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新人教版PEP小学英语四年级下册unit-2-what-time-is-itBtalk课件1新人教版新人教版PEP小学英语四年级下册小学英语四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it?新人教版PEP2Sing a song3新人教版PEP小学英语四年级下册unit-2-what-time-is-itBtalk课件4Its time for English class.5时间表时间表English classTimetable时间表English class6新人教版PEP小学英语四年级下册unit-2-what-time-is-itBtalk课件7观看视频,找出答案观看视频,找出答案Its_.Its time _.Its_.Its time _.Its_.Its time _.123Lets watch the video and find8Its 6:30.Its time to get up.7:00.Its time for breakfast.ItsIts 6:30.Its time to get up9 整理书包整理书包7:1530Im packing my schoolbag10Hurry up,Its time Ok.11新人教版PEP小学英语四年级下册unit-2-what-time-is-itBtalk课件12What time is it?Its 8 oclock13 选择选择Lets choose!选择 to forIts t14你能发现什么?你能发现什么?Its time toto+动词动词.Its time for+名词名词.What can you find?你能发现什么?用法区别:151.Its time music class.2.Its time eat lunch.3.Its time go home.4.Its time Chinese class.5.Its time play a game.同桌合作同桌合作1.Its time music clas16迟到迟到 你想对你想对 Mike 说什么?说什么?Im ready.You are late.迟到Im s17跟读录音,注意重读及语调跟读录音,注意重读及语调Mike,Get up!Get up!Breakfast is ready!What are you doing?Im packing my schoolbag.Ok!What time is it?Its 8:00,Its time for English class.Im ready!You are late!Im sorry!小组内分角色朗读小组内分角色朗读Oh,Its 6:30,Its time to get up.Hurry up,Its time to go to school.Dont be late again!Thank you!Listen to the tape and imitat18新人教版PEP小学英语四年级下册unit-2-what-time-is-itBtalk课件19Mike,get up!is ready!What are you doing?Ok!Its 8:00,Its time English class.Im ready!Im sorry!小组内分角色朗读小组内分角色朗读Oh,Its 6:30,Its time to .Hurry up,Its time to .Im packing my .What _ is it?You are late!_ be late again!Thank you!Mike,get up!is 20 谈论一下谈论一下Mike 的时间表的时间表Talk about Mikes timetable 21 设计自己的周末时间表设计自己的周末时间表?get up?breakfast 10:10 read books(play computer games)12:00lunch 2:20 do homework(watch TV)6:00dinner?go to bedDesign your own weekend timeta22 设计自己的周末时间表设计自己的周末时间表?get up?breakfast 10:10 read books(play computer games)12:00lunch 2:20 do homework(watch TV)6:00dinner?go to bedDesign your own weekend timeta23时间是什么时间是什么?时间是什么时间是什么?知识知识What is time?时间是什么?What is tim24我们应该怎么做?我们应该怎么做?早点早点 准时准时 快点快点不要浪费时间!不要浪费时间!What should we do?我们应该怎么做?Do s25 1.Read the dialogue fluently.2.Talk about your own timetable with your family.See you!Homework 1.Read the dialogue26


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