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It could be worse The first periodThe first period 怎样理解标题:更不幸的情况是什么?怎样理解标题:更不幸的情况是什么?1.The writer lost more than fifty pounds.2.The hotel manager even didnt feel sorry for the writer.3.The girl picked the money,but she would not give it back to the writer.manager mnidn.经理经理chief manager总经理总经理1 His wife is a poor manager.他的妻子是个糟糕的经理。他的妻子是个糟糕的经理。2 manage 处理处理,管理管理I want to manage my own company.-Need a hand?-Thanks.I can manage it myself!Management Upset upset upset upset v使烦恼,使不安使烦恼,使不安The meeting upset me,because it is too boring.adj.不安不安当我打破花瓶时,我感到非常不安。当我打破花瓶时,我感到非常不安。I felt upset when I broke the vase.n混乱混乱 不安不安 翻倒翻倒The fire caused an upset in the building.upsetadj.不安,心情烦躁(事发后)nervous:紧张(事发前)例句:考试之前我感到很焦躁。Ifeltverynervousbeforethetest.Ialwaysfeelnervousbeforeexams.演讲之后我感到很焦躁。Ifeltveryupsetafterthespeech.我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。IfeltnervouswhenIwentintohisoffice.sympathetic adj.simpetikbe sympathetic to/towards sb.同情同情Feel sympathetic towards the beggar.一个有同情心的朋友一个有同情心的朋友a sympathetic friend sympathy nsimpi I have much sympathy to you.我很同情你。我很同情你。He took a sympathetic attitude toward my situation.他对我的境遇抱同情的态度他对我的境遇抱同情的态度.We are sympathetic to the flood sufferers.我们同情水灾受难者。我们同情水灾受难者。complaincomplain(of/about sth)to sb.对某人对某人/向某人抱怨向某人抱怨 我向老板抱怨我的工资。我向老板抱怨我的工资。I complained of/about my salary to my boss.他总是在不停地抱怨!他总是在不停地抱怨!-What was the weather like on your holiday?-I cant complain(=It couldnt be better.)不能再好了。不能再好了。一切顺利的意思。一切顺利的意思。Complain that 抱怨抱怨(后面可以加从句)后面可以加从句)He complains that his family is poor.It couldnt be better.很好很好Business couldnt be better.生意很好。生意很好。My work this month couldnt be better.我这个月的工作很好。我这个月的工作很好。complain vi(1)抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦(常与of,about连用):She is always complaining.她总是发牢骚。Dont complain about/of the weather.别抱怨天气。(2)控告,抗议(与of,about连用):The people in that district complained to the police about the noise from that factory.那家工厂噪音太大,当地的人们已向警方投诉。Mary complained to the Jacksons about the rubbish they had thrown everywhere.杰克逊一家乱扔垃圾,玛丽已向他们提出抗议。Wicked adj指人或者是人的行为不道德的,邪恶的A wicked deed 邪恶的行为A wicked lie 一个邪恶的谎言Wicked weather 恶劣的天气It is wicked of sb to do sth.It is wicked of you to hit your dog.你打你的狗是不对的.wicked adj(1)邪恶的,坏的(道德上):Dont believe him.He is a wicked person.别相信他。他很坏。She saw a wicked smile on his face.她发现他脸上带着恶意的微笑。(2)淘气的,顽皮的(尤指小孩):Dont be so wicked,Tom.汤姆,别这么淘气。(3)(天气)恶劣的:Few people walked about in this wicked weather.很少有人在这么恶劣的天气四处走动。containv.包含,内装(强调用容器装)container:集装箱,容器contain:用容器装,盛放杯子里装着水。杯子里装着水。/袋子里有书。袋子里有书。The cup contains water.The bag contains books.区别:include:包括(抽象的)例句:Ihateeveryoneincludingyou.ThepriceforthehotelincludesbreakfastContain 含有,该内容是整体中不可分离出来的Our classroom can contain 500 students.Include 包括该部分是整体中的一部分,可以分离出来的There are 50 students in our class,including me.honesty n.诚实诚实诚实至上。诚实至上。Honesty is the best policy.plsin.保险单保险单政策;方针政策;方针honest(adj.)To be honest,you are great!honestly(adv.)Honestly,he is not that good!老实说,我不相信他老实说,我不相信他感叹句What+a/an+adj.+可单+主语+谓语动词What a pretty girl she is!What+adj.+可复+主语+谓语动词What pretty girls they are!What+adj.+不可数名词+主语+谓语动词What clear water it is!How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语How pretty the girl is!把下列句子变成把下列句子变成感叹句感叹句1.This is a wonderful garden!What a wonderful garden this is!2.He is causing a lot of trouble!What a lot of trouble he is causing!3.It is a tall building!What a tall building it is!4.You are a lazy boy.What a lazy boy you are!5.They have a large room.What a large room they have!6.They are helpful people.What helpful people they are!7.This is an interesting film.What an interesting film this is!8.It is a pity that you cant come.What a pity that that you cant come!1.It is quite a nice present._ _ nice present!2.We have fine weather today._ _ weather we have today!3.Its sunny today._ _ sunny day it is today!4.The children are working hard._ _ the children are working!5.She played basketball wonderfully._ _ she played basketball!6.He is good at singing._ _ he sings!7.He was doing well in dancing._ a _ dancer he was!8.Tom coughs badly._ _ _ cough Tom has!9.The fish is very lovely._ _ the fish is!10.They live a happy life today._ _ _ life they live!I entered the hotel managers office and sat down.sit sat sat 并列句并列句 一、英语并列句讲解 含有两个或两个以上的独立分句的句子叫做并列句。这些独立分句处于平等、互不依从的并列地位。英语并列句不能只用逗号隔开(较短的句子例外),而要用分号或并列连接词连接,连词前可用或不用逗号。例如:Tom went to college but jack joined the army.汤姆上了大学,但杰克入伍了。二、一些常用的英语并列连词1、and表示平行、顺接、递进等。He closed the window,turned off the light and left the room.他关上窗,熄了灯,离开了房间。(顺接,先后顺序)Its big and ugly.它又大又难看(平行)She did the work and do it well.她做了那项工作,而且做得很好。(递进)2、but与yet表示转折或对照(但是、然而)Its true that he is young,but he is experienced and responsible.诚然他很年轻,但是他既有经验,又认真负责。He is poor,yet he is clever and noble-hearted.他很穷,然而人却很聪明,心地又善良。3、for表示原因或理由(因为)It must have rained,for the ground is wet.准是下雨了,因为地面是湿的。4、so和and so 表示结果(所以)She told me to do it,so i did it.她告诉我做那件事,所以我就做了。5、or表示选择(或者,不然的话)Wear your coat or youll catch cold.把大衣穿上,不然会感冒的。6、while表示对比(而)He likes sports,while Id rather collect stamps.他喜欢运动,而我则爱好集邮。三、英语并列句的四种类型1)联合关系常用的连词有 and(同,和),when(=and just at this time 就在这时,然后),not onlybut(also)(不仅而且),neithernor(既不也不)等。如:He helps me and I help him.他帮我,我帮他。He not only gave us a lot of advice,but also helped us to study English.他不仅给我们出很多建议并且还帮助我学英语。I was just leaving when the telephone rang.我正要离开,电话铃响了。注:when 作这种用法时,主要用于 was/were doing sth.when sth./sb.did;was/were about to do sth.when sth./sb.did;was/were on the point of doing sth.when sth./sb.did 等句型中,表示“当某人或某物正在或正要做某事,就在这时突然又发生了另一事”。2)选择关系常用的连词有 or(或者,否则),otherwise(否则),or else(否则),either.or(不是就是)。如:Hurry up,or(else)youll be late.快点,否则就会迟到了。Will he still be there or will he have gone away?你那时还在那里还是可能已经走了?You must go early,otherwise you will miss the bus.你好得早点走,否则就赶不上公共汽车了。Either Tom is coming or his sisters are.不是汤姆就是她的姐妹们要来。3)转折关系常用的连词有 but(但是,可是,只是因为),while(而、却),yet(可是)等。如:It never rains but it pours.祸不单行。I like tea while she likes coffee.我喜欢喝茶而她喜欢喝咖啡。She said she would be late,yet she arrived on time.她说她会迟到,但她却准时到达了。She looks very young,but she is already in her 30s.她看上去很年轻,可是她已三十多岁了。此处,还有副词 still(仍然),however(然而)也表示转折关系。He is good-natured;still I dont like him.他脾气很好,可是我还是不喜欢他。The book is expensive;however,its worth it.这本书很贵;却很值。注意:but,while 不与 although 连用,但 yet,still 可与 although 连用。Although she felt ill,she still went to work.她虽然感觉不舒服,但她仍然去上班。4)因果关系常用的连词有 for(因为)和 so(所以,因此)等。如:I am thirsty,for it is hot.我口渴,因为天气太热。The manager was ill so I went in her place.经理病了所以我代她去。注意:so 不与 because 连用并列句操练场 从方框中所给的并列词中,选出正确的一个,完成句子。and or so but because though1.Open the door_ let the cool air in.2.There are few new words in the article,_we couldnt understand it.3.I like beef,_my father doesnt like it.4.We finished the homework quickly _ it was very easy.5.Be more careful,_ youll have an accident.6.Its raining very hard,_ wed better stay here.7.Claire wanted to buy a car,_ he didnt have enough money.8.Hes always very careful,_ he never makes any mistakes.9.Take a raincoat with you,_ youll get wet.10.He kept on working outside,_ it was colder and colder.Keys:1.and 2.but 3.but 4.because 5.or 6.so 7.but 8.so 9.or 10.thoughI entered the hotel managers office and sat down.1.enter=come into=go intoenter for 报名参加名词修饰名词单数Thehotelmanagersoffice修饰名词实质名词还有:telephonenumber电话号码举例:thevillagefair:乡村集市(thefairofthevillage/thefairinthevillage)名词修饰名词的复数表示修饰作用的名词永远是单数,表示实质的名词,可以变复数(前变后不变)举例:5棵苹果树4个女教师5appletrees4womanteachersI had just lost&50 and I felt very upset.I left the money in my room,I said,and its not there now.表示连接 并列句I had just lost&50 and I felt very upset.I left the money in my room,I said,and its not there now.Lost 用法讲解1.lose 丢失丢失 lose-lost lost.lose temper/job/money I lost my purse yesterday.I have lost my purse.2.lostadj丢失的,失去的It reminds me of my lost youth.它让我想起了我逝去的青春。My money is lost 3loss nat a loss不知所措I am at a loss what to do.我不知道该怎么办。feel+形容词一般指心情“觉得”、“感觉到”:Do you feel hungry now?你觉得饿吗?I feel happy/excited.我觉得开心激动。feel upset 表示“心烦意乱、“很苦恼”feel+(adj.)upset不安(事发后);nervous:(事发前,过程中)感官动词+形容词原型感官动词属于系动词:感官动词:feel,look,soundtaste,smell,状态动词:Be持续动词:keep,stay变化动词:become,get,go也叫连系动词,是非主流动词,不能单独使用做谓语,必须和表语构成系表结构。Leave变态词代表意思:1.离开2.留下(正好相反)leave left rightleaf leaves The manager was sympathetic,but he could do nothing.When I told her why I was worried,she was very sympathetic.当我告诉她为什么我担心时当我告诉她为什么我担心时,她很同情我她很同情我.could do nothing可以补全为 could do nothing about it,即关于此事他什么忙也帮不上。Is there anything I can do for you?我能给您做点什么吗?例句:我帮不了你。Icoulddonothingforyou.区别:Icanthelpyou.我不能帮你。Everyones losing money these days,he said.lose lost lost these days如今,而今如今,而今 尤用于拿过去和现在比较尤用于拿过去和现在比较days可以指“时期”、“时代”,如 in his boyhood days(在他的童年时代)be doing(进进行行时时表表示示比比较较强强烈烈的的感感情情色色彩彩)用进行时态取代一般现在时,在英文是一种修辞方法,表示不断重复或者反复发生的动作,带有说话人的主观色彩。You are always talking in class.He is always changing his mind.We are looking forward to seeing you.我们盼着见你们的面.Grandpa is forgetting things now.爷爷越来越健忘了.语言点Everyoneislosingmoney.,表示不满,一种感情.Iamlosingyou.什么意思。误解:我正在失去你。?正解:我这里信号不好。He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.starttodo/startdoing:开始做两者无区别例句:他开始学习英语了。HestartedtolearnEnglish.HestartedlearningEnglish.Dont interrupt people when they are talking.别人说话的时候不要打扰别人说话的时候不要打扰.语言点aknockatthedoor(敲门声)knockatthedoor(强调动作)wicked a.邪恶的邪恶的,不道德的不道德的.What a wicked world!多么邪恶的世界多么邪恶的世界!What a wicked heart!多邪恶的心啊!多邪恶的心啊!A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk.It contained&50.I found this outside this gentlemans room.She said.Outsideprep./adv.文中为介词Ifoundthisenvelopeoutsidethisgentlemansroom.Its now raining outside.Well,I said to the manager,there is still some honesty in this world!.To be honest:To tell you the truth坦诚的说坦诚的说Still adv仍然仍然I still love you.Do you still want to leave me?adj静止的,不动的。静止的,不动的。Stand still.站着别动。站着别动。well作为感叹词可以表达多种感情,如惊讶、让步等,在这里表示松了一口气(因为钱没丢)。New words经理经理不安不安表示同情的表示同情的抱怨抱怨很坏的,邪恶的很坏的,邪恶的包含,内装包含,内装诚实诚实managerupsetsympatheticcomplainwickedcontainhonesty1.Ive lost a file _ a lot of documents.fal文件(夹)dkjumnt文件;公文;文档2.He suffers from back troubles too,so he is very _ to me.3.Lots of people in this neighbourhood have _ about the noise.4.Dont get _ about the dress-theres only a little stain on it.5.I appreciate your _.containingsympatheticcomplainedupsethonestyenter _ _ sit _ _have _ _feel _ _ leave _ _Lose _ _ start _ _ put _ _ find _ _ phrases 1.could be 可能是可能是 2.Hotel managers office 酒店经理办公室酒店经理办公室 3.feel upset 感到难过感到难过 4.be sympathetic感到同情感到同情 5.can do nothing无能为力无能为力 6.these days 近日来近日来plain about 抱怨抱怨8.the wicked world邪恶的世界邪恶的世界 9 be interrupted by被打断被打断10 a knock at the door 敲门声敲门声Phrases and sentences.1.在老师的办公室 in the teachers office 2.坐下sit down3.感到不安feel upset 4.把书忘在操场上leave the book on the playground5.丢钱lose money 6.把放在上puton7.房门外 outside the room 8.在世界上in the world9.敲门knock aton the door 10.这些天these days11.感到不安feel upset 12.邪恶的世界the wicked world13.一阵敲门声a knock at the door 14.向妈妈抱怨糟糕的天气complain to mother about the bad weather 15.一个诚实的小男孩an honest boy 16.同情be sympathetic17.窗外outside the window 18.长大grow up19.他刚刚丢了他的身份证,感到很苦恼。Hes just lost his ID card and feels very upset20.我把钥匙忘在图书馆了。I left my keys in the library.21.老板深表同情,但却无能为力。The boss was sympathetic,but he could do nothing.22.我在盒子里发现了这本书。I found the book in the box.23.世界上还是有诚实可言的。There is still some honesty in the world.Complete the sentences with the proper words.24.Knock at the door before you _the office.25.Hes _(失去)his job and he feel very_(苦恼).26.Ive l _ my bag on the bus.27.It was sunny just now,but now its s_ to rain.28.His _(诚实)is well-known in the village.enterlostupsetefttartinghonesty1.I left the money in my room,I said,and its not there now.2.Everyones losing money these days,he said.3.He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.Translate these sentences.Translation1.只是见经理而已,不用这么紧张的。只是见经理而已,不用这么紧张的。2.我同情他,但无能为力。我同情他,但无能为力。3.附近的人最近在抱怨垃圾厂。附近的人最近在抱怨垃圾厂。4.蛋糕里包含有鸡蛋,糖,水等。蛋糕里包含有鸡蛋,糖,水等。5.老实告诉你,只有一个方法能杀他!老实告诉你,只有一个方法能杀他!Fill in the blanks.I had just _ 50.I _ very upset.I _ the manager about it.He couldnt do_.He _ to complain _ this wicked world.Just then a girl came in _ the money.She had _ it outside my room.There is still some _ in the world.lostfeltwastoldanythingaboutwithfoundhonestybeganstarted 我走进饭店经理的办公室,坐了下来。我刚刚丢了50英镑,感到非常烦恼。“我把钱放在房间里,”我说,“可现在没有了。”经理深表同情,但却无能为力。“现在大家都在丢钱,”他说。他开始抱怨起这个邪恶的世道来,却被一阵敲门声打断了。一个姑娘走了进来,把一个信封放在了他桌上。它里面装着50英镑。“这是我在这位先生的房门外捡到的,”她说。“是啊,”我对那位经理说,“这世界上还是有诚实可言的!”1.It is quite a nice present._ _ nice present!2.We have fine weather today._ _ weather we have today!3.The children are working hard._ _ the children are working!4.She played basketball wonderfully._ _ she played basketball!5.He was doing well in dancing._ a _ dancer he was!What a What fine How hardHow wonderfully What good 1.start,begin 1)n.开始,开端 start=beginning 在开始时 at the start/beginning of at the end of 在.结束时 the meeting,we gave the reporter a big hand.2)begin/start to do sth=begin/start doing sth 开始做某事His family the business several years ago.注意:如果begin和start本身用于进行时态,则只能用to do 的结构。We are beginning _ _ Good English now.At the startbeginning ofbeganstarted to doto plain v.抱怨,不满,发牢骚complain(to sb.)about sth.We often_ _the _in our life.Workers often _ _their boss _the low plain aboutproblemscomplain toabout3.notbut 不是而是 连接主语时使用就近原则不是你而是我是老师。Not you but I_ a teacher.我喜欢的是看电影而不是逛街。I _ _ _ shopping _ _movies.Nothing but.只不过教室里除了一张桌子什么都没有。There is_ _ a desk in the classroom.amdont like goingbut watchingnothing but4.感叹句感叹句.What a beautiful school this is!How fastquickly he runs!3)what 与how 有时可以互换这个女孩很可爱!What a lovely girl she is!=How lovely the girl is!-Kate has won the first prize in the singing competition.-_pleasant surprise this gave her classmates!What B.How C.What a D.How a抽象名词并非都作不可数名词。抽象名词并非都作不可数名词。有些抽象名词在具体化有些抽象名词在具体化后就变成可数名词后就变成可数名词。surprise(惊奇,不可数惊奇,不可数)a surprise(令人吃惊的人或事,可数令人吃惊的人或事,可数)再如再如experience。5.双宾语动词双宾语动词 请列举和givebuy用法一样的词 give sb sth=give sth to sb._buy sb sth=buy sth for sb _lend,send,pass,sell,bring,teach get,make,find,do练习答案 Key to written exercises1难点练习答案A 1 received 2 on the 3 On the4 believes 5 of 6 salary7 lend 8 asked for 9 Apart from10 an irritable 11 are 12 pay attention to13 Remember 14 suit 15 grow up16 beside 17 Itsexciting 18 understand19 home 20 There isB 1 What a wonderful garden(this is)!2 What a lot of trouble he is causing!3 What a tall building(it is)!4 What a clever girl you are!C 1 He handed the prize to me.2 The waiter brought the man a bottle of beer.3 Ive ordered you some soup.4 Bring me that book please!5 She promised the finder a reward5.D 1 havent any/have no money.2 I didnt go anywhere/went nowhere in the holidays.3 There wasnt anybody/was nobody present when the accident happened.E 1 Its Georges.2 Its that womans.3 I like Keats poetry best.4 Theyre the childrens.5 Theyre the soldiers.F 1 off 2 back 3 up 4 over 5 on 6 awayG 1 I put my hat on.2 I took my coat off.3 He put the fire out.4 They cut the kings head off.2多项选择题答案1b 2a 3a 4c 5a 6a7 c 8 c 9 c 10 b 11a 12 b


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