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Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!Section A 1a2c一、听、说、读、写以下词汇及词组:一、听、说、读、写以下词汇及词组:litter,bottom,fisherman,coal,public,ugly,advantage,cost,wooden,plastic,the bottom of,make a difference二、通过学习,口、笔头掌握下列句型:二、通过学习,口、笔头掌握下列句型:1)The river used to be so clean.2)People are throwing litter into the river.3)It has always been the nicest river in this town.4)We should write to the government.5)I think one problem is that the air is badly polluted.三、三、1.能听懂关于环境污染和环境保护的听力材料。能听懂关于环境污染和环境保护的听力材料。2.能正确运用现在进行时态,能正确运用现在进行时态,used to结构,现在完成时态,结构,现在完成时态,被动语态和情态动词谈论环境污染和环境保护。被动语态和情态动词谈论环境污染和环境保护。四、四、通过谈论环境污染,学生能培养自己的环保意识。做到:保护通过谈论环境污染,学生能培养自己的环保意识。做到:保护环境,从我做起,从小事做起。环境,从我做起,从小事做起。What are these pictures about?Pollution How many kinds of pollution do these pictures show?noise pollutionwater pollutionair pollutionloud music cars rubbish planeslittering ships factories smoking building houses mobile phonesloud music planes building houses mobile phonesrubbish littering shipsfactoriescars factories smoking building houses听听1b录音一遍,回答下面的问题:录音一遍,回答下面的问题:What kind of pollution are Tony and Mark talking about?_water pollution Listen and complete the sentences.What was the problem?The river was _.Even the bottom of the river was full of _.There were no more _ for fishermen to catch.What caused the problem?People are throwing _ into the river.Factories are putting _ into the river.How should the problem be solved?We should write to the _ and ask them to _ the factories.Everyone should help to _ the river.really dirtyrubbishfishlitterwastegovernmentclose downclean upHello!We are Jason and Susan.Were going to talk about pollution,too.Listen and circle the kinds of pollution that we talk about.A.land pollution B.air pollution C.noise pollution D.water pollution Listen again and complete the sentences.1.The air is badly polluted because there are _ on the road these days.2.Factories that burn coal also _ the air with a lot of black smoke.3.There is also too much rubbish and waste.People _ things every day.4.People are also littering in _ like parks.This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.more carspolluteare throwing awaypublic places听第二遍录音,判断下面句子的正、误。听第二遍录音,判断下面句子的正、误。1)Jason thinks that the air is badly polluted.()2)Susan used to see the mountains clearly.()3)People are also littering in public places.()4)They think that they can do nothing to help.()5)They are talking about the noise pollution.()TFTFF1)Jason thinks that the air is badly polluted.2)Susan used to see the mountains clearly.3)People are also littering in public places.4)They think that they can do nothing to help.5)They have talked about the noise pollution.观察上面的黑体字内容,它们分别对应了几种时态或观察上面的黑体字内容,它们分别对应了几种时态或语态?语态?1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._。你能归纳出这几种时态或语态的结构吗?你能归纳出这几种时态或语态的结构吗?1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._。被动语态被动语态一般过去时一般过去时现在进行时现在进行时一般现在时一般现在时现在完成时现在完成时be+doneused to dobe+doingdo/doeshave/has+done我们该如何做来减少污染?我们该如何做来减少污染?What should we do?1.We should take _ or _ instead of driving.2.We should also _ _ _.Its good for health!3.Bring _ to go shopping.4.Never take _ or_ when buying takeaway food.5._ in the bins and keep public places clean and beautiful.必做:必做:把课堂上练习的关于环境污染的对话写下来。把课堂上练习的关于环境污染的对话写下来。选做:选做:小组分工合作,用课前准备的照片,选小组分工合作,用课前准备的照片,选取一种或几种污染做成海报,取一种或几种污染做成海报,我的收获我的收获Words:(词词)Listening skill:(听力技巧听力技巧)Sentences:(句句)根据问题预测听力关注点。根据问题预测听力关注点。litter,bottom,fisherman,coal,public,ugly,advantage,cost,wooden,plastic,the bottom of,make a difference1)The river used to be so clean.2)People are throwing litter into the river.3)It has always been the nicest river in this town.4)We should write to the government.5)I think one problem is that the air is badly polluted.新的单元,新的起点新的单元,新的起点!把你们这节课的收获把你们这节课的收获统统装进自己的统统装进自己的学习成长记录袋学习成长记录袋里吧!里吧!认真记录下你点滴的认真记录下你点滴的学习收获哦!本单元结束时,学习收获哦!本单元结束时,和同学交流一下,和同学交流一下,比比看谁的收获更大比比看谁的收获更大!


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