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21、没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独,没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要奋斗一生。22、当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该是坚强。23、要改变命运,首先改变自己。24、勇气很有理由被当作人类德性之首,因为这种德性保证了所有其余的德性。-温斯顿丘吉尔。25、梯子的梯阶从来不是用来搁脚的,它只是让人们的脚放上一段时间,以便让别一只脚能够再往上登。新标准英语三年级起点第二册全册句型复习have Maths has Mathshave English has Englishhave Chinese has Chinesehave Music has Musichave Science has Sciencehave PE has PEhave Art has Art I I She/Hehave peanuts has peanutshave sweets has sweetshave fish has fishhave meat has meathave noodles has noodleshave rice has rice I I She/Heeat peanuts eats peanutseat sweets eats sweetseat apples eats appleseat bananas eats bananaseat pears eats pearseat oranges eats oranges I I She/Heby bikeby busby carby shipby trainby planein the morning in the afternoonin spring in summerin autumn in winterin the park in the lakeunder the tree under the desk on the snow on the deskChinese English Maths Science Art Music PEsubjectsWhats your favourite food?My favourite food is foodsWhats your favourite season?My favourite season is seasonsback omp b le tWhats your favourite animal?My favourite animal is animalsWhats your favourite sport?My favourite sport is sportsWhats your favourite toy?My favourite toy is abackcstptoysWhats your favourite colour?My favourite colour is backcstpcoloursWhats your favourite song?My favourite song is Hello the ABC songPlease stand up backcstpWhats your favourite colour?My favourite colour is toysong toysongbackcstpfoodanimalfoodanimalseasonseasonWhats this?Its a What are they?TheyreI like She likesHe likesI dont like She doesnt likeHe doesnt likeDo you like?Yes,I do.No,I dont.Does she like?Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.Does he like?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.Whats the time?Its_ oclock.Its half past_.What do you do at the weekend?What does she do at the weekend?She watches TV.I watch TV.What does he do at the weekend?He watches TV.What do you do at the weekend?play basketball.play football.I play table tennis.watch TV.go swimming.go cycling.What doesdo at the weekend?playsbasketball.plays football.He/She plays tabletennis.watches TV.goes swimming.goes cycling.Ive got.I havent gotShes got She hasnt gotHes got He hasnt gotHave you got?Yes,I have.No,I havent.Has she/he got?Yes,she/he has.No,she/he hasnt.Its on under inWhat do you have at school?I have Maths.What does she/he have at school?She/he has Maths.I get up at seven oclock.have breakfast go to school have lunch go home watch TV play football have dinner go to bed n36、自己的鞋子,自己知道紧在哪里。西班牙n37、我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。拉罗什福科n38、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。亚伯拉罕林肯n39、勿问成功的秘诀为何,且尽全力做你应该做的事吧。美华纳n40、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。孔子xiexie!xiexie!谢谢!谢谢!


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