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Unite1单元一、固定搭配close to 接近接近 far(away)from 远离远离by+交通工具交通工具=乘坐乘坐 be friendly to sb 对某人友好对某人友好be good at 擅长擅长 be good for 对对有好处有好处want to do sth 想要做某事想要做某事 want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事想要某人做某事make friends with sb 与某人交朋友与某人交朋友all over 遍及遍及 到处到处answers to the questions 问题的答案问题的答案like best 最喜欢最喜欢 best是副词是副词well的最高级的最高级looks like 看起来像看起来像 enjoy doing 喜欢享受做某事喜欢享受做某事Best wishes 最美好的祝愿最美好的祝愿lots of=a lot of 许多许多+可数可数/不可数名词不可数名词hope to do sth 希望做某事希望做某事hear from=get a letter from收到某人的来信收到某人的来信write to sb 写信给某人写信给某人 二、考点单词1、名词所有格、名词所有格在名词后在名词后+s=的的 Toms book Tom的书的书以以s结尾的名词直接结尾的名词直接+the boys clothes 童装童装2、Everyone in the class()(like)Miss Green.大卫解析:大卫解析:everyone 不定代词不定代词 不定代词作主语和不定代词作主语和不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数+s 三、考点句型三、考点句型1、询问职业、询问职业What does your father/mother do?你父你父/母做什母做什么?么?He is a doctor.他是一名医生。他是一名医生。What is sb?What is sbs job?What do/does sb want to be?都是对职业的询问。都是对职业的询问。Prictice 1、-What does your brother do?-()A He is a policeman B He likes playing footballC He is 12 years old D He has a good friend2、Joan is Chinese.She()ChineseA speaks B tells C talks D says3、The students in Class Two like()sports.A playing B play C palys D played 4、There()a pen and two rulers in the box.A are B is C be D have5、Jim wants()basketball with us this afternoonA play B to play C plays D playing6、Do you know the girl()Amy?A call B calls C called D calling 7、Where()your English teacher come from?A is B are C do D does8、There is()Land()U in the wordruler 新新7AM1Unite2一、考点单词1、once一次 twice两次 three times 三次(16页)+时间段=频率副词 once a day(一天一次)对频率提问:How ofteneg:你多久洗一次衣服?一周一两次 -How often do you wash clothes?-Once or twice a week.2、never 从不(16页)seldom很少,不常(17页)这两个词都是暗含否定的频率副词。变反义疑问句要注意。eg:Jim上学从不迟到,是吗?Jim is never late for school,is he?Jim很少去看电影,是吗?Jim seldom goes to the movies,does he?3、so连词:因此,所以(17页)在汉语中,因为所以搭配使用,但在英语中,because和so二者只能用其一。eg:因为没有公交车,你将不得不步行。There are no buses,so youll have to walk.4、different adj.不同的 difference 可数名词:不同eg:他们之间有什么不同吗?(17)Are there any differences between them?5、break n.休息 have a break休息一下(17页)v.打破break the window打破窗户eg:我们在上午9点休息 We have our morning break at 9 a.m.6、end v.结束,终止 n.结束,结尾(17页)eg:在上午10点休息结束 Break ends at 10 a.m.7、by介词:通过(27页)eg:人们经常通过写“亲爱的日记”开头 People often start by writing“Dear Diary”。9、play with sb。和某人一起玩10、after lunch午饭后(after schoo/class/work)11、betweenand 在和之间12、at the end of 在末尾 in the end 最终13、do morning exercise 做早操。14、teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事15、help sb.with sth.在某方面帮助某人 help sb(to)do sth帮助某人做某事 二、固定搭配(必背)1、talk about sth。谈论某事2、talk to/with sb.与某人交谈3、brush ones teeth 刷牙4、be late for 迟到5、be different from 不同于6、take part in 参加(活动、游戏或者会议)7、have a good time=enjoy oneself(玩的开心)8、think ofas把看做 三、考点句型三、考点句型1、When the bell rings,I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jim。当铃声响起的时候,我和我最好的朋友当铃声响起的时候,我和我最好的朋友Tom和和Jim跑到操场上。跑到操场上。when在这里不是在这里不是“何时何时”,而是连词:当,而是连词:当时候。时候。后面跟的句子相当于一个时间词后面跟的句子相当于一个时间词=时间状语从句时间状语从句 2、感叹句 How short it is!休息时间多么短啊 感叹句构成1 How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语eg:他跑得多快啊!我们的学校是多么美丽啊 How fast he runs!How beautiful our school is!感叹句构成2 What+a+adj.+单数名词+主谓eg:他是多么好的一个人啊!What a kind man he is!eg:这些花多么美啊 What beautiful flowers these are!3、双宾语(24)A、Can you send me seven boxes of oranges?你能寄给我7箱橘子吗?send sb sth=send sth to sbeg:Can you send seven boxes of orangees to me?B、give sb sth=give sth to sbeg:Please give me some money。=Please give some money to me。4、Many people around the world keep a diary。around介词意为:在各处,相当于all overaround the world 这个介词短语作后置定语,倒过来修饰前面的people,叫介词短语做后置定语。潜规则:在英语中,一个短语或句子修饰一个单词,都要后置,放在所修饰词的后面。eg:在桌子上的手表是我的 The watch on the desk is mine。四、辨析1、watch look see都表示:看 侧重点不一样 watch看电视、比赛、看戏及表演(观看、注视)eg:watch TV look 侧重看的动作,不一定看到结果 eg:look look at the sky see:侧重看的结果,看到的东西 eg:see some beautiful girls。watch/see sb doing sth:看见某人正在做某事watch/see sb do sth:看见某人做了某事2、Thats right,all right与与Thats all right辨析辨析=Thats right 对的。对别人所说的话表示肯定。对的。对别人所说的话表示肯定。=All right 好的,好吧。接受别人的建议好的,好吧。接受别人的建议 身体好,病好了。表健康状况身体好,病好了。表健康状况=fine/well 令人满意,顺利。用于系动词之后令人满意,顺利。用于系动词之后=Thats all right?不用谢。对客气话的回应。不用谢。对客气话的回应。没关系。对别人道歉的回应。没关系。对别人道歉的回应。eg:-There are 12 months in a year。-Thats right.一年有一年有12个月。个月。对 eg:-lets walk to the park,shall we?-All right.我们步行去公园好吗?好的eg:Are you all right?你还好吗?eg:The trip was all right.旅途一切顺利eg:-I am sorry.-Thats all right 对不起 没关系eg:-Thank you so much.-Thats all right。非常感谢 不用谢 3、at in与on 用在时间前at=在具体的点钟前 at ten oclockin=泛指在上午、下午或晚上 in the morning =在年 月 季节前 in 2012;in January;in springon=在具体日期前 on May 1st =在星期前 on Monday =在节日前 on New Years Day =具体某天上午 on Sunday afternoon =在有限定词的上午 on a cold winter morning补充:at noon at night at/on the weekend4、arrive get 与reach都有到达的意思arrive不及物动词+in=到达大地点 我们昨天到北京 +at=到达小地点 我早上六点到公交站We arrived()Beijing yesterday。I arrive()the bus stop at 6a.m.get不及物动词+to=到达地点 用于口语较多reach及物动词 可以直接+到达的地点补充:副词前不能+介词 go home go to home补充:piece 可数名词:张,件,片 a piece of表示“一张/一件/一首/一条”常用来修饰不可数名词。a piece of music 一首音乐a piece of news一条新闻two pieces of bread 两片面包类似的单词还有:a pair of一双作主语时,谓语动词用单数eg:这双鞋是我的。This pair of shoes is mine.补充知识:补充知识:一、一、现在在进行行时:表示表示现在正在在正在进行的行的动作。作。构成:主构成:主语be动词动词动词动词ingingeg:We are having lunch now.我们正在吃午餐我们正在吃午餐 He is reading a book.他正在读书他正在读书 The dog is running after a cat.狗在追猫狗在追猫变疑问句将变疑问句将be动词移到句首动词移到句首egeg:Are you having lunch?Yes,we are.Is he reading a book?No,he isnt.变否定句在变否定句在be动词后面加动词后面加 noteg:We are not having lunch.He is not reading a book.The dog is not running after a cat.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:what,which,how,where,who,etc.疑问词疑问词be动词主语动词动词主语动词ingWhat are you doing?What is she doing?What is the dog doing?二、一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或事件。常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday,last night,three days ago,A、含有be动词的句子,将be动词变为过去式,am,is的过去式为was,are的过去式为wereeg:I was at home last week.上周我在家。You were a student a year ago.一年前你是学生The teacher was very beautiful ten years ago.这个老师10年前很漂亮变疑问句将be动词移动到句首Were you at home last week?Were you a student a year ago?Was the teacher very beautiful ten years ago?变否定句在be动词后面加notI was not at home last week。You were not a student a year ago.肯否回答Yes,I was.No,I was not.Yes,you were.No,you were not.Yes,he/she was.No,he/she was not.特殊疑问句:What did you do?B不含有be动词的句子,将动词变为过去式,动词后+ed(注意不规则变化)eg:I finished my homework yesterday.昨天我完成作业了 The boy went shopping last week.上周男孩购物变疑问句在句首加did,动词变为原型Did you finish your homework yesterday?Did the boy go shopping last week?变否定句借助动词did,在did后加not(动词用原形)eg:I did not finish my homework yesterday.The boy did not go shopping last week.肯定回答及否定回答Yes,I did.No,I didnt.Yes,he did.No,he didnt.Yes,they did.No,they did not三、一般将来时:表示将来将要发生的动作。经常和tomorrow,next year,next week,soon,in five days 结构:主语+助动词will+动词原形eg:I will go to America tomorrow.明天我将要去美国 Jack will move into his new house next week。Jack将要在下周搬到他的新房子里。疑问句将助动词移到句首eg:Will you go to America tomorrow?Will Jack move into his new house next week?变否定句在助动词will后面加noteg:I will not go to America tomorrow.Jack will not move into his new house next week肯否回答Yes,I will.No,I will not.Yes,he/she will.No,he/she will not.Yes,he will.特殊疑问句:What will you do?四、would like sb.to do sth:想要某人做某事 1、sb.=somebody的缩写:某人(代替任何人)2、sth.=something的缩写:某事某物(代替任何事或物)3、to do=动词不定式,代表to+do所有的动词原形(且必须要用)动词原形eg:I would like him to finish his homework。我想要他完成他的家庭作业。五、like doing sth。喜欢做某事 doing=所有的动词+ing Jim 喜欢游泳 Jim likes swimming。doing被swimming代替在英语中要逐渐认识这些潜规则 eg:Tom likes()(sing).用所给词的适当形式填空。代词表(必背)主格主格V前前I我我you你你he他他she她她it它它we我们我们you你们你们they他们他们宾格 me我you你him他her她it它us我们you你们them他们形代my我的your你的his他的her她的its它的our我们的your你们的their他们的名代mine我的yours你的his他的hers她的its它的ours我们的yours你们的theirs他们的


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