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Unit 7 How much are these socks?Section A (2e-3c)sockstrousersshortshatsweatershoesbagT-shirtskirt hatWhat is this?Its a hat.What color is it?Its green and white.sweaterWhat is that?Its a sweater.What color is it?Its black.socksWhat are these?They are socks.What color are they?They are red.trousersWhat are those?They are trousers.What color are they?They are black.How much is it?$3How much is it?$8Its 3dollars.Its 8 dollars.How much are they?$9How much are they?$6They are 9 dollars.They are 6 dollars.T-shirtshortssweatersocks-How much is/are this/that/these/those?-Its/Theyre$.$5$8$7$2Grammar focus这顶帽子多少钱?-五美元。How much _the hat?-Its five dollars.这件T恤衫多少钱?-七美元。How much _this T-shirt?-Its seven dollars.那件棕色毛衣多少钱?-八美元。How much _that brown sweater?-Its eight dollars.isisis这些袜子多少钱?-2美元。How much _these socks?They re two dollars.那些黑色的裤子多少钱?-9美元。How much _those black trousers?Theyre nine dollars.areare3a.Game:Make sentences in 2 minutes.who writes the most and best?How much is.?How much are.?The/this/that+颜色+(T-shirt/hat/skirt/sweater/jacket/bag)These/those+颜色+(trousers/socks/shorts/shoes)3bLook at the pictures and write the questions and answers.Role-play the conversation.2ewoman:Can I help you?Mary:Yes,please.I need a sweater for school.woman:Ok.What color do you want?Mary:Blue.woman:How about this one?Mary:It looks nice.How much is it?woman:Nine dollars.Mary:Ill take it.How much are those yellow socks?Woman:Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.Mary:Great!Ill take two pairs.Woman:Here you are.Mary:Thank you.Woman:You are welcome.A:_B:Yes,please.I _ a hat.A:_B:Black.A:_B:_A:5 dollars.B:Ill take it.Thanks.A:_Can I help you?wantWhat color do you want?How much is it?Youre welcome.Fill in the blanks.Here you are.用用be 动词填空。动词填空。1.How much _ the T-shirt?2.How much _ the blue sweater?3.How much _ these shoes?4.How much _ the pants?5.How much _ the shorts?isisareareare二二.完成句子完成句子1.-_ _are these pants?-_ _two dollars.2.-_ _is this football?-_$20一一.根据提示完成句子根据提示完成句子1.The bag is$9.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)2._ _ _ the bag?3.2.The pants are black.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)4._ _ _ these pants?How much isWhat color areHow muchThey areHow muchIts三三.选择正确答案选择正确答案1.How much _these apples? B.areC.be2._is this hat?Two dollars.3.A.How much B.How many C.How old3.A:How much is this T-shirt?B:Its two dollars ()A.$2 B.¥2homework1.背诵grammar focus部分内容1.请你给Ben 家刚刚开张的服装店写一则广告。要求:广告内容包括服装种类、服装颜色、服装价格,优惠价格等。50词左右。


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