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Review:Change the following sentences into indirect speech.1.Sheasked,“Didhegohome?”Sheaskedif/whetherhehadgonehome.2.Sheasked,“Whydidheleave?”Sheaskedwhyhehadleft.3.Heasked,“Whenwillshecomeback?”Heaskedwhenshewouldcomeback.Review:Change the following s1Lesson 40Food and talk.Lesson 40Food and talk.2Discuss:Which of the following can be found on a western dinner table?.Discuss:Which of the followi3Discuss:Which of the following can be found on a western dinner table?.Discuss:Which of the followi4People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and to behave at the table.Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glassesone for the white wine,one for the red wine,and one for the water.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives on the right of the plate.When you see two spoons,the big one is for the soup and the small one for the dessert.When you sit down at the table,you can take your napkin,unfold it and put it on lap.People who go to a formal5 Discuss:Which of the following behaviors are polite or impolite at a Western dinner party.Write“P”(polite)or“I”(impolite)in brackets.()1 Use the knife with your right hand.()2 Put your napkin on your lap.()3 Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you.()4 Ask for a second bowl of soup.()5 Use your fingers when eating chicken.()6 Finish eating everything on your plate.()7 Talk loudly while eating.()8 Make other people drink more than they can take.PIPIPPIIMannersmaketheman.Discuss:Which of the followi6ChinaChinaThe westThe westToolsSharingFoodamountDishorderHostsToastingChopsticksKnivesandforksEveryonesharesOnesownplateOverorderedCompletelyfinishedCold dishes/meat or vegetable courses/soup/main foodPutfoodintotheplatesoftheirguestsGlasstouch/finishNoglasstouch/takeasipSome differences.ChinaThe westToolsSharingFood 7Now,lets enjoy the story,Food and talk!Was Mrs.Rumbold a good companion at dinner?Why?Listen to the story and answer this question.Now,lets enjoy the story,Fo81.Where did the writer sit at the dinner party?2.Did he try to make conversation with Mrs.Rumbold or not?3.What did Mrs.Rumbold do?Did she answer his questions?4.What did the writer talk about?5.Who is impolite?Listen again,and answer the following questions.Where did the writer sit at th9New words and expressionshostessn.女主人女主人unsmilingadj.不笑的,不笑的,严肃严肃的的tightadj.紧紧身的身的fixv.凝凝视视globen.地球地球despairn.绝绝望望New words and expressions101 hostess n.女主人 host n.男主人the host nation 东道国2 unsmiling adj 不笑的,严肃的un是否定前缀:unhappy,unsure,unlucky,uncomfortable,unsteady.1 hostess n.女主人 .113.tightadj.紧紧身的身的tightenv.使使变紧The lady in a tight skirt is a fashion model.adj.吝吝啬啬的的Theoldmanistightwithmoney.124.fixv.凝凝视;盯着着fixat=stareat=gazeatThekidisfixingathisnewtoy.vt.固定,安装固定,安装Shefixedahandleonthedoor.vt.修理修理Iamabletofixthecomputer.4.fix v.凝视;盯着.135.globle n.地球the globe village 地球村adj.globlalv.globalize 全球化全球化6.despair n.失望,绝望phrase:in despairShe cried in despair.vi.绝望,丧失信心He despairs of winning a scholarship.他已不抱赢得奖学金的希望了。n.globalization.5.globle n.地球n.globalization14Languagepoints:1.The hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs.Rumbold.nextto在附近在附近More:beside,by,closeto,near,nearby,etc.Themannexttomewasdrunktoomuch.坐在我旁坐在我旁边的那个男人喝太多。的那个男人喝太多。他他们围着篝火在唱歌着篝火在唱歌.Theysangsongsbythecampfire.Language points:1.The hostess 152.Hereyeswerefixedonherplateandinashorttime,shewasbusyeating.bebusywithsth忙于某事忙于某事bebusydoingsth忙于做某事忙于做某事becarefulwithsth小心某事小心某事becarefuldoingsth小心做某事小心做某事Heisbusywashingclothes.Mybrotherisbusywithhishomework.2.Her eyes were fixed on her p163.Mrs.Rumboldwasalarge,unsmilingladyinatightblackdress.in在这里表示“穿什么衣服”(第17课学过):In the play,she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.4.ShedidnotevenlookupwhenItookmyseatbesideher.take a seat和take ones seat都表示“让某人坐下”,比sit down更正式。.3.Mrs.Rumbold was a large,u175.Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time,she was busy eating.I tried to make conversation.划线部分变为主动语态:She fixed her eyes on the plate.fix v.(1)修理,相当于repairI must get the radio fixed.我必须请人把收音机修好。(2)使固定 He fixed the picture on the wall.他把画固定在墙上。The chair was fixed next to the desk.椅子被固定在桌子旁边。.5.Her eyes were fixed on her 18(3)使集中;盯着看 fix ones eyes/attention on 使集中;盯着看;注意;注视 She fixed her eyes on the clock.她眼睛盯着钟看。fix up 安排;解决;给安排住处Well have to fix up a time to meet.我们必须安排一个时间见面。Weve fixed up our little differences satisfactorily.我们已经圆满的解决了我们之间的小矛盾 Ill fix you up for the night.今晚我会安排你住处的。.(3)使集中;盯着看.19 make conversation 攀谈 make&do make a)Make 创造、制作;产生、生产God made the world.Bread is made from flour.Dont make so much noise.b)使役动词,表示“使/让”,“make sb/sth do”:The sun makes the plants grow.c)作出(某种举动),和某些名词连用时,意义上等于相应的动词:make no difference make an effort make a reply make a decision make progress make conversation make a promise make a plan make money make a speech make the bed make ones fortune make trouble make a mistake make a journey/trip make friends make up ones mind.make conversation 攀谈.20do a)可以用来代替一些常用动词,如paint,study,wash,tidy,clean,comb,brush等,意思必须根据上下文内容和它的宾语来决定:do the room do the dishes do ones hair do ones nails do ones teeth do ones best do ones duty do sb a favour do odd jobs do business do a painting/portrait b)do(+some/the)+动名词 do the cleaning do shopping do the washing-up do some reading.do.216.“AnewplayiscomingtoTheGlobesoon,”Isaid.“Willyoubeseeingit?”(1)用用现在在进行行时来表示接近的未来,来表示接近的未来,“即将即将”。(2)WeareleavingforShanghaitomorrow.(3)(2)用将来用将来进行行时来提来提问,尤其是提出,尤其是提出问题但又不想迫使但又不想迫使对方做出明确答复方做出明确答复时,将来,将来进行行时可以可以显得比一般将来得比一般将来时will更委婉客更委婉客气。气。.6.“A new play is coming to T227.Indespair,Iaskedherwhethershewasenjoyingherdinner.这里in despair是副词,表示“失望之中”。e.g.I spent hours trying to fix the TV,but gave up in despair.我花了几个小时修电视机,但是失望地放弃了。8.Youngman,sheanswered,ifyouatemoreandtalkedless,wewouldbothenjoyourdinner!这里If所引导的条件句的为主用eat和talk的过去时ate和talked,表示所假设的事情是与现在的已知事实相反。(实际上作者是吃的少,说的多。)主句也用过去时态,表示一种虚拟语气。这个内容将在后面深入学习。.7.In despair,I asked her whe231.at a dinner party/a meeting/a wedding/a concert2.host/hostess3.next to=beside4.look up/look for/look after/look around/look forward to/look out/look out of5.take/have ones seat/sit down/be seated6.be fixed on/upon 7.be busy doing sth./with sth.8.spend holidays9.in despair10.if you ate more and talked less,we would both enjoy our dinner.虚拟11.make 与 do 的词组及区别Keystructures.at a dinner party/a meeting/241.If you are at a party,which do you think is more important,meeting and talking to people or food?Why?2.2.“Listening is as much part of“good conversation”as talking.”Do you agree?Discussion.If you are at a party,which d25条件句条件句if条件句可分为两类:1.真实条件句,即假设的情况是会发生;2.非真实条件句,表示的是假设的情况(1)与事实相反,(2)不可能发生或发生的可能性极小,谓语用虚拟语气。1.真真实条件句条件句从句从句主句主句一般一般现在在时主主+shall/will+v.原原Ifhecomes,hewillbringhisbag.条件句if条件句可分为两类:1.真实条件句,即假设的情况是会26条件句条件句2.非真非真实条件句(虚条件句(虚拟语气)气)(1)与与现在事在事实相反相反从句从句主句主句一般一般过去去时主主+should/would+v.原原Iftheywerehere,theywouldhelpme.(2)与将来事与将来事实相反,或者将来不可能相反,或者将来不可能发生的生的从句从句主句主句一般一般过去去时主主+should/would+v.原原Ifitsnowedtomorrowed,Iwouldstayathome.条件句2.非真实条件句(虚拟语气).27(3)与与过去事去事实相反:相反:从句从句主句主句过去完成去完成时should/would+haveVedIfhehadgotupearlier,hecouldhavecaughtthetrain.假如他早点起身的假如他早点起身的话,他本来能赶上,他本来能赶上那趟火那趟火车。.(3)与过去事实相反:.281.The rice _ if you had been more careful.A.would not be burning B.would not burn C.would not have burnt D.would not burnt2.If my lawyer _ here last Saturday,he _ me from going.A.had been;would have prevented B.had been;would prevent C.were;would prevent D.were;would have prevented3.I didnt see your sister at the meeting.If she _ she would have met my brother.A.has come B.did come C.came D.had come.1.The rice _ if you had b294._ for the free tickets,I would not have gone to the films so often.A.If it is not B.Were it not C.If it had not been D.If they have not5.You didnt let me drive.If we _ in turn,you _ so tired.A.drove;didnt get B.drove;wouldnt get C.were driving;wouldnt get D.had driven;wouldnt have got6.If she had worked harder,she _.A.would succeed B.B.had succeeded C.should succeed D.would have succeed.4._ for the free tickets,307.If he _,he _ that food.Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.A.was warned;would not take B.had been warned;would not have taken C.would be warned;had not taken D.would have been warned;had not taken8.If it _ tomorrow,they would not go there by bike.A.will rain B.rains C.would rain D.should rain9.If I _ you,I would not do it.A.am B.were C.shall be D.being.7.If he _,he _ t31


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