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Getting older,getting wiser?UNIT 21Getting older,getting wiser?UUnit 2 Getting older,getting wiser?Opening upListening to the worldSpeaking for communicationFurther practice in listeningWrapping upLearning objectivesFun time2Unit 2 Getting older,gettingdiscuss life in different ages 4Learning objectivestalk about future hopes and plans1learn how to organize notes in listening 2ask for clarification in speaking3make a persuasive speech organized in a problem-(cause-)solution order 53discuss life in different agesOpening up 1Match the names of the age groups to their age ranges.Then reorder the groups from the youngest to the oldest.1Age groupsAge ranges1 infantsf less than 1 year old2 newbornsc less than a few weeks old3 young adultsg 20-40 years old4 teenagersb 13-19 years old5 the middle ageda 40-60 years old6 seniorcitizensd over 60 years old7 toddlerse 1-3 years old4Opening up 1Match the names ofOpening up 1Match the names of the age groups to their age ranges.Then reorder the groups from the youngest to the oldest.2 Order of age groups:2-1-7-4-3-5-65Opening up 1Match the names ofOpening up2Which age range do you think is the best time of life?why?The best stage of life is the young adult period when youre 20-40 years old.In this stage,you are truly independent and free.6Opening up2Which age range do Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewing7Listening to the worldSharingLListening to the worldSharing1 Watch a podcast for its general idea.In the podcast,people are interviewed about how they feel about their lives.They talk about what they are looking forward to in the future,whether there is anything they arent looking forward to,and whether their schooldays are the best days of their lives.2 Watch Part 1 and fill in the blanks.1)excited2)on the banks 3)beach parties4)find out5)looking forward to8Listening to the worldSharing1Listening to the world3 Watch Part 2 and match the hopes and plans.1 B2 F3 D4 C5 E6 ASharing9Listening to the world3Watch PListening to the world4 Watch Part 3 and check()the FIVE things which the speakers say they are not looking forward to.The five things which the speakers say they are not looking forward to are:Sharing1,2,3,8 and 10.10Listening to the world4Watch PListening to the worldSharing5 Watch Part 4 and check()the true statements.1 She considers schooldays the best days of her life.4 He has fond memories of his schooldays.7 He had the best days of his life during his schooldays because he played a lot of football.11Listening to the worldSharing5Additional NotesIpswichthe county town of Suffolk.It is one of the oldest towns of England and the third largest settlement in eastern England.Listening to the world12Additional NotesListening to tAdditional NotesIpswich Town Football Club an English professional football team based in Ipswich,Suffolk,a county in eastern England.It is also known as Ipswich,The Blues,Town,or The Tractor Boys.Founded in 1878,it has competed in the top two tiers of English football continuously ever since the 195758 season.Listening to the world13Additional NotesIpswich Town FListening to the world6Work in pairs and discuss the questions.1 What are you looking forward to in the future?SharingI am looking forward to graduating from university and finding a job in a good IT company.2 Is there anything you arent looking forward to?Why or why not?I am not looking forward to an advanced course in mathematics next semester because everyone says it is very difficult.3 What do you like and dislike most about your schooldays?I enjoy having a lot of friends in school.What I dislike most about school is that I have to be away from home.14Listening to the world6Work inListening to the worldSharingListeningViewing15Listening to the worldSharingLListening to the world1Discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen1 What is the one thing you will definitely do?I will definitely work on my graduation project.I will graduate in two years,so certainly I will be working on a certain project and writing up my thesis in the last semester of my university studies.16Listening to the world1DiscussListening to the world1Discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen2 What is the one thing you will probably do?I will probably travel to a beautiful place,for example,the West Lake in Hangzhou,or Lijiang in Yunnan Province.I like traveling,so if I have time and money,I may go to a place with beautiful scenery and enjoy nature in the summer.17Listening to the world1DiscussListening to the world1Discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen3 What is the one thing you arent likely to do?I am unlikely to work as an intern in a company.I am always busy studying,so I dont have much time to find an internship.Although many of my classmates may do various types of part-time jobs,Im not likely to do that.18Listening to the world1DiscussListening to the world1Discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen4 What is the one thing you definitely wont do?I certainly wont take the graduate entrance examination.I am pretty sure that I want to work immediately after graduation rather than continue to study.This means I will not take the graduate entrance examination Instead,I will be busy looking for a job.19Listening to the world1DiscussListening to the world2Would you like to receive a letter from your younger self?Why or why not?ListeningBEFORE you listen Yes,I would certainly love to receive a letter from my younger self.It would be exciting to open the letter years later and find out what dreams have come true and what have not.It would be a unique record of my thoughts and ideas at a younger age.No,I dont fancy receiving a letter from my younger self.Whatever will be will be.You may plan one thing now,but life may take you down a completely different path.Id like to accept reality as life goes on rather than try to imagine what Ill be like in the future.20Listening to the world2Would yListening to the worldListeningListening skillsAdditional TipsHow to organize notesNotes should be neatly and logically laid outThe notes can be divided into several major partse.g.1 the notes of a story may include:time,setting,characters,and events/actionse.g.2 the notes of a process of doing something may include:materials or tools,steps involved,and key details or actions at each step21Listening to the worldListeninListening to the worldListeningListening skillsAdditional TipsHow to organize notes Certain formatting techniques can be usede.g.the titles of main sections may be indicated byunderlining,capitalization,or a larger font,while subsection titles or detailed information can be noted down in a regular font and lower case letters22Listening to the worldListeninListening to the world3 Listen to the letter and underline the correct alternative.ListeningWHILE you listenAt 16,the woman expected her 20-year-old self to be 1 different2 in the UK3 with a partner4 with children5 happy6 studying23Listening to the world3Listen Additional NotesYear 11 the 11th year of compulsory education in England.It is usually the final year of secondary school.Students are generally aged between 15 and 17.Oxford Uni Oxford University,or more formally the University of Oxford.It is one of the leading universities in the world and the oldest university in the English-speaking world.Listening to the world24Additional NotesOxford Uni OxfListening to the world4 Listen to Part 1 and complete the notes.ListeningWHILE you listen1)Thursday,20/5/20042)163)204)by the river 5)raining6)fancied25Listening to the world4Listen Listening to the world4 Listen to Part 1 and complete the notes.ListeningWHILE you listen7)Have the guts to tell him8)good-looking,romantic and intelligent9)Three children10)Im happy11)feel good about who I was/am12)Good luck for the future13)be happy with who you are26Listening to the world4Listen Listening to the world5 Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions.ListeningAfter you listen1 How does the speaker feel about what she wrote?She feels it seems very shallow.2 In what way does the speaker think she is different from her 16-year-old self?She has now grown up and matured.3 What does the speaker think of the way her life has turned out?She is very happy with where she is now./she doesnt think life has to be the perfect image she pictured.27Listening to the world5Listen Listening to the world6 Work in pairs and discuss your hopes and plans.ListeningAfter you listen I have a lot of plans and dreams for the next five years.The most important ones are of course related to studies,work and relationships.I will study hard and get good grades in my exams.Upon graduation,I hope I can find a job that I am really interested in.My major is finance,so I would like to work as a financial analyst at a bank or investment firm.I also hope to find someone I love,someone who is handsome and considerate,someone who loves me,too.28Listening to the world6Work inListening to the world7 Write down five sentences for a letter to your future.ListeningAfter you listen1 I will be 25 at the time when I read this letter.2 I will have graduated from college,and I must be very busy with work.3 I may laugh at how innocent and immature I was.4 I will be sitting on a sofa while reading this letter,and my husband/wife will be there with me.5 Wish myself good luck and happiness!29Listening to the world7Write dListening to the worldSharingListeningViewing30Listening to the worldSharingLListening to the world1Work in pairs and discuss.ViewingBEFORE you view I would say“maintaining a positive attitude”and“following a healthy diet”are the most important factors for a long life.Maintaining a positive attitude will make us less likely to feel depressed.Lots of studies have shown that people who live long generally eat a considerable amount of vegetables and fruit.31Listening to the world1Work inListening to the world2Read the information and answer the questions.ViewingBEFORE you view1 The three places mentioned are Okinawa,Loma Linda and Sardinia.2 People there live longer than anywhere else on earth.3 To uncover the secrets to a long life in these communities.32Listening to the world2Read thListening to the worldViewingAdditional NotesOkinawathe southernmost prefecture(县)of Japan.It consists of a chain of islands,including 49 inhabited ones and 111 uninhabited ones.Okinawa has a subtropical/tropical climate,which makes it one of the major tourist destinations for the Japanese.33Listening to the worldViewingAListening to the worldViewingAdditional NotesOgimia village located in the north of Okinawa,Japan.Several population studies have shown that the village has the highest longevity index(长寿指数)in the world,with a large percentage of its residents being over 100 years old.34Listening to the worldViewingAListening to the worldViewingAdditional NotesAll-you-can-eat restauranta type of buffet(自助餐)restaurant where customers can help themselves to as much food as they wish for a fixed price35Listening to the worldViewingAListening to the world3Watch the video clip and check()the true statements.ViewingWHILE you view3 Bradley and Craig have been studying the Okinawan diet for 20 years.6 Bradley sees the attitude toward eating in Okinawa as different from that in the West.36Listening to the world3Watch tListening to the world4 Watch the video clip and complete the notes.ViewingWHILE you view1)the longest-living communities 7)high quantities2)9008)health protective3)go about their business9)1,2004)fruit and vegetable10)20 percent less5)ingredients11)getting more for their money6)cell damage12)healths worth37Listening to the world4Watch tListening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss the questions.AFTER you view1 Who is the oldest person you or have known?What would you say is his/her secret to a long life?I have a neighbor who is already 85 years old and is still very healthy.I think his secrets to living a long life are taking regular exercise and having a young heart.38Listening to the worldViewing5Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss the questions.AFTER you view2 Do you think your lifestyle is healthy?Why or why not?I would say my lifestyle is not healthy at all.I often stay up late at night.I also dont get enough physical exercise.I think my lifestyle is quite healthy.I follow a regular schedule and I am an optimistic person.39Listening to the worldViewing5Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss the questions.AFTER you view3 If you were going to do one thing to make your life healthier,what would it be?I would certainly choose to participate in sports regularly.40Listening to the worldViewing5Speaking for communicationRole-play2Listen to the radio phone-in again and check what you hear.1)got a mobile phone and had a bill for over 2002)being overprotective;should give her son some freedom3)spends all his time on the computer,so he never gets any exercise4)wants to get pierced ears1 Listen to a radio phone-in and take notes.The expressions you hear are 1,3,4,5,7,8 and 10.41Speaking for communicationRoleAdditional TipsAsking for clarificationAsking for clarification is an important speaking skill which gives you a chance to correctly understand the other party in a conversation.To clarify something,we can offer back the messages as how we understand them.Here are some expressions we can use:Speaking for communicationRole-playSpeaking skills If I understand you correctly,you mean Do you mean(that)Does this mean(that)Would it be correct to say that Can I conclude from this that May I assume that?Am I right in assuming that?Lets see if I understand/understood you correctly When you say,do you mean?42Additional TipsAsking for clarAdditional TipsAnother approach to asking for clarification is to asking the speaker to repeat,rephrase or summarize what he/she has been said.Some useful expressions are as following:Speaking for communicationRole-playSpeaking skills Could you repeat that again,please?Could you tell me what it means,please?Can/Could you explain what is?Could you say that again?Would you mind repeating that?I didnt follow that.Could you clarify for me?What exactly do you mean by?Again,please.Say it again.43Additional TipsAnother approacSpeaking for communicationRole-play3 Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Situation 1 Is 13 too young to wear make-up?Situation 2 Is 18 old enough to run a business?Situation 3 Is 50 too old to start college?Situation 4 Is 16 old enough to travel without parents?44Speaking for communicationRoleSpeaking for communicationRole-play3Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Situation 1 Is 13 too young to wear make-up?(Student A is parent of a 13-year-old girl.Student B is the presenter of a radio phone-in.)Student A:I am worried about Thats right.Dont you think?You could say that.But I still feel that I suppose so.Student B:So I gather your point is that Its hard to say.If Ive got it right,you Surely you can 45Speaking for communicationRoleSpeaking for communicationRole-play3Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Situation 2 Is 18 old enough to run a business?(Student A has an 18-year-old son who wants start his own business.Student B is the presenter of a radio phone-in.)Student B:Go ahead.You are on.Im guessing you dont Its hard to say.So what youre saying is?Why dont you two sit down and?Student A:Hi.Im the father of Right.Isnt college a better choice?He talked about Basically,yes.He should 46Speaking for communicationRoleSpeaking for communicationRole-play3 Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Situation 3 Is 50 too old to start college?(Student A and Student B are watching a TV report telling a story of a man who will start college at 50.)Student A:Wow!I admire this man.Well,he may,but Exactly.You mean?Im afraid not.Student B:I dont agree.So what you are saying is?Well,you may be right.But Dont you think so?47Speaking for communicationRoleSpeaking for communicationRole-play3 Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Situation 4 Is 16 old enough to travel without parents?(Student A is the husband/wife of Student B.You are talking about your 16-year-old daughter who wanted to have a weeklong trip with some friends.)Student A:I want to discuss something aboutShe told me yesterday that Im not talking about Im saying that Dont you think?So I gather your point is What youre getting at is that Student B:Yes,darling.Go ahead.I knowI dont see why.Isnt it common that?Dont you think so?You could say that.48Speaking for communicationRoleSpeaking for communicationGroup discussion1 Work in groups of three to complete the table.Get ideasAges Best things Worst things15More trust from parentsNot having enough money20Living away from homeLooking too young and immature30Plenty of time to get things rightHeavy pressure to be successful65Appreciating friends and family and time with themFear of growing older and being unable to do things she wants to49Speaking for communicationGrouSpeaking for communicationGroup discussion2 Discuss and take notes.Discuss and organize ideasAges Good things Bad things15 Care-free Having lots of playmates at kindergarten Having many toys to play with Unable to do things alone Too young to protect oneself Under strict control of parents&grandparents all the time 20 Living away from home Interesting lectures Diverse clubs&activities Academic pressure Financially dependent on parents Lack of privacy in dorms45 Having a fulfilling career Having a happy family Financially secure Too busy to visit parents Constant need to update knowledge&skills Need to save money for childrens education50Speaking for communicationGrouSpeaking for communicationGroup discussion3 Choose from your notes and give reasons to support your choices.Discuss and organize ideasAge 5Best thing:Care-freeWorst thing:Unable to do things aloneReasons:No schoolwork Parents decide everything Loving parentsReasons:Not allowed to go out alone Parents decide everything Not old enough to explore the world on ones own51Speaking for communicationGrouSpeaking for communicationGroup discussion4 Assign each member in your group to a different age.Take turns to report what you have decided in Exercise 3.When one of you is speaking,the other two should listen and add anything he/she misses.Before you begin,refer to the checklist to see if you are ready.Present ideas52Speaking for communicationGrouSpeaking for communicationPublic speakingAdditional TipsPersuasive speeches Organizational pattern():Problem-(cause-)solution order One important feature of a good persuasive speech is that it is well organized.One common method used to organize the body of a persuasive speech is to state a problem and then present a solution,which is called the“problem-solution”order.Sometimes the cause(s)of the problem may also be discussed,and in that case,a“problem-cause-solution”order may be used.The following is an example of how a speech is organized in the“problem-cause-solution”pattern:53Speaking for communicationPublSpeaking for communicationPublic speakingAdditional TipsTopic:College graduates difficulty in getting jobsSpecific purpose:To persuade my audience that both the government and universities should take effective measures to help college graduates find jobs.Central idea:Unemployment of college graduates is a serious problem that is caused by diverse factors and needs to be tackled jointly by the government and universities.Main points:1)A large number of college graduates are unable to find jobs.54Speaking for communicationPublSpeaking for communicationPublic speakingAdditional Tips2)The problem is caused by diverse factors.3)The problem can be solved through the joint efforts of the government and universities.In the above example,the body part of the speech gives in detail the speakers main points,including the discussion of the problem itself,the causes of the problem,and then a feasible solution.55Speaking for communicationPublSpeaking for c


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