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A small blue case 一个蓝色的小箱子NCE Lessons 97-98瞬间动词在完成时中不和表示一段时间的状语连用。瞬间动词在完成时中不和表示一段时间的状语连用。如如:我来中国我来中国3年了。年了。I have come to China for three years.I have been in China for three years.I came to China three years ago.three years ago nowcame to Chinabeen in ChinaShehasboughtthecomputerfortwoyears.hadbuyhave/hashadHowlonghaveyoucometotheUnitedStates?been income tohave/has been inAnnhasgonetoChinasincethreemonthsago.been ingotohave/hasbeeninIhavegottoParisforoneweek.been ingottohave/hasbeeninMybrotherhasjoinedthearmyforfiveyears.been inbeen a soldier join have/hasbeeninhave/hasbeenasoldier IhaveleftShanghaifor3days.been away from Shanghai leave have/hasbeenaway Ihaveborrowedthedictionarysince3daysago.kept borrow have/has kept Thefilmhasbegunfor10minutes.been on begin have/has been on Theconcerthasfinishedforhalfanhour.been over finish have/has been over Hisdoghasdiedfortwoyears.been dead die have/hasbeendead ()()()()()()()()I have bought a new dictionary for a week.I have had a new dictionary for a week.我买一本新词典已有一星期了。我买一本新词典已有一星期了。They have come here for two days.They have been here for two days.他们来这儿已经两天了。他们来这儿已经两天了。He has joined the League member for two years.He has been a League member for two years.他已入团两年了。他已入团两年了。The man has been dead for several years.The man has died for several years.这个人已经死了几年了。这个人已经死了几年了。1.I have borrowed the book for 2 weeks.()2.The film has begun for 5 minutes.()A B CA B CB kept B been on3.这辆自行车我买了两年了。这辆自行车我买了两年了。Ive _ the bike _ two years.4.He left Nanjing two years ago.He _ _ _ _ Nanjing for two years.5.The monkey died last month.The monkey _ _ _ for a month.6.A:Hong long _ you _()B:Two weeks.A.did,get ill B.have,fallen ill C.were,ill D.have,been illhad forhas been away fromhas been deadD1.直接转化成延续性动词直接转化成延续性动词 buy catch(get)a cold borrow come/go/become have have a coldkeepbe in/at2.转换成转换成be+名词名词/介词短语介词短语 join the army join the Party go to school be a soldierbe a Party member/be a member ofbe a student/be in school3转换成转换成be+形容词或副词形容词或副词 die finish begin leave fall sleep close openwakebe deadbe overbe onbe awaybe asleep be closedbe openbe awake/be in the army1.He died 10 years ago.-He has been dead for 10 years/since 10 years ago.2.He borrowed the book 2 weeks ago.-He has kept the book for 2 weeks.3.He bought the motorbike a month ago.-He has had the motorbike for a month.4.He arrived here three days ago.-He has been here since three days ago.5.They turned off the light 2 hours ago.-The light has been off for 2 hours.6.He left here 2 years ago.-He has been away from here for 2 years.7.The film began 30 minutes ago.-The film has been on for 30 minutes.8.They opened the door an hour ago.-The door has been open for an hour.9.They closed the door an hour ago.-The door has been closed for an hour.10.He joined the army last year.-He has been a soldier for a year.-He has been in the army for a year.-It is a year since he joined the army.Correcting 1.I have borrowed the book for 3 months.2.My bother has joined the army since he was3.Jack and Tom have lived here since 5 years.4.The film has been on since I have come to the cinema.5.When has Mr.Li caught a bad cold?have kepthas been in/been a member of the armysince 5 years ago/for 5 yearscame didcatch6.Ten years have passed since they got married.7.Jim has gone to Beijing for 2 years.8.What time have the factory opened?9.I have gone to Chunhua Middle School twice10,The dog has died for a month.hashas been indidopenbeen tobeen dead 瞬间动词可以用于现在完成时,但不能和表瞬间动词可以用于现在完成时,但不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如可说示一段时间的状语连用。如可说“He has left.”但但不能说不能说“He has left for three years.”如果要表达如果要表达“他已走了三年了他已走了三年了”可用以下几种表达法:可用以下几种表达法:一、用一、用ago,使用一般过去时。使用一般过去时。He left here three years ago.二、用二、用“It is+一段时间一段时间since 一般过去时从句一般过去时从句”It is three years since he left here.三、用三、用“一段时间一段时间have/has passed+since+一一般过去时从句般过去时从句”Three years has passed since he left here.以上三种表示方法适用于所有瞬间动词。以上三种表示方法适用于所有瞬间动词。另外,还可用其它表示方法,但只适用于部分另外,还可用其它表示方法,但只适用于部分瞬间动词。具体办法是将瞬间动词转化为表延续的瞬间动词。具体办法是将瞬间动词转化为表延续的动词或者表状态的动词或者表状态的be+名词形容词或副词介词名词形容词或副词介词短语等。短语等。1.直接转化成延续性动词直接转化成延续性动词 buy catch(get)a cold borrow come/go/become have have a coldkeepbe in/at.我买这本书三年了我买这本书三年了.I have had the book for three years.It is three days since I bought the book.I bought the book three years ago.Three days has passed since I bought the book.一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句他感冒三天了他感冒三天了.He has had a cold for three days.He caught a cold three days ago.一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句It is three days since he had a cold.Three days has passed since he had a cold.自从上星期以来自从上星期以来,我就借了这本书我就借了这本书.I have kept the book since last week.It is a week since I borrowed the book.I borrowed the book last week./a week ago.A week has passed since I borrowed the book.一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句你来美国多久了?你来美国多久了?How long have you been in the United States?一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句 他已经他已经死了十年了死了十年了.He has been dead for ten years.It is ten years since he died.He died ten years ago.Ten years has passed since he died.一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句这个演唱会半个小时之前就结束了。这个演唱会半个小时之前就结束了。.The concert has been over for half an hour.The concert finished half an hour ago.一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句It is half an hour since the concert finished.Half an hour has passed since the concert finished.他离开上海已经一个月了他离开上海已经一个月了.He has been away from Shanghai for a month.It is one month since he left Shanghai.He left Shanghai a month ago.One month has passed since he left Shanghai.一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句1.He died 10 years ago.-He has been dead for 10 years/since 10 years ago.2.He borrowed the book 2 weeks ago.-He has kept the book for 2 weeks.3.He bought the motorbike a month ago.-He has had the motorbike for a month.4.He arrived here three days ago.-He has been here since three days ago.5.They turned off the light 2 hours ago.-The light has been off for 2 hours.6.He left here 2 years ago.-He has been away from here for 2 years.7.The film began 30 minutes ago.-The film has been on for 30 minutes.8.They opened the door an hour ago.-The door has been open for an hour.9.They closed the door an hour ago.-The door has been closed for an hour.10.He joined the army last year.-He has been a soldier for a year.-He has been in the army for a year.-It is a year since he joined the army.Correcting 1.I have borrowed the book for 3 months.2.My bother has joined the army since he was3.Jack and Tom have lived here since 5 years.4.The film has been on since I have come to the cinema.5.When has Mr.Li caught a bad cold?have kepthas been in/been a member of the armysince 5 years ago/for 5 yearscame didcatch6.Ten years have passed since they got married.7.Jim has gone to Beijing for 2 years.8.What time have the factory opened?9.I have gone to Chunhua Middle School twice10,The dog has died for a month.hashas been indidopenbeen tobeen dead()1.Youve never seen such a wonderful film before,_?A.havent you B.have you C.do you D.dont you()2.I have watched the game.When _ you _ it?A.have;watched B.do;watch C.did;watch D.will;watchBC()3.Mr.Green _ in China since five years ago.A.lived B.has lived C.lives D.is going to live()4.His grandma _ for two years.A.died B.has died C.was dead D.has been dead BD()5.Where is Han Mei now?She _ to Shanghai.She will be back in two days.A.has gone B.has been C.goes D.had gone()6._ you _to the United Stated?No,never,but I went to Canada a few years agoA.Have;been B.Have;gone C.Did;go D.Do;goAA()7.You havent changed your mind,_?A.do you B.are you C.have you D.did you()8.How long have you _ the football team of the school?A.played B.been at C.joined D been on CD()9.Where have you _ these days?I have _ to Kunming with my friends.A been,gone B been,been C gone,been D gone,gone()10.How long have you _ this book?A.bought B.borrowed C.had D.lentBC()11.Excuse me,_ you seen the film yet?Yes,I _ it last night.A have,see B have,have seen C have,seen D have,saw()12.He has never ridden a horse before,_?A.is he B.isnt he C.hasnt he D.has heDDChoose the best answer1 What a nice watch!How long you it?Just three weeksA will,buy B did,buy C have,had2 you in Greener China for a long time?Yes,I joined it five years agoA Have,been B Has,joined C Have ,joined3 Teacher Li Japan,he Japan for two years A has been to,has been to B has gone to,has been inC has gone to,has been to 4 The students are sorry to hear that the famous singer for half an hourA has left B has been away C has gone away5 I this book for two days,I have to return it nowA borrowed B have borrowed C have kept(C)(A)(B)(B)(C)6-When you your old friend?-The day before yesterday.A will,visit B did,visit C have,visited7 Mrs White in this school since she came here.A teaches B taught C has taught8 No children football in the street since a car hit a boy last Sunday.A have played B played C playing9-Im sorry to keep you waiting.-Oh,not at all,I here only for a few minutes.A was B have been C will be10 His father since 1936.A died B has died C has been dead(B)(C)(A)(B)(C)AAABAABACCLilyhasalreadysweptthefloor.Haveyoutoldaninterestingstoryyet?Whathaveyoudone?Haveyousenttheletteryet?Ihaventfoundmyglassesyet.Haveyoupostedmyletteryet?No,Ihavent.Sorry,Iforgot.Haveyoutypedityet?Yes,Ihave.Whendidyoutypeit?Itypeditthismorning.Watch the video and answer:Who does this case belong to?Who does this case belong to?Does Mr.Hall get his case back?Does Mr.Hall get his case back?Who does the case belong to?Lets describe it.handle zipthe label of the case New wordsleaveli:v V.离开离开;遗遗留留Dontleaveme.leavefor离开(某地)前往她是不是要离开巴黎去纽约?IssheleavingfromPairsforNewYork?明天我要到上海去。IamleavingforShanghaitomorrow.Heleftafewbooks.他留下了几本书。New wordsdescribedskrab vt.描写描写Describemeinthreewords.Words cannot describe the beauty.言语无法描述的美丽。言语无法描述的美丽。New wordszip zip n.拉链拉链v.拉上拉链拉上拉链(us)(us)zipper zipZipyourcoatup,itscoldoutside.拉上你大衣的拉链,外面挺冷。Icantopenmybag-theziphasstuck.我包打不开,拉链卡住了。New wordshandle hndl n.把手把手,柄柄I turned the handle and opened the door.我转了转拉手我转了转拉手,把门打开。把门打开。New wordsaddress dres n.地地址址Whats your home address?你的家庭住址呢你的家庭住址呢?Illneedyournameandaddress.New wordspence 便士(复数)便士(复数)Ifitcosts25pence,andyougiveherapound,youshouldget75pencechange.如果这件东西值25便士,而你给他一镑,应找回75便士的零钱。New wordsbelong to 属于属于These books dont belong to you.这些书不属于你。这些书不属于你。I belong to Jesus.leave(left,left)describe zip label handle address pence belong New wordsv.遗留遗留v.描述描述n.拉链拉链n.标签标签n.提手,把手提手,把手n.地址地址n.便士便士v.属于属于单词填空:Thisfashiondressdoesnt_tome.Icanfindthathammer,canyou_it,please?Please_yourcoat,itiscoldoutside.Ilostmykey,Ishould_itinmyoffice.Ifyoucantgetthereyoucanasksbtheway,butyoumustrememberthe_.belongdescribezipleaveaddressWhereisthe_Iwanttoknowwhatmakeitis.Thehouseis&5,600butitworthevery_ofit.Donttouchthe_ofthedoor,itiscold.labelpennyhandle I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.Can you describe it,sir?Its a small blue case and its got a zip.Theres a label on the handle with my name and address on it.Is this case yours?No,thats not mine.What about this one?This ones got a label.Let me see it.Whats your name and address?David Hall,83,Bridge Street.Thats right.D.N.Hall,83,Bridge Street.Three pounds fifty pence,please.Here you are.Thank you.Hey!Whats matter?This case doesnt belong to me!Youve given me the wrong case!Lesson 98 Whose is it?Whose are they?Whose is this letter?It is his letter.It belongs to him.Its his.Whose is this passport?It is her passport.It belongs to her.Its hers.Is this hers?Does thisDoes this belong to her?Whose are these keys?They are my keys.They belong to me.They are mine.Whose are these clothes?They are your clothes.They belong to you.Theyre yours.Are these yours?Do these belong to you?Herearesomeschoolthings.Whosearethey?oWhose is it?oIts s.oDoes it belong to?oYes,it belongs to .人称代词我我们Iwe你你们youyou他她它hesheit他们她们它们they我是、你是、她他它是Iamweareyou are you areHe/she/Itis他们她们它们是Theyaremine.yours.his.hers.ours.yours.theirs.It is It belongs to me.you.him.her.us.you.them.主格代词主格代词 宾格代词宾格代词 所有格形容词所有格形容词 所有格代词所有格代词人称代词人称代词Imemymineyouyouyouryourshehimhishissheherherhersitititsitsweusourourstheythemtheirtheirs主格代词:在句中作主格代词:在句中作主语主语主语主语 是句子叙述的主体是句子叙述的主体 I love you.I love you.He plays basketball.He plays basketball.This table is heavy.This table is heavy.I YOU HE SHE IT WE THEYI YOU HE SHE IT WE THEY宾格代词:在句中作宾格代词:在句中作宾语宾语宾语,又称宾语,又称“客体客体”或或“受体受体”是动词或介词的对象,是动作的承受者是动词或介词的对象,是动作的承受者I love you.I love you.He plays basketball.He plays basketball.Jim looks at the blackboard.Jim looks at the blackboard.ME YOU HIM HER IT US THEMME YOU HIM HER IT US THEMI love the books.them 作动词作动词“love”的的宾语宾语。I 在句中作在句中作主语主语。I love them.oabeautifuldayocoldweatheroasmallbluecaseomy addressoher boyfriendoour classThat is an English car.That is her car.English 是是形容词形容词her 是是所有格形容词所有格形容词 所有格所有格形容词形容词(形容词性物主代词)(形容词性物主代词)修饰名词修饰名词oIsthiscaseyours?oNo,thatsnotmine.oIs this case your case?oNo,thats not my case.Look at the two pencils.Look at the two pencils.The red one is The red one is yoursyours and and the blue one is the blue one is minemine.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。yours=your+pencil mine=my+pencil 所有格所有格代词代词(名词性物主代词)(名词性物主代词)单独使用单独使用二、物主代词 数数 人称人称类别类别单数单数复数复数第一第一人称人称第二第二人称人称第三人称第三人称第一第一人称人称第二人第二人称称第三第三人称人称形容词性物形容词性物主代词主代词mymyyouryourhishisherheritsitsourouryouryourtheirtheir名词性物主名词性物主代词代词minemineyoursyourshishishershersitsitsoursoursyoursyours theirstheirs汉语汉语我的我的你的你的他他的的她的她的它它的的我们的我们的 你们的你们的他他(她、她、它它)们们的的That is not _ kite.That kite is very small,but _ is very big.(I)Where are _?I cant find _.Lets call _ parents.(they)myminetheythemtheir_ismybrother._nameisJack.Look!Thosepensare_.(he)Donttouch_._notacat,_atiger!(it)itItis(Its)itis(its)HeHisHis1.This is my book.This book is mine.2.Is this sweater Annas?No,hers is red.3.Are these desks yours?Yes,they are ours.4.This classroom is ours.Our classroom is big.5.These CDs are hers.Her CDs are new.6.This is its milk.This milk is its.2名词性物主代词名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词 1.Lookatthetwopencils.Theredoneisyourpencil.=Theredoneisyours.Theblueoneismypencil.=Theblueoneismine.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。2.Helikesmypen.Hedoesntlikehers.=Hedoesntlikeherpen.他喜欢我的钢笔。不喜欢她的。3.This schoolbag is not his.His bag is black.这个书包不是他的。他的书包是黑色的。3Exercisesforconsolidation:o写出下列句子的同义句:o1.Thesebooksareours.oThesebooks_.o2.Thispairofshoesbelongstohim.oThispairofshoes_.o3.Whoseisthepen?o_doesthepen_?o4.Doesthecasebelongtoher?o_thecase_?belong to usis his Who belong to Is hers这是这是我的我的手表。手表。这块手表是这块手表是我的我的。Thisismywatch.Thiswatchismine.这些是这些是我的我的手表。手表。这些手表是这些手表是我的我的。Thesearemywatches.Thesewatchesaremine.这是这是你的你的狗。狗。这只狗是这只狗是你的你的。This is your dog.This dog is yours.这些是这些是你的你的狗。狗。这些狗是这些狗是你的你的。These are your dogs.These dogs are yours.这是这是他的他的猫。猫。这只猫是这只猫是他的他的。This is his cat.This cat is his.这些是这些是他的他的猫。猫。这些猫是这些猫是他的他的。These are his cats.These cats are his.这是这是她的她的汉堡包。汉堡包。这个汉堡包是这个汉堡包是她的她的。This is her hamburger.This hamburger is hers.这些是她的汉堡包。这些是她的汉堡包。这些汉堡包是她的。这些汉堡包是她的。These are her hamburgers.These hamburgers are hers.这是这是我们的我们的香蕉。香蕉。这些香蕉是这些香蕉是我们的我们的。These are our bananas.These bananas are ours.这是他们的汽车。这是他们的汽车。这辆汽车是他们的。这辆汽车是他们的。This is their car.This car is theirs.一、一、选出括号中正确的出括号中正确的词,在正确的,在正确的词上打勾。上打勾。1.This is1.This is(my/Imy/I)mother.mother.2.Nice to meet 2.Nice to meet(your/youyour/you).3.3.(He/HisHe/His)name is Mark.name is Mark.4.What4.Whats s(she/hershe/her)name?name?5.Excuse5.Excuse(me/my/Ime/my/I).6.Are6.Are(your/youyour/you)Miss Li?Miss Li?7.7.(I/MyI/My)am Ben.am Ben.8.8.(She/HerShe/Her)is my sister.is my sister.9.Fine,thank 9.Fine,thank(your/youyour/you).10.How old is 10.How old is(he/hishe/his )二、用所二、用所给代代词的正确形式填空。的正确形式填空。1.These are _(he)brothers.1.These are _(he)brothers.2.That is _(she)sister.2.That is _(she)sister.3.Lily is _(Lucy)sister.3.Lily is _(Lucy)sister.4.Tom,this is _(me)cousin,Mary.4.Tom,this is _(me)cousin,Mary.6.Those _(child)are _(I)6.Those _(child)are _(I)fatherfathers students.s students.7.Do you know _(it)name?7.Do you know _(it)name?8.Mike and Tom _(be)friends.8.Mike and Tom _(be)friends.9.Thanks for helping _(I).9.Thanks for helping _(I).10._(Ann10._(Ann安安)mother is _(we)teacher.)mother is _(we)teacher.hisherLucysmychildrenmyitsaremeAnns our


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