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Lesson 65-66by Tie Chengwenrevision 必必须“会表达么?会表达么?You must go to bed early.You musnt go to bed early.Must I go to bed early?Yes,you must.No,you neednt.小小结1)and/but/so 2)疾病的表达法疾病的表达法:Whats the matter with.Lily is ill.Lily has a headache.3)for 对于那些那些讨厌的的疾病疾病记住了么?住了么?headacheearachetoothache stomach achemeaslesmumpsflutemperaturecoldLesson 65-66Not a baby!by Tie ChengwennewwordsDad爸爸(儿语)爸爸的叫法很多:father正式称呼Dad口语Daddy更加亲切一些oldman不是老头的意思Mum妈妈(儿语)妈妈的叫法也很多:mother正式称呼Mum/Mom口语mummymakeythe key to the door the key to the front doorkey to exercise(练习)ki:hear hi Can you hear me?hear from sb.收到某人来信收到某人来信 I hear from my mother every week.beibibabybabiesyourselfjself反身代反身代词 indienjoy不不可以加可以加动词动词原形原形,而而要要加加V-ing 的的动词动词like,enjoy,finishlike doing sth.finish doing sth.enjoyenjoy sth.enjoy oneself (have a good time)enjoy doing sth.单词单词闯闯天下天下enjoy mum Dad key baby hear Its time to watch.How old are you?Do you have any friends?Do you often meet your friends?Can you get home at 8clock?Do you always come home early?When must you come home?Learn the textListening!1)Jill is_ years old.2)Jill always _ _ early.3)Jill musnt come home after _4)Can Jill have the key?()A.Yes,She can.B.No,She cant.FATHER:What are you going to do this evening.Jill?JILL:Im going to meet some friends,Dad.语言点复习:Begoingto句型意义:将来时的符号表示:打算,计划(不久的将来)用法:Begoingto+动词原形Isamare永远不变将来时语言点复习:Begoingto句型疑问句:Areyougoingtoschool?肯定回答:Yes,Iam.No,Iamnot.否定句:be动词后+notYouarenotgoingtoschool.FATHER:You musnt come home late.You must be home at half past ten.JILL:I cant get home so early,Dad!JILL:Can I have the key to the front door please?FATHER:No,you e home 在家在家 谈谈及回家及回家be home 在家在家go home 回家回家 在外在外get home 到家到家 不不论论在家与否在家与否小小结I _this letter.I _at home.She _to school yet.We _with matches._ you _ a song?_ he _ home early?can typemust staycant gomustnt playMeCan singmust staycan typecant gomustnt playCan singMust comeMOTHER:Jills eighteen years old,Tom.Shes not a baby.Give her the key.She always comes home early.FATHER:Oh,all right!Give her the key.Give the key to her.Give me that book.Give that book to me.Give him the coat.Give the coat to him.频频率副率副词词:always 总总是是;永永远远;始始终终 usually 通常通常;often 常常常常;经经常常 sometimes 有有时时;不不时时 seldom 很少很少;不常不常 never 决不决不;从不从不 Did you remember?I like peas.I dont like peas.Do you like peas?She likes peas.She doesnt like peas.Does she like peas?What does she like?FATHER:Here you are.But you mustnt come home after a quarter past eleven.Do you hear?JILL:Yes.Dad.1:00 2:00 1.整点表达整点表达one oclocktwo oclock逆逆时时表达表达5:15 6:30 3.一刻一刻钟钟/半点半点 a past five past six quarter half 4.半小半小时时之前用之前用past7:108:16 ten past sevensixteen past eight5.半小半小时时以后用以后用to2:404:50twenty to threeten to five3:10 4:16 2.顺时顺时表达表达three tenfour sixteen时间时间表达法口表达法口诀诀时间顺读时时间顺读时后后分,分,时间时间逆逆读读分分后后时时。三十以内三十以内past连连,三十以后三十以后to中中间间。十五十五quaterquater来相助。来相助。-Whats the time?-Its 1:002:156:304:5011:05在某一个具体时间的介词用atIn the morning On July 18thIn JulyJILL:Thanks,Mum.MOTHER:Thats all right.Goodbye.Enjoy yourself!JILL:We always enjoy ourselves,Mum.Bye-bye.Enjoy yourself!We always enjoy ourselves,Mum.Have a good time!玩得开心玩得开心1.The key words 1.meet some e home 3.be home 4.get home 5.the key to the front door6.after a quarter past eleven7.enjoy yourself2.Grammar 1.be going to 2.can/must 3.give/take/send sth.to sb.4.always/often/usually/5.一般疑一般疑问句句6.time7.enjoy yourself(反身代反身代词)PracticeWhen must you come home?I must come home at 6 oclock.yousheWhen must she go to the liabrary?She must go to the liabrary at a quarter past ten.When must you and Tom see a doctor?They must see the doctor 6 minutes to 12.you and TomMikeWhen must Mike take the medicine?He must take the medicine at half past 4.youWhen is your birthday?Its on January the 23th.yourself/myselfDo you enjoy yourself?I always enjoy myself.ourselves/themselvesWe are enjoying ourselves.They are enjoying ourselves.homework:1.words and expressions2.练习册册3.复复习p经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量pStudyConstantly,AndYouWillKnowEverything.TheMoreYouKnow,TheMorePowerfulYouWillBe写在最后Thank You在别人的演说中思考,在自己的故事里成长Thinking In Other PeopleS Speeches,Growing Up In Your Own Story讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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