Module5Unit3 (2)课件

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Unit 3He is making tea.制作:制作:广西平果县马头镇初中广西平果县马头镇初中 闭宏伟闭宏伟Module 5 Activitiesteapotteapottea leavestea leavescupscupswaterwaterput the tea into tea potpour watersmell the teadrink the teaMime each action,point to the phrase and let the students repeat after the teacher.Then ask the students to mime the action.1.She is_ the tea leaves into the _.puttingteapot2.She is pouring _ water into the teapot.hot3.They are _for the tea to be ready.waiting4.She is pouring the tea into the_.cups5.She is smelling the _.tea6.She is _ the tea.drinkingPresent SimplePresent Continuous put pour smell drink wait putting pouringsmellingdrinkingwaitingQWho is the man putting food out for?A:QWhere do the eggs come from?A:QWhere does the milk come from?A:QWhy is the man going into the house?A:QWhat is the mans job?A:Listen and write.Answer the questions.TapescriptA:At the moment Im putting some food out for the animals.B:I see.A:Now Im collecting the eggs from the chickens.B:What are you doing now?A:Im getting the milk from the cows.B:I see.And now?A:Now Im going into the house to have my breakfast.B:Do you like your job?A:Yes.Its a hard job,but I like it.1.Peters parents ask him _(wash)the dishes.2.We _(put)the flowers into the holes at ten oclock in the morning.3.These _(write)often discuss the article.4.What about_(play)basketball in the park.5.I think everyone likes _(swim).Fill in each blank with the right form of the given washare puttingwritersplayingswimming()1.What is he doing?()2.Are you taking a photo?()3.I think learning English is important.()4.The twins walk to school every day.()5.What are you doing?A.So they are eating.B.Yes,I am.C.I agree with you.D.He is riding a bike.E.A card from my good friend.F.So do they.DBCFAChoose the best response from A to F according to the sentences given


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