrankIn Amsterdam in the NetherlandsDuring World War IIhide awayoutdoorsnaturethe moonopen a windowsaw/looked atcurtainsexperience-16-3.Intensive reading Work in groups of four and discuss the following questions.-17-1.What is a true friend like in Annes opinion?2.What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne?What about her diary?3.How did Anne feel about nature after she and her family hid away?4.Why do you think her feelings changed towards nature?-18-1.What is a true friend like in Annes opinion?In Annes opinion,a true friend is a person whom you could tell everything to,like your deepest feelings and thoughts.-19-Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to,like your deepest feelings and thoughts?A:whom you could tell everything to 是定语从句,修是定语从句,修饰饰 friend。如。如:这就是我们刚才谈论的那个男孩。这就是我们刚才谈论的那个男孩。This is the boy whom we talked about just now.B:此处的此处的like相当于相当于such as。如:。如:他已学会了几门外语,如法语和德语。他已学会了几门外语,如法语和德语。He has learned some foreign languages,like(such as)French and German.-20-2.What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne?What about her diary?According to Anne,an ordinary diary is where most people like to set down a series of facts.But Anne wrote down her deepest feelings and thoughts in her diary.She told everything to her best friendher diary.-21-3.How did Anne feel about nature after she and her family hid away?She felt so crazy about nature.-22-4.Why do you think her feelings changed towards nature?Because she had been indoors too long,she was so eager to see the outdoor world-the blue sky,the singing birds,the beautiful flowers,the bright moon.-23-Read and discuss1.What do the following two words imply(暗示)(暗示)in Annes letter?Words What is implied outdoors nature2.How would you describe Annes feelings as she was looking out at the night sky?-24-1.What do the two words imply(暗(暗含)含)in Annes letter?Words/phrases What is impliedoutdoorsnaturethe blue sky,the singing birds,flowers,the bright moonfree-25-very sad,lonely,helpless,depressed(忧愁的),maybe hopeless 2.How would you describe Annes feelings by using some adjectives as she was looking out at the night sky?-26-Step 4 PostreadingDiscuss the following questions:1.Why is nature one thing that really must be experienced?2.In what case can we experience nature?3.Can we go outdoors to get close nature freely today?Why?-27-Step 5 Consolidation Try to recite the text according to the form on the screen and the sentence patterns on the blackboard:NameHer familyThey had to _,or they would be caughty by the German Nazis.What we can learn from her diaryShe hadnt been _for too long,so she was crazy about everything to do with _.To have a good look at _ by herself,one evening she stayed awake on purpose until 11:30,but she didnt dare _ as the moon gave far too much light.Another time five months ago,she _ nature face to face for the first time in a year and a half.She hated to look at nature through dirty _and she hoped to _ it.PlaceTimeAnne FrankIn Amsterdam in the NetherlandsDuring World War IIhide awayoutdoorsnaturethe moonopen a windowsaw/looked atcurtainsexperience-29-Step 6 Homework1.Read the text after class and try to recite the diary.2.Write a short passage about your good friend.3.Do Ex.2&3 on P4.-30-Thankyou!


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